package; import static org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCDataStoreFactory.DATABASE; import static org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCDataStoreFactory.HOST; import static org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCDataStoreFactory.SCHEMA; import; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.geotools.feature.DefaultFeatureCollections; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollections; import org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQLException; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class GeodataFinder. */ @Component public class GeodataFinder { /** The Constant LOGGER. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory .getLogger(GeodataFinder.class); /** The postgis data store config. */ @Autowired @Qualifier(value = "wifDataStoreConfig") private PostgisDataStoreConfig postgisDataStoreConfig; /** The data source factory. */ @Autowired private DataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory; /** The geodata filterer. */ @Autowired private GeodataFilterer geodataFilterer; /** The data source. */ @Autowired private DataSource dataSource; /** The wif data source. */ private GeospatialDataSource wifDataSource; @Autowired private GeoServerRESTPublisher geoserverPublisher; /** * Inits the. */ @PostConstruct public void init() { LOGGER.trace("Initializing version: " + WifKeys.WIF_KEY_VERSION);"using the following server: {} for database/schema: {}", postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(HOST.key), postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(DATABASE.key) + "/" + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key)); } /** * Cleanup. */ @PreDestroy public void cleanup() { if (wifDataSource != null) { if (wifDataSource.getDataStore() != null) {" Attempting to dispose of data store "); wifDataSource.getDataStore().dispose(); } } LOGGER.trace(" Service succesfully cleared! "); } /** * Gets the json file. * * @param path * the path * @return the json file */ public File getJsonFile(final String path) { // 2. Convert JSON to Java object final URL urlOut = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(path); String uri = urlOut.getFile(); LOGGER.debug("url: " + uri); LOGGER.debug("os " + System.getProperty("")); // TODO Find another way that is compatible with Windows, spaces in // path // InputStream // in=this.getClass().getClassLoader().getSystemResourceAsStream("JSONs/Suburbanization.json"); if (System.getProperty("").contains("Win")) { uri = uri.replaceAll("%20", " "); // FIXME not very resilient LOGGER.debug("url forwindows: " + uri); } return new File(uri); } /** * Gets the wif ua zfrom shp file. * * @param uAZShpURL * the u az shp url * @return the wif ua zfrom shp file */ public SimpleFeatureCollection getWifUAZfromShpFile(final URL uAZShpURL) {"uAZShpURL FilePath: {} ", uAZShpURL.getFile()); SimpleFeatureCollection uazFeatureCollection = FeatureCollections .newCollection(); FileDataStore storeUD; try { storeUD = openFileDataStore(uAZShpURL.getFile()); final SimpleFeatureSource featureSourceUD = storeUD.getFeatureSource(); uazFeatureCollection = featureSourceUD.getFeatures(); LOGGER.debug("featureCollection size : {} ", uazFeatureCollection.size()); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error("getWifUAZfromShpFile ", e.getMessage()); } return uazFeatureCollection; } /** * Gets the wif ua zfrom db. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @return the wif ua zfrom db */ public SimpleFeatureCollection getWifUAZfromDB(final String uazTbl) {"getWifUAZfromDB for table : {}", uazTbl); SimpleFeatureCollection uazFeatureCollection = FeatureCollections .newCollection(); DataStore wifDataStore; try { wifDataStore = openPostgisDataStore(); final SimpleFeatureSource featureSourceUD = wifDataStore .getFeatureSource(uazTbl); uazFeatureCollection = featureSourceUD.getFeatures();"UAZ featureCollection size : {} ", uazFeatureCollection.size()); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error("could not access table {} ", uazTbl); } return uazFeatureCollection; } /** * Delete wif uaz in db. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl */ public void deleteWifUAZInDB(final String uazTbl) { final String query = "DROP TABLE " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl;"deleteWifUAZInDB: query is {} ", query); final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); jdbcTemplate.execute(query); } /** * Expand ua zcolumns. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param columnList * the column list * @return the boolean */ public Boolean expandUAZcolumns(final String uazTbl, final List<String> columnList) {"expandUAZcolumns: ");"Adding {} columns ", columnList.size()); for (final String column : columnList) {"Using column ={}", column); } final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); for (final String factor : columnList) { String query = "ALTER TABLE " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " ADD COLUMN \"" + factor + "\" double precision";"expandUAZcolumns query is {} ", query); jdbcTemplate.execute(query); // create index on new added columns. // query = "CREATE INDEX idx_" + factor + "_" + uazTbl + " ON " query = "CREATE INDEX idx_" + uazTbl + "_" + factor + " ON " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " (" + "\"" + factor + "\"" + ")";"expandUAZcolumns index query is {} ", query); jdbcTemplate.execute(query); } return true; } public Boolean expandUAZcolumnsALU(final String uazTbl, final List<String> columnList) {"expandUAZcolumns: "); LOGGER.debug("Adding {} columns ", columnList.size()); for (final String column : columnList) { LOGGER.trace("Using column ={}", column); } final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); for (final String factor : columnList) { String query = "ALTER TABLE " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " ADD COLUMN \"" + factor + "\" character varying(40);"; LOGGER.debug(" query is {} ", query); jdbcTemplate.execute(query); // create index on new added columns. query = "CREATE INDEX idx_" + factor + "_" + uazTbl + " ON " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " (" + "\"" + factor + "\"" + ")"; jdbcTemplate.execute(query); } return true; } public Boolean updateUAZcolumnsALU(final String existingLUAttributeName, final String uazTbl, final String[] columnList) {"updateUAZcolumnsALU: "); LOGGER.debug("Adding {} columns ", columnList.length); for (final String column : columnList) { LOGGER.trace("Using column ={}", column); } ; String query = ""; String fields = ""; final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); int i = 1; for (final String factor : columnList) { // updatating column query = "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.columns " + " WHERE table_name='" + uazTbl + "'" + " and column_name='" + factor + "'";"updateUAZcolumnsALU query is: " + query); if (jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(query) == 0) { query = "ALTER TABLE " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " ADD COLUMN \"" + factor + "\" character varying(40);"; LOGGER.debug(" query is {} ", query); jdbcTemplate.execute(query); // create index on new added columns. query = "CREATE INDEX idx_" + factor + "_" + uazTbl + " ON " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " (" + "\"" + factor + "\"" + ")"; jdbcTemplate.execute(query); geoserverPublisher.reload(); } if (i == 1) { // first column updates with existingLUAttributeName query = "update " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " SET \"" + factor + "\"" + "=concat('" + WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + "'," + "\"" + existingLUAttributeName + "\"" + ")"; LOGGER.debug(" query is {} ", query); // jdbcTemplate.execute(query);"updateUAZcolumnsALU query is: " + query); jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(new String[] { query }); } else { fields = fields + "\"" + factor + "\" = '',"; // query = "update " // + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." // + uazTbl + " SET \"" + factor + "\"" + "=''"; // LOGGER.debug(" query is {} ", query); // // jdbcTemplate.execute(query); // // jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(new String[] { query }); } i = i + 1; } if (i > 1) { fields = fields.substring(0, fields.length() - 1); query = "update " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " SET " + fields;" query is {} ", query); // jdbcTemplate.execute(query); jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(new String[] { query }); } return true; } public Boolean updateUAZcolumnsALUDemonstration(final String uazTbl, final String[] columnList) {"updateUAZcolumnsALUDemonstration: "); LOGGER.debug("Adding {} columns ", columnList.length); for (final String column : columnList) { LOGGER.trace("Using column ={}", column); } final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); for (final String factor : columnList) { // updatating column for Demonstration project (since it is double) // fix me later if (!factor.equals(WifKeys.DEMO_ALLOCATION_0)) { final String query = "update " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " SET \"" + factor + "\"" + "=0.0"; LOGGER.debug(" query is {} ", query); jdbcTemplate.execute(query); } } return true; } /** * Create Spatial Index * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param geometryColumnName * geometry column name * @return the boolean */ public Boolean createSpatialIndex(final String uazTbl, final String geometryColumnName) { "createSpatialIndex: for {} table and geometry column name is {} ", uazTbl, geometryColumnName); final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); final String query = "CREATE INDEX idx_geom ON " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " USING GIST(" + geometryColumnName + ")"; LOGGER.debug(" query is {} ", query); jdbcTemplate.execute(query); return true; } /** * Gets the distinct entries for uaz attribute. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param attribute * the attribute * @return the distinct entries for uaz attribute */ public List<String> getDistinctEntriesForUAZAttribute(final String uazTbl, final String attribute) { final String query = "SELECT DISTINCT \"" + attribute + "\" FROM " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " ORDER BY \"" + attribute + "\""; final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);"getDistinctEntriesForUAZAttribute: query is {} ", query); final List<String> entries = jdbcTemplate.query(query, new RowMapper<String>() { @Override public String mapRow(final ResultSet rs, final int arg1) throws SQLException { return rs.getObject(1).toString(); } });" returning {} distinct entries ", entries.size()); return entries; } public List<String> getDistinctColorsForUAZAttribute(final String uazTbl, final String attribute) { final String query = "select c.a || '@' || c.b as color from " + "(select \"" + attribute + "\"" + " as a , \"" + "color" + "\"" + " as b from " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " group by " + "\"" + attribute + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "color" + "\"" + ") as c"; // final String query = "SELECT DISTINCT \"" + attribute + "\" FROM " // + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." // + uazTbl + " ORDER BY \"" + attribute + "\""; final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);"getDistinctColorsForUAZAttribute: query is {} ", query); final List<String> entries = jdbcTemplate.query(query, new RowMapper<String>() { @Override public String mapRow(final ResultSet rs, final int arg1) throws SQLException { return rs.getObject(1).toString(); } });" returning {} distinct entries ", entries.size()); return entries; } public List<String> getDistinctColorsForALUConfig(final String uazTbl, final String attribute) { final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); String query = "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns " + " WHERE table_name='" + uazTbl + "' and (lower(column_name)='color' or lower(column_name)='colour')";"getDistinctColorsForALUConfig: query is {} ", query); // final String stColumn = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(query, String.class); final List<String> stColumns = jdbcTemplate.query(query, new RowMapper<String>() { @Override public String mapRow(final ResultSet rs, final int arg1) throws SQLException { return rs.getObject(1).toString(); } }); if (stColumns.size() == 0) { query = "SELECT DISTINCT \"" + attribute + "\" || '@#000000' FROM " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " ORDER BY \"" + attribute + "\" || '@#000000'"; } else {"color fieldname is {} ", stColumns.get(0)); query = "select c.a || '@' || c.b as color from " + "(select \"" + attribute + "\"" + " as a , \"" + stColumns.get(0) + "\"" + " as b from " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " group by " + "\"" + attribute + "\"" + "," + "\"" + stColumns.get(0) + "\"" + ") as c"; } // final String query = "SELECT DISTINCT \"" + attribute + "\" FROM " // + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." // + uazTbl + " ORDER BY \"" + attribute + "\"";"getDistinctColorsForALUConfig: query is {} ", query); final List<String> entries = jdbcTemplate.query(query, new RowMapper<String>() { @Override public String mapRow(final ResultSet rs, final int arg1) throws SQLException { return rs.getObject(1).toString(); } });" returning {} distinct entries ", entries.size()); return entries; } /** * Gets the sum of distinct entries for uaz attribute. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param attribute * the attribute * @return the sum of distinct entries for uaz attribute */ public double getSumOfDistinctEntriesForUAZAttribute(final String uazTbl, final String attribute) { final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); LOGGER.debug( "getSumOfDistinctEntriesForUAZAttribute uazTbl: {}, attribute: {}", uazTbl, attribute); return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( "SELECT SUM(DISTINCT \"" + attribute + "\") FROM " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl, Double.class); } /** * Gets the normalised sum of distinct entries uaz attribute. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param columnName1 * the column name1 * @param normaliser1 * the normaliser1 * @param normaliser2 * the normaliser2 * @return the normalised sum of distinct entries uaz attribute */ public double getNormalisedSumOfDistinctEntriesUAZAttribute( final String uazTbl, final String columnName1, final String normaliser1, final String normaliser2) { final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); LOGGER .debug( "getNormalisedSumOfDistinctEntriesUAZAttribute uazTbl: {}, columnName: {}", uazTbl, columnName1); LOGGER.debug("Normalizer1: {}, 2:{}", normaliser1, normaliser2); return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT SUM(DISTINCT (\"" + columnName1 + "\"*(\"" + normaliser1 + "\"/\"" + normaliser2 + "\"))) FROM " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl, Double.class); } /** * Gets the area by score ranges. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param scoreLabel * the score label * @param areaFeatureFieldName * the area feature field name * @param limit1 * the limit1 * @param limit2 * the limit2 * @return the area by score ranges */ public Double getAreaByScoreRanges(final String uazTbl, final String scoreLabel, final String areaFeatureFieldName, final double limit1, final double limit2) { LOGGER.debug("getAreaByScoreRanges limits: {}, {}", limit1, limit2); final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); // ali rempved DISTINCT-->> "SELECT SUM(DISTINCT (\"" + areaFeatureFieldName final String queryTxt = "SELECT SUM((\"" + areaFeatureFieldName + "\")) FROM " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " WHERE \"" + scoreLabel + "\"" + " BETWEEN " + limit1 + " AND " + limit2; LOGGER.debug("getAreaByScoreRanges: {}", queryTxt); Double area = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queryTxt, Double.class); if (area == null) { area = 0.0; } return area; } /** * Gets the area by lu. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param areaFeatureFieldName * the area feature field name * @param landUseFFName * the land use ff name * @param landUseValue * the land use value * @param allocationFFName * the allocation ff name * @param allocationValue * the allocation value * @return the area by lu */ public Double getAreaByLU(final String uazTbl, final String areaFeatureFieldName, final String landUseFFName, final String landUseValue, final String allocationFFName, final String allocationValue) { LOGGER.debug("getAreaByLU luValues: {}, {}", landUseFFName, landUseValue); LOGGER.debug("allocationFFName, allocationValues: {}, {}", allocationFFName, allocationValue); Double area = 0.0; if (allocationValue == null || allocationFFName == null) { LOGGER .warn( "{}, doesn't have allocation value configured {}, not calculating area", landUseValue, allocationFFName); } else { final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); final String queryTxt = "SELECT SUM(DISTINCT (\"" + areaFeatureFieldName + "\")) FROM " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " WHERE \"" + landUseFFName + "\"" + " = '" + landUseValue + "' AND " + "\"" + allocationFFName + "\"" + " = '" + allocationValue + "'"; LOGGER.debug("getAreaByLU: {}", queryTxt); area = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queryTxt, Double.class); } return area; } public Double getAreaByLUNew(final String uazTbl, final String areaFeatureFieldName, final String allocationFFName, final String allocationValue) { LOGGER.debug("allocationFFName, allocationValues: {}, {}", allocationFFName, allocationValue); Double area = 0.0; if (allocationValue == null || allocationFFName == null) { LOGGER .warn( "{}, doesn't have allocation value configured {}, not calculating area", allocationFFName); } else { final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); final String queryTxt = "SELECT SUM(\"" + areaFeatureFieldName + "\") FROM " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " WHERE \"" + allocationFFName + "\"" + " = '" + allocationValue + "'"; LOGGER.debug("getAreaByLU: {}", queryTxt); area = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queryTxt, Double.class); } return area; } /** * Gets the wif ua zfrom db. