import java.util.*; public class WordSearch { private char[][] board; private boolean right; private boolean ticker; private boolean counterRight; private boolean counterLeft; private boolean up; private boolean counterUp; private boolean counterDown; public WordSearch(int rows, int cols) { board = new char[rows][cols]; for (int i=0;i<rows;i++) for (int j=0;j<cols;j++) board[i][j]='-'; } public WordSearch() { this(20,20); //System.out.println (board.length); //System.out.println (board [0].length); } public String toString() { String s = ""; for (int i=0;i<board.length;i++) { for (int j=0;j<board[i].length;j++) { s=s+board[i][j]; } s=s+"\n"; } return s; } public boolean addWordH (int row, int col, String word) { ticker = true; //sets it up for the random later counterRight = false; //tells if meeting a limit on either end counterLeft = false; if (row < 0 || col < 0 || row >= board.length || col >= board [row].length) { return false; } int length = word.length (); Random random = new Random (); //Random generator to determine whether to add to the left or the right if (col + length > board [row].length && col - length + 1 < 0) { //checks to see if can't add either way //if you're at col 3, you can fit in a word of 4 letters. This accounts for the 0 being an element. return false; } if (col + length > board [row].length) { right = false; ticker = false; counterRight = true; } if (col - length + 1 < 0) { right = true; ticker = false; //Stops it from setting a random right value later on if we set one counterLeft = true; } for (int i = 0; i < length; i ++) { //Want to do it separately so you don't add any characters before you know for sure. if (!counterLeft && !counterRight) { if (board [row][col + i] != ('-') && board [row][col + i] != word.charAt (i) && board [row] [col - i] != ('-') && board [row] [col - i] != word.charAt (i) ) { return false; } } if (!counterLeft && !counterRight && board [row] [col - i] != ('-') && board [row] [col - i] != word.charAt (i) ) { right = true; ticker = false; } if (!counterRight && !counterLeft && board [row][col + i] != ('-') && board [row][col + i] != word.charAt (i) ) { right = false; ticker = false; } if (!counterRight && right && board [row][col + i] != ('-') && board [row][col + i] != word.charAt (i) ) {return false;} if (!counterLeft && !right && board [row] [col - i] != ('-') && board [row] [col - i] != word.charAt (i) ) { return false; } } if (ticker) { if (random.nextInt (2) == 0) { //will add to the right. set right to true. right = true; } else { right = false; } } if (right) { for (int i = 0; i <length; i++) { board [row] [col + i] =word.charAt (i); } } else {//if not right for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { board [row] [col - i] = word.charAt (i); } } return true; } public boolean addWordV (int row, int col, String word) { //Add Word Down up = true; ticker = true; for (int i = 0; i < word.length (); i ++ ) { try { //If outside of the array, will return false if (board [row + i] [col] != ('-') && board [row + i] [col] != (word.charAt (i) ) && board [row - i] col != ('-') && board [row - i] col ! = word.charAt (i) ) { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println (e); try { //Now we test if going up is only problem if (board [row + i] [col] != ('-') && board [row + i] [col] != (word.charAt (i) ) ) { return false; } else { up = true; ticker = false;} } catch (Exception e) { if (board [row - i] [col] != ('-') && board [row - i] [col] != word.charAt (i) ) { return false; } else {up = false; ticker = false;} } } if (ticker) { if (Direction () ) { up = true; } else { up = false; } } if (up) { for (int i = 0; i <word.length (); i ++) { board [row + i] [col] = word.charAt (i); } } else { for (int i = 0; i <word.length (); i ++) { board [row - i] [col] = word.charAt (i); } } return true; } public boolean Direction () { Random random2 = new Random (); if (random2.nextInt (2) == 0) { up = true; } else { up = false; } return true; } }