import*; import java.util.*; public class Driver { public static void main (String args[]){ Coin c,c2; CoinPurse CP; c = new Coin("Quarter",50); c.setFace("Heads"); System.out.println("The current face is: " + c.getFace()); c.faceFlip(); System.out.println("The current face is: " + c.getFace()); c.faceFlip(); System.out.println("The current face is: " + c.getFace()); c.faceFlip(); System.out.println("The current face is: " + c.getFace()); c.faceFlip(); System.out.println("The current face is: " + c.getFace()); c.faceFlip(); System.out.println("The current face is: " + c.getFace()); System.out.println("Heads have been flipped " + c.getHeads() + " times."); System.out.println("Tails have been flipped " + c.getTails() + " times."); System.out.println("Coin " + c.getName() + " has a value of " + c.getValue()); c2 = new Coin ("Dime", 10); CP = new CoinPurse(); CP.addTo(c2); System.out.println("The purse currently has " + CP.getAmount()); CP.removeFrom(c); System.out.println("The purse currently has " + CP.getAmount()); CP.addTo(c); System.out.println("The purse currently has " + CP.getAmount()); CP.removeFrom(c2); System.out.println("The purse currently has " + CP.getAmount()); } }