package; import java.util.Collection; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <b></b> : includes logic for discovering land suitability * analysis * * @author <a href=""> Marcos Nino-Ruiz *</a> - 2012 */ public class LSAScoring { /** * logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory .getLogger(LSAScoring.class); /** * Calculates suitability score and categories according to a list of * suitability factors in a scenario. In the wif Documentations says that: The * suitability scores are computed by multiplying the importance weight for * each suitability factor by its suitability ratings and summing the * products. These scores are used to determine the relative suitability of * different locations for each future land use. If a feature is not * developable (like Water), it will not be scored, likewise if the feature is * not convertable (e.g. is Residential already), or not suitable (on factor * rating was marked as 0, i.e. to exclude). products. TODO Algorithm is not * optimized and makes A LOT of loops, temporal while we get the logic right! * * @param uazFeature * the uaz feature * @param uazLandUseValueObj * the uaz land use value obj * @param existingLandUses * the existing land uses * @param suitabilityScn * the suitability scn * @param suitabilityLU * the suitability lu * @param project * the project * @return ScoredSimpleFeature with the analysis * @throws WifInvalidConfigException * the wif invalid config exception * @throws WifInvalidInputException * the wif invalid input exception * */ public static Double scoreSuitability(SimpleFeature uazFeature, Object uazLandUseValueObj, Collection<AllocationLU> existingLandUses, SuitabilityScenario suitabilityScn, SuitabilityLU suitabilityLU, WifProject project, Boolean isProductionLevel) throws WifInvalidConfigException, WifInvalidInputException { Double lsaScore = Double.valueOf(0); String uazLandUseValue = ""; // FIXME we have casting issues,they are not relevant to suitability // scoring, and code is replicated? if (uazLandUseValueObj instanceof Double) { LOGGER.trace("transforming a double value"); uazLandUseValue = uazLandUseValueObj.toString(); } if (uazLandUseValueObj instanceof Integer) { LOGGER.trace("transforming an integer value "); uazLandUseValue = uazLandUseValueObj.toString(); } else if (uazLandUseValueObj instanceof String) { LOGGER.trace("string value, no need to transform"); uazLandUseValue = uazLandUseValueObj.toString(); } else { // TODO checked before entering this function! // LOGGER.warn(" the type of the uaz feature for ALU is not recognized, the analysis may not be correct!"); LOGGER.trace("assuming the land use value is a string"); uazLandUseValue = uazLandUseValueObj.toString(); } if (isLandUseNotDevelopable(uazLandUseValue, existingLandUses)) { LOGGER.trace("feature is not developable, checking the next UAZ feature"); lsaScore = project.getSuitabilityConfig().getNotDevelopableScore(); } else { lsaScore = Double.valueOf(0); LOGGER.trace("scoring feature for suitabilityLU: {}", suitabilityLU.getLabel()); SuitabilityRule rule = suitabilityScn .getLandUseConversionBySLUName(suitabilityLU.getLabel()); LOGGER.trace("{} has {} conversions", suitabilityLU.getLabel(), rule .getConvertibleLUs().size()); Collection<FactorImportance> factorsImp = rule.getFactorImportances(); if (!isLandUseConvertable(uazLandUseValue, rule.getConvertibleLUs())) { LOGGER.trace("UAZ value of {} is not convertable to {}", uazLandUseValue, suitabilityLU.getLabel()); lsaScore = project.getSuitabilityConfig().getNotConvertableScore(); } else if (isLandUseNotSuitable(uazFeature, factorsImp)) { lsaScore = project.getSuitabilityConfig().getNotSuitableScore(); } else { for (FactorImportance factorImportance : factorsImp) { Factor aFactor = factorImportance.getFactor(); String factorName = aFactor.getFeatureFieldName(); String factorLabel = aFactor.getLabel(); Double factorWeight = factorImportance.getImportance(); LOGGER.trace(" Factor label: {}", factorLabel); LOGGER.trace(" Factor UAZ column attribute name: {}", factorName); LOGGER.trace("- Factor importance: {}", factorWeight); // LOGGER.trace("factor id: {}", factorImportance.getId()); Object uazFactorValueObj = uazFeature.getAttribute(factorName); String uazFactorValue = getStringValue(uazFactorValueObj); LOGGER.trace("-= uazFactorValue = {}", uazFactorValue); for (FactorTypeRating aFactorRating : factorImportance .getFactorTypeRatings()) { Object ratingValue = aFactorRating.getFactorType().getValue(); Double