package divconq.db; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import java.util.function.Consumer; import divconq.db.util.ByteUtil; import divconq.hub.DomainInfo; import divconq.hub.Hub; import divconq.lang.BigDateTime; import divconq.lang.op.FuncResult; import divconq.lang.op.OperationContext; import divconq.lang.op.OperationResult; import divconq.schema.DbField; import divconq.schema.DbTable; import divconq.schema.DbTrigger; import divconq.struct.FieldStruct; import divconq.struct.ListStruct; import divconq.struct.RecordStruct; import divconq.struct.Struct; import divconq.util.StringUtil; import static divconq.db.Constants.*; public class TablesAdapter { protected DatabaseInterface conn = null; protected DatabaseTask task = null; // don't call for general code... public TablesAdapter(DatabaseInterface conn, DatabaseTask task) { this.conn = conn; this.task = task; } public FuncResult<String> createRecord(String table) { FuncResult<String> or = new FuncResult<String>(); String hid = OperationContext.getHubId(); byte[] metakey = ByteUtil.buildKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD_META, table, "Id", hid); // use common Id's across all domains so that merge works and so that // sys domain records (users) can be reused across domains try { Long id =; or.setResult(hid + "_" + StringUtil.leftPad(id.toString(), 15, '0')); } catch (Exception x) { or.error("Unable to create record id: " + x); } return or; } public OperationResult checkFields(String table, RecordStruct fields, String inId) { OperationResult or = new OperationResult(); BiConsumer<DbField,RecordStruct> fieldChecker = new BiConsumer<DbField,RecordStruct>() { @Override public void accept(DbField schema, RecordStruct data) { boolean retired = data.getFieldAsBooleanOrFalse("Retired"); if (retired) { if (schema.isRequired()) OperationContext.get().error("Field cannot be retired: " + table + " - " + schema.getName()); return; } // validate data type Struct value = data.getField("Data"); if (value == null) { if (schema.isRequired()) OperationContext.get().error("Field cannot be null: " + table + " - " + schema.getName()); return; } /* OperationResult cor = TablesAdapter.this.task.getSchema().validateType(value, schema.getTypeId()); if (cor.hasErrors()) return; */ FuncResult<Struct> cor = TablesAdapter.this.task.getSchema().normalizeValidateType(value, schema.getTypeId()); if (cor.hasErrors()) return; data.setField("Data", cor.getResult()); Object cValue = Struct.objectToCore(value); if (cValue == null) { if (schema.isRequired()) OperationContext.get().error("Field cannot be null: " + table + " - " + schema.getName()); return; } if (!schema.isUnique()) return; // make sure value is unique - null for when is fine because uniqueness is not time bound Object id = TablesAdapter.this.firstInIndex(table, schema.getName(), cValue, null, false); // if we are a new record if (inId == null) { if (id != null) { OperationContext.get().error("Field must be unique: " + table + " - " + schema.getName()); return; } } // if we are not a new record else if (id != null) { if (!inId.equals(id)) { OperationContext.get().error("Field already in use, must be unique: " + table + " - " + schema.getName()); return; } } } }; // checking incoming fields for type correctness, uniqueness and requiredness for (FieldStruct field : fields.getFields()) { String fname = field.getName(); try { DbField schema = this.task.getSchema().getDbField(table, fname); if (schema == null) { OperationContext.get().error("Field not defined: " + table + " - " + fname); continue; } // -------------------------------------- // StaticScalar handling - Data or Retired (true) not both // -------------------------------------- if (!schema.isList() && !schema.isDynamic()) { fieldChecker.accept(schema, (RecordStruct) field.getValue()); } // -------------------------------------- // StaticList handling // DynamicScalar handling // DynamicList handling // -------------------------------------- else { for (FieldStruct subid : ((RecordStruct) field.getValue()).getFields()) fieldChecker.accept(schema, (RecordStruct) subid.getValue()); } } catch (Exception x) { or.error("Error checking field: " + fname); } } // if we are a new record, check that we have all the required fields if (inId == null) { for (DbField schema : this.task.getSchema().getDbFields(table)) { if (!schema.isRequired()) continue; // all we need to do is check if the field is present, the checks above have already shown // that fields present pass the required check if (!fields.hasField(schema.getName())) OperationContext.get().error("Field missing but required: " + table + " - " + schema.getName()); } } return or; } public OperationResult checkSetFields(String table, String id, RecordStruct fields) { OperationResult cor = this.checkFields(table, fields, id); if (cor.hasErrors()) return cor; return this.setFields(table, id, fields); } public OperationResult setFields(String table, String id, RecordStruct fields) { OperationResult or = new OperationResult(); boolean auditDisabled = this.conn.isAuditDisabled(); BigDecimal stamp = this.task.getStamp(); String did = this.task.getDomain(); try { boolean recPresent = this.conn.hasAny(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id); if (!recPresent) { byte[] metacnt = ByteUtil.buildKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD_META, did, table, "Count"); // update the record count; } } catch (Exception x) { or.error("Unable to check/update record count: " + x); return or; } // not just retired, but truly deleted - then proceed no further // could hit a race condition - DB cleanup will look for "deleted" records with data and remove TODO if (this.isDeleted(table, id)) { or.errorTr(50009); return or; } // -------------------------------------------------- // index updates herein may have race condition issues with the value counts // this is ok as counts are just used for suggestions anyway // TODO - DB cleanup on all indexes // TODO - DB cleanup on all index value counts // -------------------------------------------------- for (FieldStruct field : fields.getFields()) { String fname = field.getName(); try { DbField schema = this.task.getSchema().getDbField(table, fname); if (schema == null) { OperationContext.get().error("Field not defined: " + table + " - " + fname); continue; } // -------------------------------------- // StaticScalar handling - Data or Retired (true) not both // // fields([field name],"Data") = [value] // fields([field name],"Tags") = [value] // fields([field name],"Retired") = [value] // -------------------------------------- if (!schema.isList() && !schema.isDynamic()) { RecordStruct data = (RecordStruct) field.getValue(); Object newValue = Struct.objectToCore(data.getField("Data")); String tags = data.getFieldAsString("Tags"); boolean retired = data.getFieldAsBooleanOrFalse("Retired"); boolean updateOnly = data.getFieldAsBooleanOrFalse("UpdateOnly"); // find the first, newest, stamp byte[] newerStamp = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, null); boolean hasNewer = false; if (newerStamp != null) { BigDecimal newStamp = Struct.objectToDecimal(ByteUtil.extractValue(newerStamp)); hasNewer = stamp.compareTo(newStamp) > 0; // if we come after newer then we are older info, there is newer } // find the next, older, stamp after current byte[] olderStamp = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, stamp); boolean oldIsSet = false; boolean oldIsRetired = false; Object oldValue = null; if (olderStamp != null) { BigDecimal oldStamp = Struct.objectToDecimal(ByteUtil.extractValue(olderStamp)); // try to get the data if any - note retired fields have no data if (oldStamp != null) { oldIsRetired = this.conn.getAsBooleanOrFalse(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, oldStamp, "Retired"); oldIsSet = this.conn.isSet(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, oldStamp, "Data"); if (oldIsSet) oldValue = this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, oldStamp, "Data"); } } boolean effectivelyEqual = (retired && oldIsRetired) || ((oldValue == null) && (newValue == null)) || ((oldValue != null) && oldValue.equals(newValue)); if (updateOnly && effectivelyEqual) continue; // set either retired or data, not both if (retired) { if (oldIsSet && auditDisabled) this.conn.kill(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, stamp, "Data"); this.conn.set(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, stamp, "Retired", retired); } else { if (auditDisabled) this.conn.kill(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, stamp, "Retired"); this.conn.set(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, stamp, "Data", newValue); } // add tags if any - ok even if retired if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(tags)) this.conn.set(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, stamp, "Tags", tags); else if (auditDisabled) this.conn.kill(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, stamp, "Tags"); // don't bother with the indexes if not configured // or if there is a newer value for this field already set if (!schema.isIndexed() || hasNewer || effectivelyEqual) continue; if (oldIsSet && !oldIsRetired) { if (oldValue instanceof String) oldValue = oldValue.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); // decrement index count for the old value // remove the old index value this.conn.dec(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX, did, table, fname, oldValue); this.conn.kill(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX, did, table, fname, oldValue, id); } if (!retired) { if (newValue instanceof String) newValue = newValue.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); // increment index count // set the new index new, did, table, fname, newValue); this.conn.set(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX, did, table, fname, newValue, id, null); } continue; } // -------------------------------------- // // Handling for other types // // StaticList handling // fields([field name],sid,"Data",0) = [value] // fields([field name],sid,"Tags") = [value] |value1|value2|etc... // fields([field name],sid,"Retired") = [value] |value1|value2|etc... // // DynamicScalar handling // fields([field name],sid,"Data",0) = [value] // fields([field name],sid,"From") = [value] null means always was // fields([field name],sid,"Tags") = [value] // fields([field name],sid,"Retired") = [value] |value1|value2|etc... // // DynamicList handling // fields([field name],sid,"Data",0) = [value] // fields([field name],sid,"From") = [value] null means always was // fields([field name],sid,"To") = [value] null means always will be // fields([field name],sid,"Tags") = [value] // fields([field name],sid,"Retired") = [value] |value1|value2|etc... // -------------------------------------- for (FieldStruct subid : ((RecordStruct) field.getValue()).getFields()) { String sid = subid.getName(); RecordStruct data = (RecordStruct) subid.getValue(); Object newValue = Struct.objectToCore(data.getField("Data")); String tags = data.getFieldAsString("Tags"); boolean retired = data.getFieldAsBooleanOrFalse("Retired"); boolean updateOnly = data.getFieldAsBooleanOrFalse("UpdateOnly"); BigDateTime from = data.getFieldAsBigDateTime("From"); BigDateTime to = data.getFieldAsBigDateTime("To"); // find the first, newest, stamp byte[] newerStamp = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, null); boolean hasNewer = false; if (newerStamp != null) { BigDecimal newStamp = Struct.objectToDecimal(ByteUtil.extractValue(newerStamp)); hasNewer = stamp.compareTo(newStamp) > 0; // if we come after newer then we are older info, there is newer } // find the next, older, stamp after current byte[] olderStamp = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, stamp); BigDecimal oldStamp = null; boolean oldIsSet = false; boolean oldIsRetired = false; Object oldValue = null; if (olderStamp != null) { oldStamp = Struct.objectToDecimal(ByteUtil.extractValue(olderStamp)); // try to get the data if any - note retired fields have no data if (oldStamp != null) { oldIsRetired = this.conn.getAsBooleanOrFalse(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, oldStamp, "Retired"); oldIsSet = this.conn.isSet(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, oldStamp, "Data"); if (oldIsSet) oldValue = this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, oldStamp, "Data"); } } boolean effectivelyEqual = (retired && oldIsRetired) || ((oldValue == null) && (newValue == null)) || ((oldValue != null) && oldValue.equals(newValue)); if (updateOnly && effectivelyEqual) // TODO for dynamic scalar (only) look at previous value (different sid) and skip if that has same value continue; // set either retired or data, not both if (retired) { // if we are retiring then get rid of old value if (auditDisabled && oldIsSet) this.conn.kill(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, stamp, "Data"); this.conn.set(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, stamp, "Retired", retired); } else { // if we are not retiring then get rid of old Retired just in case it was set before if (auditDisabled) this.conn.kill(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, stamp, "Retired"); this.conn.set(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, stamp, "Data", newValue); } // add tags if any - ok even if retired if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(tags)) this.conn.set(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, stamp, "Tags", tags); else if (auditDisabled) this.conn.kill(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, stamp, "Tags"); if (from != null) this.conn.set(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, stamp, "From", from); else if (auditDisabled) this.conn.kill(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, stamp, "From"); if (to != null) this.conn.set(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, stamp, "To", to); else if (auditDisabled) this.conn.kill(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid, stamp, "To"); // don't bother with the indexes if not configured // or if there is a newer value for this field already set if (!schema.isIndexed() || hasNewer || effectivelyEqual) continue; if (oldIsSet && !oldIsRetired) { if (oldValue instanceof String) oldValue = oldValue.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); // decrement index count for the old value // remove the old index value this.conn.dec(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, fname, oldValue); this.conn.kill(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, fname, oldValue, id, sid); } if (!retired) { if (newValue instanceof String) newValue = newValue.