package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.annotation.Resource; import; import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.filter.MathExpressionImpl; import org.geotools.filter.SortByImpl; import org.geotools.filter.function.math.FilterFunction_abs; import org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQL; import org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQLException; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.JTS; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.JTSFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory2; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Add; import org.opengis.filter.expression.PropertyName; import org.opengis.filter.sort.SortBy; import org.opengis.filter.sort.SortOrder; import org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException; import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException; import org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException; import; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class GeodataFilterer. */ @Component public class GeodataFilterer { /** The Constant LOGGER. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory .getLogger(GeodataFilterer.class); /** The wif config. */ @Resource private WifConfig wifConfig; /** The Allocation config dao. */ @Autowired private AllocationConfigsDao AllocationConfigsDao; @Autowired @Qualifier(value = "myjdbcDataStoreConfig") private jdbcDataStoreConfig myjdbcDataStoreConfig; /** The geodata finder. */ @Autowired private GeodataFinder geodataFinder; @Autowired private DemandConfigDao demandConfigDao; /** * Gets the filter according to the CQL parseable text entered. * * @param queryTxt * the query txt * @return the filter * @throws CQLException * the cQL exception */ public Filter getFilter(final String queryTxt) throws CQLException { final Filter filter = CQL.toFilter(queryTxt); LOGGER.trace("using filter: " + filter); return filter; } /** * Gets the filter from parameters. * * @param wifParameters * the wif parameters * @return the filter from parameters * @throws MismatchedDimensionException * the mismatched dimension exception * @throws TransformException * the transform exception * @throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException * the no such authority code exception * @throws FactoryException * the factory exception * @throws ParseException * the parse exception * @throws CQLException * the cQL exception */ public Filter getFilterFromParameters(final Map<String, Object> wifParameters) throws MismatchedDimensionException, TransformException, NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException, ParseException, CQLException { LOGGER.debug("getFilterFromParameters..."); String queryTxt = ""; final String polyTxt = getIntersectionPolygon(wifParameters); if (polyTxt == null) { LOGGER .info("no polygon query filter received, defaulting to including all the unified area zone!"); queryTxt = "include"; } else if (polyTxt.equals("")) { LOGGER .info("no polygon query filter received, defaulting to including all the unified area zone!"); queryTxt = "include"; } else { queryTxt = polyTxt; } LOGGER.debug("query filter: {}", queryTxt); return getFilter(queryTxt); } /** * Gets the reset filter tthat will erase the canvas for the allocation * analysis. * * @return the reset filter * @throws CQLException * the cQL exception */ public Filter getResetFilter() throws CQLException { if (wifConfig.isTestAllocationArea()) { return getFilter(WifKeys.TEST_QUERY); } else { return Filter.INCLUDE; } } /** * Gets the intersection polygon. * * @param wifParameters * the wif parameters * @return the intersection polygon * @throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException * the no such authority code exception * @throws FactoryException * the factory exception * @throws ParseException * the parse exception * @throws MismatchedDimensionException * the mismatched dimension exception * @throws TransformException * the transform exception */ private String getIntersectionPolygon(final Map<String, Object> wifParameters) throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException, ParseException, MismatchedDimensionException, TransformException { final String polyTxt = (String) wifParameters.get(WifKeys.POLYGON); String queryTxt = ""; if (polyTxt != null) { // default values do better with constants final String CRS_ORG = (String) wifParameters.get(WifKeys.CRS_ORG); final String CRS_DEST = (String) wifParameters.get(WifKeys.CRS_DEST); String geometryColumnName = (String) wifParameters .get(WifKeys.GEOMETRY_COLUMN_KEY); LOGGER.debug("CRS_ORG ={} ", CRS_ORG); if (wifParameters.get(WifKeys.CRS_ORG) == null) { wifParameters.put(WifKeys.CRS_ORG, WifKeys.CRS_INTERFACE); LOGGER.warn("it is null, defaulting to CRS_ORG ={} ", wifParameters.get(WifKeys.CRS_ORG)); } LOGGER.debug("CRS_DEST ={} ", CRS_DEST); if (wifParameters.get(WifKeys.CRS_DEST) == null) { wifParameters.put(WifKeys.CRS_DEST, WifKeys.CRS_DEFAULT); LOGGER.warn("it is null, defaulting to CRS_DEST ={} ", wifParameters.get(WifKeys.CRS_DEST)); } if (geometryColumnName == null) { wifParameters.put(WifKeys.GEOMETRY_COLUMN_KEY, WifKeys.DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME); geometryColumnName = (String) wifParameters .get(WifKeys.GEOMETRY_COLUMN_KEY); LOGGER.warn("Geometry column name not specified, defaulting to ={} ", wifParameters.get(WifKeys.GEOMETRY_COLUMN_KEY)); } final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = JTSFactoryFinder .getGeometryFactory(null); final WKTReader reader = new WKTReader(geometryFactory); LOGGER.debug("requested interception ORG polygon wkt: {}", polyTxt); Polygon polygon = (Polygon); final CoordinateReferenceSystem orgCRS = CRS .decode((String) wifParameters.get(WifKeys.CRS_ORG)); final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = CRS .decode((String) wifParameters.get(WifKeys.CRS_DEST)); if (!orgCRS.equals(targetCRS)) { LOGGER .info("the CRS of the polygon requested is different from the uaz, attempting to transform..."); final MathTransform transform = CRS.findMathTransform(orgCRS, targetCRS, true); final Polygon traPoly = (Polygon) JTS.transform(polygon, transform); LOGGER.debug("transformed polygon wkt: ", traPoly.toText()); polygon = traPoly; } LOGGER.debug("geometry column name: {}", geometryColumnName); queryTxt = "INTERSECTS(" + geometryColumnName + ", " + polygon.toText() + ")"; } return queryTxt; } /** * Gets the allocation rule without any controls guidelines. * * @param futureLU * the future lu * @param allocationScenario * the allocation scenario * @param scoreLabel * the score label * @param existingLULabel * the existing lu label * @return the allocation rule * @throws CQLException * the cQL exception * @throws WifInvalidConfigException * the wif invalid config exception */ public ALURule getAllocationRule(final AllocationLU futureLU, final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final String scoreLabel, final String existingLULabel, final String PlannedSQL, final String InfrastructureSQL, final ArrayList<String> GrowthPatternFields, final Double remainingArea) throws CQLException, WifInvalidConfigException { LOGGER.debug("getAllocationRule for: {}", futureLU.getLabel()); final String spatialPatternLabel = allocationScenario .getSpatialPatternLabel(); LOGGER.debug("spatialPatternLabel for: {}, scorelabel = {}", spatialPatternLabel, scoreLabel); final ALURule rule = new ALURule(); Query query = null; final WifProject project = allocationScenario.getWifProject(); final String AllocationConfigsId = project.getAllocationConfigsId();"getting the AllocationConfig with ID={}", AllocationConfigsId); final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig = AllocationConfigsDao .findAllocationConfigsById(AllocationConfigsId); final String luFilterTxt = ""; final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(luFilterTxt); final Set<String> undevelopedLUsColumns = allocationConfig .getUndevelopedLUsColumns(); if (undevelopedLUsColumns.size() > 0) { final