package divconq.cms.feed; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import divconq.lang.op.FuncResult; import divconq.lang.op.OperationContext; import divconq.lang.op.OperationResult; import divconq.locale.ITranslationAdapter; import divconq.locale.LocaleDefinition; import divconq.log.Logger; import divconq.util.IOUtil; import divconq.util.StringUtil; import divconq.web.WebContext; import; import divconq.xml.XElement; import divconq.xml.XNode; import divconq.xml.XmlReader; public class FeedAdapter { protected String channel = null; protected Path path = null; protected XElement xml = null; // best not to use CacheFile always, not if from feed save/feed delete public void init(String channel, Path path) { if (path == null) return; this.path = path; = channel; if (Files.notExists(path)) return; FuncResult<XElement> res = XmlReader.loadFile(path, false); if (res.hasErrors()) OperationContext.get().error("Bad feed file - " + + " | " + path); this.xml = res.getResult(); } public void init(String channel, CacheFile file) { if (file == null) return; this.path = file.getFilePath(); = channel; this.xml = file.asXml(); } public void validate() { if (this.xml == null) return; String locale = this.getAttribute("Locale"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(locale)) OperationContext.get().error("Missing Locale - " + + " | " + path); String title = this.getDefaultField("Title"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(title)) OperationContext.get().error("Missing Title - " + + " | " + path); String desc = this.getDefaultField("Description"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(desc)) OperationContext.get().warn("Missing Description - " + + " | " + path); String key = this.getDefaultField("Keywords"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(key)) OperationContext.get().warn("Missing Keywords - " + + " | " + path); //String img = this.getField("Image"); //if (StringUtil.isEmpty(img)) // OperationContext.get().warn("Missing Image - " + this.key + " | " + path); } public String getAttribute(String name) { if ((this.xml == null) || StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) return null; return this.xml.getAttribute(name); } public String getDefaultField(String name) { if ((this.xml == null) || StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) return null; // provide the value for the `default` locale of the feed String deflocale = this.xml.getAttribute("Locale"); for (XElement fel : this.xml.selectAll("Field")) { if (name.equals(fel.getAttribute("Name"))) { if (!fel.hasAttribute("Locale")) return fel.getValue(); if ((deflocale != null) && deflocale.equals(fel.getAttribute("Locale"))) return fel.getValue(); } } return null; } public MatchResult bestMatch(String tag, String attr, String name) { return this.bestMatch(OperationContext.get(), tag, attr, name); } public MatchResult bestMatch(ITranslationAdapter ctx, String tag, String attr, String match) { if ((this.xml == null) || StringUtil.isEmpty(tag) || StringUtil.isEmpty(attr) || StringUtil.isEmpty(match)) return null; int highest = Integer.MAX_VALUE; MatchResult best = new MatchResult(); for (XElement afel : this.xml.selectAll("Alternate")) { String alocale = afel.getAttribute("Locale"); int arate = ctx.rateLocale(alocale); if ((arate >= highest) || (arate == -1)) continue; for (XElement fel : afel.selectAll(tag)) { if (match.equals(fel.getAttribute(attr))) { best.el = fel; best.localename = alocale; highest = arate; break; } } } for (XElement fel : this.xml.selectAll(tag)) { if (fel.hasAttribute("Locale") && match.equals(fel.getAttribute(attr))) { String flocale = fel.getAttribute("Locale"); int arate = ctx.rateLocale(flocale); if ((arate >= highest) || (arate == -1)) continue; best.el = fel; best.localename = flocale; highest = arate; } } String deflocale = this.xml.getAttribute("Locale"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(deflocale)) { int arate = ctx.rateLocale(deflocale); if ((arate != -1) && (arate < highest)) { for (XElement fel : this.xml.selectAll(tag)) { if (!fel.hasAttribute("Locale") && match.equals(fel.getAttribute(attr))) { best.el = fel; best.localename = deflocale; highest = arate; break; } } } } if (highest == Integer.MAX_VALUE) return null; best.locale = ctx.getLocaleDefinition(best.localename); return best; } public class