package; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class DemandSetupCouchParser. */ @Component public class DemandSetupCouchParser { /** The Constant LOGGER. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory .getLogger(DemandSetupCouchParser.class); /** The allocation lu dao. */ @Autowired private CouchAllocationLUDao allocationLUDao; /** The project parser. */ @Autowired private ProjectCouchParser projectParser; /** * Parses the. * * @param demandConfig * the demand config * @param project * the project * @return the demand config * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public DemandConfig parse(DemandConfig demandConfig, WifProject project) throws WifInvalidInputException { LOGGER.debug("Parsing {} demandConfig ", demandConfig.getId()); demandConfig = parseSectors(demandConfig); project.setDemandConfig(demandConfig); // Parse residential datas if (demandConfig.getCurrentDemographic() != null) { final Set<ResidentialCurrentData> residentialDatas = demandConfig .getCurrentDemographic().getResidentialCurrentData(); // ali delete later if condition if (residentialDatas != null) // by ali { for (final ResidentialCurrentData data : residentialDatas) { final AllocationLU allocationLU = allocationLUDao.findAllocationLUById(data .getResidentialLUId()); data.setResidentialLU(allocationLU); } }// end if // Parse employment datas final Set<EmploymentCurrentData> employmentDatas = demandConfig .getCurrentDemographic().getEmploymentCurrentDatas(); if (employmentDatas != null) { for (final EmploymentCurrentData data : employmentDatas) { data.setSector(project.getSectorByLabel(data.getSectorLabel())); } } demandConfig = parsePastEmployment(demandConfig, project); } // Parse trends if (demandConfig.getDemographicTrends() != null) { final Set<DemographicTrend> trends = demandConfig.getDemographicTrends(); for (final DemographicTrend demographicTrend : trends) { LOGGER.trace("Parsing trends: {}", demographicTrend.getLabel()); final Set<DemographicData> demographicData = demographicTrend .getDemographicData(); for (final DemographicData data : demographicData) { LOGGER.trace("Parsing data for projection: {}", data.getProjectionLabel()); data.setProjection(demandConfig.getProjectionByLabel(data .getProjectionLabel())); if (data instanceof EmploymentDemographicData) { final EmploymentDemographicData empData = ((EmploymentDemographicData) data); empData.setSector(demandConfig.getSectorByLabel(empData .getSectorLabel())); } } } } project.setDemandConfig(demandConfig); if (demandConfig.getSectors() != null) { project = parseALUSectors(demandConfig, project); } demandConfig.setWifProject(project); return demandConfig; } /** * Parses the alu sectors. * * @param demandConfig * the demand config * @param project * the project * @return the wif project * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public WifProject parseALUSectors(final DemandConfig demandConfig, final WifProject project) throws WifInvalidInputException { if ((project.getSectors() != null) && (project.getSectors().size() > 0)) { final Set<AllocationLU> allocationLandUses = project.getAllocationLandUses(); for (final AllocationLU allocationLU : allocationLandUses) { if (!allocationLU.isResidentialLU()) { final Set<String> sectorsLabel = allocationLU.getSectorsLabel(); if (sectorsLabel != null) { LOGGER.trace("For ALU: {}, parsing the following {} sectors", allocationLU.getLabel(), sectorsLabel.size()); for (final String label : sectorsLabel) { final EmploymentSector sector = project.getSectorByLabel(label); LOGGER.trace("Adding sector: {}", sector.getLabel()); allocationLU.addEmploymentSector(sector); } } else { LOGGER.trace("For ALU: {}, there are not defined sectors", allocationLU.getLabel()); } } } } return project; } /** * Parses the past employment. * * @param demandConfig * the demand config * @param project * the project * @return the demand config * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public DemandConfig parsePastEmployment(final DemandConfig demandConfig, final WifProject project) throws WifInvalidInputException { // Parse past employment datas if (demandConfig.getEmploymentPastTrendInfos() != null) { for (final EmploymentPastTrendInfo data : demandConfig .getEmploymentPastTrendInfos()) { for (final EmploymentEntry entry : data.getEmploymentEntries()) { entry.setSector((project.getSectorByLabel(entry.getSectorLabel()))); } } } return demandConfig; } /** * Parses the sectors. * * @param demandConfig * the demand config * @return the demand config */ public DemandConfig parseSectors(final DemandConfig demandConfig) { final Set<EmploymentSector> sectors = demandConfig.getSectors(); LOGGER.trace("Parsing {} sectors...", sectors.size()); for (final EmploymentSector sector : sectors) { LOGGER.trace("sector label: {}", sector.getLabel()); LOGGER.trace("parsing the following sector: " + sector.getLabel()); if (sector.getAssociatedALUsMap() != null) { LOGGER.trace("++++++ sector label: {} has {} associated ALU's...", sector.getLabel(), sector.getAssociatedALUsMap().size()); sector.setAssociatedLUs(projectParser.parseAllocationLUs(sector .getAssociatedALUsMap())); } } return demandConfig; } }