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param queryTxt * the query txt * @param attributes * the attributes * @return the wif ua zfrom db */ public SimpleFeatureCollection getWifUAZfromDB(final String uazTbl, final String queryTxt, final String[] attributes) {"getWifUAZfromDB for table : {}", uazTbl);"for filter: {}", queryTxt); SimpleFeatureCollection uazFeatureCollection = FeatureCollections .newCollection(); DataStore wifDataStore; try { wifDataStore = openPostgisDataStore(); final SimpleFeatureSource featureSourceUD = wifDataStore .getFeatureSource(uazTbl); final Filter filter = geodataFilterer.getFilter(queryTxt); final Query query = new Query(uazTbl, filter, attributes); uazFeatureCollection = featureSourceUD.getFeatures(query);"UAZ featureCollection size : {} ", uazFeatureCollection.size()); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error("could not access table {} ", uazTbl); } catch (final CQLException e) { LOGGER.error("filter is invalid: {} ", queryTxt); } return uazFeatureCollection; } /** * Gets the feature collectionfrom db. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param filter * the filter * @param attributesToReturn * the attributes to return * @return the feature collectionfrom db * @throws DatabaseFailedException */ public SimpleFeatureCollection getFeatureCollectionfromDB( final String uazTbl, final Filter filter, final List<String> attributesToReturn) throws DatabaseFailedException {"getFeatureCollectionfromDB for table : {}", uazTbl); LOGGER.debug("for filter: {}", filter.toString()); // SimpleFeatureCollection uazFeatureCollection = FeatureCollections // .newCollection(); // ali SimpleFeatureCollection uazFeatureCollection = DefaultFeatureCollections .newCollection(); DataStore wifDataStore = null; try { // commented by ali, since it is not reflecting new added columns // wifDataStore = openPostgisDataStore(); GeospatialDataSource wifDataSource1; wifDataSource1 = dataSourceFactory .createGeospatialDataSource(postgisDataStoreConfig .getDataStoreParams()); wifDataStore = wifDataSource1.getDataStore(); final SimpleFeatureSource featureSourceUD = wifDataStore .getFeatureSource(uazTbl); if (attributesToReturn == null) { final Query query = new Query(uazTbl, filter); query.setPropertyNames(attributesToReturn); uazFeatureCollection = featureSourceUD.getFeatures(query); } else { uazFeatureCollection = featureSourceUD.getFeatures(filter); } LOGGER.debug("UAZ featureCollection size : {} ", uazFeatureCollection.size()); } catch (final IOException e) { final String msg = "could not access table" + uazTbl; LOGGER.error(msg, e.getMessage()); throw new DatabaseFailedException(msg, e); } finally { // wifDataStore.dispose(); } return uazFeatureCollection; } // TODO consider deleting this method as we might not have any use for it // anymore. If this gets deleted, we'll update the Tests /** * Gets the feature collectionfrom db. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param filter * the filter * @return the feature collectionfrom db * @throws DatabaseFailedException */ public SimpleFeatureCollection getFeatureCollectionfromDB( final String uazTbl, final Filter filter) throws DatabaseFailedException { return getFeatureCollectionfromDB(uazTbl, filter, null); } /** * Update uaz area. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl */ public void updateUAZArea(final String uazTbl) {"updateUAZArea for table : {}", uazTbl); DataStore wifDataStore; try { wifDataStore = openPostgisDataStore(); final SimpleFeatureSource featureSourceUD = wifDataStore .getFeatureSource(uazTbl); final SimpleFeatureType schema = featureSourceUD.getSchema(); final String geomColumnName = schema.getGeometryDescriptor() .getLocalName(); final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); final String queryTxt = "UPDATE " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " SET \"" + WifKeys.DEFAULT_AREA_COLUMN_NAME + "\" = " + " (ST_Area( " + geomColumnName + " )) "; LOGGER.debug("updateUAZArea: {}", queryTxt); jdbcTemplate.execute(queryTxt); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error("could not access table {} ", uazTbl); } } /** * Gets the uAZ attributes. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @return the uAZ attributes */ public List<String> getUAZAttributes(final String uazTbl) {"getUAZAttributes for table : {}", uazTbl); final List<String> attrs = new ArrayList<String>(); DataStore wifDataStore; try { wifDataStore = openPostgisDataStore(); final SimpleFeatureSource featureSourceUD = wifDataStore .getFeatureSource(uazTbl); final SimpleFeatureType schema = featureSourceUD.getSchema(); // let's also take note of the geometry column so that we don't // add it to the returned list final String geomColumnName = schema.getGeometryDescriptor() .getLocalName(); for (final AttributeDescriptor attr : schema.getAttributeDescriptors()) { if (!geomColumnName.equals(attr.getLocalName())) { attrs.add(attr.getLocalName()); } } } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error("could not access table {} ", uazTbl); } return attrs; } /** * Gets the feature sourcefrom db. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @return the feature sourcefrom db * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public SimpleFeatureSource getFeatureSourcefromDB(final String uazTbl) throws WifInvalidInputException {"getFeatureSourcefromDB for table : {}", uazTbl); DataStore wifDataStore; SimpleFeatureSource featureSourceUD; try { wifDataStore = openPostgisDataStore(); featureSourceUD = wifDataStore.getFeatureSource(uazTbl);"UAZ featureSource Name: {} ", featureSourceUD.getName()); return featureSourceUD; } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error("could not access table {} ", uazTbl); throw new WifInvalidInputException("could not access table" + uazTbl); } } /** * Gets the feature storefrom db. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @return the feature storefrom db * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public SimpleFeatureStore getFeatureStorefromDB(final String uazTbl) throws WifInvalidInputException {"getFeatureStorefromDB for table : {}", uazTbl); SimpleFeatureSource featureSourceUD; featureSourceUD = getFeatureSourcefromDB(uazTbl); if (featureSourceUD instanceof SimpleFeatureStore) {"UAZ featureSource Name: {} ", featureSourceUD.getName()); return (SimpleFeatureStore) featureSourceUD; } else { throw new WifInvalidInputException( "table doesn't have write priviledges " + uazTbl); } } /** * Gets the wif ua zfrom db. * * @param wifDataStore * the wif data store * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param queryTxt * the query txt * @param attributes * the attributes * @return the wif ua zfrom db */ public SimpleFeatureCollection getWifUAZfromDB(final DataStore wifDataStore, final String uazTbl, final String queryTxt, final String[] attributes) {"getWifUAZfromDB for table : {}", uazTbl);"for filter: {}", queryTxt); SimpleFeatureCollection uazFeatureCollection = FeatureCollections .newCollection(); try { final SimpleFeatureSource featureSourceUD = wifDataStore .getFeatureSource(uazTbl); final Filter filter = geodataFilterer.getFilter(queryTxt); final Query query = new Query(uazTbl, filter, attributes); uazFeatureCollection = featureSourceUD.getFeatures(query);"UAZ featureCollection size : {} ", uazFeatureCollection.size()); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error("could not access table {} ", uazTbl); } catch (final CQLException e) { LOGGER.error("filter is invalid: {} ", queryTxt); } return uazFeatureCollection; } /** * Open file data store. * * @param namePath * the name path * @return the file data store * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private FileDataStore openFileDataStore(final String namePath) throws IOException { final File file = new File(namePath); return FileDataStoreFinder.getDataStore(file); } /** * Open postgis data store. * * @return the data store * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public DataStore openPostgisDataStore() throws IOException { if (wifDataSource == null) { LOGGER .info( "openPostgisDataStore,,accessing the following server: {} for database/schema: {}", postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(HOST.key), postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(DATABASE.key) + "/" + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key)); wifDataSource = dataSourceFactory .createGeospatialDataSource(postgisDataStoreConfig .getDataStoreParams()); } return wifDataSource.getDataStore(); } /** * Gets the area by score ranges. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param scoreLabel * the score label * @param areaFeatureFieldName * the area feature field name * @param limit1 * the limit1 * @param limit2 * the limit2 * @return the area by score ranges */ public Double getSumofField(final String uazTbl, final String fieldName) { LOGGER.debug("getSumofField : {}, {}", uazTbl, fieldName); final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); final String queryTxt = "SELECT SUM((\"" + fieldName + "\")) FROM " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl; LOGGER.debug("getSumofField: {}", queryTxt); Double area = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queryTxt, Double.class); if (area == null) { area = 0.0; } return area; } public Boolean updateALlocationColumnNew(final String query) { final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);" updateALlocationColumnNew query is {} ", query); jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(new String[] { query }); return true; } public Double getSumofALU(final String sql) { LOGGER.debug("getSumofALU : {}", sql); final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); Double area = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Double.class); if (area == null) { area = 0.0; } return area; } public String getPrimaryKeyName(final String uazTbl) { final String sql = "select kc.column_name " + " from " + " information_schema.table_constraints tc, " + " information_schema.key_column_usage kc " + " where " + " tc.table_name = '" + uazTbl + "' and " + " tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' " + " and kc.table_name = tc.table_name and kc.table_schema = tc.table_schema " + " and kc.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name "; final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);"getPrimaryKeyName for table: {}", uazTbl); return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, String.class); } /** * Gets thescore ranges. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl * @param scoreLabel * the score label * @return the min,max score values */ public Double getScoreRanges(final String cmp, final String uazTbl, final String scoreLabel) {"getScoreRanges for :{}", scoreLabel); final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); final String queryTxt = "SELECT " + cmp + "(" + scoreLabel + ") FROM " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " WHERE " + scoreLabel + " >0 ";"getScoreRanges query: {}", queryTxt); Double area = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queryTxt, Double.class); if (area == null) { area = 0.0; } return area; } public Boolean TransformSuitabilityScore(final String uazTbl, final String scoreLabel, final Double minv, final Double maxv) {"TransformSuitabilityScore: for scoreLabel:" + scoreLabel + " ,min:" + Double.toString(minv) + ",max:" + Double.toString(maxv)); final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); if (maxv > 0 && minv >0){ if (maxv - minv>0) { final String query = "update " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " SET " + scoreLabel + "= 1 + ((99 * (scoreLabel -" + Double.toString(minv) + "))/(" + Double.toString(maxv) + "-" + Double.toString(minv) +"))" ;"TransformSuitabilityScore query is: " + query); jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(new String[] { query }); } else if (maxv - minv==0) { final String query = "update " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " SET " + scoreLabel + "=100" ;"TransformSuitabilityScore query is: " + query); jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(new String[] { query }); } } return true; } public Double getAreaByLUNew2(final String uazTbl, final String areaFeatureFieldName, final String allocationFFName, final String allocationValue, final TreeSet<Projection> projections, final Projection projection) { LOGGER.debug("allocationFFName, allocationValues: {}, {}", allocationFFName, allocationValue); Double area = 0.0; Double d0 = 0.0; Double d1 = 0.0; Double d2 = 0.0; String queryTxt = ""; if (allocationValue == null || allocationFFName == null) { LOGGER .warn( "{}, doesn't have allocation value configured {}, not calculating area", allocationFFName); } else { final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); // queryTxt = "SELECT SUM(\"" + areaFeatureFieldName // + "\") FROM " // + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." // + uazTbl + " WHERE \"" + allocationFFName + "\"" + " = '" // + allocationValue + "'"; //"getAreaByLUNew2: {}", queryTxt); // d1 = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queryTxt, Double.class); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////new for finding the area which