package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class FactorServiceImpl. */ @Service @Qualifier("factorService") public class FactorServiceImpl implements FactorService { /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final long serialVersionUID = 35200015343L; /** The factor type dao. */ @Autowired private FactorTypeDao factorTypeDao; /** The Constant LOGGER. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory .getLogger(FactorServiceImpl.class); /** The factor dao. */ @Autowired private CouchFactorDao factorDao; /** The mapper. */ @Autowired private CouchMapper mapper; /** The parser. */ @Autowired private SuitabilityCouchParser suitabilityParser; /** The project service. */ @Resource private ProjectService projectService; /** * Inits the. */ @PostConstruct public void init() { LOGGER.trace("Initializing version: " + WifKeys.WIF_KEY_VERSION); } /** * Cleanup. */ @PreDestroy public void cleanup() { LOGGER.trace(" Service succesfully cleared! "); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * * .wif.model.suitability.Factor, java.lang.String) */ @Override public Factor createFactor(final Factor factor, final String projectId) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException, InvalidLabelException { validate(factor, projectId); LOGGER.debug("persisting the wif factor= {}", factor.getLabel()); final Set<FactorType> factorTypes = factor.getFactorTypes(); if (factorTypes != null) { LOGGER.debug("it has {} factor types associated with it", factorTypes.size()); final Set<FactorType> savedFactorTypes = new HashSet<FactorType>(); for (final FactorType factorType : factorTypes) { validate(factorType, factor); savedFactorTypes.add(factorTypeDao.persistFactorType(factorType)); } factor.setFactorTypes(savedFactorTypes); } final WifProject project = projectService.getProject(projectId); factor.setProjectId(projectId); final Factor savedFactor = factorDao.persistFactor(factor); LOGGER.debug("returning the factor with id={}", savedFactor.getId()); project.getFactors().add(savedFactor); projectService.updateProject(project); return savedFactor; } /** * Validate ffactor type . * * @param factorType * the factor type * @param factor * the factor * @throws InvalidLabelException * the invalid label exception * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ private void validate(final FactorType factorType, final Factor factor) throws InvalidLabelException, WifInvalidInputException { String message = "createfactor failed: factorType is null"; if (factorType == null) { LOGGER.error(message); throw new WifInvalidInputException(message); } else if (factorType.getLabel() == null) { message = "createfactor failed: factorType label is null"; LOGGER.error(message); throw new InvalidLabelException(message); } else { message = "createfactor failed: factorType label has already been used in this factor configuration"; final Set<FactorType> factorTypes = factor.getFactorTypes(); for (final FactorType factorType2 : factorTypes) { if (factorType.getLabel().equals(factorType2.getLabel()) && factorType2.getId() != null) { LOGGER.error(message); throw new InvalidLabelException(message); } } } } /** * Validate ffactor business logic. * * @param factor * the factor * @param projectId * the project id * @throws InvalidLabelException * the invalid label exception * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ private void validate(final Factor factor, final String projectId) throws InvalidLabelException, WifInvalidInputException { String message = "createfactor failed: factor is null"; if (factor == null) { LOGGER.error(message); throw new WifInvalidInputException(message); } else if (factor.getLabel() == null) { message = "createfactor failed: factor label is null"; LOGGER.error(message); throw new InvalidLabelException(message); } else { message = "createfactor failed: factor label has already been used in this project configuration"; final List<Factor> factors = factorDao.getFactors(projectId); for (final Factor factor2 : factors) { if (factor.getLabel().equals(factor2.getLabel())) { LOGGER.error(message); throw new InvalidLabelException(message); } } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * */ @Override public Factor getFactor(final String id) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException { LOGGER.debug("getting the factor with ID={}", id); try { final Factor factor = factorDao.findFactorById(id); if (factor == null) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the factor with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); throw new InvalidEntityIdException( "illegal argument, the factor with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); } return factor; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the ID " + id + " supplied doesn't identify a valid factor "); throw new WifInvalidInputException("illegal argument, the ID " + id + "supplied doesn't identify a valid factor "); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see *, * java.lang.String) */ @Override public Factor getFactor(final String id, final String projectId) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException { final Factor factor = getFactor(id); if (factor.getProjectId().equals(projectId)) { final WifProject project = projectService.getProject(projectId); factor.setWifProject(project); return factor; } else { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the factor has project id " + factor.getWifProject().getId() + " the supplied is project: " + projectId); throw new WifInvalidInputException( "illegal argument, the factor has project id " + factor.getWifProject().getId() + " the supplied is project: " + projectId); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * * .wif.model.suitability.Factor, java.lang.String) */ @Override public void updateFactor(final Factor factor, final String projectId) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException {"updating factor: {}, with id: {}", factor.getLabel(), factor.getId()); try { final WifProject project = projectService.getProject(projectId); factor.setWifProject(project); final Set<FactorType> factorTypes = factor.getFactorTypes(); if (factorTypes != null) { LOGGER.debug("it has {} factor types associated with it", factorTypes.size()); for (final FactorType factorType : factorTypes) { if (factorType.getId() != null) { factorType.setRevision(factorTypeDao.findFactorTypeById( factorType.getId()).getRevision()); factorTypeDao.updateFactorType(factorType); } else { factor.getFactorTypes().add( factorTypeDao.persistFactorType(factorType)); } } } factor .setRevision(factorDao.findFactorById(factor.getId()).getRevision()); factorDao.updateFactor(factor); final Object oldFactor = project.getFactorById(factor.getId()); project.getFactors().remove(oldFactor); project.getFactors().add(factor); projectService.updateProject(project); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER .error("illegal argument, the ID supplied doesn't identify a valid factor "); throw new WifInvalidInputException( "illegal argument, the ID supplied doesn't identify a valid factor "); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * * , java.lang.String) */ @Override public void deleteFactor(final String id, final String projectId) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException {"deleting the factor with ID={}", id); try { final Factor factor = factorDao.findFactorById(id); if (factor == null) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the factor with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); throw new InvalidEntityIdException( "illegal argument, the factor with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); } if (factor.getProjectId().equals(projectId)) { final Set<FactorType> factorTypes = factor.getFactorTypes(); if (factorTypes != null) { LOGGER.debug("deleting {} factor types associated with it", factorTypes.size()); for (final FactorType factorType : factorTypes) { factorTypeDao.deleteFactorType(factorType); } } factorDao.deleteFactor(factor); final WifProject project = projectService.getProject(projectId); final Object oldFactor = project.getFactorById(factor.getId()); project.getFactors().remove(oldFactor); projectService.updateProject(project); } else { LOGGER .error("illegal argument, the factor supplied doesn't belong to project: " + projectId); throw new WifInvalidInputException( "illegal argument, the factor supplied doesn't belong to project: " + projectId); } } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the ID " + id + " supplied doesn't identify a valid factor "); throw new InvalidEntityIdException("illegal argument, the ID " + id + " supplied doesn't identify a valid factor "); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * */ @Override public List<Factor> getFactors(final String projectID) throws WifInvalidInputException {"getting allfactors for projectID: {} ", projectID); return factorDao.getFactors(projectID); } @Override public List<FactorType> getFactorTypes(final String factorID) throws WifInvalidInputException {"getting allfactorTypes for factorID: {} ",factorID); return factorTypeDao.getFactorTypes(factorID); } @Override public void deleteFactorType(final String projectId, final String factorId, final String id) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException {"deleting the factorType with ID={}", id); try { final FactorType factorType = factorTypeDao.findFactorTypeById(id); if (factorType == null) { final WifProject project = projectService.getProject(projectId); final Object oldFactorType = project.getFactorById(factorId).getFactorTypeById(id); project.getFactorById(factorId).getFactorTypes().remove(oldFactorType); LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the factorType with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); throw new InvalidEntityIdException( "illegal