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); String range = null; if (from != null) range = from.toString(); if (to != null) { if (range == null) range = ":" + to.toString(); else range += ":" + to.toString(); } // increment index count // set the new index new, did, table, fname, newValue); this.conn.set(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, fname, newValue, id, sid, range); } continue; } } catch (Exception x) { or.error("Error updating field: " + fname); } } return or; } public OperationResult setStaticScalar(String table, String id, String field, Object data) { RecordStruct fields = new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct(field, new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct("Data", data) )) ); return this.setFields(table, id, fields); } public OperationResult setStaticList(String table, String id, String field, String subid, Object data) { RecordStruct fields = new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct(field, new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct(subid, new RecordStruct(new FieldStruct("Data", data)) ) )) ); return this.setFields(table, id, fields); } // from is ms since 1970 public OperationResult setDynamicScalar(String table, String id, String field, String subid, BigDateTime from, Object data) { RecordStruct fields = new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct(field, new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct(subid, new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct("Data", data), new FieldStruct("From", from) ) ) )) ); return this.setFields(table, id, fields); } // from and to are ms since 1970 public OperationResult setDynamicList(String table, String id, String field, String subid, BigDateTime from, BigDateTime to, Object data) { RecordStruct fields = new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct(field, new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct(subid, new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct("Data", data), new FieldStruct("From", from), new FieldStruct("To", to) ) ) )) ); return this.setFields(table, id, fields); } /* public void rebiuldIndex(String table) { ; ; don't run when Java connector is active indexTable(table) n field f s field=$o(^dcSchema($p(table,"#"),"Fields",field)) q:field="" d indexField(table,field) quit ; ; don't run when Java connector is active indexField(table,field) n val,id,stamp,sid,fschema i (table'["#")&(Domain'="") s table=table_"#"_Domain ; support table instances ; m fschema=^dcSchema($p(table,"#"),"Fields",field) ; quit:'fschema("Indexed") ; i 'fschema("List")&'fschema("Dynamic") k ^dcIndex1(table,field) e k ^dcIndex2(table,field) ; f s id=$o(^dcRecord(table,id)) q:id="" d . i 'fschema("List")&'fschema("Dynamic") d q . . s stamp=$o(^dcRecord(table,id,field,""),-1) q:stamp="" . . s val=^dcRecord(table,id,field,stamp,"Data",0) . . s val=$$val2Ndx(val) . . ; . . ; don't index null . . i val="" q . . ; . . s ^dcIndex1(table,field,val,id)=1 . . s ^dcIndex1(table,field,val)=^dcIndex1(table,field,val)+1 . ; . f s sid=$o(^dcRecord(table,id,field,sid),-1) q:sid="" d . . s stamp=$o(^dcRecord(table,id,field,sid,""),-1) q:stamp="" . . ; . . s val=^dcRecord(table,id,field,sid,stamp,"Data",0) . . s val=$$val2Ndx(val) . . ; . . ; don't index null . . i val="" q . . ; . . s ^dcIndex2(table,field,val,id,sid)=1 . . s ^dcIndex2(table,field,val)=^dcIndex2(table,field,val)+1 ; quit ; } */ public boolean isDeleted(String table, String id) { try { return this.conn.getAsBooleanOrFalse(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, task.getDomain(), table, id, "Deleted"); } catch (DatabaseException x) { // TODO logger } return false; } public boolean isRetired(String table, String id) { try { if (!this.conn.hasAny(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, task.getDomain(), table, id)) return true; if (this.conn.getAsBooleanOrFalse(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, task.getDomain(), table, id, "Deleted")) return true; if (Struct.objectToBooleanOrFalse(this.getStaticScalar(table, id, "Retired"))) return true; } catch (DatabaseException x) { // TODO logger } return false; } /* ; check not only retired, but if this record was active during the period of time ; indicated by "when". If a record has no From then it is considered to be ; active indefinitely in the past, prior to To. If there is no To then record ; is active current and since From. */ public boolean isCurrent(String table, String id, BigDateTime when, boolean historical) { if (this.isRetired(table, id)) return false; if (when == null) return true; if (!historical) { BigDateTime to = Struct.objectToBigDateTime(this.getStaticScalar(table, id, "To")); // when must come before to if ((to != null) && (when.compareTo(to) != -1)) return false; } BigDateTime from = Struct.objectToBigDateTime(this.getStaticScalar(table, id, "From")); // when must come after - or at - from if ((from != null) && (when.compareTo(from) >= 0)) return false; return true; } public Object getStaticScalar(String table, String id, String field) { return this.getStaticScalar(table, id, field, null); } public Object getStaticScalar(String table, String id, String field, String format) { // checks the Retired flag BigDecimal stamp = this.getStaticScalarStamp(table, id, field); if (stamp == null) return null; try { Object val = this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, stamp, "Data"); // TODO format return val; } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getStaticScalar error: " + x); } return null; } public byte[] getStaticScalarRaw(String table, String id, String field) { // checks the Retired flag BigDecimal stamp = this.getStaticScalarStamp(table, id, field); if (stamp == null) return null; try { return this.conn.getRaw(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, stamp, "Data"); } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getStaticScalar error: " + x); } return null; } public RecordStruct getStaticScalarExtended(String table, String id, String field, String format) { BigDecimal stamp = this.getStaticScalarStamp(table, id, field); if (stamp == null) return null; try { RecordStruct ret = new RecordStruct(); // TODO format data ret.setField("Data", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, stamp, "Data")); ret.setField("Tags", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, stamp, "Tags")); ret.setField("Retired", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, stamp, "Retired")); return ret; } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getStaticScalar error: " + x); } return null; } public BigDecimal getStaticScalarStamp(String table, String id, String field) { try { byte[] olderStamp = this.conn.getOrNextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, this.task.getStamp()); if (olderStamp == null) return null; BigDecimal oldStamp = Struct.objectToDecimal(ByteUtil.extractValue(olderStamp)); if (this.conn.getAsBooleanOrFalse(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, oldStamp, "Retired")) return null; return oldStamp; } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getStaticScalar error: " + x); } return null; } public Object getStaticList(String table, String id, String field, String subid) { return this.getStaticList(table, id, field, subid, null); } public Object getStaticList(String table, String id, String field, String subid, String format) { // checks the Retired flag BigDecimal stamp = this.getListStamp(table, id, field, subid, null); if (stamp == null) return null; try { Object val = this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Data"); // TODO format return val; } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getStaticList error: " + x); } return null; } public byte[] getStaticListRaw(String table, String id, String field, String subid) { // checks the Retired flag BigDecimal stamp = this.getListStamp(table, id, field, subid, null); if (stamp == null) return null; try { return this.conn.getRaw(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Data"); } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getStaticList error: " + x); } return null; } public RecordStruct getStaticListExtended(String table, String id, String field, String subid, String format) { BigDecimal stamp = this.getListStamp(table, id, field, subid, null); if (stamp == null) return null; try { RecordStruct ret = new RecordStruct(); // TODO format ret.setField("SubId", subid); ret.setField("Data", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Data")); ret.setField("Tags", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Tags")); ret.setField("Retired", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Retired")); return ret; } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getStaticList error: " + x); } return null; } public List<String> getStaticListKeys(String table, String id, String field) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>(); try { byte[] subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, null); while (subid != null) { Object sid = ByteUtil.extractValue(subid); ret.add(Struct.objectToString(sid)); subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, sid); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getStaticList error: " + x); } return ret; } public Object getDynamicScalar(String table, String id, String field, BigDateTime when) { return this.getDynamicScalar(table, id, field, when, null, false); } public Object getDynamicScalar(String table, String id, String field, BigDateTime when, String format, boolean historical) { String subid = this.getDynamicScalarSubId(table, id, field, when, historical); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(subid)) return null; // checks the Retired flag BigDecimal stamp = this.getListStamp(table, id, field, subid, when); if (stamp == null) return null; try { Object val = this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Data"); // TODO format return val; } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicScalar error: " + x); } return null; } public byte[] getDynamicScalarRaw(String table, String id, String field, BigDateTime when, boolean historical) { String subid = this.getDynamicScalarSubId(table, id, field, when, historical); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(subid)) return null; // checks the Retired flag BigDecimal stamp = this.getListStamp(table, id, field, subid, when); if (stamp == null) return null; try { return this.conn.getRaw(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Data"); } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicScalar error: " + x); } return null; } public RecordStruct getDynamicScalarExtended(String table, String id, String field, BigDateTime when, String format, boolean historical) { String subid = this.getDynamicScalarSubId(table, id, field, when, historical); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(subid)) return null; BigDecimal stamp = this.getListStamp(table, id, field, subid, when); if (stamp == null) return null; try { RecordStruct ret = new RecordStruct(); ret.setField("SubId", subid); ret.setField("Data", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Data")); ret.setField("Tags", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Tags")); ret.setField("Retired", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Retired")); ret.setField("From", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "From")); return ret; } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicScalar error: " + x); } return null; } public String getDynamicScalarSubId(String table, String id, String field, BigDateTime when, boolean historical) { if (when == null) when = new BigDateTime(); if (!historical) { BigDateTime to = Struct.objectToBigDateTime(this.getStaticScalar(table, id, "To")); // when must come before to if ((to != null) && (when.compareTo(to) != -1)) return null; } BigDateTime matchWhen = null; String matchSid = null; try { byte[] subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, null); while (subid != null) { Object sid = ByteUtil.extractValue(subid); byte[] stmp = this.conn.getOrNextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, sid, this.task.getStamp()); if (stmp != null) { Object stamp = ByteUtil.extractValue(stmp); if (!this.conn.getAsBooleanOrFalse(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, sid, stamp, "Retired")) { BigDateTime from = this.conn.getAsBigDateTime(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, sid, stamp, "From"); if (from == null) from = Struct.objectToBigDateTime(this.getStaticScalar(table, id, "From")); if ((from == null) && (matchWhen == null)) matchSid = Struct.objectToString(sid); // if `from` is before or at `when` and if `from` is greater than a previous match else if ((from != null) && (from.compareTo(when) <= 0)) { if ((matchWhen == null) || (from.compareTo(matchWhen) > 0)) { matchWhen = from; matchSid = Struct.objectToString(sid); } } } } subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, sid); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicScalar error: " + x); } return matchSid; } public List<String> getDynamicScalarKeys(String table, String id, String field) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>(); try { byte[] subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, null); while (subid != null) { Object sid = ByteUtil.extractValue(subid); ret.add(Struct.objectToString(sid)); subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, sid); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicScalar error: " + x); } return ret; } public Object getDynamicList(String table, String id, String field, String subid, BigDateTime when) { return this.getDynamicList(table, id, field, subid, when, null); } public Object getDynamicList(String table, String id, String field, String subid, BigDateTime when, String format) { // checks the Retired flag BigDecimal stamp = this.getListStamp(table, id, field, subid, when); if (stamp == null) return null; try { Object val = this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Data"); // TODO format return val; } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicList error: " + x); } return null; } public byte[] getDynamicListRaw(String table, String id, String field, String subid, BigDateTime when) { // checks the Retired flag BigDecimal stamp = this.getListStamp(table, id, field, subid, when); if (stamp == null) return null; try { return this.conn.getRaw(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Data"); } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicList error: " + x); } return null; } public RecordStruct getDynamicListExtended(String table, String id, String field, String subid, BigDateTime when, String format) { BigDecimal stamp = this.getListStamp(table, id, field, subid, when); if (stamp == null) return null; try { RecordStruct ret = new RecordStruct(); ret.setField("SubId", subid); ret.setField("Data", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Data")); ret.setField("Tags", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Tags")); ret.setField("Retired", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "Retired")); ret.setField("From", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "From")); ret.setField("To", this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, stamp, "To")); return ret; } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicList error: " + x); } return null; } public BigDecimal getListStamp(String table, String id, String field, String subid, BigDateTime when) { try { byte[] olderStamp = this.conn.getOrNextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, this.task.getStamp()); if (olderStamp == null) return null; BigDecimal oldStamp = Struct.objectToDecimal(ByteUtil.extractValue(olderStamp)); if (this.conn.getAsBooleanOrFalse(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, oldStamp, "Retired")) return null; if (when == null) return oldStamp; BigDateTime to = this.conn.getAsBigDateTime(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, oldStamp, "To"); if (to == null) to = Struct.objectToBigDateTime(this.getStaticScalar(table, id, "To")); // if `to` is before or at `when` then bad if ((to != null) && (to.compareTo(when) <= 0)) return null; BigDateTime from = this.conn.getAsBigDateTime(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, subid, oldStamp, "From"); if (from == null) from = Struct.objectToBigDateTime(this.getStaticScalar(table, id, "From")); if (from == null) return oldStamp; // if `from` is before or at `when` then good if (from.compareTo(when) <= 0) return oldStamp; } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicList error: " + x); } return null; } public List<String> getDynamicListKeys(String table, String id, String field) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>(); try { byte[] subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, null); while (subid != null) { Object sid = ByteUtil.extractValue(subid); ret.add(Struct.objectToString(sid)); subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, sid); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicList error: " + x); } return ret; } public Object get(String table, String id, String field, BigDateTime when) { return this.get(table, id, field, when, null, false); } public List<Object> get(String table, String id, String field, BigDateTime when, String format, boolean historical) { List<Object> ret = new ArrayList<>(); DbField schema = this.task.getSchema().getDbField(table, field); if (schema == null) return ret; if (!schema.isList() && !schema.isDynamic()) { ret.add(this.getStaticScalar(table, id, field, format)); return ret; } if (!schema.isList() && schema.isDynamic()) { ret.add(this.getDynamicScalar(table, id, field, when, format, historical)); return ret; } try { byte[] subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, null); while (subid != null) { Object sid = ByteUtil.extractValue(subid); if (schema.isList() && !schema.isDynamic()) ret.add(this.getStaticList(table, id, field, Struct.objectToString(sid), format)); else ret.add(this.getDynamicList(table, id, field, Struct.objectToString(sid), when, format)); subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, sid); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicList error: " + x); } return ret; } public List<Object> getExtended(String table, String id, String field, BigDateTime when, String format, boolean historical) { List<Object> ret = new ArrayList<>(); DbField schema = this.task.getSchema().getDbField(table, field); if (schema == null) return ret; if (!schema.isList() && !schema.isDynamic()) { ret.add(this.getStaticScalarExtended(table, id, field, format)); return ret; } if (!schema.isList() && schema.isDynamic()) { ret.add(this.getDynamicScalarExtended(table, id, field, when, format, historical)); return ret; } try { byte[] subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, null); while (subid != null) { Object sid = ByteUtil.extractValue(subid); if (schema.isList() && !schema.isDynamic()) ret.add(this.getStaticListExtended(table, id, field, Struct.objectToString(sid), format)); else ret.add(this.getDynamicListExtended(table, id, field, Struct.objectToString(sid), when, format)); subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, sid); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicList error: " + x); } return ret; } // subid null for all public List<byte[]> getRaw(String table, String id, String field, String subid, BigDateTime when, boolean historical) { List<byte[]> ret = new ArrayList<>(); DbField schema = this.task.getSchema().getDbField(table, field); if (schema == null) return ret; if (!schema.isList() && !schema.isDynamic()) { ret.add(this.getStaticScalarRaw(table, id, field)); return ret; } if (!schema.isList() && schema.isDynamic()) { ret.add(this.getDynamicScalarRaw(table, id, field, when, historical)); return ret; } if (subid != null) { if (schema.isList() && !schema.isDynamic()) ret.add(this.getStaticListRaw(table, id, field, subid)); else ret.add(this.getDynamicListRaw(table, id, field, subid, when)); // TODO check if this returns null sometimes, not what we want right? } else { try { byte[] bsubid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, null); while (bsubid != null) { Object sid = ByteUtil.extractValue(bsubid); if (schema.isList() && !schema.isDynamic()) ret.add(this.getStaticListRaw(table, id, field, Struct.objectToString(sid))); else ret.add(this.getDynamicListRaw(table, id, field, Struct.objectToString(sid), when)); // TODO check if this returns null sometimes, not what we want right? bsubid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, this.task.getDomain(), table, id, field, sid); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicList error: " + x); } } return ret; } /* TODO something like this... ; check to see if value is current with the given when+historical settings has(value,table,id,field,when,format,historical) i (table="")!(id="")!(field="") quit 0 i (table'["#")&(Domain'="") s table=table_"#"_Domain ; support table instances ; n fschema m fschema=^dcSchema($p(table,"#"),"Fields",field) i 'fschema("List")&'fschema("Dynamic") quit ($$get1(table,id,field,format)=value) i 'fschema("List")&fschema("Dynamic") quit ($$get3(table,id,field,when,format,historical)=value) ; n sid,fnd f s sid=$o(^dcRecord(table,id,field,sid)) q:sid="" d q:fnd . s:($$get4(table,id,field,sid,when,format)=value) fnd=1 ; quit fnd ; */ public Object formatField(String table, String fname, Object value, String format) { if ("Tr".equals(format)) { // TODO translate $$tr^dcStrUtil("_enum_"_table_"_"_field_"_"_val) } // TODO format date/time to chrono // TODO format numbers to locale // TODO split? pad? custom format function? return value; } public boolean checkSelect(String table, String id, BigDateTime when, RecordStruct where, boolean historical) { if (!this.isCurrent(table, id, when, historical)) return false; if (where == null) return true; boolean ret = false; String expression = where.getFieldAsString("Expression"); // expression name - "And", "Or", "Equal", etc. if (StringUtil.isEmpty(expression)) return ret; /* ; ; Complex: And | Or | Not ; Simple: Equal | NotEqual | In | Any | Filter | Is | IsNot ; LessThan | GreaterThan | LessThanOrEqual | GreaterThanOrEqual | Between ; StartsWith | Contains */ if ("And".equals(expression)) { ListStruct children = where.getFieldAsList("Children"); if (children != null) { for (Struct s : children.getItems()) { RecordStruct child = (RecordStruct) s; ret = this.checkSelect(table, id, when, child, historical); if (!ret) break; } } return ret; } if ("Or".equals(expression)) { ListStruct children = where.getFieldAsList("Children"); if (children != null) { for (Struct s : children.getItems()) { RecordStruct child = (RecordStruct) s; ret = this.checkSelect(table, id, when, child, historical); if (ret) break; } } return ret; } // Not is only allowed 1 child if ("Not".equals(expression)) { ListStruct children = where.getFieldAsList("Children"); if (children != null) { RecordStruct child = children.getItemAsRecord(0); ret = !this.checkSelect(table, id, when, child, historical); } return ret; } if ("Filter".equals(expression)) { /* . s filter=where("Filter") . i (filter'="")&(^dcProg("wherefilter",filter)'="") x "s res=$$"_^dcProg("wherefilter",filter)_"()" */ return ret; } String[] parts = new String[] { "A", "B", "C" }; List<List<byte[]>> values = new ArrayList<List<byte[]>>(); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { values.add(null); // start with null RecordStruct pdef = where.getFieldAsRecord(parts[i]); if (pdef == null) continue; String pfname = pdef.getFieldAsString("Field"); String subid = pdef.getFieldAsString("SubId"); // TODO String pformat = pdef.getFieldAsString("Format"); // add support for Format, this converts from byte to object, then formats object, then back to byte for compares if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(pfname)) { if ("Id".equals(pfname)) { ArrayList<byte[]> vl = new ArrayList<>(); vl.add(ByteUtil.buildValue(id)); values.set(i, vl); } else values.set(i, this.getRaw(table, id, pfname, subid, when, historical)); continue; } String comp = pdef.getFieldAsString("Composer"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(comp)) { values.set(i, null); // TODO composer continue; } Object val = pdef.getField("Value"); if (val != null) { ArrayList<byte[]> vl = new ArrayList<>(); if (val instanceof ListStruct) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < ((ListStruct)val).getSize(); i2++) vl.add(ByteUtil.buildValue(((ListStruct)val).getItem(i2))); } else { vl.add(ByteUtil.buildValue(val)); } values.set(i, vl); } } List<byte[]> a = values.get(0); List<byte[]> b = values.get(1); List<byte[]> c = values.get(2); if ("Equal".equals(expression)) { if ((a == null) && (b == null)) return true; // rule out one being null if ((a == null) || (b == null)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < Math.max(a.size(), b.size()); i++) { if (i >= a.size()) return false; if (i >= b.size()) return false; byte[] a1 = a.get(i); byte[] b1 = b.get(i); if ((a1 == null) && (b1 == null)) return true; // rule out one being null if ((a1 == null) || (b1 == null)) return false; if (ByteUtil.compareKeys(a1, b1) != 0) return false; } return true; } if ("NotEqual".equals(expression)) { if ((a == null) && (b == null)) return false; if ((a == null) || (b == null)) return true; for (int i = 0; i < Math.max(a.size(), b.size()); i++) { if (i >= a.size()) return true; if (i >= b.size()) return true; if (ByteUtil.compareKeys(a.get(i), b.get(i)) == 0) return false; } return true; } if ("Is".equals(expression)) { if (a == null) return false; // TODO enhance for more than null? for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) { if (ByteUtil.compareKeys(a.get(i), Constants.DB_EMPTY_ARRAY) == 0) return false; } return true; } if ("IsNot".equals(expression)) { if (a == null) return true; // TODO enhance for more than null? for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) { if (ByteUtil.compareKeys(a.get(i), Constants.DB_EMPTY_ARRAY) == 0) return true; } return false; } if ("LessThan".equals(expression)) { if ((a == null) && (b == null)) return false; if (a == null) return true; if (b == null) return false; int max = Math.max(a.size(), b.size()); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (i >= a.size()) return true; if (i >= b.size()) return false; int comp = ByteUtil.compareKeys(a.get(i), b.get(i)); if ((comp == 0) && (i < max -1)) continue; // first compare that is smaller wins if (comp < 0) return true; // first compare that is larger loses if (comp > 0) return false; } // must be equal here return false; } if ("GreaterThan".equals(expression)) { if ((a == null) && (b == null)) return false; if (a == null) return false; if (b == null) return true; int max = Math.max(a.size(), b.size()); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (i >= a.size()) return false; if (i >= b.size()) return true; int comp = ByteUtil.compareKeys(a.get(i), b.get(i)); // first compare that is smaller loses if (comp < 0) return false; // first compare that is larger wins if (comp > 0) return true; } // we must be equal here return false; } if ("LessThanOrEqual".equals(expression)) { if ((a == null) && (b == null)) return true; if (a == null) return true; if (b == null) return false; int max = Math.max(a.size(), b.size()); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (i >= a.size()) return true; if (i >= b.size()) return false; int comp = ByteUtil.compareKeys(a.get(i), b.get(i)); // first compare that is smaller wins if (comp < 0) return true; // first compare that is larger loses if (comp > 0) return false; } return true; } if ("GreaterThanOrEqual".equals(expression)) { if ((a == null) && (b == null)) return true; if (a == null) return false; if (b == null) return true; int max = Math.max(a.size(), b.size()); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (i >= a.size()) return false; if (i >= b.size()) return true; int comp = ByteUtil.compareKeys(a.get(i), b.get(i)); // first compare that is smaller loses if (comp < 0) return false; // first compare that is larger wins if (comp > 0) return true; } return true; } if ("Between".equals(expression)) { if ((a == null) && (b == null)) return true; if (a == null) return false; if (b != null) { // check the greater than or equal condition first int max = Math.max(a.size(), b.size()); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (i >= a.size()) return false; if (i >= b.size()) break; int comp = ByteUtil.compareKeys(a.get(i), b.get(i)); // first compare that is smaller loses if (comp < 0) return false; // first compare that is larger wins if (comp > 0) break; } } // now check the less than condition if (c == null) return false; int max = Math.max(a.size(), c.size()); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (i >= a.size()) return true; if (i >= c.size()) return false; int comp = ByteUtil.compareKeys(a.get(i), c.get(i)); // first compare that is smaller wins if (comp < 0) return true; // first compare that is larger loses if (comp > 0) return false; } return true; } if ("Any".equals(expression)) { if ((a == null) && (b == null)) return true; // rule out one being null if ((a == null) || (b == null)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < b.size(); i2++) { if (ByteUtil.compareKeys(a.get(i), b.get(i2)) == 0) return true; } } return false; } /* reconsider TODO if ("In".equals(expression)) { /* i name="In" d quit res . f s a=$o(aa(a)) q:a="" d q:res . . s x="|"_aa(a)_"|" . . i bb(0)[x s res=1 * / return ret; } */ if ("StartsWith".equals(expression)) { // b is only allowed one value here if ((a == null) || (b == null) || (b.size() != 1)) return false; Object bv = ByteUtil.extractValue(b.get(0)); if (bv == null) return false; String bs = bv.toString(); for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) { Object av = ByteUtil.extractValue(a.get(i)); if (av == null) return false; if (!av.toString().startsWith(bs)) return false; } return true; } if ("EndsWith".equals(expression)) { // b is only allowed one value here if ((a == null) || (b == null) || (b.size() != 1)) return false; Object bv = ByteUtil.extractValue(b.get(0)); if (bv == null) return false; String bs = bv.toString(); for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) { Object av = ByteUtil.extractValue(a.get(i)); if (av == null) return false; if (!av.toString().endsWith(bs)) return false; } return true; } if ("Contains".equals(expression)) { // b is only allowed one value here if ((a == null) || (b == null) || (b.size() != 1)) return false; Object bv = ByteUtil.extractValue(b.get(0)); if (bv == null) return false; String bs = bv.toString(); for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) { Object av = ByteUtil.extractValue(a.get(i)); if (av == null) return false; if (!av.toString().contains(bs)) return false; } return true; } return ret; } public void traverseSubIds(String table, String id, String fname, BigDateTime when, boolean historical, Consumer<Object> out) { String did = this.task.getDomain(); try { byte[] subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, null); while (subid != null) { Object sid = ByteUtil.extractValue(subid); // if stamp is null it means Retired if (this.getListStamp(table, id, fname, sid.toString(), when) != null) out.accept(sid); subid = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, fname, sid); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicList error: " + x); } } public void traverseRecords(String table, BigDateTime when, boolean historical, Consumer<Object> out) { String did = this.task.getDomain(); try { byte[] id = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, null); while (id != null) { Object oid = ByteUtil.extractValue(id); if (this.isCurrent(table, oid.toString(), when, historical)) out.accept(oid); id = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, oid); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("getDynamicList error: " + x); } } public void traverseIndex(String table, String fname, Object val, BigDateTime when, boolean historical, Consumer<Object> out) { this.traverseIndex(table, fname, val, null, when, historical, out); } public void traverseIndex(String table, String fname, Object val, String subid, BigDateTime when, boolean historical, Consumer<Object> out) { String did = this.task.getDomain(); DbField ffdef = this.task.getSchema().getDbField(table, fname); if (ffdef == null) return; if (val instanceof String) val = val.