/* ************************************************************************ # # DivConq # # http://divconq.com/ # # Copyright: # Copyright 2014 eTimeline, LLC. All rights reserved. # # License: # See the license.txt file in the project's top-level directory for details. # # Authors: # * Andy White # ************************************************************************ */ package divconq.hub; import java.io.File; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import divconq.lang.op.FuncResult; import divconq.lang.op.OperationContext; import divconq.lang.op.OperationResult; import divconq.locale.Dictionary; import divconq.locale.ILocaleResource; import divconq.locale.LocaleDefinition; import divconq.log.DebugLevel; import divconq.schema.SchemaManager; import divconq.struct.Struct; import divconq.util.StringUtil; import divconq.xml.XElement; import divconq.xml.XmlReader; /** * Within dcFramework all features are tied together through the Hub class. To get * the hub going you need to give it access to some resources such as Schema * and config. * * HubResources is the class that ties all the resources together and enables * Hub to start. A typical application using dcFramework will start up something * like this: * * HubResources resources = new HubResources("00101", true); * resources.setDebugLevel(DebugLevel.Warn); * OperationResult or = resources.init(); * * if (or.hasErrors()) { * Logger.error("Unable to continue, hub resources not properly initialized"); * return; * } * * Hub.instance.start(resources); * * [TODO add link to Quick Start ] * * [TODO add link to Framework Architecture ] * * * TODO consider an option where all config is loaded from AWS. Their description: * * You can use this data to build more generic AMIs that can be modified by configuration files supplied at launch * time. For example, if you run web servers for various small businesses, they can all use the same AMI and retrieve * their content from the Amazon S3 bucket you specify at launch. To add a new customer at any time, simply create a * bucket for the customer, add their content, and launch your AMI. * * * @author Andy * */ public class HubResources implements ILocaleResource { static public boolean isValidHubId(String id) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(id) || (id.length() != 5)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (!Character.isDigit(id.charAt(i))) return false; if ("00000".equals(id)) return false; return true; } protected String deployment = "dcFileServer"; protected String hubid = "00001"; // reserved for utilities and stand alones - 00000 reserved for system/core protected String team = "one"; protected String squad = "one"; protected HubMode mode = HubMode.Private; // Gateway, Public (server), Private (server or utility) protected boolean forTesting = false; protected DebugLevel startuplevel = DebugLevel.Info; // post init protected boolean initialized = false; protected boolean initsuccess = false; protected HubPackages packages = new HubPackages(); protected XElement config = null; // TODO //protected XElement fabric = null; protected Dictionary dictionary = null; protected String locale = "en"; protected LocaleDefinition localedef = null; protected SchemaManager schemaman = null; /** * HubId is a 5 digit (zero padded) number that uniquely identifies this Hub (process) in * the distributed network of Hubs (processes) in your Project (application). * * @return HubId */ public String getHubId() { return this.hubid; } /** * HubId is a 5 digit (zero padded) number that uniquely identifies this Hub (process) in * the distributed network of Hubs (processes) in your Project (application). * * You should only set the HubId once per run, Hubs are not designed to change Ids mid run. * * @param v HubId */ public void setHubId(String v) { if (!HubResources.isValidHubId(v)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hub id must be 5 digits, zero padded. Id 00000 is reserved."); OperationContext.setHubId(v); this.hubid = v; } /** * false: this Hub is running on a private, fire-walled, network (company LAN) * true: this Hub is running on a public network such as the Internet or in a DMZ * * @return true if is public facing */ public boolean isPublicFacing() { return (this.mode == HubMode.Gateway) || (this.mode == HubMode.Public); } /** * true: this Hub is not complete software, but is mostly support for network interchange * * @return true if is a gateway */ public boolean isGateway() { return (this.mode == HubMode.Gateway); } public boolean isForTesting() { return this.forTesting; } /** * Squad Id is used to group a number of Hubs together. A Squad is