package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class SuitabilityCouchParser. */ @Component public class SuitabilityCouchParser { /** The Constant LOGGER. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory .getLogger(SuitabilityCouchParser.class); /** The project parser. */ @Autowired private ProjectCouchParser projectParser; /** * Parses the suitability scenario. * * @param suitabilityScenario * the suitability scenario * @param wifProject * the wif project * @return the suitability scenario * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception * @throws ParsingException * the parsing exception */ public SuitabilityScenario parseSuitabilityScenario( SuitabilityScenario suitabilityScenario, WifProject wifProject) throws WifInvalidInputException, ParsingException { try { Collection<SuitabilityRule> suitabilityRules = suitabilityScenario .getSuitabilityRules(); if (suitabilityRules == null) { String msg = "suitabilityScenario with the ID " + suitabilityScenario.getId() + " doesn't have rules defined"; LOGGER.error(msg); throw new ParsingException(msg); } LOGGER.trace("{} has {} suitability rules associated", suitabilityScenario.getLabel(), suitabilityRules.size()); for (SuitabilityRule rule : suitabilityRules) { rule = parseSuitabilityRule(rule, wifProject); } suitabilityScenario.setWifProject(wifProject); return suitabilityScenario; } catch (Exception e) { String id = suitabilityScenario.getId(); String msg = "parseSuitabilityScenario failed from JSON for id {} "; if (e instanceof ParsingException) { LOGGER.error(msg, id); throw new ParsingException(msg + e.toString()); } else if (e instanceof NullPointerException) { LOGGER.error("NullPointerException " + msg, id); throw new ParsingException("NullPointerException " + msg + e.toString()); } else { LOGGER.error(msg, id); throw new ParsingException(msg + id); } } } /** * Parses the suitability rule. * * @param rule * the rule * @param wifProject * the wif project * @return the suitability rule * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ private SuitabilityRule parseSuitabilityRule(SuitabilityRule rule, WifProject wifProject) throws WifInvalidInputException { Set<String> slukeys = rule.getSuitabilityLUMap().keySet(); String sluid = slukeys.iterator().next(); String slulabel = rule.getSuitabilityLUMap().get(sluid); LOGGER.trace("looking for slu id {} with label: {} ", sluid, slulabel); SuitabilityLU suitabilityLU = wifProject.getSuitabilityLUById(sluid); rule.setSuitabilityLU(suitabilityLU); LOGGER .trace( "++++++ suitability LU label: {} has {} convertibles ALU's mappedby the interface, attempting to look for them…", suitabilityLU.getLabel(), rule.getConvertibleLUsMap().size()); rule.setConvertibleLUs(projectParser.parseAllocationLUs(rule .getConvertibleLUsMap())); Collection<FactorImportance> factorsImp = rule.getFactorImportances(); LOGGER.trace("Parsing {} factor importances configured for slu: {}...", factorsImp.size(), rule.getSuitabilityLU().getLabel()); for (FactorImportance factorImportance : factorsImp) { Set<String> factorkeys = factorImportance.getFactorMap().keySet(); String factorid = factorkeys.iterator().next(); String factorlabel = factorImportance.getFactorMap().get(factorid); LOGGER.trace("looking for factor id {} with label: {} ", factorid, factorlabel); Factor factor = wifProject.getFactorById(factorid); factorImportance.setFactor(factor); LOGGER.trace("--) the importance for this factor is: {}", factorImportance.getImportance()); factorImportance.setSuitabilityRule(rule); for (FactorTypeRating aFactorRating : factorImportance .getFactorTypeRatings()) { Double ratingScore = aFactorRating.getScore(); Set<String> factortypekeys = aFactorRating.getFactorTypeMap().keySet(); String factortypeid = factortypekeys.iterator().next(); String factortypelabel = aFactorRating.getFactorTypeMap().get( factortypeid); LOGGER.trace("looking for factor type id {} with label: {} ", factortypeid, factortypelabel); FactorType factorType = factor.getFactorTypeById(factortypeid); LOGGER.trace("parsing factor type label: {}", factortypelabel); LOGGER.trace("parsing the rating is: {}", ratingScore); aFactorRating.setFactorType(factorType); aFactorRating.setFactorImportance(factorImportance); } } return rule; } /** * Parses the. * * @param suitabilityLU * the suitability lu * @return the suitability lu */ public SuitabilityLU parse(SuitabilityLU suitabilityLU) { LOGGER.trace("parsing the following suitability lu: " + suitabilityLU.getLabel()); suitabilityLU.setFeatureFieldName(WifKeys.SCORE_SUFFIX + suitabilityLU.getLabel().replaceAll(" ", "_").replaceAll("-", "_") .toLowerCase()); if (suitabilityLU.getAssociatedALUsMap() != null) { LOGGER .trace("++++++ suitability LU label: {} has {} associated ALU's...", suitabilityLU.getLabel(), suitabilityLU.getAssociatedALUsMap() .size()); suitabilityLU.setAssociatedALUs(projectParser .parseAllocationLUs(suitabilityLU.getAssociatedALUsMap())); Set<AllocationLU> associatedALUs = suitabilityLU.getAssociatedALUs(); for (AllocationLU allocationLU : associatedALUs) { allocationLU.setAssociatedLU(suitabilityLU); } } return suitabilityLU; } }