package; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; /** * This class represents a 4x4-Matrix. GLSL equivalent to mat4. * * @author Heiko Brumme */ public class Mat4f { public float m00, m01, m02, m03; public float m10, m11, m12, m13; public float m20, m21, m22, m23; public float m30, m31, m32, m33; /** * Creates a 4x4 identity matrix. */ public Mat4f() { setIdentity(); } /** * Creates a 4x4 matrix with specified columns. * * @param col1 Vector with values of the first column * @param col2 Vector with values of the second column * @param col3 Vector with values of the third column * @param col4 Vector with values of the fourth column */ public Mat4f(Vec4f col1, Vec4f col2, Vec4f col3, Vec4f col4) { m00 = col1.x; m10 = col1.y; m20 = col1.z; m30 = col1.w; m01 = col2.x; m11 = col2.y; m21 = col2.z; m31 = col2.w; m02 = col3.x; m12 = col3.y; m22 = col3.z; m32 = col3.w; m03 = col4.x; m13 = col4.y; m23 = col4.z; m33 = col4.w; } /** * Sets this matrix to the identity matrix. */ public final void setIdentity() { m00 = 1f; m11 = 1f; m22 = 1f; m33 = 1f; m01 = 0f; m02 = 0f; m03 = 0f; m10 = 0f; m12 = 0f; m13 = 0f; m20 = 0f; m21 = 0f; m23 = 0f; m30 = 0f; m31 = 0f; m32 = 0f; } /** * Adds this matrix to another matrix. * * @param other The other matrix * @return Sum of this + other */ public Mat4f add(Mat4f other) { Mat4f result = new Mat4f(); result.m00 = this.m00 + other.m00; result.m10 = this.m10 + other.m10; result.m20 = this.m20 + other.m20; result.m30 = this.m30 + other.m30; result.m01 = this.m01 + other.m01; result.m11 = this.m11 + other.m11; result.m21 = this.m21 + other.m21; result.m31 = this.m31 + other.m31; result.m02 = this.m02 + other.m02; result.m12 = this.m12 + other.m12; result.m22 = this.m22 + other.m22; result.m32 = this.m32 + other.m32; result.m03 = this.m03 + other.m03; result.m13 = this.m13 + other.m13; result.m23 = this.m23 + other.m23; result.m33 = this.m33 + other.m33; return result; } /** * Negates this matrix. * * @return Negated matrix */ public Mat4f negate() { return multiply(-1f); } /** * Subtracts this matrix from another matrix. * * @param other The other matrix * @return Difference of this - other */ public Mat4f subtract(Mat4f other) { return this.add(other.negate()); } /** * Multiplies this matrix with a scalar. * * @param scalar The scalar * @return Scalar product of this * scalar */ public Mat4f multiply(float scalar) { Mat4f result = new Mat4f(); result.m00 = this.m00 * scalar; result.m10 = this.m10 * scalar; result.m20 = this.m20 * scalar; result.m30 = this.m30 * scalar; result.m01 = this.m01 * scalar; result.m11 = this.m11 * scalar; result.m21 = this.m21 * scalar; result.m31 = this.m31 * scalar; result.m02 = this.m02 * scalar; result.m12 = this.m12 * scalar; result.m22 = this.m22 * scalar; result.m32 = this.m32 * scalar; result.m03 = this.m03 * scalar; result.m13 = this.m13 * scalar; result.m23 = this.m23 * scalar; result.m33 = this.m33 * scalar; return result; } /** * Multiplies this matrix to a vector. * * @param vector The vector * @return Vector product of this * other */ public Vec4f multiply(Vec4f vector) { float x = this.m00 * vector.x + this.m01 * vector.y + this.m02 * vector.z + this.m03 * vector.w; float y = this.m10 * vector.x + this.m11 * vector.y + this.m12 * vector.z + this.m13 * vector.w; float z = this.m20 * vector.x + this.m21 * vector.y + this.m22 * vector.z + this.m23 * vector.w; float w = this.m30 * vector.x + this.m31 * vector.y + this.m32 * vector.z + this.m33 * vector.w; return new Vec4f(x, y, z, w); } /** * Multiplies this matrix to another matrix. * * @param other The other matrix * @return Matrix product of this * other */ public Mat4f multiply(Mat4f other) { Mat4f result = new Mat4f(); result.m00 = this.m00 * other.m00 + this.m01 * other.m10 + this.m02 * other.m20 + this.m03 * other.m30; result.m10 = this.m10 * other.m00 + this.m11 * other.m10 + this.m12 * other.m20 + this.m13 * other.m30; result.m20 = this.m20 * other.m00 + this.m21 * other.m10 + this.m22 * other.m20 + this.m23 * other.m30; result.m30 = this.m30 * other.m00 + this.m31 * other.m10 + this.m32 * other.m20 + this.m33 * other.m30; result.m01 = this.m00 * other.m01 + this.m01 * other.m11 + this.m02 * other.m21 + this.m03 * other.m31; result.m11 = this.m10 * other.m01 + this.m11 * other.m11 + this.m12 * other.m21 + this.m13 * other.m31; result.m21 = this.m20 * other.m01 + this.m21 * other.m11 + this.m22 * other.m21 + this.m23 * other.m31; result.m31 = this.m30 * other.m01 + this.m31 * other.m11 + this.m32 * other.m21 + this.m33 * other.m31; result.m02 = this.m00 * other.m02 + this.m01 * other.m12 + this.m02 * other.m22 + this.m03 * other.m32; result.m12 = this.m10 * other.m02 + this.m11 * other.m12 + this.m12 * other.m22 + this.m13 * other.m32; result.m22 = this.m20 * other.m02 + this.m21 * other.m12 + this.m22 * other.m22 + this.m23 * other.m32; result.m32 = this.m30 * other.m02 + this.m31 * other.m12 + this.m32 * other.m22 + this.m33 * other.m32; result.m03 = this.m00 * other.m03 + this.m01 * other.m13 + this.m02 * other.m23 + this.m03 * other.m33; result.m13 = this.m10 * other.m03 + this.m11 * other.m13 + this.m12 * other.m23 + this.m13 * other.m33; result.m23 = this.m20 * other.m03 + this.m21 * other.m13 + this.m22 * other.m23 + this.m23 * other.m33; result.m33 = this.m30 * other.m03 + this.m31 * other.m13 + this.m32 * other.m23 + this.m33 * other.m33; return result; } /** * Transposes this matrix. * * @return Transposed matrix */ public Mat4f transpose() { Mat4f result = new Mat4f(); result.m00 = this.m00; result.m10 = this.m01; result.m20 = this.m02; result.m30 = this.m03; result.m01 = this.m10; result.m11 = this.m11; result.m21 = this.m12; result.m31 = this.m13; result.m02 = this.m20; result.m12 = this.m21; result.m22 = this.m22; result.m32 = this.m23; result.m03 = this.m30; result.m13 = this.m31; result.m23 = this.m32; result.m33 = this.m33; return result; } public static Mat4f LookAt(Vec3f eye, Vec3f center, Vec3f up) { Vec3f forward = new Vec3f(0, 0, -1); Vec3f upVec = new Vec3f(0, 1, 0); Vec3f side = new Vec3f(1, 0, 0); forward.x = center.x - eye.x; forward.y = center.y - eye.y; forward.z = center.z - eye.z; upVec.x = up.x; upVec.y = up.y; upVec.z = up.z; forward = forward.normalize(); /* Side = forward x up */ side = forward.cross(upVec); side = side.normalize(); /* Recompute up as: up = side x forward */ upVec = side.cross(forward); Mat4f mat = new Mat4f(); mat.m00 = side.x; mat.m01 = side.y; mat.m02 = side.z; mat.m10 = upVec.x; mat.m11 = upVec.y; mat.m12 = upVec.z; mat.m20 = -forward.x; mat.m21 = -forward.y; mat.m22 = -forward.z; return mat.multiply(Mat4f.translate(-eye.x, -eye.y, -eye.z)); } /** * Returns the Buffer representation of this vector. * * @return Vector as FloatBuffer */ public FloatBuffer getBuffer() { FloatBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(16); buffer.put(m00).put(m10).put(m20).put(m30); buffer.put(m01).put(m11).put(m21).put(m31); buffer.put(m02).put(m12).put(m22).put(m32); buffer.put(m03).put(m13).put(m23).put(m33); buffer.flip(); return buffer; } /** * Creates a orthographic projection matrix. Similar to * <code>glOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)</code>. * * @param left Coordinate for the left vertical clipping pane * @param right Coordinate for the right vertical clipping pane * @param bottom Coordinate for the bottom horizontal clipping pane * @param top Coordinate for the bottom horizontal clipping pane * @param near Coordinate for the near depth clipping pane * @param far Coordinate for the far depth clipping pane * @return Orthographic matrix */ public static Mat4f