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); try { byte[] recid = conn.nextPeerKey(ffdef.getIndexName(), did, table, fname, val, null); while (recid != null) { Object rid = ByteUtil.extractValue(recid); if (this.isCurrent(table, rid.toString(), when, historical)) { if (ffdef.isStaticScalar()) { out.accept(rid); } else { byte[] recsid = conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, fname, val, rid, null); while (recsid != null) { Object rsid = ByteUtil.extractValue(recsid); if ((subid == null) || subid.equals(rsid)) { String range = conn.getAsString(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, fname, val, rid, rsid); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(range) || (when == null)) { out.accept(rid); } else { int pos = range.indexOf(':'); BigDateTime from = null; BigDateTime to = null; if (pos == -1) { from = BigDateTime.parseOrNull(range); } else if (pos == 0) { to = BigDateTime.parseOrNull(range.substring(1)); } else { from = BigDateTime.parseOrNull(range.substring(0, pos)); to = BigDateTime.parseOrNull(range.substring(pos + 1)); } if (((from == null) || (when.compareTo(from) >= 0)) && ((to == null) || (when.compareTo(to) < 0))) out.accept(rid); } } recsid = conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, fname, val, rid, rsid); } } } recid = conn.nextPeerKey(ffdef.getIndexName(), did, table, fname, val, rid); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("traverseIndex error: " + x); } } public Object firstInIndex(String table, String fname, Object val, BigDateTime when, boolean historical) { String did = this.task.getDomain(); DbField ffdef = this.task.getSchema().getDbField(table, fname); if (ffdef == null) return null; if (val instanceof String) val = val.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); try { byte[] recid = conn.nextPeerKey(ffdef.getIndexName(), did, table, fname, val, null); while (recid != null) { Object rid = ByteUtil.extractValue(recid); if (this.isCurrent(table, rid.toString(), when, historical)) { if (ffdef.isStaticScalar()) return rid; byte[] recsid = conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, fname, val, rid, null); while (recsid != null) { Object rsid = ByteUtil.extractValue(recsid); String range = conn.getAsString(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, fname, val, rid, rsid); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(range) || (when == null)) return rid; int pos = range.indexOf(':'); BigDateTime from = null; BigDateTime to = null; if (pos == -1) { from = BigDateTime.parseOrNull(range); } else if (pos == 0) { to = BigDateTime.parseOrNull(range.substring(1)); } else { from = BigDateTime.parseOrNull(range.substring(0, pos)); to = BigDateTime.parseOrNull(range.substring(pos + 1)); } if (((from == null) || (when.compareTo(from) >= 0)) && ((to == null) || (when.compareTo(to) < 0))) return rid; recsid = conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, fname, val, rsid); } } recid = conn.nextPeerKey(ffdef.getIndexName(), did, table, fname, val, rid); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("traverseIndex error: " + x); } return null; } // traverse the values public void traverseIndexValRange(String table, String fname, Object fromval, Object toval, BigDateTime when, boolean historical, Consumer<Object> out) { String did = this.task.getDomain(); DbField ffdef = this.task.getSchema().getDbField(table, fname); if (ffdef == null) return; if (fromval instanceof String) fromval = fromval.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); if (toval instanceof String) toval = toval.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); try { byte[] valb = conn.getOrNextPeerKey(ffdef.getIndexName(), did, table, fname, fromval); byte[] valfin = (toval != null) ? ByteUtil.buildKey(toval) : null; while (valb != null) { // check if past "To" if ((valfin != null) && (ByteUtil.compareKeys(valb, valfin) >= 0)) break; Object val = ByteUtil.extractValue(valb); out.accept(val); valb = conn.nextPeerKey(ffdef.getIndexName(), did, table, fname, val); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("traverseIndex error: " + x); } } // traverse the record ids public void traverseIndexRange(String table, String fname, Object fromval, Object toval, BigDateTime when, boolean historical, Consumer<Object> out) { String did = this.task.getDomain(); DbField ffdef = this.task.getSchema().getDbField(table, fname); if (ffdef == null) return; if (fromval instanceof String) fromval = fromval.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); if (toval instanceof String) toval = toval.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); try { byte[] valb = conn.getOrNextPeerKey(ffdef.getIndexName(), did, table, fname, fromval); byte[] valfin = (toval != null) ? ByteUtil.buildKey(toval) : null; while (valb != null) { // check if past "To" if ((valfin != null) && (ByteUtil.compareKeys(valb, valfin) >= 0)) break; Object val = ByteUtil.extractValue(valb); byte[] recid = conn.nextPeerKey(ffdef.getIndexName(), did, table, fname, val, null); while (recid != null) { Object rid = ByteUtil.extractValue(recid); if (this.isCurrent(table, rid.toString(), when, historical)) { if (ffdef.isStaticScalar()) { out.accept(rid); } else { byte[] recsid = conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, fname, val, rid, null); while (recsid != null) { Object rsid = ByteUtil.extractValue(recsid); String range = conn.getAsString(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, fname, val, rid, rsid); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(range) || (when == null)) { out.accept(rid); } else { int pos = range.indexOf(':'); BigDateTime from = null; BigDateTime to = null; if (pos == -1) { from = BigDateTime.parseOrNull(range); } else if (pos == 0) { to = BigDateTime.parseOrNull(range.substring(1)); } else { from = BigDateTime.parseOrNull(range.substring(0, pos)); to = BigDateTime.parseOrNull(range.substring(pos + 1)); } if (((from == null) || (when.compareTo(from) >= 0)) && ((to == null) || (when.compareTo(to) < 0))) out.accept(rid); } recsid = conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, fname, val, rsid); } } } recid = conn.nextPeerKey(ffdef.getIndexName(), did, table, fname, val, rid); } valb = conn.nextPeerKey(ffdef.getIndexName(), did, table, fname, val); } } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("traverseIndex error: " + x); } } public OperationResult executeTrigger(String table, String op, DatabaseInterface conn, DatabaseTask task, OperationResult log) { OperationResult or = new OperationResult(); List<DbTrigger> trigs = this.task.getSchema().getDbTriggers(table, op); for (DbTrigger trig : trigs) { String spname = trig.execute; try { Class<?