package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class AllocationLUServiceImpl. */ @Service @Qualifier("allocationLUService") public class AllocationLUServiceImpl implements AllocationLUService { /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final long serialVersionUID = 79823546576734533L; /** The Constant LOGGER. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory .getLogger(AllocationLUServiceImpl.class); /** The allocation lu dao. */ @Autowired private AllocationLUDao allocationLUDao; /** The mapper. */ @Autowired private CouchMapper mapper; /** The project service. */ @Resource private ProjectService projectService; @Autowired private SuitabilityCouchParser suitabilityParser; @Autowired private SuitabilityLUDao suitabilityLUDao; /** * Inits the. */ @PostConstruct public void init() { LOGGER.trace("Initializing version: " + WifKeys.WIF_KEY_VERSION); } /** * Cleanup. */ @PreDestroy public void cleanup() { LOGGER.trace("AllocationLU Service succesfully cleared! "); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * * .wif.model.allocation.AllocationLU, java.lang.String) */ public AllocationLU createAllocationLU(AllocationLU allocationLU, String projectId) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException, InvalidLabelException, InvalidFFNameException { validate(allocationLU, projectId); WifProject project = projectService.getProject(projectId); allocationLU.setProjectId(projectId); LOGGER.debug("persisting the allocationLU={}", allocationLU.getLabel()); AllocationLU savedAllocationLU = allocationLUDao .persistAllocationLU(allocationLU); LOGGER.debug("returning the allocationLU with id={}", savedAllocationLU.getId()); project.getAllocationLandUses().add(savedAllocationLU); projectService.updateProject(project); return savedAllocationLU; } /** * Validate business logic * * @param allocationLU * the allocation lu * @param projectId * the project id * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception * @throws InvalidLabelException * the invalid label exception * @throws InvalidFFNameException */ private void validate(AllocationLU allocationLU, String projectId) throws WifInvalidInputException, InvalidLabelException, InvalidFFNameException { String message = "createAllocationLU failed: allocationLU is null"; if (allocationLU == null) { LOGGER.error(message); throw new WifInvalidInputException(message); } else if (allocationLU.getLabel() == null) { message = "createAllocationLU failed: allocationLU label is null"; LOGGER.error(message); throw new InvalidLabelException(message); } else if (allocationLU.getFeatureFieldName() == null) { message = "createAllocationLU failed: allocationLU feature field name is null"; LOGGER.error(message); throw new InvalidFFNameException(message); } else { message = "createAllocationLU failed: allocationLU label has already been used in this project configuration"; List<AllocationLU> allocationLUs = allocationLUDao .getAllocationLUs(projectId); for (AllocationLU allocationLU2 : allocationLUs) { if (allocationLU.getLabel().equals(allocationLU2.getLabel())) { LOGGER.error(message); throw new InvalidLabelException(message); } } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * */ public AllocationLU getAllocationLU(String id) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException { LOGGER.debug("getting the allocationLU with ID={}", id); try { AllocationLU allocationLU = allocationLUDao.findAllocationLUById(id); if (allocationLU == null) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the allocationLU with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); throw new InvalidEntityIdException( "illegal argument, the albased onlocationLU with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); } return allocationLU; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the ID " + id + " supplied doesn't identify a valid allocationLU "); throw new WifInvalidInputException("illegal argument, the ID " + id + " supplied doesn't identify a valid allocationLU "); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * */ public AllocationLU getAllocationLU(String id, String projectId) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException { AllocationLU allocationLU = getAllocationLU(id); if (allocationLU.getProjectId().equals(projectId)) { return allocationLU; } else { LOGGER .error("illegal argument, the allocationLU supplied doesn't belong to project: " + projectId); throw new WifInvalidInputException( "illegal argument, the allocationLU supplied doesn't belong to project: " + projectId); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * * .wif.model.allocation.AllocationLU, java.lang.String) */ public void updateAllocationLU(AllocationLU allocationLU, String projectId) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException {"updating allocationLU: {}, with id: {}", allocationLU.getLabel(), allocationLU.getId()); try { WifProject project = projectService.getProject(projectId); allocationLU.setWifProject(project); allocationLU.setRevision(allocationLUDao.findAllocationLUById( allocationLU.getId()).getRevision()); allocationLUDao.updateAllocationLU(allocationLU); AllocationLU oldLU = project.getExistingLandUseById(allocationLU.getId()); project.getAllocationLandUses().remove(oldLU); project.getAllocationLandUses().add(allocationLU); projectService.updateProject(project); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the allocationLU supplied is invalid "); throw new WifInvalidInputException( "illegal argument, the allocationLU supplied is invalid "); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * * , java.lang.String) */ public void deleteAllocationLU(String id, String projectId) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException {"deleting the allocationLU with ID={}", id); try { AllocationLU allocationLU = allocationLUDao.findAllocationLUById(id); if (allocationLU == null) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the allocationLU with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); throw new InvalidEntityIdException( "illegal argument, the allocationLU with the ID " + id + " supplied was not found "); } if (allocationLU.getProjectId().equals(projectId)) { allocationLUDao.deleteAllocationLU(allocationLU); WifProject project = projectService.getProject(projectId); AllocationLU oldLU = project.getExistingLandUseById(allocationLU .getId()); project.getAllocationLandUses().remove(oldLU); projectService.updateProject(project); } else { LOGGER .error("illegal argument, the allocationLU supplied doesn't belong to project: " + projectId); throw new WifInvalidInputException( "illegal argument, the allocationLU supplied doesn't belong to project: " + projectId); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error("illegal argument, the ID " + id + " supplied doesn't identify a valid allocationLU "); throw new InvalidEntityIdException("illegal argument, the ID " + id + " supplied doesn't identify a valid allocationLU "); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * */ public List<AllocationLU> getAllocationLUs(String projectID) throws WifInvalidInputException {"getting all allocationLUs for projectID: {} ", projectID); return allocationLUDao.getAllocationLUs(projectID); } public List<AllocationLU> getAllocationLUsSuitabilityAssociated( String projectID) throws WifInvalidInputException, WifInvalidConfigException {"getting all allocationLUs for projectID: {} ", projectID); List<AllocationLU> listAlu = allocationLUDao.getAllocationLUs(projectID); List<AllocationLU> listAlunew = new ArrayList<AllocationLU>(); WifProject project = projectService.getProject(projectID); Iterator<AllocationLU> iterator = listAlu.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { AllocationLU futureLU =; Boolean lsw = false; List<SuitabilityLU> resSuitabilityLUs = new ArrayList<SuitabilityLU>(); List<SuitabilityLU> suitabilityLUs = suitabilityLUDao .getSuitabilityLUs(projectID); for (SuitabilityLU suitabilityLU : suitabilityLUs) { suitabilityLU = suitabilityParser.parse(suitabilityLU); resSuitabilityLUs.add(suitabilityLU); } LOGGER.trace("Loading {} Suitablity Land Uses...", suitabilityLUs.size()); for (SuitabilityLU suitabilityLU : resSuitabilityLUs) { LOGGER.trace("Suitability LU label: {}", suitabilityLU.getLabel()); LOGGER.trace("... SLU score UAZ value: {}", suitabilityLU.getFeatureFieldName()); Set<AllocationLU> associatedALUs = suitabilityLU.getAssociatedALUs(); for (AllocationLU allocationLU : associatedALUs) { if (allocationLU.getLabel().equals(futureLU.getLabel())) { if (lsw == false) { // just assign first futureLU.setAssociatedLU(suitabilityLU); listAlunew.add(futureLU); lsw = true; } } } } } return listAlunew; // return allocationLUDao.getAllocationLUs(projectID); } }