package; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQLException; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException; import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException; import org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class AllocationAnalyzer. */ @Component public class AllocationAnalyzer { /** The geodata finder. */ @Autowired private GeodataFinder geodataFinder; /** The geodata filterer. */ @Autowired private GeodataFilterer geodataFilterer; /** The parser. */ @Autowired private AllocationCouchParser allocationParser; /** The parser. */ @Autowired private AllocationLUService allocationLUService; @Autowired @Qualifier(value = "wifDataStoreConfig") private PostgisDataStoreConfig postgisDataStoreConfig; @Autowired @Qualifier(value = "myjdbcDataStoreConfig") private jdbcDataStoreConfig myjdbcDataStoreConfig; @Autowired private DataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory; /** The Allocation config dao. */ @Autowired private AllocationConfigsDao AllocationConfigsDao; /** The Demand config dao. */ @Autowired private DemandConfigDao demandConfigDao; /** The allocation scenario dao. */ @Autowired private AllocationControlScenarioDao AllocationControlScenarioDao; /** The wif allocationScenario dao. */ @Autowired private AllocationScenarioDao allocationScenarioDao; /** The wif demandScenario dao. */ @Autowired private DemandScenarioDao demandScenarioDao; @Autowired private DemandScenarioService demandScenarioService; @Autowired private AllocationSimpleAnalysisReport allocationSimpleAnalysisReport; @Autowired private ReportService reportService; private Map<String, Double> mapLanduseSize; private Map<String, Double> mapLanduseExtra; private Map<String, Double> mapLanduseExtraResidential; /** The Constant LOGGER. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory .getLogger(AllocationAnalyzer.class); /** * Inits the. */ @PostConstruct public void init() { LOGGER.trace("Initializing version: " + WifKeys.WIF_KEY_VERSION); } /** * Cleanup. */ @PreDestroy public void cleanup() { LOGGER.trace(" Service succesfully cleared! "); } /** * Do allocation analysis. * * @param allocationScenario * the allocation scenario * @return the boolean * @throws WifInvalidConfigException * the wif invalid config exception * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception * @throws MismatchedDimensionException * the mismatched dimension exception * @throws TransformException * the transform exception * @throws ParseException * the parse exception * @throws CQLException * the cQL exception * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException * the no such authority code exception * @throws FactoryException * the factory exception * @throws IncompleteDemandScenarioException * @throws ParsingException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws SQLException */ /** * @param allocationScenario * @return * @throws WifInvalidConfigException * @throws WifInvalidInputException * @throws MismatchedDimensionException * @throws TransformException * @throws ParseException * @throws CQLException * @throws IOException * @throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException * @throws FactoryException * @throws ParsingException * @throws IncompleteDemandScenarioException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws SQLException */ public String doAllocationAnalysis(final AllocationScenario allocationScenario) throws WifInvalidConfigException, WifInvalidInputException, MismatchedDimensionException, TransformException, ParseException, CQLException, IOException, NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException, ParsingException, IncompleteDemandScenarioException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { // TODO unite all these logging information in one single method"processing allocation analysis for ={}", allocationScenario.getLabel()); final WifProject project = allocationScenario.getWifProject(); // WifProject project = projectService.getProjectConfiguration(projectId); final String uazDBTable = project.getSuitabilityConfig() .getUnifiedAreaZone(); LOGGER.debug("uaz spatial table: {}", uazDBTable); final String areaLabel = project.getAreaLabel();"area UAZ label: {}", areaLabel); final String existingLULabel = project.getExistingLUAttributeName(); LOGGER.debug("area UAZ label: {}", existingLULabel); final TreeSet<Projection> projections = new TreeSet<Projection>( new YearComparator()); if (allocationScenario.isManual()) { // projections.addAll(allocationScenario.getManualdemandScenario() // .getManualDemandConfig().getProjections()); // projections.addAll(project.getManualDemandConfig().getProjections()); final DemandConfig demandConfig = demandConfigDao .findDemandConfigById(project.getDemandConfigId()); // projections.addAll(project.getDemandConfig().getProjections()); projections.addAll(demandConfig.getProjections()); } else { projections.addAll(project.getProjections()); } final SuitabilityScenario suitabilityScn = allocationScenario .getSuitabilityScenario();"Suitability Scenario name: {}", suitabilityScn.getLabel()); DemandScenario demandScn; DemandOutcome manualdemandScn; Set<AreaRequirement> outcome = new HashSet<AreaRequirement>(); if (allocationScenario.isManual()) { final String scenarioID = allocationScenario.getManualdemandScenarioId(); final List<DemandScenario> listDemand = demandScenarioService .getDemandScenarios(project.getId()); Boolean lsw = false; for (final DemandScenario dsn : listDemand) { if (dsn.getId().equals(scenarioID)) { lsw = true; } } if (lsw == false) { manualdemandScn = allocationScenario.getManualdemandScenario();"Manual Demand Scenario label: {}", manualdemandScn.getLabel()); outcome = allocationScenario.getManualdemandScenario() .getAreaRequirements(); } else { final List<AreaRequirement> outAreas = demandScenarioService .getOutcome(scenarioID); for (final AreaRequirement areaRequirement : outAreas) { areaRequirement.setProjectionLabel(areaRequirement.getProjection() .getLabel()); outcome.add(areaRequirement); } } } else { demandScn = allocationScenario.getDemandScenario();"Demand Scenario label: {}", demandScn.getLabel()); } // setting up taking into account current projection year is not a // projection by itself,per se, final Projection current = projections.first();"current year projection: {}", current.getLabel()); final NavigableSet<Projection> projectedSet = projections.tailSet( projections.first(), false); // final Map<String, Integer> maplu = allocationScenario.getLandUseOrderMap(); // int i = maplu.size(); final Set<AllocationLU> setAlu = new HashSet<AllocationLU>(); final Set<AllocationLU> setAluSorted = new HashSet<AllocationLU>(); final Iterator iterator = maplu.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Map.Entry mapEntry = (Map.Entry); final AllocationLU lu = allocationLUService.getAllocationLU(mapEntry .getKey().toString(), allocationScenario.getProjectId()); lu.setPriority((Integer) mapEntry.getValue()); setAlu.add(lu); } allocationScenario.setLandUseOrder(setAlu); final Set<AllocationLU> landUseOrder = allocationScenario.getLandUseOrder(); LOGGER .info( "About to perform allocation analysis of {} land uses for the following projections: ", landUseOrder.size()); // for (AllocationLU allocationLU : landUseOrder) { for (final AllocationLU allocationLU : setAlu) {"Priority of {} for {} ", allocationLU.getPriority(), allocationLU.getLabel());"id {} Number of area requirements {} ", allocationLU.getId(), allocationLU.getAreaRequirements().size()); } for (final Projection projection : projectedSet) { LOGGER.debug("-- projection year: {}", projection.getLabel()); } LOGGER.debug("obtaining feature story from: {}", uazDBTable); // AllocationConfigs allocationConfig = allocationScenario // .getAllocationConfig(); final String AllocationConfigsId = project.getAllocationConfigsId();"getting the AllocationConfig with ID={}", AllocationConfigsId); final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig = AllocationConfigsDao .findAllocationConfigsById(AllocationConfigsId); // String[] columnList = allocationConfig.getAllocationColumnsMap().values() // .toArray(new String[0]); final ArrayList<String> columnList1 = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Projection proj : projections) { columnList1.add(proj.getLabel()); } final String[] columnList = new String[columnList1.size()]; for (int ind = 0; ind < columnList1.size(); ind++) { columnList[ind] = "ALU_" + columnList1.get(ind); } Arrays.sort(columnList); if (project.getId().equals(WifKeys.TEST_PROJECT_ID)) { geodataFinder.updateUAZcolumnsALUDemonstration(uazDBTable, columnList); } else { geodataFinder.updateUAZcolumnsALU(project.getExistingLUAttributeName(), uazDBTable, columnList); } // SimpleFeatureStore featureStore = geodataFinder // .getFeatureStorefromDB(uazDBTable); // 0. Reset analysis layers // resetAnalysisLayer(allocationScenario, featureStore); if (allocationScenario.isManual()) { for (final AllocationLU futureLU : landUseOrder) { Boolean lsw = false; final Collection<SuitabilityLU> suitabilityLUs = project .getSuitabilityLUs(); LOGGER.trace("Loading {} Suitablity Land Uses...", suitabilityLUs.size()); for (final SuitabilityLU suitabilityLU : suitabilityLUs) { LOGGER.trace("Suitability LU label: {}", suitabilityLU.getLabel()); LOGGER.trace("... SLU score UAZ value: {}", suitabilityLU.getFeatureFieldName()); final Set<AllocationLU> associatedALUs = suitabilityLU .getAssociatedALUs(); for (final AllocationLU allocationLU : associatedALUs) { if (allocationLU.getLabel().equals(futureLU.getLabel())) { if (lsw == false) { // just assign first futureLU.setAssociatedLU(suitabilityLU); lsw = true; } } } } } } // find out area size for first year before starting allocation for further // controlling. //final Map<String, Double> mapLanduseSize = new HashMap<String, Double>(); mapLanduseSize = new HashMap<String, Double>(); mapLanduseExtra = new HashMap<String, Double>(); mapLanduseExtraResidential = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (final AllocationLU futureLU : landUseOrder) { final Double dfirstYear = geodataFilterer.getSumAreaFirstYear( allocationScenario, futureLU); mapLanduseSize.put(futureLU.getLabel(), dfirstYear);"The Area size for " + futureLU.getLabel() + " in first year is: " + dfirstYear.toString()); mapLanduseExtra.put(futureLU.getLabel(), 0.0); mapLanduseExtraResidential.put(futureLU.getLabel(), 0.0); } //// 1. Allocate within each projection and for each land-use for (final Projection projection : projectedSet) {"performing allocation analysis for projection year: {}", projection.getLabel()); for (int i = 0; i < setAlu.size(); i++) { for (final AllocationLU futureLU : landUseOrder) { if (futureLU.getPriority() == i + 1) {" allocating land use: {}, priority = {}", futureLU.getLabel(), futureLU.getPriority()); String scoreLabel = ""; if (futureLU.getAssociatedLU() != null) { LOGGER.debug("is associated to : {}", futureLU.getAssociatedLU().getLabel()); scoreLabel = futureLU.getAssociatedLU().getFeatureFieldName(); // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // control scenario final ArrayList<String> GrowthPatternFields = new ArrayList<String>(); String PlannedSQL = ""; String InfrastructureSQL = ""; if (!allocationScenario.getControlScenarioId().equals("None")) { PlannedSQL = FindPlannedSQL(allocationScenario, allocationConfig, futureLU); InfrastructureSQL = FindInfraSQL( allocationScenario, allocationConfig, futureLU, projection); } final Double remainingArea = FindAreaRequirenment(allocationScenario, futureLU ,projection, outcome); Double offsetremainingArea = 0.0; offsetremainingArea = FindAreaRequirenment2(allocationScenario, futureLU ,projection, outcome, allocationConfig, project, projections); if (remainingArea == 0.0) { CheckRemainingAreaforResidential( futureLU,allocationScenario ,offsetremainingArea,projection, allocationConfig,project , landUseOrder, scoreLabel,existingLULabel, PlannedSQL,InfrastructureSQL, GrowthPatternFields); }////endif (remainingArea == 0.0) else { if (offsetremainingArea > 0) { String sql = ""; // sql = // "select score_sdsd, \"URBVALUE\", ABS(\"URBVALUE\" - 10) from wifdemo.wif_2cbcb5d481fe66bcea28dccb8c011260 order by score_sdsd desc, ABS(\"URBVALUE\" - 10) asc "; sql = geodataFilterer.getAllocationRuleNew(futureLU, allocationScenario, scoreLabel, existingLULabel, PlannedSQL, InfrastructureSQL, GrowthPatternFields, offsetremainingArea, projection); geodataFinder.updateALlocationColumnNew(sql);"allocation sucessfully done for : {} in Projection year {} ", futureLU.getLabel(), projection.getLabel()); } } }// end if if (futureLU.getAssociatedLU() != null) { }// end if (futureLU.getPriority() == i + 1) { } }//end for (int i = 0; i < setAlu.size(); i++) { // //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////internal control loop // /before next projection, controls allocated enough land Boolean lswRepeat = false; // new final Map<String, Boolean> mapLanduseControl = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); for (final AllocationLU futureLU : landUseOrder) { mapLanduseControl.put(futureLU.getLabel(), false); } for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { // three times"k in control loop is " + k); //if (k == 1 || lswRepeat == true) { lswRepeat = false; for (int i = 0; i < setAlu.size(); i++) { for (final AllocationLU futureLU : landUseOrder) { if (futureLU.getPriority() == i + 1) { String scoreLabel = ""; if (futureLU.getAssociatedLU() != null) { scoreLabel = futureLU.getAssociatedLU().getFeatureFieldName(); if (mapLanduseControl.get(futureLU.getLabel()) == false) { final ArrayList<String> GrowthPatternFields = new ArrayList<String>(); String PlannedSQL = ""; String InfrastructureSQL = ""; if (!allocationScenario.getControlScenarioId().equals("None")) { PlannedSQL = FindPlannedSQL(allocationScenario, allocationConfig, futureLU); InfrastructureSQL = FindInfraSQL( allocationScenario, allocationConfig, futureLU, projection); } final Double remainingArea = FindAreaRequirenment(allocationScenario, futureLU ,projection, outcome); Double offsetremainingArea = 0.0; offsetremainingArea = FindAreaRequirenment2(allocationScenario, futureLU ,projection, outcome, allocationConfig, project, projections); if (remainingArea == 0.0) { CheckRemainingAreaforResidential( futureLU,allocationScenario ,offsetremainingArea,projection, allocationConfig,project , landUseOrder, scoreLabel,existingLULabel, PlannedSQL,InfrastructureSQL, GrowthPatternFields); }////endif (remainingArea == 0.0) else { if (offsetremainingArea > 0) { final String sql = geodataFilterer.getAllocationRuleNew( futureLU, allocationScenario, scoreLabel, existingLULabel, PlannedSQL, InfrastructureSQL, GrowthPatternFields, offsetremainingArea, projection); geodataFinder.updateALlocationColumnNew(sql); } } }// endif(mapLanduseControl.get(futureLU.getLabel()) ==false) }// end if (futureLU.getAssociatedLU() != null) { }// end if (futureLU.getPriority() == i + 1) { } }// //}// end if k ==1 }// for k= 1 to 3 end for internal control loop }// for projection loop //////report String notSatisfield = ""; String returnStr = ""; allocationSimpleAnalysisReport = new AllocationSimpleAnalysisReport(); allocationSimpleAnalysisReport = reportService .getAllocationSimpleAnalysisReport(allocationScenario); final Set<AllocationSimpleItemReport> it = allocationSimpleAnalysisReport .getAllocationSimpleItemReport(); final Projection lastProjection = projections.last();"lastProjection: " + lastProjection.getYear()); for (final AllocationSimpleItemReport s : it) { Double Accumulated_Happend = 0.0; Accumulated_Happend = (double)Math.round(s.getSumofArea() * 100); Accumulated_Happend = Accumulated_Happend/100; ///////////////////////////////////////// Double ExpectedAccumulate = 0.0; for (final AllocationSimpleItemReport sin : it) { if (current.getYear().equals(sin.getYear())) { if (s.getLanduseName().equals(sin.getLanduseName())) { ExpectedAccumulate = (double)Math.round(sin.getSumofArea() * 100); ExpectedAccumulate = ExpectedAccumulate/100; } } } for (final AreaRequirement area: outcome) { if (area.getAllocationLULabel().equals(s.getLanduseName())) { if (Integer.valueOf(area.getProjectionLabel()) <= s.getYear()) { Double demand_value1 = 0.0; demand_value1 = area.getRequiredArea(); demand_value1 = (double)Math.round(demand_value1 * 100); demand_value1 = demand_value1/100; ExpectedAccumulate = ExpectedAccumulate + demand_value1; } } } Double demand_value = 0.0; for (final AreaRequirement area: outcome) { if (area.getAllocationLULabel().equals(s.getLanduseName())) { if (Integer.valueOf(area.getProjectionLabel()) == s.getYear()) { //demand_value = (double) (Math.round(area.getRequiredArea() * 100000) / 100000); demand_value = area.getRequiredArea(); demand_value = (double)Math.round(demand_value * 100); demand_value = demand_value/100; } } } Double diffvalue = Accumulated_Happend - ExpectedAccumulate; diffvalue = (double)Math.round(diffvalue * 100); diffvalue = diffvalue/100; if (diffvalue < 0) { if (Integer.valueOf(lastProjection.getYear()) == s.getYear()) { notSatisfield = notSatisfield + s.getLanduseName() + ","; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (notSatisfield.length() > 0) { returnStr = "Running out of land for: " + notSatisfield; } else { }; allocationScenario.setReady(true); allocationScenarioDao.updateAllocationScenario(allocationScenario); // return true; return returnStr; } /** * Allocate land use. * * @param projection * the projection * @param allocationLU * the future lu * @param allocationScenario * the allocation scenario * @param sortedUazCollection * @param featureStore * @param transaction * @param rule * @param scoreLabel * @throws WifInvalidConfigException * @throws CQLException * @throws WifInvalidInputException */ private boolean allocateLandUse(final Projection projection, final AllocationLU allocationLU, final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final SimpleFeatureCollection sortedUazCollection, final SimpleFeatureStore featureStore, final ALURule rule, final Transaction transaction, final String scoreLabel, final Set<AreaRequirement> outcome) throws CQLException, WifInvalidConfigException, WifInvalidInputException, IOException { // 1. querying with ordering UAZs int allocatedFeatures = 0; final WifProject wifProject = allocationScenario.getWifProject(); final String AllocationConfigsId = wifProject.getAllocationConfigsId();"getting the AllocationConfig with ID={}", AllocationConfigsId); final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig = AllocationConfigsDao .findAllocationConfigsById(AllocationConfigsId); final SimpleFeatureIterator its = sortedUazCollection.features(); final String suitabilityScoreLabel = scoreLabel; LOGGER.debug(">>>>> Suitability UAZ score label: {} for: {}", suitabilityScoreLabel, allocationLU.getLabel()); AreaRequirement areaRequirement = null; AreaRequirement manualareaRequirement = null; // TODO the next operations are very expensive, enabled only when testing in // local host final int size = sortedUazCollection.size(); LOGGER.debug("analyzing {} features that comply with this rule", size); final HashMap<String, Boolean> allocatedFeaturesIds = new HashMap<String, Boolean>( size / WifKeys.ALLOCATION_PERFORMANCE_INDEX); // TODO enabled the following in production mode // HashMap<String, Boolean> allocatedFeaturesIds = new HashMap<String, // Boolean>( // (WifKeys.ALLOCATION_PERFORMANCE_INDEX*10)); // if is manual read form user entered values. if (allocationScenario.isManual()) { // for (final AreaRequirement ar : allocationScenario // .getManualdemandScenario().getAreaRequirements()) { for (final AreaRequirement ar : outcome) { // if (ar.getProjection().getLabel().equals(projection.getLabel())) { if (ar.getProjectionLabel().equals(projection.getLabel())) { if (ar.getAllocationLULabel().equals(allocationLU.getLabel())) { manualareaRequirement = ar; } } } } else { areaRequirement = allocationLU.getAreaRequirement(projection, allocationScenario.getDemandScenario()); } Double newLandUseArea = 0.0; if (allocationScenario.isManual()) { if (manualareaRequirement != null) { LOGGER.trace("@@@@@ For {} allocating area requirement of: {}", allocationLU.getLabel(), manualareaRequirement.getRequiredArea()); } } else {"@@@@@ For {} allocating area requirement of: {}", allocationLU.getLabel(), areaRequirement.getRequiredArea()); } Double remainingArea = 0.0; if (allocationScenario.isManual()) { if (manualareaRequirement != null) { remainingArea = manualareaRequirement.getRequiredArea(); } } else { remainingArea = areaRequirement.getRequiredArea(); } try { // 2. for each ORDERED UAZ while (its.hasNext() && remainingArea > 0) { // 3. while there is a still area to allocate final SimpleFeature uazFeature =; if (allocationScenario.getWifProject().getId() // FIXME .equals(WifKeys.TEST_PROJECT_ID)) { if (alreadyAllocatedDemonstration(uazFeature, allocationScenario .getAllocationConfig().getAllocationColumnsMap().values())) { continue; } } else { final String[] columnList = allocationConfig .getAllocationColumnsMap().values().toArray(new String[0]); // reseting values. Arrays.sort(columnList); if (alreadyAllocated(uazFeature, columnList)) { continue; } } final String id = uazFeature.getID(); // LOGGER.debug("Allocating feature id: {}", id); allocatedFeaturesIds.put(id, true); final String areaLabel = allocationScenario.getWifProject() .getAreaLabel(); final Double featureArea = (Double) uazFeature.getAttribute(areaLabel); // LOGGER.debug("feature