argument, the factorType with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); } if (factorType.getFactorId().equals(factorId)) { factorTypeDao.deleteFactorType(factorType); final WifProject project = projectService.getProject(projectId); final Object oldFactorType = project.getFactorById(factorId).getFactorTypeById(id); project.getFactorById(factorId).getFactorTypes().remove(oldFactorType); projectService.updateProject(project); } else { LOGGER .error("illegal argument, the factortype supplied doesn't belong to factor: " + factorId); throw new WifInvalidInputException( "illegal argument, the factor supplied doesn't belong to factor: " + factorId); } } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the ID " + id + " supplied doesn't identify a valid factorType "); throw new InvalidEntityIdException("illegal argument, the ID " + id + " supplied doesn't identify a valid factorType "); } } @Override public FactorType getFactorType(final String projectId, final String factorId, final String id) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException { LOGGER.debug("getting the factorType with ID={}", id); try { final FactorType factorType = factorTypeDao.findFactorTypeById(id); if (factorType == null) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the factorType with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); throw new InvalidEntityIdException( "illegal argument, the factorType with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); } return factorType; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the ID " + id + " supplied doesn't identify a valid factorType "); throw new WifInvalidInputException("illegal argument, the ID " + id + "supplied doesn't identify a valid factorType "); } } @Override public List<FactorType> getFactorTypeByLable(final String projectId, final String factorId, final String lable) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException { final List<FactorType> outList=new ArrayList<FactorType>();"getting allfactorTypes for factorID: {} and Label: {} ",factorId, lable); for (final FactorType ft :factorTypeDao.getFactorTypes(factorId)) { if (ft.getLabel().equals(lable)) { outList.add(ft); } } return outList; } @Override public void deleteFactorTypesExtra(final String projectId) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException {"deleting the FactorTypesExtra with ID={}", projectId); try { final List<Factor> listFactor=getFactors(projectId); for (final Factor prjFactor :listFactor ) { final String factorId = prjFactor.getId(); final List<FactorType> listFactorTypesExtra= getFactorTypes(factorId); final Set<FactorType> listFactorTypes = getFactor(factorId, projectId).getFactorTypes(); for (final FactorType fct: listFactorTypesExtra) { final String st = fct.getId(); Boolean lsw = false; for (final FactorType infct: listFactorTypes) { if (infct.getId().equals(st)) { lsw = true; } } if (lsw == false) //extra { deleteFactorTypeNew(projectId, factorId, st);"*******>> deleteFactorTypeExtra for factorType with ID ={} for factor = {}", fct.getLabel(), prjFactor.getLabel()); //"*******>> deleteFactorTypeExtra delete for factorType with ID ={} for factor = {}", fct.getLabel(), prjFactor.getLabel()); } } } } catch (final Exception e) {"error in delete FactorTypesExtra for the project ID " + projectId); } } public void deleteFactorTypeNew(final String projectId, final String factorId, final String id) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException {"deleting the factorType with ID={}", id); try { final FactorType factorType = factorTypeDao.findFactorTypeById(id); if (factorType == null) { final WifProject project = projectService.getProject(projectId); final Object oldFactorType = project.getFactorById(factorId).getFactorTypeById(id); project.getFactorById(factorId).getFactorTypes().remove(oldFactorType); LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the factorType with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); throw new InvalidEntityIdException( "illegal argument, the factorType with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); } if (factorType.getFactorId().equals(factorId)) { factorTypeDao.deleteFactorType(factorType); final WifProject project = projectService.getProject(projectId); final Object oldFactorType = project.getFactorById(factorId).getFactorTypeById(id); project.getFactorById(factorId).getFactorTypes().remove(oldFactorType); projectService.updateProject(project); } else { LOGGER .error("illegal argument, the factortype supplied doesn't belong to factor: " + factorId); throw new WifInvalidInputException( "illegal argument, the factor supplied doesn't belong to factor: " + factorId); } } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the ID " + id + " supplied doesn't identify a valid factorType "); throw new InvalidEntityIdException("illegal argument, the ID " + id + " supplied doesn't identify a valid factorType "); } } }