ratingScore = aFactorRating.getScore(); String ratingLabel = aFactorRating.getFactorType().getLabel(); LOGGER.trace("--> for factor type label: {}", ratingLabel); LOGGER.trace("--> rating UAZ value: {}", ratingValue); if (ratingValue.equals(uazFactorValue)) { LOGGER.trace("--> the rating is: {}", ratingScore); lsaScore += (ratingScore * factorWeight); LOGGER.trace("....... current lsaScore is = {}", lsaScore); } else { LOGGER .trace( "##= the {} rating UAZ value doesn't match the uazFactorValue of {}, checking more...", ratingValue, uazFactorValue); } } } } } if (isProductionLevel) {"********* Final lsa score for {} is: {} ", suitabilityLU.getLabel(), lsaScore); } return lsaScore; } /** * Determines if the land is not suitable, i.e. one factor has a rating of 0 * TODO IT HAS TO BE DONE HERE BECAUSE OTHERWISE WE WOULD break the for loop * in the factors but the algorithm could be better * * @param uazFeature * the uaz feature * @param factorsImp * the factors imp * @return true, if is land use not suitable */ static boolean isLandUseNotSuitable(SimpleFeature uazFeature, Collection<FactorImportance> factorsImp) { for (FactorImportance fi : factorsImp) { Factor aSuitabilityFactor = fi.getFactor(); String factorName = aSuitabilityFactor.getFeatureFieldName(); String factorLabel = aSuitabilityFactor.getLabel(); // TODO Casting issues, USE instanceof! Object uazFactorValueObj = uazFeature.getAttribute(factorName); String uazFactorValue = getStringValue(uazFactorValueObj); for (FactorTypeRating aFactorRating : fi.getFactorTypeRatings()) { Object ratingValue = aFactorRating.getFactorType().getValue(); Double ratingScore = aFactorRating.getScore(); if (ratingValue.equals(uazFactorValue) && (ratingScore == 0d) && (fi.getImportance() != 0)) { LOGGER .trace( "....{} -> {} is excluded from this suitability land use! (rating is 0) ", factorLabel, aFactorRating.getFactorType().getLabel()); return true; } } } return false; } /** * TODO this dirty, method is to solve casting issuesGets the string value. * subject to be better * * @param uazFactorValueObj * the uaz factor value obj * @return the string value */ static String getStringValue(Object uazFactorValueObj) { String uazFactorValue; if (uazFactorValueObj instanceof Double) { LOGGER.trace("transforming a double value"); uazFactorValue = uazFactorValueObj.toString(); } if (uazFactorValueObj instanceof Integer) { LOGGER.trace("transforming an integer value "); uazFactorValue = uazFactorValueObj.toString(); } else if (uazFactorValueObj instanceof String) { LOGGER.trace("string value, no need to transform"); uazFactorValue = uazFactorValueObj.toString(); } else { // TODO checked before entering this function! // LOGGER.warn(" the type of the uaz feature for ALU is not recognized, the analysis may not be correct!"); LOGGER.trace("assuming the factor value is a string"); uazFactorValue = uazFactorValueObj.toString(); } return uazFactorValue; } /** * Determines if the land is convertable, i.e. for Undeveloped land use can be * made Residential * * @param uazLandUseValue * the uaz land use value * @param conversions * . * @return true, if is land use convertable * @throws WifInvalidConfigException * the wif invalid config exception */ static boolean isLandUseConvertable(Object uazLandUseValue, Collection<AllocationLU> conversions) throws WifInvalidConfigException { if (conversions.size() == 0) { throw new WifInvalidConfigException( "no convertible ALUs for this land use, pointless Suitability Analysis!?"); } for (AllocationLU aLU : conversions) { LOGGER.trace( "checking convertability into this SLU of ALU {} / UAZ value {}", aLU.getLabel(), aLU.getLabel()); if (aLU.getFeatureFieldName().equals(uazLandUseValue)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Determines if the land is not developable, i.e. "Water" or "Right of Way" * * @param uazLandUseValue * the uaz land use value * @param existingLUs * the existing l us * @return true, if is land use not developable */ static boolean isLandUseNotDevelopable(Object uazLandUseValue, Collection<AllocationLU> existingLUs) { for (AllocationLU aCurrLU : existingLUs) { if (uazLandUseValue.equals(aCurrLU.getFeatureFieldName())) { LOGGER .trace( " land use UAZ value {}, associated to ALU label: {}, is developable! ", uazLandUseValue, aCurrLU.getLabel()); return aCurrLU.isNotDevelopable(); } } LOGGER .warn( "could not find land use:{} in existing land uses to check if is not developable, assuming is not!", uazLandUseValue); return true; } }