package; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder; /** * The Class WifProject. */ @JsonPropertyOrder({ "id", "name", "srs", "analysisOption", "originalUnits", "uazDataStoreURI", "existingLUAttributeName" }) // @JsonInclude(Include.NON_NULL) public class WifProject extends CouchDoc implements Model2JsonMapped { /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1749708370549745923L; /** * The schema. convenient holder of spatial information, this is not * persistent */ @JsonIgnore private SimpleFeatureType schema; /** The parsed. */ @JsonIgnore private boolean parsed = false; /** The study area. */ private String studyArea; /** The bbox. */ private String bbox; /** The uri local path where the extracted shape file is stored. */ private String localShpFile; /** The area label. */ private String areaLabel; /** The ready. */ private Boolean ready = false; /** The setup completed. */ private Boolean setupCompleted = false; /** The own geo datastore name. */ private String ownGeoDatastoreName; /** * The upload uaz datatore uri. Which is created when the user wants to upload * the current analysis geospatial table. */ private String uploadUAZDatatoreUri; /** The name. */ private String name; /** The srs. */ private String srs; /** The geometry column name. */ private String geometryColumnName; /** The creation date. */ private Date creationDate; /** The modified date. */ private Date modifiedDate; /** The original units. */ private String originalUnits; /** The uaz data store uri. */ private String uazDataStoreURI; /** The existing lu attribute name. */ private String existingLUAttributeName; /** The role owner. */ private String roleOwner; /** The analysis option. */ private String analysisOption; /** The suitability config. */ private SuitabilityConfig suitabilityConfig; /** The authorisation rights. */ @JsonIgnore private Set<AuthorisationRight> authorisationRights; /** The allocation land uses. */ private Set<AllocationLU> allocationLandUses; /** The suitability l us. */ private Set<SuitabilityLU> suitabilityLUs; /** The factors. */ private Set<Factor> factors; /** The suitability scenarios. */ @JsonIgnore private Set<SuitabilityScenario> suitabilityScenarios; /** The suitability scenarios map. */ @JsonIgnore private Map<String, String> suitabilityScenariosMap; // Demand module /** The demand scenarios. */ @JsonIgnore private Set<DemandScenario> demandScenarios; /** The demand scenarios map. */ @JsonIgnore private Map<String, String> demandScenariosMap; /** The demand scenarios New. */ @JsonIgnore private Set<DemandScenarioNew> demandScenariosNew; /** The demand scenarios New map. */ @JsonIgnore private Map<String, String> demandScenariosNewMap; public Set<DemandScenarioNew> getDemandScenariosNew() { return demandScenariosNew; } public void setDemandScenariosNew( final Set<DemandScenarioNew> demandScenariosNew) { this.demandScenariosNew = demandScenariosNew; } @JsonProperty(value = "demandScenarioNews") public Map<String, String> getDemandScenariosNewMap() { return demandScenariosNewMap; } @JsonProperty(value = "demandScenarioNews") public void setDemandScenariosNewMap( final Map<String, String> demandScenariosNewMap) { this.demandScenariosNewMap = demandScenariosNewMap; } /** The manual demand scenarios. */ @JsonIgnore private Set<DemandOutcome> demandOutcomes; /** The demand scenarios map. */ @JsonIgnore private Map<String, String> demandOutcomesMap; /** The demand config. */ @JsonIgnore private DemandConfig demandConfig; /** The demand config new. */ @JsonIgnore private DemandConfigNew demandConfigNew; /** The Manual demand config. */ @JsonIgnore private AllocationConfigs allocationConfigs; /** The allocation configs id. */ private String allocationConfigsId; /** The demand config id. */ private String demandConfigId; /** The demand config New id. */ private String demandConfigNewId; // Allocation module /** The allocation scenarios. */ @JsonIgnore private Set<AllocationScenario> allocationScenarios; /** The allocation scenarios map. */ @JsonIgnore private Map<String, String> allocationScenariosMap; /** The allocation control scenarios. */ @JsonIgnore private Set<AllocationControlScenario> allocationControlScenarios; /** The allocation control scenarios map. */ @JsonIgnore private Map<String, String> allocationControlScenariosMap; /** The allocation config. */ private AllocationConfig allocationConfig; /** * Instantiates a new wif project. */ public WifProject() { allocationLandUses = new HashSet<AllocationLU>(); suitabilityLUs = new HashSet<SuitabilityLU>(); factors = new HashSet<Factor>(); suitabilityScenarios = new HashSet<SuitabilityScenario>(); suitabilityScenariosMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); demandScenarios = new