suitability score= {}", // uazFeature.getAttribute(scoreLabel)); allocatedFeatures++; // LOGGER.debug( // "feature area = {},number of allocated features so far: {}", // featureArea, allocatedFeatures); remainingArea -= featureArea; newLandUseArea += featureArea; if (remainingArea <= 0) { LOGGER.trace( "all area that was required has been allocated for = {}", allocationLU.getLabel()); its.close();// close feature iterators, very // important break; } /* * LOGGER.debug("remaining area to allocate= {}", remainingArea); * LOGGER.debug("newLandUse area allocated so far = {}", * newLandUseArea); */ } } finally { // 4.finish UAZ, no more features available or remaining // area // has been allocated its.close();// close feature iterators, very important } // update new allocation for the suitability land use final String aluColumn = allocationConfig.getAllocationColumnsMap().get( projection.getLabel()); LOGGER .trace("%%%% updating this land use features column {}, with value {}", aluColumn, WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + allocationLU.getFeatureFieldName()); final DataAccess<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> wifDataStore = featureStore .getDataStore(); FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> writer; final String uazDBTable = allocationScenario.getWifProject() .getSuitabilityConfig().getUnifiedAreaZone(); final Transaction transactionnew = new DefaultTransaction("update"); writer = ((DataStore) wifDataStore).getFeatureWriter(uazDBTable, rule .getRuleQuery().getFilter(), transactionnew); int featureCounter = 1; try { while (writer.hasNext()) { final SimpleFeature uazFeature =; if (allocatedFeaturesIds.containsKey(uazFeature.getID())) { // LOGGER.debug( // "In feature {}, updating allocation column with value = {}", // uazFeature.getID(), // WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + allocationLU.getFeatureFieldName()); // uazFeature.setAttribute(aluColumn, // new Double(allocationLU.getAllocationFeatureFieldName())); uazFeature.setAttribute(aluColumn, new String(WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + allocationLU.getFeatureFieldName())); writer.write(); featureCounter++; } } LOGGER .trace( "About to Update {} features with the new information for allocation... ", featureCounter); transactionnew.commit(); } finally { LOGGER .trace("modified {} features in : {} !", featureCounter, uazDBTable); writer.close(); // IMPORTANT transactionnew.close(); } if (remainingArea > 0) { LOGGER.warn("no more area available for allocation!! {} unallocated!", remainingArea); // break; } return false; } /** * Reset analysis layer. * * @param allocationScenario * the allocation scenario * @param featureStore * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private boolean resetAnalysisLayer( final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final SimpleFeatureStore featureStore) throws WifInvalidInputException, IOException { final String uazDBTable = allocationScenario.getWifProject() .getSuitabilityConfig().getUnifiedAreaZone(); final boolean status = true; final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig = allocationScenario .getAllocationConfig(); // getting ready to update the data store LOGGER.debug("obtaining spatial information from: {}", uazDBTable); final Transaction transaction = new DefaultTransaction("update"); try { final String[] allocationLabels = allocationConfig .getAllocationColumnsMap().values().toArray(new String[0]); for (final String value : allocationLabels) { LOGGER.debug("AllocationFFname to use: {}", value); } // Double[] resetValues = allocationConfig.getResetColumns(); final String[] resetValues = allocationConfig.getResetColumnsStr(); LOGGER.debug("Reset value is: {}", resetValues[0]); final Filter resetFilter = geodataFilterer.getResetFilter(); // erasing the canvas of the allocation process in // database,it would be better if it was done before featureStore.modifyFeatures(allocationLabels, resetValues, resetFilter);"About to reset the information for allocation... "); transaction.commit(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER .error( "resetAnalysisLayer rolling back to the last known modification, commit transaction failed: {}", e.getMessage()); transaction.rollback(); throw new WifInvalidInputException("Reset analysis layer failed", e); } finally { transaction.close(); LOGGER .info( "Closing reset transaction, Finished resetting for Allocation Scenario label: {}", allocationScenario.getLabel()); } return status; } /** * Already allocated. * * @param uazFeature * the uaz feature * @param columns * the columns * @return true, if successful */ private boolean alreadyAllocated(final SimpleFeature uazFeature, final String[] columns) { Arrays.sort(columns); int i = 1; for (final String aluLabel : columns) { if (i != 1) { // discard current year. if (uazFeature.getAttribute(aluLabel) == null) { return false; } else { // if (!((Double) uazFeature.getAttribute(aluLabel)) // .equals(WifKeys.NOT_SUITABLE_SCORE)) { // LOGGER // .trace( // "feature WITH ID= {}, has already being allocated in projection {}", // uazFeature.getID(), aluLabel); // return true; if (uazFeature.getAttribute(aluLabel).toString().length() > 0) { LOGGER .trace( "feature WITH ID= {}, has already being allocated in projection {}", uazFeature.getID(), aluLabel); return true; } } } i = i + 1; } return false; } private boolean alreadyAllocatedDemonstration(final SimpleFeature uazFeature, final Collection<String> columns) { for (final String aluLabel : columns) { // FIXME if (!aluLabel.equals(WifKeys.DEMO_ALLOCATION_0)) { if (uazFeature.getAttribute(aluLabel) == null) { return false; } else { if (!