import java.util.*;
public class Coin {
// Different instance variables of the class
private String face, name;
//Which face the coin flips on to
private double prob, value;
private int flips, heads, tails;
// variables, in order
// The total number of flips
// The number of heads and tails, respectively
// the fairness of the coin (how often tails vs. heads)
public Coin (double v, String n){
face = "Heads";
flips = 5;
heads = 3;
tails = 2;
prob = .5;
value = v;
name = n;
public void resetFlips(){
flips = 0;
public void setFaceTails(){
face = "Tails";
flips += 1;
tails += 1;
public void setFaceHeads(){
face = "Heads";
flips += 1;
heads += 1;
public void flip(){
if (Math.random() <= 0.5) {
else {
//get Methods
public int getFlips(){
return flips;
public String getFace(){
return face;
public double getValue(){
return value;
public String getName(){
return name;