functionally separated from * all other Squads and may operate independently (disaster recovery). A Squad may be active * even while other Squads are, this is not a fail-over architecture but a active-active architecture. * Squads may often be placed in separate data centers or spread across data centers and clouds (IaaS). * A Squad has its own copy of the Project database, the database is replicated so that each Squad * will eventually be consistent. * * @return Squad Id */ public String getSquadId() { return this.squad; } /** * Squad Id is used to group a number of Hubs together. A Squad is functionally separated from * all other Squads and may operate independently (disaster recovery). A Squad may be active * even while other Squads are, this is not a fail-over architecture but a active-active architecture. * Squads may often be placed in separate data centers or spread across data centers and clouds (IaaS). * A Squad has its own copy of the Project database, the database is replicated so that each Squad * will eventually be consistent. * * @param v Squad Id */ public void setSquadId(String v) { this.squad = v; } public String getTeamId() { return this.team; } public void setTeamId(String v) { this.team = v; } public HubMode getMode() { return this.mode; } /** * The global (default) Debug Level to use normally comes from the config file, before the config * file is available Hub start-up uses the Debug Level given to this class. * * @return Debug Level used during start-up */ public DebugLevel getDebugLevel() { return this.startuplevel; } /** * The global (default) Debug Level to use normally comes from the config file, before the config * file is available Hub start-up uses the Debug Level given to this class. * * @param v Debug Level used during start-up */ public void setDebugLevel(DebugLevel v) { this.startuplevel = v; } /** * A list of package names in the order in which the packages are loaded. Each subsequent package overrides * the previous. So, for example, the contents of the last package overrides any similar resource in all * the previous packages. * * @return list of package names */ public HubPackages getPackages() { return this.packages; } /** * Schema holds the custom data types used by this Project. * * @return custom data type definitions */ public SchemaManager getSchema() { return this.schemaman; } /** * Dictionary holds a list of Locales for which translations exists for this Project. * * @return Locales for this Project */ @Override public Dictionary getDictionary() { return this.dictionary; } /** * Config is an XML structure holding the master settings for this Project. Other configuration * may come from the database. * * @return master Project settings */ public XElement getConfig() { return this.config; } /* TODO support chronology defaults //.withChronology("/" + DateTimeZone.getDefault().getID()); // ISOChronology w/ default zone * */ /* TODO public XElement getFabric() { return this.fabric; } */ public HubResources() { } /** * Manage the resources for this Hub by indicating which hub this is and whether to run * in developer mode. See class, HubId and DevMode comments for details. * * @param deployment project name for the servers (one or more squads) * @param squad the group of servers that forms a local operating group (one or more teams) * @param team the team of servers within the squad (one or more hubs) * @param hubid Hub Id */ public HubResources(String deployment, String squad, String team, String hubid) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(deployment)) this.deployment = deployment; if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(squad)) this.squad = squad; if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(team)) this.team = team; if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(hubid)) this.setHubId(hubid); } /** * Initialize this object by loading the Schema, Dictionary, Config and Fabric. * * When in Dev Mode the resources are loaded from a local copy of the Repository instead of from * the config directory. Developers will debug applications using the local Repository copy * so that they can edit repository artifacts (schema, dictionary, resource files) in "native" * repository structure. * * @return messages logged while initializing this object */ public OperationResult init() { // do not run init twice (not thread safe, should be called by main thread only) if (this.initialized) { OperationResult or = new OperationResult(); if (!this.initsuccess) or.error(112, "Hub resources already loaded, but contained errors"); return or; } this.initialized = true; // before starting we want to have a valid hub