import java.util.*; import*; public class CoinGame { private Coin c1,c2; private BankAccount b1 = new BankAccount("John",1),b2 = new BankAccount("Mary",2); private Random rand = new Random(); private double pot=0,with=rand.nextDouble(); private String result1,greeting,greeting2,greeting3,greeting4,out1,out2,out3,round,finale1,finale2,finale3; public void turn() { pot = with * 20; b1.withdraw(with); b2.withdraw(with); if (rand.nextDouble() <= 0.5) { c1 = new Coin("Heads"); }else{ c1 = new Coin("Tails"); } if (rand.nextDouble() <= 0.5) { c2 = new Coin("Heads"); }else{ c2 = new Coin("Tails"); } if (c1.getFace().equals("Heads") && c2.getFace().equals("Heads")) { b1.deposit(pot); result1 = "John, player 1 wins and gets " + pot + " dollars!"; System.out.println(result1); } else if (c1.getFace().equals("Tails") && c2.getFace().equals("Tails")){ b2.deposit(pot); result1 = "Mary, player 2 wins and gets " + pot + " dollars!"; System.out.println(result1); } else { result1 = "The round was a tie and nobody won..."; System.out.println(result1); } } public void play(int n) { int counter = 1; while (counter <= n) { round = "Round " + counter + " has started!"; System.out.println(round); greeting = b1.getName() + " and " + b2.getName() + " will be our players."; System.out.println(greeting); greeting2 = "The amount in the pot is " + pot; System.out.println(greeting2); greeting3 = "The balance of " + b1.getName() + "'s account is " + b1.getBalance(); System.out.println(greeting3); greeting4 = "The balance of " + b2.getName() + "'s account is " + b2.getBalance(); System.out.println(greeting4); turn(); out1 = "This is the end of round " + counter; System.out.println(out1); out2 = b1.getName() + "'s account balance is " + b1.getBalance(); System.out.println(out2); out3 = b2.getName() + "'s account balance is " + b2.getBalance(); System.out.println(out3); counter ++; } finale1 = ""; System.out.println(finale1); System.out.println(finale1); System.out.println(finale1); System.out.println(finale1); finale2 = "The game has ended."; System.out.println(finale2); if (b1.getBalance() > b2.getBalance()) { System.out.println(b1.getName() + " has won the game, congratulations!"); }else if (b2.getBalance() > b1.getBalance()){ System.out.println(b2.getName() + " has won the game, congratulations!"); } else { System.out.println("The game ended in a tie..."); } } }