package com.arkcraft.module.items;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor.ArmorMaterial;
import net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.EnumHelper;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import com.arkcraft.module.core.GlobalAdditions;
import com.arkcraft.module.crafting.common.config.ModuleItemBalance;
import com.arkcraft.module.creature.common.entity.SaddleType;
import com.arkcraft.module.items.common.general.ItemARKArmor;
import com.arkcraft.module.items.common.general.ItemARKBase;
import com.arkcraft.module.items.common.general.ItemARKFood;
import com.arkcraft.module.items.common.general.ItemARKSeed;
import com.arkcraft.module.items.common.general.ItemCrystal;
import com.arkcraft.module.items.common.general.ItemDinosaurEgg;
import com.arkcraft.module.items.common.general.ItemDinosaurSaddle;
import com.arkcraft.module.items.common.general.ItemFeces;
import com.arkcraft.module.items.common.general.ItemSpyGlass;
import com.arkcraft.module.items.common.general.ItemThatch;
* @author wildbill22
public class ARKCraftItems
public static ItemARKFood tintoBerry, amarBerry, azulBerry, mejoBerry,
narcoBerry, stimBerry, meat_raw, meat_cooked, primemeat_raw,
primemeat_cooked, spoiled_meat;
public static ItemARKSeed tintoBerrySeed, amarBerrySeed, azulBerrySeed, mejoBerrySeed, narcoBerrySeed, stimBerrySeed;
public static ItemARKBase rock, cementing_pastes, fiber, chitin, narcotics,dodo_bag, dodo_feather, gun_powder, spark_powder, hide;
public static ItemThatch thatch;
public static ItemARKBase wood, metal, metal_ingot, flint;
public static ItemFeces small_feces, medium_feces, large_feces, fertilizer, player_feces;
public static ItemDinosaurEgg dodo_egg;
public static ItemDinosaurSaddle saddle_small, saddle_medium, saddle_large;
public static ItemARKArmor chitinHelm, chitinChest, chitinLegs,chitinBoots;
public static ItemARKArmor clothHelm, clothChest, clothLegs, clothBoots;
public static ItemARKArmor hideHelm, hideChest, hideLegs, hideBoots;
public static ItemARKArmor furHelm, furChest, furLegs, furBoots;
public static Dossier dino_book;
public static ItemCrystal item_crystal;
public static ItemSpyGlass spy_glass;
public static ArmorMaterial CLOTH = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial(
"CLOTH_MAT", "CLOTH_MAT", 4, new int[] { 1, 2, 1, 1 }, 15);
public static ArmorMaterial CHITIN = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial(
"CHITIN_MAT", "CHITIN_MAT", 16, new int[] { 3, 7, 6, 3 }, 10);
public static ArmorMaterial HIDE = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial
("HIDE_MAT", "HIDE_MAT", 40, new int[] { 3, 8, 6, 3 }, 30);
public static ArmorMaterial FUR = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial(
"FUR_MAT", "HIDE_MAT", 40, new int[] { 3, 8, 6, 3 }, 30);
public static ARKCraftItems getInstance()
return new ARKCraftItems();
public static Map<String, Item> allItems = new HashMap<String, Item>();
public static Map<String, Item> getAllItems()
return allItems;
public static void init()
// Food
tintoBerry = addFood("tinto", 4, 0.3F, false, true);
amarBerry = addFood("amar", 4, 0.3F, false, true);
azulBerry = addFood("azul", 4, 0.3F, false, true);
mejoBerry = addFood("mejo", 4, 0.3F, false, true);
narcoBerry = addFood("narco", 4, 0.3F, true, true);
stimBerry = addFood("stim", 4, 0.3F, true, true);
meat_raw = addFood("meat_raw", 3, 0.3F, false, false);
meat_cooked = addFood("meat_cooked", 6, 0.9F, false, false);
primemeat_raw = addFood("primemeat_raw", 3, 0.3F, false, false);
primemeat_cooked = addFood("primemeat_cooked", 8, 1.2F, false, false);
spoiled_meat = addFood("spoiled_meat", 2, 0.1F, false, false);
// Seeds
tintoBerrySeed = addSeedItem("tintoBerrySeed");
amarBerrySeed = addSeedItem("amarBerrySeed");
azulBerrySeed = addSeedItem("azulBerrySeed");
mejoBerrySeed = addSeedItem("mejoBerrySeed");
narcoBerrySeed = addSeedItem("narcoBerrySeed");
stimBerrySeed = addSeedItem("stimBerrySeed");
// world generated
// Regular Items
rock = addItem("rock");
cementing_pastes = addItem("cementing_paste");
