package; import; import; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; /** * TileEnity wire is different from most other energy blocks. It doesn't extend TileEntityMachine since it shouldn't * have any inventory. Instead it extends EnergyContainer directly and only overrides update(). * */ public class TileEntityWire extends EnergyContainer { private BlockWire theBlock; public TileEntityWire(int energyTransferred, BlockWire block) { super(energyTransferred, energyTransferred); this.theBlock = block; } @Override public void update() { Object[] sides = theBlock.getConnectedBlocks(this.worldObj, this.pos); for (int i = 0; i < sides.length; i++) { int passesLeft = sides.length - i + 1; EnumFacing dir = (EnumFacing)sides[i]; Block block = this.worldObj.getBlockState(this.pos.offset(dir)).getBlock(); if (block instanceof IElectric) { int energyToUse = this.getEnergy() / passesLeft; this.removeEnergy(energyToUse - ((IElectric)block).onPowered(worldObj, this.pos.offset(dir), energyToUse, dir.getOpposite())); } } } public int power(int amount) { if (!this.isFull()) { if (this.getMaxEnergy() - this.getEnergy() > amount) { this.addEnergy(amount); return 0; } else { int difference = this.getMaxEnergy() - this.getEnergy(); this.setEnergy(this.getMaxEnergy()); return amount - difference; } } else return amount; } }