/** * * marcosnr * 28/02/2012 */ package au.org.aurin.wif.demand; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import org.springframework.test.context.testng.AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import au.org.aurin.wif.impl.demand.DemandAnalyzer; import au.org.aurin.wif.io.demonstrationdata.DemonstrationDemandAnalysisData; import au.org.aurin.wif.io.demonstrationdata.DemonstrationDemandSetupData; import au.org.aurin.wif.io.demonstrationdata.DemonstrationDemandTrendData; import au.org.aurin.wif.io.demonstrationdata.DemonstrationSetupData; import au.org.aurin.wif.io.demonstrationdata.DemonstrationSuitabilityData; import au.org.aurin.wif.model.WifProject; import au.org.aurin.wif.model.allocation.AllocationLU; import au.org.aurin.wif.model.demand.AreaRequirement; import au.org.aurin.wif.model.demand.DemandScenario; /** * Demand High Growth Test for Low Density Res *-1 Employment Regional Retail * *-* Employment Office * * In summary, to perform a demand scenario analysis you must have the following * setup (see What if demand assumptions report) : - What If suitability setup * complete. - Current demographic data (2005), global to the project. - Need to * have a demographic trend with demographic data (population, current density * etc) for the projection years, in this case there is information only for * 2010 and 2015. This information is global to the project. - Projected data * specific to each scenario (like future breakdown of all units and future * density). You can differentiate this information from the global information, * because in the What If desktop program, it is grayed out and you cannot * modify it when you are in the demand scenario specific screen! - This * analysis will create an area requirement for each land use in each future * projection year. * * * @author marcosnr * */ @ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/test-integration-context.xml" }) public class DemandHighGrowthIT extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests { @Autowired private DemandAnalyzer demandAnalyzer; /** The areaRequirement dao. */ /** The Constant LOGGER. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory .getLogger(DemandHighGrowthIT.class); private WifProject project; @Test(enabled = true, groups = { "demand", "integration" }) public void doDemandAnalysisTest() throws Exception { LOGGER.debug("DemandHighGrowthIT"); project = DemonstrationSetupData.createProject(); project = DemonstrationSetupData.createSetupModule(project); project = DemonstrationSuitabilityData.createSuitabilityModule(project); project = DemonstrationDemandSetupData.createDemandSetupModule(project); project = DemonstrationDemandTrendData.createDemandTrendModule(project); project = DemonstrationDemandAnalysisData .createDemandAnalysisModule(project); boolean result = false; boolean result2 = false; boolean result3 = false; boolean result4 = false; DemandScenario demandScenario = project .getDemandScenarioByLabel("High Growth"); demandAnalyzer.doDemandAnalysis(demandScenario); AllocationLU resLU = project.getExistingLandUseByLabel("Low Density Res."); Set<AreaRequirement> areaRequirements = resLU.getAreaRequirements(); for (AreaRequirement areaRequirement : areaRequirements) { DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#"); LOGGER.debug("required area " + areaRequirement.getRequiredArea()); if (areaRequirement.getProjection().getLabel().equals("2010")) { System.out .println("testing required area for low residential demand in 2010 = " + areaRequirement.getRequiredArea()); Double area = Double.valueOf(twoDForm.format(areaRequirement .getRequiredArea())); if ((area <= new Double(1460.0)) && (area >= new Double(1459.0))) { LOGGER.debug("valid range"); result = true; } } } LOGGER.debug("testing for *-1 employment..."); AllocationLU empLU = project.getExistingLandUseByLabel("Regional Retail"); Set<AreaRequirement> areaRequirementsEmp = empLU.getAreaRequirements(); for (AreaRequirement empAR : areaRequirementsEmp) { DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#"); LOGGER.debug("required area " + empAR.getRequiredArea()); if (empAR.getProjection().getLabel().equals("2010")) { System.out .println("testing required area for industrial demand in 2010 = " + empAR.getRequiredArea()); Double area = Double.valueOf(twoDForm.format(empAR.getRequiredArea())); LOGGER.debug("formatted area " + area); if ((area <= new Double(40.0)) && (area >= new Double(39.0))) { LOGGER.debug("valid range"); result2 = true; } } } LOGGER.debug("testing for *-* employment..."); AllocationLU empLU2 = project.getExistingLandUseByLabel("Office"); Set<AreaRequirement> areaRequirementsEmp2 = empLU2.getAreaRequirements(); for (AreaRequirement empAR2 : areaRequirementsEmp2) { DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#"); LOGGER.debug("required area " + empAR2.getRequiredArea()); if (empAR2.getProjection().getLabel().equals("2010")) { System.out .println("testing required area for industrial demand in 2010 = " + empAR2.getRequiredArea()); Double area = Double.valueOf(twoDForm.format(empAR2.getRequiredArea())); LOGGER.debug("formatted area " + area); if ((area <= new Double(51.0)) && (area >= new Double(50.0))) { LOGGER.debug("valid range"); result3 = true; } } } LOGGER.debug("testing for local requirement..."); AllocationLU localLU = project.getExistingLandUseByLabel("Parks & Rec."); Set<AreaRequirement> areaRequirementsLocal = localLU.getAreaRequirements(); for (AreaRequirement localAR : areaRequirementsLocal) { DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#"); LOGGER.debug("required area " + localAR.getRequiredArea()); if (localAR.getProjection().getLabel().equals("2010")) { LOGGER.debug("testing required area for local demand in 2010 = " + localAR.getRequiredArea()); Double area = Double .valueOf(twoDForm.format(localAR.getRequiredArea())); LOGGER.debug("formatted area " + area); if ((area <= new Double(65.0)) && (area >= new Double(64.0))) { LOGGER.debug("valid range"); result4 = true; } } } LOGGER.debug("Result for residential requirement... {}", result); LOGGER.debug("Result for 1-* requirement... {}", result2); LOGGER.debug("Result for *-* requirement... {}", result3); LOGGER.debug("Result for local requirement... {}", result4); Assert.assertTrue(result); Assert.assertTrue(result2); Assert.assertTrue(result3); Assert.assertTrue(result4); } }