fiber = addItem("fiber");
thatch = addThatchItem("thatch");
wood = addItem("wood");
metal = addItem("metal");
metal_ingot = addItem("metal_ingot");
flint = addItem("flint");
chitin = addItem("chitin");
dodo_feather = addItem("dodo_feather");
dodo_bag = addItem("dodo_bag");
gun_powder = addItem("gun_powder");
spark_powder = addItem("spark_powder");
hide = addItem("hide");
spy_glass = addSpyGlass("spy_glass");
// feces (2nd parameter is the seconds to decompose)
small_feces = addFecesItem(
medium_feces = addFecesItem(
large_feces = addFecesItem(
player_feces = addFecesItem(
// Technically not feces, but used in all situations the same
// (currently)
fertilizer = addFecesItem("fertilizer",
// Other Types of Items
dodo_egg = addEggItem("dodo_egg");
dino_book = addDossier("dossier");
narcotics = addItem("narcotics");
saddle_small = addSaddle("saddle_small");
saddle_medium = addSaddle("saddle_medium");
saddle_large = addSaddle("saddle_large");
// Armor
chitinHelm = addArmorItem("chitin_helm", CHITIN, "chitinArmor", 0,false);
chitinChest = addArmorItem("chitin_chest", CHITIN, "chitinArmor", 1,false);
chitinLegs = addArmorItem("chitin_legs", CHITIN, "chitinArmor", 2,false);
chitinBoots = addArmorItem("chitin_boots", CHITIN, "chitinArmor", 3,false);
clothHelm = addArmorItem("cloth_helm", CLOTH, "clothArmor", 0, false);
clothChest = addArmorItem("cloth_chest", CLOTH, "clothArmor", 1, false);
clothLegs = addArmorItem("cloth_legs", CLOTH, "clothArmor", 2, false);
clothBoots = addArmorItem("cloth_boots", CLOTH, "clothArmor", 3, false);
hideHelm = addArmorItem("hide_helm", HIDE, "hideArmor", 0, false);
hideChest = addArmorItem("hide_chest", HIDE, "hideArmor", 1, false);
hideLegs = addArmorItem("hide_legs", HIDE, "hideArmor", 2, false);
hideBoots = addArmorItem("hide_boots", HIDE, "hideArmor", 3, false);
furHelm = addArmorItem("fur_helm", FUR, "furArmor", 0, false);
furChest = addArmorItem("fur_chest", FUR, "furArmor", 1, false);
furLegs = addArmorItem("fur_legs", FUR, "furArmor", 2, false);
furBoots = addArmorItem("fur_boots", FUR, "furArmor", 3, false);
protected static ItemARKBase addItem(String name)
ItemARKBase i = new ItemARKBase();
registerItem(name, i);
return i;
protected static ItemThatch addThatchItem(String name)
ItemThatch t = new ItemThatch();
registerItem(name, t);
return t;
protected static ItemARKSeed addSeedItem(String name)
ItemARKSeed i = new ItemARKSeed();
registerItem(name, i);
return i;
protected static ItemDinosaurEgg addEggItem(String name)
ItemDinosaurEgg i = new ItemDinosaurEgg();
registerItem(name, i);
return i;
protected static ItemCrystal addCrystalItem(String name)
ItemCrystal i = new ItemCrystal();
registerItem(name, i);
return i;
protected static ItemSpyGlass addSpyGlass(String name)
ItemSpyGlass i = new ItemSpyGlass();
registerItem(name, i);
return i;
protected static ItemFeces addFecesItem(String name, int maxDamageIn)
ItemFeces i = new ItemFeces();
registerItem(name, i);
return i;
protected static ItemARKFood addFood(String name, int heal, float sat, boolean fav, boolean alwaysEdible)
ItemARKFood f = new ItemARKFood(heal, sat, fav, alwaysEdible);
registerItem(name, f);
return f;
protected static Dossier addDossier(String name)
Dossier dossier = new Dossier(name);
registerItem(name, dossier);
return dossier;
public static ItemARKFood addFood(String name, int heal, float sat, boolean fav, boolean alwaysEdible, PotionEffect... effect)
ItemARKFood f = new ItemARKFood(heal, sat, fav, alwaysEdible, effect);
registerItem(name, f);
return f;
public static ItemARKArmor addArmorItem(String name, ArmorMaterial mat, String armorTexName, int type, boolean golden)
ItemARKArmor item = new ItemARKArmor(mat, armorTexName, type, golden);
registerItem(name, item);
return item;
public static ItemDinosaurSaddle addSaddle(String name)
ItemDinosaurSaddle item = new ItemDinosaurSaddle();
registerItem(name, item);
return item;
public static void registerItem(String name, Item item)
allItems.put(name, item);
GameRegistry.registerItem(item, name);