MatchResult { public XElement el = null; public LocaleDefinition locale = null; public String localename = null; } public String getFirstField(String... names) { return this.getFirstField(OperationContext.get(), names); } public String getFirstField(ITranslationAdapter ctx, String... names) { for (String n : names) { String v = this.getField(n); if (v != null) return v; } return null; } public String getField(String name) { return this.getField(OperationContext.get(), name); } public String getField(ITranslationAdapter ctx, String name) { if ((this.xml == null) || StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) return null; MatchResult mr = this.bestMatch(ctx, "Field", "Name", name); if (mr != null) return mr.el.getValue(); return null; } public String getPart(WebContext wctx, String name) { return this.getPart(wctx, OperationContext.get(), name); } public String getPart(WebContext wctx, ITranslationAdapter ctx, String name) { if ((this.xml == null) || StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) return null; MatchResult mr = this.bestMatch(ctx, "PagePart", "For", name); if (mr == null) return null; return this.getPartValue(wctx, ctx, mr); } public void buildHtmlPage(WebContext wctx, XElement frag) { this.buildHtmlPage(wctx, OperationContext.get(), frag); } public void buildHtmlPage(WebContext wctx, ITranslationAdapter ctx, XElement frag) { OperationResult or = new OperationResult(); String title = this.getField(ctx, "Title"); if (title != null) frag.setAttribute("Title", title); String desc = this.getField(ctx, "Description"); if (desc != null) frag.add(new XElement("Description").withText(desc)); String keywords = this.getField(ctx, "Keywords"); if (keywords != null) frag.add(new XElement("Keywords").withText(keywords)); for (XElement pdef : frag.selectAll("PagePartDef")) { String bid = pdef.getAttribute("BuildId", pdef.getAttribute("For")); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(bid)) { or.error("Unable to build page element: " + pdef); continue; } XElement bbparent = frag.findParentOfId(bid); XElement bparent = bbparent.findId(bid); if (bparent == null) { or.error("Missing parent to build page element: " + pdef); continue; } XElement content = this.buildHtml(wctx, ctx, pdef.getAttribute("For"), pdef.getAttribute("BuildClass"), frag); if (content == null) continue; String bop = pdef.getAttribute("BuildOp", "Append"); if ("Append".equals(bop)) { bparent.add(-1, content); } else if ("Prepend".equals(bop)) { bparent.add(0, content); } else if ("Before".equals(bop)) { int ccnt = bbparent.getChildCount(); int cpos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ccnt; i++) if (bbparent.getChild(i) == bparent) { cpos = i; break; } bbparent.add(cpos, content); } else if ("After".equals(bop)) { int ccnt = bbparent.getChildCount(); int cpos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ccnt; i++) if (bbparent.getChild(i) == bparent) { cpos = i; break; } bbparent.add(cpos + 1, content); } } } public XElement buildHtml(WebContext wctx, String id, String clss, XElement altsrc) { return this.buildHtml(wctx, OperationContext.get(), id, clss, altsrc); } public XElement buildHtml(WebContext wctx, ITranslationAdapter ctx, String id, String clss, XElement altsrc) { if ((this.xml == null) || StringUtil.isEmpty(id)) return null; MatchResult mr = this.bestMatch(ctx, "PagePart", "For", id); if (mr == null) { if (altsrc != null) { for (XElement fel : altsrc.selectAll("PagePart")) { if (id.equals(fel.getAttribute("For"))) { mr = new MatchResult(); mr.el = fel; mr.localename = this.xml.getAttribute("Locale", "en"); mr.locale = ctx.getLocaleDefinition(mr.localename); } } } } if (mr == null) return null; return this.buildHtmlPart(wctx, ctx, mr, id, clss); } public XElement buildHtmlPart(WebContext wctx, ITranslationAdapter ctx, MatchResult mr, String id, String clss) { String lang = mr.locale.getLanguage(); String fmt = mr.el.getAttribute("Format", "md"); XElement pel = new XElement("div"); pel.setAttribute("lang", lang); if (id != null) pel.setAttribute("id", id); if (clss != null) pel.setAttribute("class", clss); // copy all attributes for (Entry<String, String> attr : mr.el.getAttributes().entrySet()) pel.setAttribute(attr.getKey(), attr.getValue()); if ("image".equals(fmt)) { pel.setName("img"); pel.setAttribute("src", "/galleries" + this.getPartValue(wctx, ctx, mr)); } else