((Double) uazFeature.getAttribute(aluLabel)) .equals(WifKeys.NOT_SUITABLE_SCORE)) { LOGGER .trace( "feature WITH ID= {}, has already being allocated in projection {}", uazFeature.getID(), aluLabel); return true; } } } } return false; } private boolean allocateLandUseNew(final Projection projection, final AllocationLU allocationLU, final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, Double remainingArea, final String scoreLabel, final ResultSet its, final String tschema, final String tname) throws CQLException, WifInvalidConfigException, WifInvalidInputException, IOException, SQLException { final WifProject wifProject = allocationScenario.getWifProject(); final String AllocationConfigsId = wifProject.getAllocationConfigsId();"getting the AllocationConfig with ID={}", AllocationConfigsId); final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig = AllocationConfigsDao .findAllocationConfigsById(AllocationConfigsId); final String suitabilityScoreLabel = scoreLabel; LOGGER.debug(">>>>> Suitability UAZ score label: {} for: {}", suitabilityScoreLabel, allocationLU.getLabel()); final int size = 0; Double newLandUseArea = 0.0; int allocatedFeatures = 0; final String pkName = geodataFinder.getPrimaryKeyName(tname); LOGGER.debug("analyzing {} features that comply with resultset", size); final ArrayList<String> arrList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { while ( && remainingArea > 0) { if (allocationScenario.getWifProject().getId() // FIXME .equals(WifKeys.TEST_PROJECT_ID)) { } else { final String id = String.valueOf(its.getInt(pkName)); arrList.add(id); final String areaLabel = allocationScenario.getWifProject() .getAreaLabel(); final Double featureArea = its.getDouble(areaLabel); allocatedFeatures++; remainingArea -= featureArea; newLandUseArea += featureArea; if (remainingArea <= 0) { "all area that was required has been allocated for = {}", allocationLU.getLabel()); its.close();// close feature iterators, very // important break; } } } } finally { its.close(); } // update new allocation for the suitability land use final String aluColumn = allocationConfig.getAllocationColumnsMap().get( projection.getLabel()); int k = 0; String strValues = ""; for (final String str : arrList) { if (k == 0) { strValues = strValues + str; } else { strValues = strValues + "," + str; } k = k + 1; } final String SQL = "Update " + tschema + "." + tname + " Set \"" + aluColumn + "\" = '" + WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + allocationLU.getFeatureFieldName() + "' Where " + pkName + " in (" + strValues + ")"; geodataFinder.updateALlocationColumnNew(SQL); LOGGER .info( "%%%% updated this land use features column:value {}, for number of records: {}", aluColumn + ":" + WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + allocationLU.getFeatureFieldName(), allocatedFeatures); if (remainingArea > 0) { LOGGER.warn("no more area available for allocation!! {} unallocated!", remainingArea); // break; } return true; } private String FindPlannedSQL(final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig, final AllocationLU futureLU) { String PlannedSQL=""; final AllocationControlScenario controlScenario = AllocationControlScenarioDao .findAllocationControlScenarioById(allocationScenario .getControlScenarioId()); // Growth Pattern : Added to Order By section final ArrayList<String> GrowthPatternFields = new ArrayList<String>(); // String GrowthPatternSQL = ""; if (controlScenario.getGrowthPatternControl() == true) { final Set<GrowthPatternALU> gFields = allocationConfig .getGrowthPatternALUs(); for (final String item : controlScenario .getGrowthPatternControlLabels()) { for (final GrowthPatternALU growthPattern : gFields) { if (growthPattern.getLabel().equals(item)) { GrowthPatternFields.add(growthPattern.getFieldName()); } } } } // planned land use; gaining query filter final String plannedALUsFieldName = allocationConfig .getPlannedALUsFieldName(); if (controlScenario.getPlannedlandUseControl() == true) { Boolean lswPlanned = false; PlannedSQL = "("; final Set<PlannedALU> pFields = allocationConfig .getPlannedALUs(); int cnt = 0; for (final PlannedALU plannedALU : pFields) { final String plabel = plannedALU.getLabel(); final Map<String, String> spLU = plannedALU .getAssociatedALUsMap(); final Iterator spMap = spLU.entrySet().iterator(); while (spMap.hasNext()) { final Map.Entry mapEntry = (Map.Entry); //"The planned land use key is: " // + mapEntry.getKey() + ",value is :" // + mapEntry.getValue()); if (mapEntry.getValue().toString() .equals(futureLU.getLabel())) { lswPlanned = true; if (cnt == 0) { PlannedSQL = PlannedSQL + "\"" + plannedALUsFieldName + "\"" + "='" + plabel + "'"; } else { PlannedSQL = PlannedSQL + " OR " + "\"" + plannedALUsFieldName + "\"" + "='" + plabel + "'"; } cnt = cnt + 1; } } } PlannedSQL = PlannedSQL + ")"; if (lswPlanned == false) { PlannedSQL = ""; } }"The PlannedSQL is: " + PlannedSQL); return PlannedSQL; } private String FindInfraSQL(final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig, final