package; public class OrbitalParameters { public long epoch; public float period; public float semiMajorAxis; public float eccentricity; public float inclination; public float ascendingNode; public float argOfPericenter; public float meanAnomaly; /** * A parameter class for storing the orbits of each planet. * * @param epoch The date (in seconds) from year 0, that the orbit is at it's mean anomaly. * @param period The amount of time (in days) for a full year, eg. 365 for earth. * @param semiMajorAxis The average distance from the orbit to it's parent (in TerraMeters, 1,000,000 kilometers). * @param eccentricity The round-ness of the orbit, eg. 1 is a perfect circle, and 0.5 is an oval. * @param inclination The tilt (in degrees) of the orbit around the Z axis. * @param ascendingNode The rotation (in degrees) of the whole orbit around the Y axis, unaffected by the inclination. * @param argOfPericenter The rotation (in degrees) of the whole orbit around the Y axis, as rotated by the inclination * @param meanAnomaly The orbital position (in degrees) of the planet at it's epoch (it's starting point). */ public OrbitalParameters(long epoch, float period, float semiMajorAxis, float eccentricity, float inclination, float ascendingNode, float argOfPericenter, float meanAnomaly) { this.epoch = epoch; this.period = period; this.semiMajorAxis = semiMajorAxis; this.eccentricity = eccentricity; this.inclination = inclination; this.ascendingNode = ascendingNode; this.argOfPericenter = argOfPericenter; this.meanAnomaly = meanAnomaly; } }