import*; import java.util.*; public class StringStuff { /* Assume names are sent in all lower case, two names, first and last, with one space in between */ private String firstName; private String lastName; /* Identifies the index of the space and separates the string name into a firstname and lastname */ private void separateName(String n) { int z = (n.indexOf(" ")); firstName = n.substring(0,z); lastName = n.substring(z+1); } /* Capitalizes the first letter of the first name and the last name */ public String capitalize(String name) { separateName(name); String a = firstName.substring(0,1); firstName = firstName.replaceFirst(a, a.toUpperCase()); String b = lastName.substring(0,1); lastName = lastName.replaceFirst(b, b.toUpperCase()); return firstName + " " + lastName; } /* Bondifies the given name in the form: last, first last */ public String bondify(String name) { separateName(name); return lastName + ", " + firstName + " " + lastName; } /* Takes a work and changes it into pig-latin form */ public String pigLatinify(String name) { String fl = name.substring(0,1); String fl2 = name.substring(0,2); String sl = name.substring(1,2); if (fl.equals("a") || fl.equals("e") || fl.equals("i") || fl.equals("o") || fl.equals("u")) { name = name + "-yay"; } else if (fl2.equals("ch") || fl2.equals("sh") || sl.equals("l") || sl.equals("r") || fl2.equals("ph") || fl2.equals("ps") || fl2.equals("th") || fl2.equals("sn") || fl2.equals("st") || fl2.equals("gn") || fl2.equals("kn")) { name = name.substring(2) + "-" + fl2 + "ay"; } else { name = name.substring(1) + "-" + fl + "ay"; } return name; } }