import*; import java.util.*; public class CoinGame { private Coin coinOne; private Coin coinTwo; private BankAccount bankOne; private BankAccount bankTwo; private double pot; public CoinGame (BankAccount x, BankAccount y, Coin a, Coin b) { bankOne = x; bankTwo = y; coinOne = a; coinTwo = b; } public void createPot() { //double p = pot ; Random r = new Random(); int bet = r.nextInt(100); bankOne.withdraw(bet); bankTwo.withdraw(bet); pot = bet + bet; } public void flipCoin () { //if (bankOne.getBalance() > 0 && bankTwo.getBalance() > 0) { coinOne.flip(); coinTwo.flip(); //} } public String flipResults () { if (coinOne.getFace().equals("Heads") && coinTwo.getFace().equals("Heads")) { bankOne.deposit(pot); return "Two Heads were flipped. The winner is Player 1."; } else if (coinOne.getFace().equals("Tails") && coinTwo.getFace().equals("Tails")) { bankTwo.deposit(pot); return "Two Tails were flipped. The winner is Player 2."; } else { return coinOne.getFace() + " and " + coinTwo.getFace() + " were flipped." + "\n" + "Noone Won. Money stays in pot"; } } public String status() { return "Pot has " + pot + " dollars." + " Buy in set at " + pot/2 + " dollars." + "\n" + this.flipResults() + "\n" + "Player 1 has " + bankOne.getBalance() + "dollars" + "\n" + "Player 1 has " + bankTwo.getBalance() + "dollars"; } public String turn() { this.createPot(); this.flipCoin(); return this.status(); } public void play (int n) { while (n > 0) { this.turn(); n = n - 1; } } }