HashSet<DemandScenario>(); demandScenariosMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); allocationScenarios = new HashSet<AllocationScenario>(); allocationScenariosMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); demandOutcomes = new HashSet<DemandOutcome>(); demandOutcomesMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); allocationConfig = new AllocationConfig(); allocationControlScenarios = new HashSet<AllocationControlScenario>(); allocationControlScenariosMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); demandScenariosNew = new HashSet<DemandScenarioNew>(); demandScenariosNewMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); } /** * Gets the creation date. * * @return the creation date */ public Date getCreationDate() { return this.creationDate; } /** * Sets the creation date. * * @param creationDate * the new creation date */ public void setCreationDate(final Date creationDate) { this.creationDate = creationDate; } /** * Gets the modified date. * * @return the modified date */ public Date getModifiedDate() { return this.modifiedDate; } /** * Sets the modified date. * * @param modifiedDate * the new modified date */ public void setModifiedDate(final Date modifiedDate) { this.modifiedDate = modifiedDate; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see */ /** * Gets the label. * * @return the label */ @JsonIgnore public String getLabel() { return name; } /** * Gets the name. * * @return the name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Sets the name. * * @param name * the new name */ public void setName(final String name) { = name; } /** * Gets the study area. * * @return the study area */ public String getStudyArea() { return studyArea; } /** * Sets the study area. * * @param studyArea * the new study area */ public void setStudyArea(final String studyArea) { this.studyArea = studyArea; } /** * Gets the projections. * * @return the projections */ @JsonIgnore public Set<Projection> getProjections() { return this.demandConfig.getProjections(); } /** * Sets the projections. * * @param projections * the new projections */ @JsonIgnore public void setProjections(final Set<Projection> projections) { this.demandConfig.setProjections(projections); } /** * Gets the suitability scenarios. * * @return the suitability scenarios */ public Set<SuitabilityScenario> getSuitabilityScenarios() { return this.suitabilityScenarios; } /** * Gets the suitability scenarios map. * * @return the suitability scenarios map */ @JsonProperty(value = "suitabilityScenarios") public Map<String, String> getSuitabilityScenariosMap() { return this.suitabilityScenariosMap; } /** * Sets the suitability scenarios map. * * @param idLabelMap * the id label map */ @JsonProperty(value = "suitabilityScenarios") public void setSuitabilityScenariosMap(final Map<String, String> idLabelMap) { this.suitabilityScenariosMap = idLabelMap; } /** * Sets the suitability scenarios. * * @param suitabilityScenarios * the new suitability scenarios */ public void setSuitabilityScenarios( final Set<SuitabilityScenario> suitabilityScenarios) { this.suitabilityScenarios = suitabilityScenarios; } /** * Gets the demand scenarios. * * @return the demand scenarios */ public Set<DemandScenario> getDemandScenarios() { return this.demandScenarios; } public Set<DemandOutcome> getdemandOutcomes() { return this.demandOutcomes; } /** * Sets the demand scenarios. * * @param demandScenarios * the new demand scenarios */ public void setDemandScenarios(final Set<DemandScenario> demandScenarios) { this.demandScenarios = demandScenarios; } public void setdemandOutcomes(final Set<DemandOutcome> demandOutcomes) { this.demandOutcomes = demandOutcomes; } /** * Gets the allocation land uses. * * @return the allocation land uses */ public Set<AllocationLU> getAllocationLandUses() { return this.allocationLandUses; } /** * Sets the allocation land uses. * * @param existingLandUses * the new allocation land uses */ public void setAllocationLandUses(final Set<AllocationLU> existingLandUses) { this.allocationLandUses = existingLandUses; } /** * Gets the original units. * * @return the original units */ public String getOriginalUnits() { return this.originalUnits; } /** * Sets the original units. * * @param originalUnits * the new original units */ public void setOriginalUnits(final String originalUnits) { this.originalUnits = originalUnits; } /** * Gets the suitability scenario by label. * * @param newScenarioLabel * the new scenario label * @return the suitability scenario by label * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public SuitabilityScenario getSuitabilityScenarioByLabel( final String newScenarioLabel) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final SuitabilityScenario scn : this.getSuitabilityScenarios()) { if (scn.getLabel().equals(newScenarioLabel)) { return scn; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(newScenarioLabel + " name not found"); } /** * Gets the demand scenario by label. * * @param newScenarioLabel * the new scenario label * @return the demand scenario by label * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public DemandScenario getDemandScenarioByLabel(final String newScenarioLabel) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final DemandScenario scn : this.getDemandScenarios()) { if (scn.getLabel().equals(newScenarioLabel)) { return scn; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(newScenarioLabel + " name not found"); } /** * Gets the allocation scenario by label. * * @param newScenarioLabel * the new scenario label * @return the allocation scenario by label * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public AllocationScenario getAllocationScenarioByLabel( final String newScenarioLabel) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final AllocationScenario scn : this.getAllocationScenarios()) { if (scn.getLabel().equals(newScenarioLabel)) { return scn; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(newScenarioLabel + " name not found"); } /** * Gets the existing land use by id. * * @param id * the id * @return the existing land use by id * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public AllocationLU getExistingLandUseById(final String id) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final AllocationLU alu : this.getAllocationLandUses()) { if (alu.getId().equals(id)) { return alu; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(id + " id not found"); } /** * Gets the suitability lu by name. * * @param sLUName * the s lu name * @return the suitability lu by name * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public SuitabilityLU getSuitabilityLUByName(final String sLUName) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final SuitabilityLU slu : this.getSuitabilityLUs()) { if (slu.getLabel().equals(sLUName)) { return slu; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(sLUName + " label not found"); } /** * Gets the sector by label. * * @param label * the label * @return the sector by label * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public EmploymentSector getSectorByLabel(final String label) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final EmploymentSector sector : this.getSectors()) { if (sector.getLabel().equals(label)) { return sector; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(label + " label not found"); } /** * Gets the suitability lu by id. * * @param sluid * the sluid * @return the suitability lu by id * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public SuitabilityLU getSuitabilityLUById(final String sluid) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final SuitabilityLU slu : this.getSuitabilityLUs()) { if (slu.getId().equals(sluid)) { return slu; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(sluid + " id not found"); } /** * Gets the factor by id. * * @param id * the id * @return the factor by id * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public Factor getFactorById(final String id) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final Factor factor : this.getFactors()) { if (factor.getId().equals(id)) { return factor; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(id + " id not found"); } /** * Gets the factor by label. * * @param label * the label * @return the factor by label * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public Factor getFactorByLabel(final String label) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final Factor factor : this.getFactors()) { if (factor.getLabel().equals(label)) { return factor; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(label + " label not found"); } /** * Gets the existing land use by label. * * @param aLULabel * the a lu label * @return the existing land use by label * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public AllocationLU getExistingLandUseByLabel(final String aLULabel) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final AllocationLU alu : this.getAllocationLandUses()) { if (alu.getLabel().equals(aLULabel)) { return alu; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(aLULabel + " Label not found"); } /** * Gets the uaz data store uri. * * @return the uaz data store uri */ public String getUazDataStoreURI() { return uazDataStoreURI; } /** * Sets the uaz data store uri. * * @param uazDataStoreURI * the new uaz data store uri */ public void setUazDataStoreURI(final String uazDataStoreURI) { this.uazDataStoreURI = uazDataStoreURI; } /** * Sets the suitability l us. * * @param suitabilityLUs * the new suitability