import*; import java.util.*; public class Hero extends Character{ private Weapons EquipW; private Armor EquipA; private Items ItemI; private String[][] levelStats = {{"(1)Strength:" + str +"+ 1", "Increases Health"},{"(2)Dexterity:" + dex + "+ 1", "Increases Damage"},{"(3)Intelligence:" + intell + "+1", "Increases Mana and Spell Power"}}; private int statCount; private Fence f = new Fence(); public Hero(){ EquipW = new Weapons("Wooden Sword"); Equipment.add(EquipW); EquipA = new Armor("Tunic"); Equipment.add(EquipA); updateStats(); hP=maxHP; mP=maxMP; aP=maxAP; inventory= new ArrayList<Items>(); name = "Sir Arthur"; ability = new ArrayList<Abilities>(); ability.add(new Abilities("Flee")); spells = new ArrayList<Spells>(); level = 1; exp = 0; gold = 1000; expThreshold = 10; } public void toBuyW(String i){ toEquipW(i); Equipment.add(EquipW); } public void toEquipW(String i){ EquipW = new Weapons(i); updateStats(); } public void toBuyA(String i){ toEquipA(i); Equipment.add(EquipA); } public void toEquipA(String i){ EquipA = new Armor(i); updateStats(); } public void toItem(String i){ ItemI = new Items(i); inventory.add(ItemI); } public void removeItems(String s){ for (int i =0 ; i < inventory.size(); i++){ if (inventory.get(i).getName().equals(s)){ inventory.remove(i); break; } } } public String getEW(){ return EquipW.getEquipName(); } public String getEA(){ return EquipA.getEquipName(); } public void levelUp(){ if (exp > expThreshold){ exp = 0; level = level + 1; System.out.println(f.listFence(50,levelStats)); statCount = 5; System.out.println("Your Stats before leveling up: Strength:" + str + " Dexterity" + dex + " Intelligence" + intell); System.out.println("You have 5 stats to distribute"); while (statCount > 0){ Scanner sc = new Scanner(; String stat = sc.nextLine(); if (stat.equals("1")){ str = str + 1; System.out.println("You eat some green vegetables, vegetables are good for you!"); statCount = statCount - 1; } else if (stat.equals("2")){ dex = dex + 1; statCount = statCount -1; System.out.println("You eat some carrots, carrots provide Vitamin A which help improve eyesight! Your hand-eye coordination improves!"); } else if (stat.equals("3")){ intell = intell + 1; statCount = statCount -1; System.out.println("You read some books, Knowledge is Power!"); } } System.out.println("Your Stats after leveling up: Strength:" + str + " Dexterity" + dex + " Intelligence" + intell); } updateStats(); } public void updateStats(){ maxHP=60+(str*4); maxMP=10+(intell*2); maxAP=10+((level-1)*2); minDamage=(dex/4)+EquipW.getMinDamage(); maxDamage=(dex/2)+EquipW.getMaxDamage(); crit=EquipW.getCrit(); accuracy=EquipW.getAccuracy(); armor=EquipA.getArmor(); evasion = EquipA.getEvasion(); expThreshold = (Math.pow(level,5)) + 100; } }