if ("html".equals(fmt)) { pel.setAttribute("data-dcui-mode", "enhance"); XElement html = this.getPartXml(wctx, ctx, mr); // copy all children for (XNode n : html.getChildren()) pel.add(n); } else { pel.setAttribute("data-dcui-mode", "enhance"); try { // TODO support safe mode? XElement html = Processor.parse(wctx.getMarkdownContext(), this.getPartValue(wctx, ctx, mr)); // copy all children for (XNode n : html.getChildren()) pel.add(n); } catch (Exception x) { Logger.error("Error adding copy box" + x); } } return pel; } public String getPartValue(WebContext wctx, ITranslationAdapter ctx, MatchResult mr) { if ((ctx == null) || (mr == null)) return null; String ex = mr.el.getAttribute("External", "False"); String locale = mr.locale.getName(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(ex) && "true".equals(ex.toLowerCase())) { int pos ='.'); String spath = (pos != -1) ?, pos) :; spath = spath + "." + mr.el.getAttribute("For") + "." + locale + "." + mr.el.getAttribute("Format"); // TODO connect to file caching system - but make sure the import from FeedIndexer will still work correctly //Path fpath = OperationContext.get().getDomain().findSectionFile(this.isPreview(), "feed", spath); Path fpath = null; if (wctx.isPreview()) { fpath = OperationContext.get().getDomain().resolvePath("/feed-preview" + spath); if (Files.notExists(fpath)) fpath = OperationContext.get().getDomain().resolvePath("/feed" + spath); } else { fpath = OperationContext.get().getDomain().resolvePath("/feed" + spath); } if (Files.exists(fpath)) { FuncResult<CharSequence> mres = IOUtil.readEntireFile(fpath); if (mres.isNotEmptyResult()) return mres.getResult().toString(); } } return mr.el.getValue(); } // element returned is ignored - children and attributes are copied into a div public XElement getPartXml(WebContext wctx, ITranslationAdapter ctx, MatchResult mr) { if ((ctx == null) || (mr == null)) return null; String ex = mr.el.getAttribute("External", "False"); String locale = mr.locale.getName(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(ex) && "true".equals(ex.toLowerCase())) { int pos ='.'); String spath = (pos != -1) ?, pos) :; spath = spath + "." + mr.el.getAttribute("For") + "." + locale + "." + mr.el.getAttribute("Format"); // TODO connect to file caching system - but make sure the import from FeedIndexer will still work correctly //Path fpath = OperationContext.get().getDomain().findSectionFile(this.isPreview(), "feed", spath); Path fpath = null; if (wctx.isPreview()) { fpath = OperationContext.get().getDomain().resolvePath("/feed-preview" + spath); if (Files.notExists(fpath)) fpath = OperationContext.get().getDomain().resolvePath("/feed" + spath); } else { fpath = OperationContext.get().getDomain().resolvePath("/feed" + spath); } if (Files.exists(fpath)) { FuncResult<CharSequence> mres = IOUtil.readEntireFile(fpath); if (mres.isNotEmptyResult()) { FuncResult<XElement> xres = XmlReader.parse("<div>" + mres.getResult() + "</div>", false); if (xres.isNotEmptyResult()) return xres.getResult(); } } } return mr.el; } public XElement getXml() { return this.xml; } public String getPartValue(String locale, XElement part, boolean isPreview) { if (part == null) return null; String ex = part.getAttribute("External", "False"); if (part.hasAttribute("Locale")) locale = part.getAttribute("Locale"); // use the override locale if present if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(ex) && "true".equals(ex.toLowerCase())) { int pos ='.'); String spath = (pos != -1) ?, pos) :; spath = spath + "." + part.getAttribute("For") + "." + locale + "." + part.getAttribute("Format"); // TODO connect to file caching system - but make sure the import from FeedIndexer will still work correctly //Path fpath = OperationContext.get().getDomain().findSectionFile(this.isPreview(), "feed", spath); Path fpath = null; if (isPreview) { fpath = OperationContext.get().getDomain().resolvePath("/feed-preview" + spath); if (Files.notExists(fpath)) fpath = OperationContext.get().getDomain().resolvePath("/feed" + spath); } else { fpath = OperationContext.get().getDomain().resolvePath("/feed" + spath); } if (Files.exists(fpath)) { FuncResult<CharSequence> mres = IOUtil.readEntireFile(fpath); if (mres.isNotEmptyResult()) return mres.getResult().toString(); } } return part.getValue(); } }