import*; import java.util.*; public class codingBat { /* Given two int arrays,a and b, each length 3,return a new array length 2 containing their middle elements */ public int[] middleWay(int[] a, int[] b) { int[] middleInts = new int[2]; middleInts[0] = a[1]; middleInts[1] = b[1]; return middleInts; } /* Given an array of ints, return a new array length 2 containing the first and last elements from the orginal array. The original array will be length 1 or more */ public int[] makeEnds(int[] nums) { int[] endPoints = new int[2]; endPoints[0] = nums[0]; endPoints[1] = nums[nums.length - 1]; return endPoints; } /* Given a number n, create and return a new array of length n, containing numbers 0, 1,2,...,n-1. The given n may be 0, in which case return a length 0 array */ public int[] fizzArray(int n) { int[] Fizz = new int[n]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) Fizz[i] = i; return Fizz; } /* Given an array of ints, return true if every element is a 1 or 4 */ public boolean only14(int[] nums) { int i= 0; while (i<nums.length){ if (nums[i]==1 || nums[i]==4) i++; else return false;} return true; } }