level task context // which requires a hub id OperationContext.setHubId(this.hubid); // use the startup debug level until we init Logger settings OperationResult or = new OperationResult(); or.info(0, "Loading hub resources"); or.trace(0, "Loading shared config"); File fshared = new File("./config/" + this.deployment + "/_shared.xml"); FuncResult<XElement> xres = XmlReader.loadFile(fshared, false); if (xres.hasErrors()) { or.error(100, "Unable to load _shared.xml file, expected: " + fshared.getAbsolutePath()); return or; } XElement cel = xres.getResult(); this.packages.load(cel); or.trace(0, "Packages loaded: " + this.packages); or.trace(0, "Loading config.xml file"); // find the right config file File f = new File("./config/" + this.deployment + "/" + this.hubid + ".xml"); if (!f.exists()) f = new File("./config/" + this.deployment + "/" + this.team + ".xml"); if (!f.exists()) f = new File("./config/" + this.deployment + "/" + this.squad + ".xml"); if (!f.exists()) f = new File("./config/" + this.deployment + "/_config.xml"); if (!f.exists()) { or.error(101, "Unable to find config.xml file, expected: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); return or; } FuncResult<XElement> xres2 = XmlReader.loadFile(f, false); if (xres2.hasErrors()) { or.error(102, "Unable to load config file, expected: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); return or; } this.config = xres2.getResult(); if (this.config.hasAttribute("HubId")) this.setHubId(this.config.getAttribute("HubId")); if (this.config.hasAttribute("Team")) this.setTeamId(this.config.getAttribute("Team")); if (this.config.hasAttribute("Squad")) this.setSquadId(this.config.getAttribute("Squad")); if (this.config.hasAttribute("Mode")) this.mode = HubMode.valueOf(this.config.getAttribute("Mode")); if (this.config.hasAttribute("ForTesting")) this.forTesting = Struct.objectToBooleanOrFalse(this.config.getAttribute("ForTesting")); if (this.config.hasAttribute("Locale")) this.locale = this.config.getAttribute("Locale", "en"); or.trace(0, "Loaded config.xml file at: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); or.trace(0, "Using project compiler to load schema and dictionary"); ProjectCompiler comp = new ProjectCompiler(); this.schemaman = comp.getSchema(this.packages); if (or.hasErrors()) { or.exit(103, "Unable to load schema file(s)"); return or; } or.trace(0, "Schema loaded"); this.dictionary = comp.getDictionary(or, this.packages); if (or.hasErrors()) { or.exit(104, "Unable to load dictionary file(s)"); return or; } // ready to add definitions this.localedef = this.getLocaleDefinition(this.getDefaultLocale()); or.trace(0, "Dictionary loaded"); // TODO get fabric from ./project... // TODO load Clock Xml from // then over write //this.config.find("Clock").replace(parsed awssource); or.info(0, "Hub resources loaded"); this.initsuccess = true; return or; } @Override public String getDefaultLocale() { return this.locale; } @Override public LocaleDefinition getDefaultLocaleDefinition() { return this.getLocaleDefinition(this.getDefaultLocale()); } @Override public LocaleDefinition getLocaleDefinition(String name) { // TODO lookup definitions return new LocaleDefinition(name); } // 0 is best, higher the number the worse, -1 for not supported @Override public int rateLocale(String locale) { if ((this.localedef != null) && this.localedef.match(locale)) return 0; return -1; } @Override public ILocaleResource getParentLocaleResource() { return null; } /** * Scan through the local repository or config directory and reload the dictionary * files. After this any translation used will have updates from the dictionary files. * This method is really only useful in development mode and is not typically called * by application code. * * @return messages logged while reloading dictionary */ public OperationResult reloadDictionary() { OperationResult or = new OperationResult(); or.trace(0, "Loading Dictionary"); ProjectCompiler comp = new ProjectCompiler(); this.dictionary = comp.getDictionary(or, this.packages); if (or.hasErrors()) or.exit(104, "Unable to load dictionary file(s)"); else or.trace("Dictionary loaded"); return or; } /** * Get a reference to a resource file specific for this Project. * * @param filename name of the file, path relative to the resources/ folder in config * @return Path reference if found, if not error messages in FuncResult */ public FuncResult<Path> getProjectResource(String filename) { FuncResult<Path> res = new FuncResult<>(); Path f = Paths.get("./config/" + this.deployment + "/resources/" + filename); if (Files.exists(f)) res.setResult(f); else res.errorTr(201, f.toString()); return res; } }