orthographic(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near, float far) { Mat4f ortho = new Mat4f(); float tx = -(right + left) / (right - left); float ty = -(top + bottom) / (top - bottom); float tz = -(far + near) / (far - near); ortho.m00 = 2f / (right - left); ortho.m11 = 2f / (top - bottom); ortho.m22 = -2f / (far - near); ortho.m03 = tx; ortho.m13 = ty; ortho.m23 = tz; return ortho; } /** * Creates a perspective projection matrix. Similar to * <code>glFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)</code>. * * @param left Coordinate for the left vertical clipping pane * @param right Coordinate for the right vertical clipping pane * @param bottom Coordinate for the bottom horizontal clipping pane * @param top Coordinate for the bottom horizontal clipping pane * @param near Coordinate for the near depth clipping pane, must be positive * @param far Coordinate for the far depth clipping pane, must be positive * @return Perspective matrix */ public static Mat4f frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near, float far) { Mat4f frustum = new Mat4f(); float a = (right + left) / (right - left); float b = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom); float c = -(far + near) / (far - near); float d = -(2f * far * near) / (far - near); frustum.m00 = (2f * near) / (right - left); frustum.m11 = (2f * near) / (top - bottom); frustum.m02 = a; frustum.m12 = b; frustum.m22 = c; frustum.m32 = -1f; frustum.m23 = d; frustum.m33 = 0f; return frustum; } /** * Creates a perspective projection matrix. Similar to * <code>gluPerspective(fovy, aspec, zNear, zFar)</code>. * * @param fovy Field of view angle in degrees * @param aspect The aspect ratio is the ratio of width to height * @param near Distance from the viewer to the near clipping plane, must be * positive * @param far Distance from the viewer to the far clipping plane, must be * positive * @return Perspective matrix */ public static Mat4f perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float near, float far) { Mat4f perspective = new Mat4f(); float f = (float) (1f / Math.tan(Math.toRadians(fovy) / 2f)); perspective.m00 = f / aspect; perspective.m11 = f; perspective.m22 = (far + near) / (near - far); perspective.m32 = -1f; perspective.m23 = (2f * far * near) / (near - far); perspective.m33 = 0f; return perspective; } /** * Creates a translation matrix. Similar to * <code>glTranslate(x, y, z)</code>. * * @param x x coordinate of translation vector * @param y y coordinate of translation vector * @param z z coordinate of translation vector * @return Translation matrix */ public static Mat4f translate(float x, float y, float z) { Mat4f translation = new Mat4f(); translation.m03 = x; translation.m13 = y; translation.m23 = z; return translation; } /** * Creates a rotation matrix. Similar to * <code>glRotate(angle, x, y, z)</code>. * * @param angle Angle of rotation in degrees * @param x x coordinate of the rotation vector * @param y y coordinate of the rotation vector * @param z z coordinate of the rotation vector * @return Rotation matrix */ public static Mat4f rotate(float angle, float x, float y, float z) { Mat4f rotation = new Mat4f(); float c = (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)); float s = (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); Vec3f vec = new Vec3f(x, y, z); if (vec.length() != 1f) { vec = vec.normalize(); x = vec.x; y = vec.y; z = vec.z; } rotation.m00 = x * x * (1f - c) + c; rotation.m10 = y * x * (1f - c) + z * s; rotation.m20 = x * z * (1f - c) - y * s; rotation.m01 = x * y * (1f - c) - z * s; rotation.m11 = y * y * (1f - c) + c; rotation.m21 = y * z * (1f - c) + x * s; rotation.m02 = x * z * (1f - c) + y * s; rotation.m12 = y * z * (1f - c) - x * s; rotation.m22 = z * z * (1f - c) + c; return rotation; } /** * Creates