package divconq.mail; import; import java.util.Map.Entry; import divconq.web.WebContext; import divconq.web.dcui.Attributes; import divconq.web.dcui.HtmlUtil; import divconq.web.dcui.Node; import divconq.web.dcui.Nodes; import divconq.xml.XElement; import w3.html.Div; public class Document extends Div { protected XElement xel = null; public Document() { super(); } public Document(Object... args) { super(args); } @Override public void parseElement(WebContext ctx, Nodes nodes, XElement xel) { this.xel = xel; EmailInnerContext ictx = (EmailInnerContext) ctx.getInnerContext(); Attributes attrs = HtmlUtil.initAttrs(xel); XElement skelel = xel.find(ictx.isTextMode() ? "TextSkeleton" : "Skeleton"); if (skelel != null) { Nodes skel = ctx.getDomain().parseXml(ctx, skelel); for (Entry<String, String> attr : skelel.getAttributes().entrySet()) attrs.add(attr.getKey(), attr.getValue()); this.myArguments = new Object[] { attrs, skel }; // only add if we have something to contribute nodes.add(this); } } @Override public void stream(WebContext ctx, PrintStream strm, String indent, boolean firstchild, boolean fromblock) { EmailInnerContext ictx = (EmailInnerContext) ctx.getInnerContext(); if (!ictx.isTextMode()) {, strm, indent, firstchild, fromblock); return; } if (this.children.size() == 0) return; boolean fromon = fromblock; boolean lastblock = false; boolean firstch = this.getBlockIndent(); // only true once, and only if // bi for (Node node : this.children) { if (node.getBlockIndent() && !lastblock && !fromon) this.print(ctx, strm, "", true, "");, strm, indent, (firstch || lastblock), this.getBlockIndent()); lastblock = node.getBlockIndent(); firstch = false; fromon = false; } } }