package com.arkcraft.module.blocks.client.gui;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import com.arkcraft.lib.LogHelper;
import com.arkcraft.module.blocks.common.container.ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting;
import com.arkcraft.module.core.ARKCraft;
import com.arkcraft.module.crafting.common.inventory.InventoryBlueprints;
/* Player Crafting */
* @author wildbill22
public class GuiPlayerCrafting extends GuiContainer
public String name = "Player Built-in Crafting";
public static final ResourceLocation texture = new ResourceLocation(ARKCraft.MODID, "textures/gui/player_inventory_gui.png");
private InventoryBlueprints inventoryBlueprints;
private GuiButton[] buttonCraftOne;
public GuiPlayerCrafting(InventoryPlayer invPlayer, EntityPlayer player)
super(new ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting(invPlayer, player));
inventoryBlueprints = ARKPlayer.get(player).getInventoryBlueprints();"GuiPlayerCrafting: Constructor called on " + FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide());
this.xSize = 175;
this.ySize = 242;
// some [x,y] coordinates of graphical elements
final int BLUEPRINT_WIDTH = 16;
final int BLUEPRINT_HEIGHT = 16;
// final int CRAFT_BUTTON_XPOS = 19;
// final int CRAFT_BUTTON_YPOS = 41;
// final int CRAFT_BUTTON_WIDTH = 47;
// final int CRAFT_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 12;
* Adds the buttons (and other controls) to the screen in question.
public void initGui()
// Add all the buttons that allow you to craft from blueprints
int buttonId = 0;
buttonCraftOne = new GuiButton[ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.BP_SLOT_COUNT];
for (int row = 0; row < ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.NUM_ROWS_BP; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.NUM_COLUMNS_BP; col++)
int i = col + row * ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.NUM_COLUMNS_BP;
int x = ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.BLUEPRINT_XPOS + col * 18;
int y = ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.BLUEPRINT_YPOS + row * 18;
buttonCraftOne[i] = new GuiButton(buttonId++, guiLeft + x, guiTop + y, BLUEPRINT_WIDTH, BLUEPRINT_HEIGHT, "");
* Called when a button is pressed
protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button)
for (int row = 0; row < ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.NUM_ROWS_BP; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.NUM_COLUMNS_BP; col++)
int i = col + row * ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.NUM_COLUMNS_BP;
if (button == buttonCraftOne[i])
inventoryBlueprints.setCraftOnePressed(true, i, true); // and update server
inventoryBlueprints.setxButtonPressed(ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.BLUEPRINT_XPOS + col * 18);
inventoryBlueprints.setyButtonPressed(ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.BLUEPRINT_YPOS + row * 18);
* Called from the main game loop to update the screen.
* Can hide a button by setting the visible field
public void updateScreen()
* Draws the screen and all the components in it. Args : mouseX, mouseY, renderPartialTicks
* Can use GL11 to set colors and such (progress of crafting item)
public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks)
super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
public void onGuiClosed()
// abstract in super
protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(int mouseX, int mouseY)
super.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(mouseX, mouseY);
// Name of GUI at top
this.fontRendererObj.drawString(name, (int) (xSize / 2) - (name.length() * 5 / 2), 5, Color.darkGray.getRGB());
List<String> hoveringText = new ArrayList<String>();
// Add hovering text if the mouse is over a button
for (int i = 0, row = 0; row < ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.NUM_ROWS_BP; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.NUM_COLUMNS_BP; col++, i++)
if (i >= inventoryBlueprints.getNumBlueprints())
// Exit loops
row = ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.NUM_ROWS_BP;
int x = guiLeft + ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.BLUEPRINT_XPOS + col * 18;
int y = guiTop + ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.BLUEPRINT_YPOS + row * 18;
if (isInRect(x, y, BLUEPRINT_WIDTH, BLUEPRINT_HEIGHT, mouseX, mouseY))
ItemStack stack = inventoryBlueprints.getStackInSlot(i);
String itemName = stack.getItem().getItemStackDisplayName(stack);
// TODO: Disable buttons if the item can't be crafted!
hoveringText.add(itemName + " - Can craft " + inventoryBlueprints.getNumToBeCrafted(i));
// Exit loops
row = ContainerInventoryPlayerCrafting.NUM_ROWS_BP;
// If hoveringText is not empty draw the hovering text
if (!hoveringText.isEmpty())
drawHoveringText(hoveringText, mouseX - guiLeft, mouseY - guiTop, fontRendererObj);
// Draw the animation to show that the item is being crafted
if (inventoryBlueprints.isCrafting())
double fraction = inventoryBlueprints.fractionCraftingRemainingForItem();
if (fraction <= 0.01D)
int color = 0x60EAA800;
int x = inventoryBlueprints.getxButtonPressed();
int y = inventoryBlueprints.getyButtonPressed();
drawRect(x, y + (int) (fraction * BLUEPRINT_HEIGHT), x + BLUEPRINT_WIDTH, y + BLUEPRINT_HEIGHT, color);
// abstract in super
protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float partialTicks, int mouseX, int mouseY)
GL11.glColor4f(1F, 1F, 1F, 1F);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(guiLeft, guiTop, 0, 0, xSize, ySize);
// Returns true if the given x,y coordinates are within the given rectangle
public static boolean isInRect(int x, int y, int xSize, int ySize, int mouseX, int mouseY)
return ((mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x + xSize) && (mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y + ySize));