import*; import java.util.*; public class Turtle { private String name; private int age; private int speed; /*Wrote the instance variables myself. Wrote the outlines for the constructors myself but I used Justin and Coby's work to help finish those. I used their work to help with the set and get methods. I wrote the speedUp, slowDown, getOlder. Also used today's lesson in the structure of java to capitalize everything correctly. */ public void setName(String n){ name = n; } public void setAge(int m){ age = m; } public void setSpeed(int s){ speed = s; } public Turtle(){ setSpeed(60); setAge(15); setName("Hayley"); } public Turtle(String name){ setName(name); setSpeed(30); setAge(10); } public Turtle (String name, int age, int speed){ setName(name); setAge(age); setSpeed(speed); } public void speedUp(int n){ setSpeed(speed + n); } public void slowDown(int n){ setSpeed(speed - n); } public void getOlder(){ setAge(age + 1); } public String getName(){ return "My name is " + name; } public int getAge(){ return age; } public int getSpeed(){ return speed; } }