AllocationLU futureLU, final Projection projection) { String InfrastructureSQL=""; final AllocationControlScenario controlScenario = AllocationControlScenarioDao .findAllocationControlScenarioById(allocationScenario .getControlScenarioId()); String InfrastructureSQLMaster = ""; if (controlScenario.getInfrastructureControl() == true) { final Set<InfrastructureUses> infUses = controlScenario .getInfrastructureUses(); int cntInfraItem = 0; for (final String item : controlScenario .getInfrastructureControlLabels()) { Boolean lswInf = false; for (final InfrastructureUses infUse : infUses) { if (infUse.getLanduseName().equals(futureLU.getLabel())) { int cntInfra = 0; Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map = infUse.getInfrastructureMap(); final Iterator itMap = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (itMap.hasNext()) { final Map.Entry mapEntry = (Map.Entry); // new if (item.equals(mapEntry.getKey())) { if (!mapEntry.getValue().equals("N/A")) { lswInf = true; if (!InfrastructureSQL.equals("")) { InfrastructureSQL = InfrastructureSQL + " AND ("; } else { InfrastructureSQL = InfrastructureSQL + "("; } // } for (final InfrastructureALU infField : allocationConfig .getInfrastructureALUs()) { if (infField.getLabel().equals( mapEntry.getKey())) { if (mapEntry.getValue().equals("Required")) { InfrastructureSQL = InfrastructureSQL + "\"" + infField.getFieldName() + "\"" + "<=" + projection.getLabel(); } else if (mapEntry.getValue().equals( "Excluded")) { InfrastructureSQL = InfrastructureSQL + "(" + "\"" + infField.getFieldName() + "\"" + ">" + projection.getLabel() + ")"; } InfrastructureSQL = InfrastructureSQL + ")"; } } } } //"The Infrastructure key is: " // + mapEntry.getKey() + ",value is :" // + mapEntry.getValue()); cntInfra = cntInfra + 1; } } } // InfrastructureSQL = InfrastructureSQL + ")"; if (lswInf == false) { if (InfrastructureSQL.length() < 2) { InfrastructureSQL = ""; } } if (!InfrastructureSQL.equals("")) { if (cntInfraItem == 0) { InfrastructureSQLMaster = InfrastructureSQLMaster + InfrastructureSQL; } else { if (!InfrastructureSQLMaster.equals("")) { InfrastructureSQLMaster = InfrastructureSQLMaster + " AND (" + InfrastructureSQL + ")"; } else { InfrastructureSQLMaster = InfrastructureSQLMaster + InfrastructureSQL; } } } cntInfraItem = cntInfraItem + 1; }// end for new (string item) }// end if"The InfrastructureSQL is: " + InfrastructureSQL); return InfrastructureSQL; } private Double FindAreaRequirenment(final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final AllocationLU futureLU, final Projection projection, final Set<AreaRequirement> outcome) throws WifInvalidConfigException { Double remainingArea = 0.0; AreaRequirement areaRequirement = null; AreaRequirement manualareaRequirement = null; if (allocationScenario.isManual()) { for (final AreaRequirement ar : outcome) { if (ar.getProjectionLabel().equals(projection.getLabel())) { if (ar.getAllocationLULabel().equals(futureLU.getLabel())) { manualareaRequirement = ar; } } } } else { areaRequirement = futureLU.getAreaRequirement(projection, allocationScenario.getDemandScenario()); } if (allocationScenario.isManual()) { if (manualareaRequirement != null) { } } else { } if (allocationScenario.isManual()) { if (manualareaRequirement != null) { remainingArea = manualareaRequirement.getRequiredArea(); } } else { remainingArea = areaRequirement.getRequiredArea(); }"FindAreaRequirenment For allocation land use : " + futureLU.getLabel() + ", in projection year : " + projection.getLabel() + " , the area requirement is : " + remainingArea.toString()); return remainingArea; } private Double FindAreaRequirenment2(final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final AllocationLU futureLU, final Projection projection, final Set<AreaRequirement> outcome, final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig, final WifProject project, final TreeSet<Projection> projections) throws WifInvalidConfigException { Double demand_value = 0.0; for (final AreaRequirement area: outcome) { if (area.getAllocationLULabel().equals(futureLU.getLabel())) { if (Integer.valueOf(area.getProjectionLabel()) <= Integer.valueOf(projection.getLabel())) { demand_value = demand_value + area.getRequiredArea(); } } } Double dfirstYear = 0.0; for (final String landUseKey : mapLanduseSize.keySet()) { if (futureLU.getLabel().equals(landUseKey)) { dfirstYear = mapLanduseSize.get(landUseKey); } } final Double demand_expected = demand_value + dfirstYear; // final Double demand_happend = geodataFilterer // .getSumAreaProjectionYear(allocationScenario, // projection, futureLU); final String allocationFFName = allocationConfig .getAllocationColumnsMap().get(projection.getLabel()); final Double demand_happend = geodataFinder.getAreaByLUNew2(project .getSuitabilityConfig().getUnifiedAreaZone(), project .getAreaLabel(), allocationFFName, WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + futureLU.getFeatureFieldName(), projections, projection); final Double diffValue = demand_expected - demand_happend; final Double extraused = mapLanduseExtra.get(futureLU.getLabel()); final Double finalValue = diffValue - extraused;"**** For allocation land use : " + futureLU.getLabel() + ", in projection year : " + projection.getLabel() + " , the Extra value is : " + extraused.toString());"@@@@@ For allocation land use : " + futureLU.getLabel() + ", in