l us */ public void setSuitabilityLUs(final Set<SuitabilityLU> suitabilityLUs) { this.suitabilityLUs = suitabilityLUs; } /** * Gets the suitability l us. * * @return the suitability l us */ public Set<SuitabilityLU> getSuitabilityLUs() { return suitabilityLUs; } /** * Sets the factors. * * @param factors * the new factors */ public void setFactors(final Set<Factor> factors) { this.factors = factors; } /** * Gets the factors. * * @return the factors */ public Set<Factor> getFactors() { return factors; } /** * Sets the sectors. * * @param sectors * the new sectors */ @JsonIgnore public void setSectors(final Set<EmploymentSector> sectors) { this.demandConfig.setSectors(sectors); } /** * Gets the sectors. * * @return the sectors */ @JsonIgnore public Set<EmploymentSector> getSectors() { return this.demandConfig.getSectors(); } /** * Sets the existing lu attribute name. * * @param existingLULabel * the new existing lu attribute name */ public void setExistingLUAttributeName(final String existingLULabel) { this.existingLUAttributeName = existingLULabel; } /** * Gets the existing lu attribute name. * * @return the existing lu attribute name */ public String getExistingLUAttributeName() { return existingLUAttributeName; } /** * Gets the authorisation rights. * * @return the authorisation rights */ public Set<AuthorisationRight> getAuthorisationRights() { return authorisationRights; } /** * Sets the authorisation rights. * * @param authorisationRights * the new authorisation rights */ public void setAuthorisationRights( final Set<AuthorisationRight> authorisationRights) { this.authorisationRights = authorisationRights; } /** * Checks if is authorised. * * @param role * the role * @return true, if is authorised */ public boolean isAuthorised(final String role) { final Set<AuthorisationRight> authorisationRights2 = getAuthorisationRights(); for (final AuthorisationRight authorisationRight : authorisationRights2) { if (authorisationRight.getUserRole().getRoleName().equalsIgnoreCase(role)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets the projection by label. * * @param label * the label * @return the projection by label * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public Projection getProjectionByLabel(final String label) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final Projection scn : this.getProjections()) { if (scn.getLabel().equals(label)) { return scn; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(label + " name not found"); } /** * Gets the suitability config. * * @return the suitability config */ public SuitabilityConfig getSuitabilityConfig() { return suitabilityConfig; } /** * Sets the suitability config. * * @param config * the new suitability config */ public void setSuitabilityConfig(final SuitabilityConfig config) { this.suitabilityConfig = config; } /** * Gets the analysis option. * * @return the analysis option */ public String getAnalysisOption() { return analysisOption; } /** * Sets the analysis option. * * @param analysisOption * the new analysis option */ public void setAnalysisOption(final String analysisOption) { this.analysisOption = analysisOption; } /** * Gets the role owner. * * @return the role owner */ public String getRoleOwner() { return roleOwner; } /** * Sets the role owner. * * @param roleOwner * the new role owner */ public void setRoleOwner(final String roleOwner) { this.roleOwner = roleOwner; } /** * Gets the demographic trends. * * @return the demographic trends */ @JsonIgnore public Set<DemographicTrend> getDemographicTrends() { return getDemandConfig().getDemographicTrends(); } /** * Sets the demographic trends. * * @param demographicTrends * the new demographic trends */ @JsonIgnore public void setDemographicTrends(final Set<DemographicTrend> demographicTrends) { getDemandConfig().setDemographicTrends(demographicTrends); } /** * Update new values. * * @param project * the project */ public void updateNewValues(final WifProject project) { if (project.getName() != null) { this.setName(project.getName()); } if (project.getOriginalUnits() != null) { this.setOriginalUnits(project.getOriginalUnits()); } if (project.getExistingLUAttributeName() != null) { this.setExistingLUAttributeName(project.getExistingLUAttributeName()); } if (project.getAnalysisOption() != null) { this.setAnalysisOption(project.getAnalysisOption()); } if (project.getUazDataStoreURI() != null) { this.setUazDataStoreURI(project.getUazDataStoreURI()); } if (project.getStudyArea() != null) { this.setStudyArea(project.getStudyArea()); } } /** * Aand. * * @return the string */ public String aand() { return srs; } /** * Sets the srs. * * @param SRS * the new srs */ public void setSrs(final String SRS) { this.srs = SRS; } /** * Gets the bbox. * * @return the bbox */ public String getBbox() { return bbox; } /** * Sets the bbox. * * @param bbox * the new bbox */ public void setBbox(final String bbox) { this.bbox = bbox; } /** * Gets the demand config. * * @return the demand config */ public DemandConfig getDemandConfig() { return demandConfig; } /** * Sets the demand config. * * @param demandConfig * the new demand config */ public void setDemandConfig(final DemandConfig demandConfig) { this.demandConfig = demandConfig; } /** * Gets the ready. * * @return the ready */ public Boolean getReady() { return ready; } /** * Sets the ready. * * @param ready * the new ready */ public void setReady(final Boolean ready) { this.ready = ready; } /** * Gets the include trends. * * @return the include trends */ @JsonIgnore public Boolean getIncludeTrends() { return demandConfig.getIncludeTrends(); } /** * Sets the include trends. * * @param includeTrends * the new include trends */ @JsonIgnore public void setIncludeTrends(final Boolean includeTrends) { demandConfig.setIncludeTrends(includeTrends); } /** * Checks if is being used. * * @param suitabilityScenario * the suitability scenario * @return true, if is being used * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public boolean isBeingUsed(final SuitabilityScenario suitabilityScenario) throws WifInvalidInputException { final Set<AllocationScenario> allocationScenarios = getAllocationScenarios(); for (final AllocationScenario allocationScenario : allocationScenarios) { if (allocationScenario.getSuitabilityScenario().getId() .equals(suitabilityScenario.getId())) { throw new WifInvalidInputException( "this is scenario is associated with allocationScenario! = " + allocationScenario.getLabel() + " cannot be deleted"); } } return false; } /** * Gets the own geo datastore name. * * @return the own geo datastore name */ public String getOwnGeoDatastoreName() { return ownGeoDatastoreName; } /** * Sets the own geo datastore name. * * @param ownGeoDatastoreName * the new own geo datastore name */ public void setOwnGeoDatastoreName(final String ownGeoDatastoreName) { this.ownGeoDatastoreName = ownGeoDatastoreName; } /** * Gets the setup completed. * * @return the setup completed */ public Boolean getSetupCompleted() { return setupCompleted; } /** * Sets the setup completed. * * @param setupCompleted * the new setup completed */ public void setSetupCompleted(final Boolean setupCompleted) { this.setupCompleted = setupCompleted; } /** * Gets the geometry column name. * * @return the geometry column name */ public String getGeometryColumnName() { return geometryColumnName; } /** * Sets the geometry column name. * * @param geometryColumnName * the new geometry column name */ public void setGeometryColumnName(final String geometryColumnName) { this.geometryColumnName = geometryColumnName; } /** * Gets the demand config id. * * @return the demand config id */ public String getDemandConfigId() { return demandConfigId; } /** * Sets the demand config id. * * @param demandConfigId * the new demand config id */ public void setDemandConfigId(final String demandConfigId) { this.demandConfigId = demandConfigId; } /** * Gets the demand scenarios map. * * @return the demand scenarios map */ @JsonProperty(value = "demandScenarios") public Map<String, String> getDemandScenariosMap() { return demandScenariosMap; } @JsonProperty(value = "demandOutcomes") public Map<String, String> getDemandOutcomesMap() { return demandOutcomesMap; } /** * Sets the demand scenarios map. * * @param demandScenariosMap * the demand scenarios map */ @JsonProperty(value = "demandScenarios") public void setDemandScenariosMap(final Map<String, String> demandScenariosMap) { this.demandScenariosMap = demandScenariosMap; } @JsonProperty(value = "demandOutcomes") public void setDemandOutcomesMap(final Map<String, String> demandOutcomesMap) { this.demandOutcomesMap = demandOutcomesMap; } /** * Gets the allocation scenarios. * * @return the allocation scenarios */ public Set<AllocationScenario> getAllocationScenarios() { return allocationScenarios; } /** * Sets the allocation scenarios. * * @param allocationScenarios * the new allocation scenarios */ public void setAllocationScenarios( final Set<AllocationScenario> allocationScenarios) { this.allocationScenarios = allocationScenarios; } /** * Gets the allocation scenarios map. * * @return the allocation scenarios map */ @JsonProperty(value = "allocationScenarios") public Map<String, String> getAllocationScenariosMap() { return allocationScenariosMap; } /** * Sets the allocation scenarios map. * * @param allocationScenariosMap * the allocation scenarios map */ @JsonProperty(value = "allocationScenarios") public void setAllocationScenariosMap( final Map<String, String> allocationScenariosMap) { this.allocationScenariosMap = allocationScenariosMap; } /** * Checks if is parsed. * * @return true, if is parsed */ public boolean isParsed() { return parsed; } /** * Sets the parsed. * * @param parsed * the new parsed */ public void setParsed(final boolean parsed) { this.parsed = parsed; } /** * Gets the allocation config. * * @return the allocation config */ public AllocationConfig getAllocationConfig() { return allocationConfig; } /** * Sets the allocation config. * * @param allocationConfig * the new allocation config */ public void setAllocationConfig(final AllocationConfig allocationConfig) { this.allocationConfig = allocationConfig; } /** * Gets the srs. * * @return the srs */ public String getSrs() { return srs; } /** * Gets the area label. * * @return the area label */ public String getAreaLabel() { return areaLabel; } /** * Sets the area label. * * @param areaLabel * the new area label */ public void setAreaLabel(final String areaLabel) { this.areaLabel = areaLabel; } /** * Gets the upload uaz datatore uri. * * @return the upload uaz datatore uri */ public String getUploadUAZDatatoreUri() { return uploadUAZDatatoreUri; } /** * Sets the upload uaz datatore uri. * * @param uploadUAZDatatoreUri * the new upload uaz datatore uri */ public void setUploadUAZDatatoreUri(final String uploadUAZDatatoreUri) { this.uploadUAZDatatoreUri = uploadUAZDatatoreUri; } /** * Gets the local shp file. * * @return the localShpFile */ public String getLocalShpFile() { return localShpFile; } /** * Sets the local shp file. * * @param localShpFile * the localShpFile to set */ public void setLocalShpFile(final String localShpFile) { this.localShpFile = localShpFile; } /** * @return the schema */ public SimpleFeatureType getSchema() { return schema; } /** * @param schema * the schema to set */ public void setSchema(final SimpleFeatureType schema) { this.schema = schema; } /** * Gets the demand scenario by label. * * @param newScenarioLabel * the new scenario label * @return the demand scenario by label * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception */ public DemandOutcome getManualDemandScenarioByLabel( final String newScenarioLabel) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final DemandOutcome scn : this.getdemandOutcomes()) { if (scn.getLabel().equals(newScenarioLabel)) { return scn; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(newScenarioLabel + " name not found"); } /** * Gets the allocation configs * * @return the allocation configs */ public AllocationConfigs getAllocationConfigs() { return allocationConfigs; } /** * sets the allocation configs * */ public void setAllocationConfigs(final AllocationConfigs allocationConfigs) { this.allocationConfigs = allocationConfigs; } /** * Gets the allocation configs id. * * @return the allocation configs id */ public String getAllocationConfigsId() { return allocationConfigsId; } /** * Sets the allocation configs id. * */ public void setAllocationConfigsId(final String allocationConfigsId) { this.allocationConfigsId = allocationConfigsId; } public Set<AllocationControlScenario> getAllocationControlScenarios() { return allocationControlScenarios; } public void setAllocationControlScenarios( final Set<AllocationControlScenario> allocationControlScenarios) { this.allocationControlScenarios = allocationControlScenarios; } @JsonProperty(value = "allocationControlScenarios") public Map<String, String> getAllocationControlScenariosMap() { return allocationControlScenariosMap; } @JsonProperty(value = "allocationControlScenarios") public void setAllocationControlScenariosMap( final Map<String, String> allocationControlScenariosMap) { this.allocationControlScenariosMap = allocationControlScenariosMap; } public AllocationControlScenario getAllocationControlScenarioByLabel( final String newScenarioLabel) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final AllocationControlScenario scn : this .getAllocationControlScenarios()) { if (scn.getLabel().equals(newScenarioLabel)) { return scn; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(newScenarioLabel + " name not found"); } public DemandScenarioNew getDemandScenarioNewByLabel( final String newScenarioLabel) throws WifInvalidInputException { for (final DemandScenarioNew scn : this.getDemandScenariosNew()) { if (scn.getLabel().equals(newScenarioLabel)) { return scn; } } throw new WifInvalidInputException(newScenarioLabel + " name not found"); } public DemandConfigNew getDemandConfigNew() { return demandConfigNew; } public void setDemandConfigNew(final DemandConfigNew demandConfigNew) { this.demandConfigNew = demandConfigNew; } public String getDemandConfigNewId() { return demandConfigNewId; } public void setDemandConfigNewId(final String demandConfigNewId) { this.demandConfigNewId = demandConfigNewId; } }