package; import; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; public class OBB { private Vec3f min; private Vec3f max; private Mat4f matrix; public OBB(Vec3f min, Vec3f max, Mat4f matrix) { this.min = min; this.max = max; this.matrix = matrix; } public static OBB fromAABB(AxisAlignedBB aabb) { Vec3f min = new Vec3f(aabb.minX, aabb.minY, aabb.minZ); Vec3f max = new Vec3f(aabb.maxX, aabb.maxY, aabb.maxZ); return new OBB(min, max, new Mat4f()); } public RayTrace rayTrace(Vec3f ray_origin, Vec3f ray_direction) { double tMin = 0.0f; double tMax = 100000.0f; EnumAxis axis = null; Vec3f position = new Vec3f(matrix.m03, matrix.m13, matrix.m23); Vec3f xAxis = new Vec3f(matrix.m00, matrix.m10, matrix.m20); Vec3f delta = position.subtract(ray_origin); double e =; double f =; //--x-- double t1 = (e + min.x) / f; double t2 = (e + max.x) / f; if (t1>t2) { // if wrong order double w=t1; t1=t2; t2=w; // swap t1 and t2 } // tMax is the nearest "far" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t2 < tMax ) { tMax = t2; } // tMin is the farthest "near" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t1 > tMin ) { axis = EnumAxis.X; tMin = t1; } if (tMax < tMin ) return null; //--y-- Vec3f yAxis = new Vec3f(matrix.m01, matrix.m11, matrix.m21); delta = position.subtract(ray_origin); e =; f =; t1 = (e + min.y) / f; t2 = (e + max.y) / f; if (t1>t2) { // if wrong order double w=t1; t1=t2; t2=w; // swap t1 and t2 } // tMax is the nearest "far" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t2 < tMax ) { tMax = t2; } // tMin is the farthest "near" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t1 > tMin ) { axis = EnumAxis.Y; tMin = t1; } if (tMax < tMin ) return null; //--z-- Vec3f zAxis = new Vec3f(matrix.m02, matrix.m12, matrix.m22); delta = position.subtract(ray_origin); e =; f =; t1 = (e + min.z) / f; t2 = (e + max.z) / f; if (t1>t2) { // if wrong order double w=t1; t1=t2; t2=w; // swap t1 and t2 } // tMax is the nearest "far" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t2 < tMax ) { tMax = t2; } // tMin is the farthest "near" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t1 > tMin ) { axis = EnumAxis.Z; tMin = t1; } if (tMax < tMin ) return null; return new RayTrace(axis, tMin); } public boolean intersects(OBB other) { return this.intersectsDirect(other) || other.intersectsDirect(this); } private boolean intersectsDirect(OBB other) { double tMin = 0.0f; double tMax = 100000.0f; Vec3f position = new Vec3f(matrix.m03, matrix.m13, matrix.m23); Vec3f xAxis = new Vec3f(matrix.m00, matrix.m10, matrix.m20); Vec3f otherposition = new Vec3f(other.matrix.m03, other.matrix.m13, other.matrix.m23); Vec3f otherxAxis = new Vec3f(other.matrix.m00, other.matrix.m10, other.matrix.m20); Vec3f delta = position.subtract(otherposition); double e =; double f =; //--x-- double t1 = (e + min.x) / f; double t2 = (e + max.x) / f; if (t1>t2) { // if wrong order double w=t1; t1=t2; t2=w; // swap t1 and t2 } // tMax is the nearest "far" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t2 < tMax ) tMax = t2; // tMin is the farthest "near" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t1 > tMin ) tMin = t1; if (tMax < tMin ) return false; //--y-- Vec3f yAxis = new Vec3f(matrix.m01, matrix.m11, matrix.m21); Vec3f otheryAxis = new Vec3f(other.matrix.m01, other.matrix.m11, other.matrix.m21); delta = position.subtract(otherposition); e =; f =; t1 = (e + min.y) / f; t2 = (e + max.y) / f; if (t1>t2) { // if wrong order double w=t1; t1=t2; t2=w; // swap t1 and t2 } // tMax is the nearest "far" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t2 < tMax ) tMax = t2; // tMin is the farthest "near" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t1 > tMin ) tMin = t1; if (tMax < tMin ) return false; //--z-- Vec3f zAxis = new Vec3f(matrix.m02, matrix.m12, matrix.m22); Vec3f otherzAxis = new Vec3f(other.matrix.m02, other.matrix.m12, other.matrix.m22); delta = position.subtract(otherposition); e =; f =; t1 = (e + min.z) / f; t2 = (e + max.z) / f; if (t1>t2) { // if wrong order double w=t1; t1=t2; t2=w; // swap t1 and t2 } // tMax is the nearest "far" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t2 < tMax ) tMax = t2; // tMin is the farthest "near" intersection (amongst the X,Y and Z planes pairs) if ( t1 > tMin ) tMin = t1; if (tMax < tMin ) return false; return true; } }