a scaling matrix. Similar to <code>glScale(x, y, z)</code>. * * @param x Scale factor along the x coordinate * @param y Scale factor along the y coordinate * @param z Scale factor along the z coordinate * @return Scaling matrix */ public static Mat4f scale(float x, float y, float z) { Mat4f scaling = new Mat4f(); scaling.m00 = x; scaling.m11 = y; scaling.m22 = z; return scaling; } private static float determinant3x3(float t00, float t01, float t02, float t10, float t11, float t12, float t20, float t21, float t22) { return t00 * (t11 * t22 - t12 * t21) + t01 * (t12 * t20 - t10 * t22) + t02 * (t10 * t21 - t11 * t20); } public float determinant() { float f = m00 * ((m11 * m22 * m33 + m12 * m23 * m31 + m13 * m21 * m32) - m13 * m22 * m31 - m11 * m23 * m32 - m12 * m21 * m33); f -= m01 * ((m10 * m22 * m33 + m12 * m23 * m30 + m13 * m20 * m32) - m13 * m22 * m30 - m10 * m23 * m32 - m12 * m20 * m33); f += m02 * ((m10 * m21 * m33 + m11 * m23 * m30 + m13 * m20 * m31) - m13 * m21 * m30 - m10 * m23 * m31 - m11 * m20 * m33); f -= m03 * ((m10 * m21 * m32 + m11 * m22 * m30 + m12 * m20 * m31) - m12 * m21 * m30 - m10 * m22 * m31 - m11 * m20 * m32); return f; } public Mat4f inverse() { Mat4f src = this; Mat4f dest = new Mat4f(); float determinant = src.determinant(); if (determinant != 0) { /* * m00 m01 m02 m03 * m10 m11 m12 m13 * m20 m21 m22 m23 * m30 m31 m32 m33 */ float determinant_inv = 1f/determinant; // first row float t00 = determinant3x3(src.m11, src.m12, src.m13, src.m21, src.m22, src.m23, src.m31, src.m32, src.m33); float t01 = -determinant3x3(src.m10, src.m12, src.m13, src.m20, src.m22, src.m23, src.m30, src.m32, src.m33); float t02 = determinant3x3(src.m10, src.m11, src.m13, src.m20, src.m21, src.m23, src.m30, src.m31, src.m33); float t03 = -determinant3x3(src.m10, src.m11, src.m12, src.m20, src.m21, src.m22, src.m30, src.m31, src.m32); // second row float t10 = -determinant3x3(src.m01, src.m02, src.m03, src.m21, src.m22, src.m23, src.m31, src.m32, src.m33); float t11 = determinant3x3(src.m00, src.m02, src.m03, src.m20, src.m22, src.m23, src.m30, src.m32, src.m33); float t12 = -determinant3x3(src.m00, src.m01, src.m03, src.m20, src.m21, src.m23, src.m30, src.m31, src.m33); float t13 = determinant3x3(src.m00, src.m01, src.m02, src.m20, src.m21, src.m22, src.m30, src.m31, src.m32); // third row float t20 = determinant3x3(src.m01, src.m02, src.m03, src.m11, src.m12, src.m13, src.m31, src.m32, src.m33); float t21 = -determinant3x3(src.m00, src.m02, src.m03, src.m10, src.m12, src.m13, src.m30, src.m32, src.m33); float t22 = determinant3x3(src.m00, src.m01, src.m03, src.m10, src.m11, src.m13, src.m30, src.m31, src.m33); float t23 = -determinant3x3(src.m00, src.m01, src.m02, src.m10, src.m11, src.m12, src.m30, src.m31, src.m32); // fourth row float t30 = -determinant3x3(src.m01, src.m02, src.m03, src.m11, src.m12, src.m13, src.m21, src.m22, src.m23); float t31 = determinant3x3(src.m00, src.m02, src.m03, src.m10, src.m12, src.m13, src.m20, src.m22, src.m23); float t32 = -determinant3x3(src.m00, src.m01, src.m03, src.m10, src.m11, src.m13, src.m20, src.m21, src.m23); float t33 = determinant3x3(src.m00, src.m01, src.m02, src.m10, src.m11, src.m12, src.m20, src.m21, src.m22); // transpose and divide by the determinant dest.m00 = t00*determinant_inv; dest.m11 = t11*determinant_inv; dest.m22 = t22*determinant_inv; dest.m33 = t33*determinant_inv; dest.m01 = t10*determinant_inv; dest.m10 = t01*determinant_inv; dest.m20 = t02*determinant_inv; dest.m02 = t20*determinant_inv; dest.m12 = t21*determinant_inv; dest.m21 = t12*determinant_inv; dest.m03 = t30*determinant_inv; dest.m30 = t03*determinant_inv; dest.m13 = t31*determinant_inv; dest.m31 = t13*determinant_inv; dest.m32 = t23*determinant_inv; dest.m23 = t32*determinant_inv; return dest; } else return null; } }