Iterator<String> iterator = undevelopedLUsColumns.iterator(); do { b.append("(" + existingLULabel + " = " + + ") "); b.append("OR"); } while (iterator.hasNext()); final int i = b.lastIndexOf("OR"); b.replace(i, i + 2, "AND"); } String queryTxt = b.toString(); if (futureLU.isLocal() != null) { if (futureLU.isLocal()) {"Analysing local use LU {}", futureLU.getLabel()); } } LOGGER .trace("including all the unified area zones That satisfies the filter!"); queryTxt = luFilterTxt + scoreLabel + " > 0"; if (PlannedSQL.length() > 0) { queryTxt = queryTxt + " AND (" + PlannedSQL + ")"; } if (InfrastructureSQL.length() > 0) { queryTxt = queryTxt + " AND (" + InfrastructureSQL + ")"; } // queryTxt = "(ELU = 81) OR (ELU = 82) AND SCORE_6 > 0";"query filter: {}", queryTxt); // queryTxt = // "score_s1 > 0 AND (Meshblock='Industrial') AND (URBVALUE=XXXX)"; Filter filter = null; try { filter = getFilter(queryTxt); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER .error( "doAllocationAnalysis rolling back to the last known modification, commit transaction failed: {}", e.getMessage()); } query = getSortedQuery(scoreLabel, spatialPatternLabel, allocationScenario, filter, GrowthPatternFields, remainingArea); if (query == null) { throw new WifInvalidConfigException( "there's no query information from : " + futureLU.getLabel()); } rule.setRuleQuery(query); return rule; } /** * Gets the sorted query. The minimum saltine for allocation with no controls * requires: A growth spatial pattern label,, suitability score, and an area * * @param scoreLabel * the score label * @param spatialPatternLabel * the spatial pattern label * @param allocationScenario * the allocation scenario * @param filter * the filter * @return the sorted query */ private Query getSortedQuery(final String scoreLabel, final String spatialPatternLabel, final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final Filter filter, final ArrayList<String> GrowthPatternFields, final Double remainingArea) { final FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2(null); final WifProject wifProject = allocationScenario.getWifProject(); final String AllocationConfigsId = wifProject.getAllocationConfigsId();"getting the AllocationConfig with ID={}", AllocationConfigsId); final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig = AllocationConfigsDao .findAllocationConfigsById(AllocationConfigsId); final SuitabilityConfig suitabilityConfig = wifProject .getSuitabilityConfig(); final String uazDBTable = suitabilityConfig.getUnifiedAreaZone(); final String areaLabel = wifProject.getAreaLabel(); final ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); values.addAll(allocationConfig.getAllocationColumnsMap().values()); values.add(wifProject.getGeometryColumnName()); values.add(wifProject.getExistingLUAttributeName()); values.add(areaLabel); values.add(scoreLabel); // /claudia test String areaLableNew = "ABS(\"" + areaLabel + "\" - " + remainingArea + ")"; areaLableNew = areaLabel + " - " + remainingArea;"areaLableNew is : " + areaLableNew); // // values.addAll(GrowthPatternFields); // FIXME if (wifProject.getId().equals(WifKeys.TEST_PROJECT_ID)) { values.remove(WifKeys.DEMO_ALLOCATION_0); } final String[] properties = values.toArray(new String[values.size()]); for (final String column : properties) { LOGGER.trace("obtaining the following {} column: ", column); } final Query query = new Query(uazDBTable, filter, properties); final SortBy sortByScore = ff.sort(scoreLabel, SortOrder.DESCENDING); // /////////new claudia // final FilterFunction_abs fb; // final Add f; // Expression tt; // tt.evaluate(object) // tt = (Expression) fb.evaluate(f); final PropertyName pn = null; pn.evaluate("ABS(\"" + areaLabel + "\" - " + remainingArea + ")"); final SortByImpl sortByAreaNew2 = new SortByImpl(pn, SortOrder.ASCENDING); final MathExpressionImpl m; final SortBy sortByAreaNew3 = new SortBy() { @Override public PropertyName getPropertyName() { return YourPropertyNameImpl(areaLabel); } private PropertyName YourPropertyNameImpl(final