package; import java.util.Comparator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; // /** * The Class SuitableSizeRandomComparator. Spatial order Specify the order in * which different factors are considered in allocating the projected land use * demands to different locations. There are currently the following options * • Suitability: allocates the projected land use demands to different locations * on the basis of their suitability for accommodating each land use (The better * the suitability the score, the more likely to be allocated). * * • Size: allocates the projected demand to UAZs on the basis of their size, starting * with the largest suitable UAZ and proceeding to the smallest one. * • Random: This option allocated the projected demand to different locations in a * pseudo random pattern */ public class SuitableSizeRandomComparator implements Comparator<AllocationOrder> { /** * logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory .getLogger(SuitableSizeRandomComparator.class);/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) */ public int compare(AllocationOrder order1, AllocationOrder order2) { Double score1 = (Double) order1.getFeature().getAttribute( order1.getSuitabilityLabel()); Double score2 = (Double) order2.getFeature().getAttribute( order2.getSuitabilityLabel()); // // TODO research why the priority queue is also ordering when poll()? // LOGGER.debug("comparing between score1= {} and score2 = {}", // score1,score2); Double area1 = (Double) order1.getFeature().getAttribute( order1.getAreaLabel()); Double area2 = (Double) order2.getFeature().getAttribute( order2.getAreaLabel()); if (score1 > score2) return -1; else if (score1 < score2) return 1; else { // LOGGER.debug("suitability scores are equal, now comparing between area1= {} and area2 = {}", // area1,area2); if (area1 > area2) return -1; else if (area1 < area2) return 1; else { // LOGGER.debug("area scores are equal, now getting a random order "); double random = Math.random(); if (random > 0.66) return -1; else if (random > 0.33) return 1; else return 0; } } } }