converted to the other landuses. final ArrayList<String> columnList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Projection proj : projections) { if (proj.getYear() <= projection.getYear()) { columnList.add(proj.getLabel()); } } final String[] columnListAll = new String[columnList.size()]; for (int ind = 0; ind < columnList.size(); ind++) { columnListAll[ind] = "ALU_" + columnList.get(ind); } Arrays.sort(columnListAll); final String firstYear = columnListAll[0]; queryTxt = "SELECT SUM(\"" + areaFeatureFieldName + "\") FROM " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " WHERE \"" + firstYear + "\"" + " = '" + allocationValue + "'";"getAreaByLUNew2: {}", queryTxt); d0 = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queryTxt, Double.class); //first year if (!firstYear.equals(allocationFFName)) { // String wherest=" Where \"" + firstYear + "\" ='" + allocationValue + "' AND ("; // wherest = wherest + "(\"" + allocationFFName + "\" <>'" + allocationValue + "' AND \"" + allocationFFName + "\" <>'')"; // wherest= wherest + ")"; // // queryTxt = "select Sum(\"" + areaFeatureFieldName + "\") from " // + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." // + uazTbl + wherest; // //"getAreaByLUNew2 D2 SQL={}", queryTxt); // d2 = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queryTxt, Double.class); ////////////////////////////////////////////// queryTxt = "SELECT SUM(\"" + areaFeatureFieldName + "\") FROM " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " WHERE "; String wherest=""; for (int ind = 1; ind <= columnListAll.length -1; ind++) { final String ff =columnListAll[ind]; if (ind ==1) { wherest = wherest + " (\"" + ff + "\" ='" + allocationValue + "')"; } else { wherest = wherest + " OR (\"" + ff + "\" ='" + allocationValue + "')"; } } queryTxt = queryTxt + wherest;"getAreaByLUNew2: {}", queryTxt); d1 = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queryTxt, Double.class); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// queryTxt = "SELECT SUM(\"" + areaFeatureFieldName + "\") FROM " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " WHERE "; wherest="(\"" + firstYear + "\" ='" + allocationValue + "') AND ("; for (int ind = 1; ind <= columnListAll.length -1; ind++) { final String ff =columnListAll[ind]; if (ind ==1) { wherest = wherest + "(\"" + ff + "\" <>'" + allocationValue + "' AND \"" + ff + "\" <>'')"; } else { wherest = wherest + " OR (\"" + ff + "\" <>'" + allocationValue + "' AND \"" + ff + "\" <>'')"; } } queryTxt = queryTxt + wherest + ")";"getAreaByLUNew2 d2: {}", queryTxt); d2 = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(queryTxt, Double.class); if (d1 != null) { if (d2 != null) { area = d1- d2; } else { area = d1; } } else { if (d2 != null) { area = 0- d2; } } if (d0 != null) { area = area + d0; } } else //if (!firstYear.equals(allocationFFName)) { if (d0 != null) { area = area + d0; } } } return area; } /** * Update uaz area. * * @param uazTbl * the uaz tbl */ public void CopyDemoTable(final String newTbl, final String uazTbl) {"CopyDemoTable for table : {}", uazTbl); try { final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); String queryTxt = "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables " + " WHERE table_name='" + newTbl + "'" + " and table_schema='" + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "'";"updateUAZcolumnsALU query is: " + queryTxt); Boolean lsw =false; if (jdbcTemplate.queryForInt( queryTxt) == 1) { lsw = true; queryTxt = "DROP TABLE " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + newTbl;"CopyDemoTable querydelete: {}", queryTxt); jdbcTemplate.execute(queryTxt); geoserverPublisher.reload(); } // final CREATE TABLE wifdemo.perth_peel_scenario3 (LIKE wifdemo.wif_ac8702c64b7c1f603bcd2671f3039639 INCLUDING INDEXES); // final insert into wifdemo.perth_peel_scenario3 select * from wifdemo.wif_ac8702c64b7c1f603bcd2671f3039639; queryTxt = "CREATE TABLE " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + newTbl + " (LIKE "+ postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl + " INCLUDING INDEXES) ";"CopyDemoTable query1: {}", queryTxt); jdbcTemplate.execute(queryTxt); queryTxt = "insert into " + postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + newTbl + " SELECT * FROM "+ postgisDataStoreConfig.getDataStoreParams().get(SCHEMA.key) + "." + uazTbl;"CopyDemoTable query2: {}", queryTxt); jdbcTemplate.execute(queryTxt); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.error("could not access table {} ", uazTbl); } } }