String string) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub final PropertyName pn = null; pn.evaluate("ABS(\"" + string + "\" - " + remainingArea + ")"); return pn; } @Override public SortOrder getSortOrder() { return SortOrder.ASCENDING; } }; // //////// // just considering two : concentric or radial. SortBy sortByConcentric = null; SortBy sortByRadial = null; if (GrowthPatternFields.size() > 0) { int i = 1; for (final String gpField : GrowthPatternFields) { if (i == 1) { sortByConcentric = ff.sort(gpField, SortOrder.ASCENDING); } if (i == 2) { sortByRadial = ff.sort(gpField, SortOrder.ASCENDING); } i = i + 1; } } Boolean lsw = false; if (spatialPatternLabel == null) { lsw = false; } else { if (spatialPatternLabel.equals("None")) { lsw = false; } else { lsw = true; } } if (lsw == true) { final SortBy sortBySpatialPattern = ff.sort(spatialPatternLabel, SortOrder.ASCENDING); final SortBy sortByArea = ff.sort(areaLabel, SortOrder.DESCENDING); // new claudia final SortBy sortByAreaNew = ff.sort(areaLableNew, SortOrder.ASCENDING); if (sortByConcentric != null && sortByRadial != null) { query.setSortBy(new SortBy[] { sortByScore, sortBySpatialPattern, sortByArea, sortByConcentric, sortByRadial }); } else if (sortByConcentric == null && sortByRadial != null) { query.setSortBy(new SortBy[] { sortByScore, sortBySpatialPattern, sortByArea, sortByRadial }); } else if (sortByConcentric != null && sortByRadial == null) { query.setSortBy(new SortBy[] { sortByScore, sortBySpatialPattern, sortByArea, sortByConcentric }); } else { query.setSortBy(new SortBy[] { sortByScore, sortBySpatialPattern, sortByArea }); } } if (lsw == false) { final SortBy sortByArea = ff.sort(areaLabel, SortOrder.DESCENDING); if (sortByConcentric != null && sortByRadial != null) { query.setSortBy(new SortBy[] { sortByScore, sortByArea, sortByConcentric, sortByRadial }); } else if (sortByConcentric == null && sortByRadial != null) { query.setSortBy(new SortBy[] { sortByScore, sortByArea, sortByRadial }); } else if (sortByConcentric != null && sortByRadial == null) { query.setSortBy(new SortBy[] { sortByScore, sortByArea, sortByConcentric }); } else { // query.setSortBy(new SortBy[] { sortByScore, sortByArea }); // /new claudia // new claudia final SortBy sortByAreaNew = ff.sort(areaLableNew, SortOrder.ASCENDING); final FilterFunction_abs fb; final Add f; final PropertyName name = sortByAreaNew.getPropertyName();; // Expression expr = ff.function( fb, // name.getPropertyName()), ff.literal( remainingArea ) ); // name.evaluate(expr); // f.getExpression1().accept(fb, remainingArea); // name.evaluate(object) // PropertyName extended = extender.extendProperty(name, FF, // NAMESPACES); final SortBy nn = new SortByImpl(name, SortOrder.DESCENDING); // test clasudia if fails uncomment above // query.setSortBy(new SortBy[] { sortByScore, sortByAreaNew2 }); } } LOGGER .debug( "sorting by priority of first by suitability score column: {}, then by growth pattern: {}, and only then by area size", scoreLabel, spatialPatternLabel); return query; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public String getAllocationRuleNew(final AllocationLU futureLU, final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final String scoreLabel, final String existingLULabel, final String PlannedSQL, final String InfrastructureSQL, final ArrayList<String> GrowthPatternFields, final Double remainingArea, final Projection projection) throws CQLException, WifInvalidConfigException { String SQL = " Where "; LOGGER.debug("getAllocationRule for: {}", futureLU.getLabel()); final String spatialPatternLabel = allocationScenario .getSpatialPatternLabel(); LOGGER.debug("spatialPatternLabel for: {}, scorelabel = {}", spatialPatternLabel, scoreLabel); final ALURule rule = new ALURule(); final Query query = null; final WifProject project = allocationScenario.getWifProject(); final String AllocationConfigsId = project.getAllocationConfigsId();"getting the AllocationConfig with ID={}", AllocationConfigsId); final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig = AllocationConfigsDao .findAllocationConfigsById(AllocationConfigsId); final String luFilterTxt = ""; final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(luFilterTxt); final Set<String> undevelopedLUsColumns = allocationConfig .getUndevelopedLUsColumns(); if (undevelopedLUsColumns.size() > 0) { final Iterator<String> iterator = undevelopedLUsColumns.iterator(); do { b.append("(\"" + existingLULabel + "\"" + " ='" + + "') "); b.append("OR"); } while (iterator.hasNext()); final int i = b.lastIndexOf("OR"); b.replace(i, i + 2, "AND"); } String queryTxt = b.toString(); if (futureLU.isLocal() != null) { if (futureLU.isLocal()) {"Analysing local use LU {}", futureLU.getLabel()); } } LOGGER .trace("including all the unified area zones That satisfies the filter!"); queryTxt = luFilterTxt + scoreLabel + " > 0"; if (PlannedSQL.length() > 0) { queryTxt = queryTxt + " AND (" + PlannedSQL + ")"; } if (InfrastructureSQL.length() > 0) { queryTxt = queryTxt + " AND (" + InfrastructureSQL + ")"; } // queryTxt = "(ELU = 81) OR (ELU = 82) AND SCORE_6 > 0"; // check not allocated before. final String[] columnList = allocationConfig.getAllocationColumnsMap() .values().toArray(new String[0]); Arrays.sort(columnList); int inx = 1; for (final String aluLabel : columnList) { if (inx != 1) { queryTxt = queryTxt + " AND (\"" + aluLabel + "\" = '')"; } inx = inx + 1; } SQL = SQL + queryTxt;"where query is: {}", SQL); SQL = getSortedQueryNew(SQL, scoreLabel, spatialPatternLabel, allocationScenario, GrowthPatternFields, remainingArea, projection, futureLU);"Final query is: {}", SQL); return SQL; } private String getSortedQueryNew(final String whereStr, final String scoreLabel, final String spatialPatternLabel, final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final ArrayList<String> GrowthPatternFields, final Double remainingArea, final Projection projection, final AllocationLU futureLU) { String SQL = "SELECT "; final WifProject wifProject = allocationScenario.getWifProject(); final String AllocationConfigsId = wifProject.getAllocationConfigsId();"getting the AllocationConfig with ID={}", AllocationConfigsId); final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig = AllocationConfigsDao .findAllocationConfigsById(AllocationConfigsId); final String aluColumnProjection = allocationConfig .getAllocationColumnsMap().get(projection.getLabel()); final SuitabilityConfig suitabilityConfig = wifProject .getSuitabilityConfig(); final String uazDBTable = suitabilityConfig.getUnifiedAreaZone(); final String areaLabel = wifProject.getAreaLabel(); final ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); values.addAll(allocationConfig.getAllocationColumnsMap().values()); values.add(wifProject.getGeometryColumnName()); values.add(wifProject.getExistingLUAttributeName()); values.add(areaLabel); // //values.add(scoreLabel); final String pkName = geodataFinder.getPrimaryKeyName(uazDBTable); values.add(pkName); // /claudia test final String areaLableNew = " ABS(\"" + areaLabel + "\" - " + remainingArea + ")"; // areaLableNew = areaLabel + " - " + remainingArea;"areaLableNew is : " + areaLableNew); // // values.addAll(GrowthPatternFields); // FIXME if (wifProject.getId().equals(WifKeys.TEST_PROJECT_ID)) { values.remove(WifKeys.DEMO_ALLOCATION_0); } final String[] properties = values.toArray(new String[values.size()]); SQL = SQL + scoreLabel; for (final String column : properties) { SQL = SQL + ",\"" + column + "\""; } // SQL = SQL + "," + areaLableNew; // select score_sdsd, \"URBVALUE\", ABS(\"URBVALUE\" - 10) from // wifdemo.wif_2cbcb5d481fe66bcea28dccb8c011260 order by score_sdsd desc, // ABS(\"URBVALUE\" - 10) asc String ORDERSQL = " order by "; // String ORDERSQL = " order by " + scoreLabel + " desc "; SQL = SQL + " FROM " + myjdbcDataStoreConfig.getSchema() + "." + uazDBTable + " " + whereStr + " order by " + scoreLabel + " desc "; Boolean lswGrowth = false; if (GrowthPatternFields.size() > 0) { lswGrowth = true; int i = 1; for (final String gpField : GrowthPatternFields) { if (i == 1) { SQL = SQL + "," + "\"" + gpField + "\"" + " asc "; // ORDERSQL = ORDERSQL + "," + "\"" + gpField + "\"" + " asc "; ORDERSQL = ORDERSQL + "" + "\"" + gpField + "\"" + " asc "; } if (i == 2) { SQL = SQL + "," + "\"" + gpField + "\"" + " asc "; ORDERSQL = ORDERSQL + "," + "\"" + gpField + "\"" + " asc "; } i = i + 1; } } // for Claudia since she says that growth pattern has more important than // suitability score (if user wants growth pattern control) if (lswGrowth == true) { ORDERSQL = ORDERSQL + "," + scoreLabel + " desc "; } else { ORDERSQL = ORDERSQL + scoreLabel + " desc "; } Boolean lsw = false; if (spatialPatternLabel == null) { lsw = false; } else { if (spatialPatternLabel.equals("None")) { lsw = false; } else { lsw = true; } } if (lsw == true) { SQL = SQL + "," + "\"" + spatialPatternLabel + "\"" + " asc"; ORDERSQL = ORDERSQL + "," + "\"" + spatialPatternLabel + "\"" + " asc"; } SQL = SQL + "," + areaLableNew + " asc"; ORDERSQL = ORDERSQL + "," + areaLableNew + " asc";"ORDERSQL is {}", ORDERSQL); SQL = " SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (" + ORDERSQL + ") as pk," + pkName + "," + scoreLabel + ",\"" + areaLabel + "\"," + areaLableNew + " FROM " + myjdbcDataStoreConfig.getSchema() + "." + uazDBTable + " " + whereStr + ORDERSQL; String SQLFIRST = ""; SQLFIRST = SQLFIRST + "Update " + myjdbcDataStoreConfig.getSchema() + "." + uazDBTable + " Set \"" + aluColumnProjection + "\" = '" + WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + futureLU.getFeatureFieldName() + "' where " + pkName + " in ("; SQLFIRST = SQLFIRST + " select b." + pkName + " from (select a.* , sum(a.\"" + areaLabel + "\") OVER (order by ) as cum from ("; SQLFIRST = SQLFIRST + SQL; SQLFIRST = SQLFIRST + ") as a ) as b where <= (select case when (count(*)>0) then min(c) when (count(*)=0) then 2000000000 else 0 end as pk from (select as c from (select a.*, sum(a.\"" + areaLabel + "\") OVER (order by ) as cum from ("; SQLFIRST = SQLFIRST + SQL; SQLFIRST = SQLFIRST + ") as a ) as b where b.cum >=" + remainingArea + " limit 1 ) as d )) ";"SQL is {}", SQLFIRST); return SQLFIRST; } public Double getSumAreaFirstYear( final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final AllocationLU futureLU) { String SQL = ""; final WifProject wifProject = allocationScenario.getWifProject(); final String AllocationConfigsId = wifProject.getAllocationConfigsId();"getting the AllocationConfig with ID={}", AllocationConfigsId); final SuitabilityConfig suitabilityConfig = wifProject .getSuitabilityConfig(); final String uazDBTable = suitabilityConfig.getUnifiedAreaZone(); final String areaLabel = wifProject.getAreaLabel(); final TreeSet<Projection> projections = new TreeSet<Projection>( new YearComparator()); // find first projection year if (allocationScenario.isManual()) { final DemandConfig demandConfig = demandConfigDao .findDemandConfigById(wifProject.getDemandConfigId()); projections.addAll(demandConfig.getProjections()); } else { projections.addAll(wifProject.getProjections()); } final ArrayList<String> columnList1 = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Projection proj : projections) { columnList1.add(proj.getLabel()); } final String[] columnList = new String[columnList1.size()]; for (int ind = 0; ind < columnList1.size(); ind++) { columnList[ind] = "ALU_" + columnList1.get(ind); } Arrays.sort(columnList); final String currentYear = columnList[0]; SQL = "select Sum(\"" + areaLabel + "\") from " + myjdbcDataStoreConfig.getSchema() + "." + uazDBTable + " where \"" + currentYear + "\" ='" + WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + futureLU.getFeatureFieldName() + "'"; final Double d = geodataFinder.getSumofALU(SQL); return d; } public Double getSumAreaProjectionYear( final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final Projection projection, final AllocationLU futureLU) { String SQL = ""; final WifProject wifProject = allocationScenario.getWifProject(); final String AllocationConfigsId = wifProject.getAllocationConfigsId(); final AllocationConfigs allocationConfig = AllocationConfigsDao .findAllocationConfigsById(AllocationConfigsId); final String aluColumnProjection = allocationConfig .getAllocationColumnsMap().get(projection.getLabel()); final SuitabilityConfig suitabilityConfig = wifProject .getSuitabilityConfig(); final String uazDBTable = suitabilityConfig.getUnifiedAreaZone(); final String areaLabel = wifProject.getAreaLabel(); SQL = "select Sum(\"" + areaLabel + "\") from " + myjdbcDataStoreConfig.getSchema() + "." + uazDBTable + " where \"" + aluColumnProjection + "\" ='" + WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + futureLU.getFeatureFieldName() + "'";"getSumAreaProjectionYear D1 SQL={}", SQL); final Double d1 = geodataFinder.getSumofALU(SQL); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////new for finding the area which converted to the other landuses. final TreeSet<Projection> projections = new TreeSet<Projection>( new YearComparator()); if (allocationScenario.isManual()) { final DemandConfig demandConfig = demandConfigDao .findDemandConfigById(wifProject.getDemandConfigId()); projections.addAll(demandConfig.getProjections()); } else { projections.addAll(wifProject.getProjections()); } final ArrayList<String> columnList1 = new ArrayList<String>(); final ArrayList<String> columnList2 = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Projection proj : projections) { //if (proj.getYear()<= projection.getYear()) if (proj.getYear().equals(projection.getYear())) { columnList1.add(proj.getLabel()); } columnList2.add(proj.getLabel()); } final String[] columnList = new String[columnList1.size()]; final String[] columnListAll = new String[columnList2.size()]; for (int ind = 0; ind < columnList1.size(); ind++) { columnList[ind] = "ALU_" + columnList1.get(ind); } for (int ind = 0; ind < columnList2.size(); ind++) { columnListAll[ind] = "ALU_" + columnList2.get(ind); } Arrays.sort(columnList); Arrays.sort(columnListAll); final String firstYear = columnListAll[0]; String wherest=" Where \"" + firstYear + "\" ='" + WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + futureLU.getFeatureFieldName() + "' AND ("; int inx=0; for (final String st : columnList) { // if (inx != 0) // { // if (inx ==1) // { wherest = wherest + "(\"" + st + "\" <>'" + WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + futureLU.getFeatureFieldName() + "' AND \"" + st + "\" <>'')"; // } // else // { // wherest = wherest + " OR (\"" + st + "\" <>'" + WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX // + futureLU.getFeatureFieldName() + "' AND \"" + st + "\" <>'')"; // } // } inx = inx+1; } wherest= wherest + ")"; SQL = "select Sum(\"" + areaLabel + "\") from " + myjdbcDataStoreConfig.getSchema() + "." + uazDBTable + wherest;"getSumAreaProjectionYear D2 SQL={}", SQL); final Double d2 = geodataFinder.getSumofALU(SQL); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double area = 0.0; // if (d1 != null) // { // if (d2 != null) // { // area = d1- d2; // } // else // { // area = d1; // } // } // /// if (d1 != null) { if (d2 != null) { area = d1- d2; } else { area = d1; } } else { if (d2 != null) { area = 0- d2; } } //return d1; //return d1 - d2; return area; } public Double getSumAreaforAProjectionYear( final AllocationScenario allocationScenario, final AllocationLU futureLU, final Projection projection) { String SQL = ""; final WifProject wifProject = allocationScenario.getWifProject();"getSumAreaforAProjecgtionYear for " + futureLU.getLabel() + " in year: " + projection.getYear()); final SuitabilityConfig suitabilityConfig = wifProject .getSuitabilityConfig(); final String uazDBTable = suitabilityConfig.getUnifiedAreaZone(); final String areaLabel = wifProject.getAreaLabel(); SQL = "select Sum(\"" + areaLabel + "\") from " + myjdbcDataStoreConfig.getSchema() + "." + uazDBTable + " where \"" + "ALU_" + projection.getLabel() + "\" ='" + WifKeys.FUTURELU_PREFIX + futureLU.getFeatureFieldName() + "'"; final Double d = geodataFinder.getSumofALU(SQL); return d; } }