package; /** * what needs to happen is CtpStreamSource gets a ref of StreamInboundHandler * and methods to say "give me more". * * the underlying ByteToMessageDecoder needs to have a "resume" feature * that keeps reading from the current buffer and processing the * messages * * rather than StreamInboundHandler being in the pipeline, probably it should just be a class * that is handed to CtpStreamDecoder as one option for message handling. * * so this class may become obsolete as this code may begin to merge with CtpStreamSource. * switching to Shared then is merely replacing CtpStreamSource with the switching handler * and then in turn replacing with the shared handler. * * @author andy * */ public class StreamInboundHandler { /* extends CtpMessageDecoder { protected CtpStreamSource src = null; protected TaskRun srun = null; @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) { CtpMessage m = (CtpMessage) msg; if (m instanceof ClientHelloMessage) { System.out.println("HELLO from client!"); m.release(); } else if (m instanceof StreamMessage) { System.out.println("STREAM from client! " + ((StreamMessage)m).getPath()); // TODO read from context not channel? so give context to CTP Stream?? if (this.src == null) { this.src = new CtpStreamSource(, (StreamMessage)msg); FileSystemFile dest = StreamUtil.localFile(Paths.get("c:/temp/testtar")); Task t = new Task() .withTitle("Streaming In Test") .withTimeout(0); this.srun = StreamUtil.composeStream(t, this.src, dest.allocDest(true)); this.srun.addObserver(new TaskObserver() { @Override public void completed(TaskRun or) { System.out.println("Transfer In is complete!!"); StreamInboundHandler.this.chanauto = true;; } }); this.chanauto = false; Hub.instance.getWorkPool().submit(this.srun); } else { System.out.println("Read resume !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); this.src.setNext((StreamMessage)msg); this.srun.resume(); } } else if (m instanceof TerminateStream) { System.out.println("TERM STREAM from client! "); this.src.handle(this.srun, StreamMessage.FINAL); this.src = null; this.srun = null; m.release(); } } @Override public void handleMessage() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } */ }