/** * * marcosnr * 08/03/2012 */ package au.org.aurin.wif.model.demand; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import au.org.aurin.wif.model.WifProject; import au.org.aurin.wif.model.allocation.AllocationLU; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; /** * The Class EmploymentSector. * * @author marcosnr */ public class EmploymentSector { /** The wif project. @uml.property name="the wif project" */ @JsonIgnore private WifProject wifProject; /** The code. */ private String code; /** The label. */ private String label; /** The feature field name. */ private String featureFieldName; /** The associated l us. */ @JsonIgnore private Set<AllocationLU> associatedLUs; /** The associated al us map. */ @JsonIgnore private Map<String, String> associatedALUsMap; @JsonIgnore private Map<String, Double> associatedALUsPercentage; /** * Sets the label. * * @param label * the label to set */ public void setLabel(final String label) { this.label = label; } /** * Gets the label. * * @return the label */ public String getLabel() { return label; } /** * Sets the code. * * @param code * the code to set */ public void setCode(final String code) { this.code = code; } /** * Gets the code. * * @return the code */ public String getCode() { return code; } /** * Sets the associated l us. * * @param associatedLUs * the associatedLUs to set */ public void setAssociatedLUs(final Set<AllocationLU> associatedLUs) { this.associatedLUs = associatedLUs; } /** * Gets the associated l us. * * @return the associatedLUs */ public Set<AllocationLU> getAssociatedLUs() { return associatedLUs; } /** * Adds the associated l us. * * @param associatedLU * the associated lu */ public void addAssociatedLUs(final AllocationLU associatedLU) { this.associatedLUs.add(associatedLU); } /** * Gets the wif project. * * @return the wifProject */ public WifProject getWifProject() { return wifProject; } /** * Sets the wif project. * * @param wifProject * the wifProject to set */ public void setWifProject(final WifProject wifProject) { this.wifProject = wifProject; } /** * Gets the feature field name. * * @return the featureFieldName */ public String getFeatureFieldName() { return featureFieldName; } /** * Sets the feature field name. * * @param featureFieldName * the featureFieldName to set */ public void setFeatureFieldName(final String featureFieldName) { this.featureFieldName = featureFieldName; } /** * Gets the associated al us map. * * @return the associated al us map */ @JsonProperty(value = "associatedALUs") public Map<String, String> getAssociatedALUsMap() { return associatedALUsMap; } /** * Sets the associated al us map. * * @param associatedALUsMap * the associated al us map */ @JsonProperty(value = "associatedALUs") public void setAssociatedALUsMap(final Map<String, String> associatedALUsMap) { this.associatedALUsMap = associatedALUsMap; } @JsonProperty(value = "associatedALUsPercentage") public Map<String, Double> getAssociatedALUsPercentage() { return associatedALUsPercentage; } @JsonProperty(value = "associatedALUsPercentage") public void setAssociatedALUsPercentage( final Map<String, Double> associatedALUsPercentage) { this.associatedALUsPercentage = associatedALUsPercentage; } }