projection year : " + projection.getLabel() + " , the accumulated area requirement is : " + finalValue.toString()); return finalValue; } private void CheckRemainingAreaforResidential( final AllocationLU futureLU, final AllocationScenario allocationScenario , final Double offsetremainingArea, final Projection projection, final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig, final WifProject project ,final Set<AllocationLU> landUseOrder , String scoreLabelnew, final String existingLULabel, String PlannedSQLnew, String InfrastructureSQLnew, final ArrayList<String> GrowthPatternFields) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException, ParsingException, CQLException { Boolean lswResidential = false; ResidentialDemandInfo resDInfo = new ResidentialDemandInfo(); if (allocationScenario.isManual()) { final String scenarioID = allocationScenario.getManualdemandScenarioId(); final List<DemandScenario> listDemand = demandScenarioService .getDemandScenarios(project.getId()); Boolean lsw = false; for (final DemandScenario dsn : listDemand) { if (dsn.getId().equals(scenarioID)) { lsw = true; } } if (lsw == false) { //manual } else { //Automatic Scenario final DemandScenario dsd = demandScenarioService.getDemandScenario(scenarioID); final Set<DemandInfo> demandInfos = dsd.getDemandInfos(); for (final DemandInfo demandInfo : demandInfos) { if (demandInfo instanceof ResidentialDemandInfo) { resDInfo = (ResidentialDemandInfo) demandInfo; if (futureLU.getId().equals(resDInfo.getAllocationLUId())) { lswResidential = true; } } } } } if ( lswResidential == true) { final String scenarioID = allocationScenario.getManualdemandScenarioId(); final DemandScenario dsd = demandScenarioService.getDemandScenario(scenarioID); final Set<DemandInfo> demandInfos = dsd.getDemandInfos(); Double LUMaxbreakdown = 0.0; String LUMaxId = ""; Double LUbMaxCurDensity = 0.0; for (final DemandInfo demandInfo : demandInfos) { if (demandInfo instanceof ResidentialDemandInfo) { final ResidentialDemandInfo resDInfoIn = (ResidentialDemandInfo) demandInfo; if (futureLU.getId().equals(resDInfoIn.getAllocationLUId())) { } else { if (resDInfoIn.getFutureBreakdownByHType() > LUMaxbreakdown) { LUMaxbreakdown = resDInfoIn.getFutureBreakdownByHType(); LUMaxId = resDInfoIn.getAllocationLUId(); LUbMaxCurDensity = resDInfoIn.getCurrentDensity(); } } } } //finding deficit; then asking for residential LU which has the most breakdown to allocate this deficit. //but first need to know how much land final Double householdCount = offsetremainingArea * resDInfo.getCurrentDensity(); //now find how much land we require to accommodate this number of houses. Double actualDemand = 0.0; if (LUbMaxCurDensity > 0) { actualDemand = householdCount / LUbMaxCurDensity ; } if (actualDemand > 0) { for (final AllocationLU LuComp : landUseOrder) { if (LuComp.getId().equals(LUMaxId)) { scoreLabelnew = LuComp.getAssociatedLU().getFeatureFieldName(); if (!allocationScenario.getControlScenarioId().equals("None")) { PlannedSQLnew = FindPlannedSQL(allocationScenario, allocationConfig, LuComp); InfrastructureSQLnew = FindInfraSQL( allocationScenario, allocationConfig, LuComp, projection); } String sql = ""; final Double residentialValue = mapLanduseExtraResidential.get(futureLU.getLabel()); if (residentialValue < actualDemand) { final Double DiffactualDemand = actualDemand - residentialValue; final Double beforeValue = geodataFilterer.getSumAreaforAProjectionYear(allocationScenario, LuComp, projection); sql = geodataFilterer.getAllocationRuleNew(LuComp, allocationScenario, scoreLabelnew, existingLULabel, PlannedSQLnew, InfrastructureSQLnew, GrowthPatternFields, DiffactualDemand, projection); geodataFinder.updateALlocationColumnNew(sql); final Double afterValue = geodataFilterer.getSumAreaforAProjectionYear(allocationScenario, LuComp, projection); //d2 = select sum(Area) from t where alu_2016='lucpmp' //after //after-before = value for 'lucmp' which is for compensation for residential. //we need to decrease this value from the demand for next projection year. final Double oldValue = mapLanduseExtra.get(LuComp.getLabel()); final Double diffValue = afterValue-beforeValue; final Double finalValue = oldValue + diffValue; mapLanduseExtra.put(LuComp.getLabel(), finalValue); final Double oldValueResidential = mapLanduseExtraResidential.get(futureLU.getLabel()); final Double finalValueResidential = oldValueResidential + diffValue; mapLanduseExtraResidential.put(futureLU.getLabel(), finalValueResidential);"Before Delegetae residential the extra value for " + LuComp.getLabel() + " is: + " + finalValue.toString());"Before Delegetae residential the extra value Residential for " + futureLU.getLabel() + " is: + " + finalValueResidential.toString());"Delegetae residential allocation by: " + LuComp.getLabel() + " in: " + projection.getLabel()+ " to compensate: " + actualDemand.toString() + " for " + futureLU.getLabel() ); } } } } }//end if ( lswResidential == true) else { if (offsetremainingArea > 0) { String sql = ""; sql = geodataFilterer.getAllocationRuleNew(futureLU, allocationScenario, scoreLabelnew, existingLULabel, PlannedSQLnew, InfrastructureSQLnew, GrowthPatternFields, offsetremainingArea, projection); geodataFinder.updateALlocationColumnNew(sql);"allocation sucessfully done for : {} in Projection year {} ", futureLU.getLabel(), projection.getLabel()); } } } }