> spclass = Class.forName(spname); IStoredProc sp = (IStoredProc) spclass.newInstance(); sp.execute(conn, task, log); } catch (Exception x) { or.error("Unable to load/start tigger class: " + x); } } return or; } /* ; TODO improve so source can be table or script ; Params("Sources",[table name],"Title")=[field name] ; Params("Sources",[table name],"Body")=[field name] ; Params("Sources",[table name],"Extras",[field name])=1 ; TODO wrap up to above sids are part of a source ; Params("AllowedSids",[table name],[field name],[sid])=1 - if field name not present then assume all ; ; Params("RequiredWords",[word],"Term")=1 ; ,"Exact")=[exact word for final match in Original] ; ; Params("AllowedWords",[word],"Term")=1 ; ,"Exact")=[exact word for final match in Original] ; ; Params("ProhibitedWords",[word],"Term")=1 ; ,"Exact")=[exact word for final match in Original] ; ; returns top results first, returns only 1000 ; and no more than 100 or so per field...that is all one should ever need ; ; RETURN = [ ; { ; Table: N, ; Id: N, ; Score: N, ; TitlePositions: [ N, n ], // relative to Title, where 0 is first character ; Title: SSSS ; BodyPositions: [ N, n ], // relative to Body, where 0 is first character ; Body: SSSS ; } ; ] ; srchTxt n params2,table,field,ret,match,score,id,ttitle,tbody,tab,sid,word,plist,i ; ; srchTxt2 is the heart of the searching, this routine just formats those results ; so we need to prep some parameters for srchTxt2 ; m params2("RequiredWords")=Params("RequiredWords") m params2("AllowedWords")=Params("AllowedWords") m params2("ProhibitedWords")=Params("ProhibitedWords") m params2("AllowedSids")=Params("AllowedSids") ; ; convert sources to the srchTxt2 structure ; f s table=$o(Params("Sources",table)) q:table="" d . s ttitle=Params("Sources",table,"Title") . s:ttitle'="" params2("Sources",table,ttitle)=1 . ; . s tbody=Params("Sources",table,"Body") . s:tbody'="" params2("Sources",table,tbody)=1 . ; . k field f s field=$o(Params("Sources",table,"Extras",field)) q:field="" d . . s params2("Sources",table,field)=1 ; ; collect search results ; d srchTxt2(.params2,.ret) ; ; return the results ; w StartList ; f s score=$o(ret(score),-1) q:score="" d . f s table=$o(ret(score,table)) q:table="" d . . s tab=$p(table,"#",1) . . f s id=$o(ret(score,table,id)) q:id="" d . . . w StartRec . . . w Field_"Table"_ScalarStr_tab . . . w Field_"Id"_ScalarStr_id . . . w Field_"Score"_ScalarInt_score . . . ; . . . s ttitle=Params("Sources",tab,"Title") . . . s tbody=Params("Sources",tab,"Body") . . . ; . . . w Field_"Title"_ScalarStr . . . s sid=$o(^dcTextRecord(table,id,ttitle,"")) . . . ; . . . i sid'="" d . . . . w ^dcTextRecord(table,id,ttitle,sid,"Original",0) ; titles are no more than one line . . . . ; . . . . i $d(ret(score,table,id,ttitle,sid))>0 d . . . . . w Field_"TitlePositions"_StartList . . . . . ; . . . . . f s word=$o(ret(score,table,id,ttitle,sid,word)) q:word="" d . . . . . . s plist=ret(score,table,id,ttitle,sid,word) . . . . . . f i=1:1:$l(plist,",") w ScalarInt_$p(plist,",",i) . . . . . ; . . . . . w EndList . . . . ; . . . s tbody=Params("Sources",tab,"Body") . . . ; . . . w Field_"Body"_ScalarStr . . . k sid f s sid=$o(^dcTextRecord(table,id,tbody,sid)) q:sid="" d . . . . ; . . . . ;i $d(ret(score,table,id,tbody,sid))>0 d q . . . . ;. ; TODO find the positions and cut out parts . . . . ; . . . . ; if we get here then we are just writing the top 30 words . . . . s sentence=^dcTextRecord(table,id,tbody,sid,"Original",0) . . . . k wcnt f i=1:1:$l(sentence) q:wcnt=30 i $e(sentence,i)=" " s wcnt=wcnt+1 . . . . w $e(sentence,1,i-1) . . . ; . . . w EndRec ; w EndList ; quit ; ; ; Params("Sources",[table name],[field name])=1 ; ; Params("AllowedSids",[table name],[field name],[sid])=1 - if field name not present then assume all ; TODO AllowedSids not yet coded!! ; Params("RequiredWords",[word],"Term")=1 ; ,"Exact")=[exact word for final match in Original] ; ; Params("AllowedWords",[word],"Term")=1 ; ,"Exact")=[exact word for final match in Original] ; ; Params("ProhibitedWords",[word],"Term")=1 ; ,"Exact")=[exact word for final match in Original] ; ; ret ; ret(score,table,id,field,sid,word)=[comma list of positions] ; srchTxt2(params,ret) n score,table,field,id,sid,pos,word,sources,find,fnd,sscore,tabled n exact,lnum,matches,fmatch,ismatch,word2,entry,term,nxtscore,collect ; ; create one list of all words we are searching for ; f s word=$o(params("RequiredWords",word)) q:word="" s find(word)=1,lnum=lnum+1 f s word=$o(params("AllowedWords",word)) q:word="" s find(word)=1,lnum=lnum+1 ; s lnum=$s(lnum>5:20,lnum>3:50,1:100) ; limit how many partial matches we look at if we have many words ; ; prime the sources array - we want the top scoring word for each table and field ; we'll then use this array to figure the top score of all. as we loop the sources ; we'll keep adding more top matches so we find the next top scoring ; f s table=$o(params("Sources",table)) q:table="" d . i (table'["#")&(Domain'="") s tabled=table_"#"_Domain ; support table instances . e s tabled=table . ; . f s field=$o(params("Sources",table,field)) q:field="" d . . f s word=$o(find(word)) q:word="" d . . . s score=$o(^dcTextIndex(tabled,field,word,""),-1) . . . i score'="" s sources(score,word,tabled,field)=1 ; sources will get filled out further down . . . ; . . . i (params("RequiredWords",word,"Exact")'="")!(params("AllowedWords",word,"Exact")'="") q . . . k matches . . . s word2=word . . . f s word2=$o(^dcTextIndex(tabled,field,word2)) q:word2="" d q:matches>(lnum-1) . . . . i $f(word2,word)'=($l(word)+1) s matches=lnum q ; if not starting with the original word then stop looking . . . . s score=$o(^dcTextIndex(tabled,field,word2,""),-1) . . . . i score'="" s sources(score,word2,tabled,field)=1,matches=matches+1 ; ; find our top scoring fields/words and then use the text index to find possible ; record matches. ; k score,matches f s score=$o(sources(score),-1) q:score="" d q:matches>999 . f s word=$o(sources(score,word)) q:word="" d . . f s table=$o(sources(score,word,table)) q:table="" d . . . k field . . . f s field=$o(sources(score,word,table,field)) q:field=""!(fmatch(table,field)>99) d . . . . k id . . . . f s id=$o(^dcTextIndex(table,field,word,score,id)) q:id=""!(fmatch(table,field)>99) d . . . . . k sid . . . . . f s sid=$o(^dcTextIndex(table,field,word,score,id,sid)) q:sid=""!(fmatch(table,field)>99) d . . . . . . ; check exact matches - if a required or allowed word is to have an exact match . . . . . . ; . . . . . . k ismatch . . . . . . ; . . . . . . i params("RequiredWords",word) d i 1 . . . . . . . s exact=params("RequiredWords",word,"Exact") i exact="" s ismatch=1 q . . . . . . . k lnum f s lnum=$o(^dcTextRecord(table,id,field,sid,"Original",lnum)) q:lnum="" d q:ismatch . . . . . . . . i ^dcTextRecord(table,id,field,sid,"Original",lnum)[exact s ismatch=1 . . . . . . ; . . . . . . e i params("AllowedWords",word) d i 1 . . . . . . . s exact=params("AllowedWords",word,"Exact") i exact="" s ismatch=1 q . . . . . . . k lnum f s lnum=$o(^dcTextRecord(table,id,field,sid,"Original",lnum)) q:lnum="" d q:ismatch . . . . . . . . i ^dcTextRecord(table,id,field,sid,"Original",lnum)[exact s ismatch=1 . . . . . . ; . . . . . . e s ismatch=1 . . . . . . ; . . . . . . q:'ismatch . . . . . . ; . . . . . . ; check prohibited - see if a prohibited word is in a match . . . . . . ; . . . . . . k word2 f s word2=$o(params("ProhibitedWords",word2)) q:word2="" d q:'ismatch . . . . . . . s exact=params("ProhibitedWords",word2,"Exact") . . . . . . . s entry=$s(exact="":"Analyzed",1:"Original"),term=$s(exact="":"|"_word2_":",1:word2) . . . . . . . k lnum f s lnum=$o(^dcTextRecord(table,id,field,sid,entry,lnum)) q:lnum="" d q:'ismatch . . . . . . . . i ^dcTextRecord(table,id,field,sid,term,lnum)[term s ismatch=0 . . . . . . ; . . . . . . q:'ismatch . . . . . . ; . . . . . . s collect(table,id,field,sid,word)=score ; collect contains the values we need for ordering our results . . . . . . ; . . . . . . s fmatch(table,field)=fmatch(table,field)+1,matches=matches+1 . . . . ; . . . . s nxtscore=$o(^dcTextIndex(table,field,word,score),-1) q:nxtscore="" . . . . s sources(nxtscore,word,table,field)=1 ; filling out sources ; ; build return value - we now have enough words, just want to put them in the right order ; k table,field,id,sid,word,matches ; f s table=$o(collect(table)) q:table="" d q:matches>249 . f s id=$o(collect(table,id)) q:id="" d q:matches>249 . . s ismatch=1 . . ; . . ; ensure all required are present - unlike prohibited, which we can check above, . . ; we have to check required across all potential fields for a given record . . ; . . k word2 f s word2=$o(params("RequiredWords",word2)) q:word2="" d q:'ismatch . . . q:word=word2 ; already checked . . . s exact=params("RequiredWords",word2,"Exact"),fnd=0 . . . s entry=$s(exact="":"Analyzed",1:"Original"),term=$s(exact="":"|"_word2_":",1:word2) . . . ; . . . ; check all fields/sids . . . ; . . . k field f s field=$o(params("Sources",$p(table,"#",1),field)) q:field="" d q:fnd . . . . k sid f s sid=$o(^dcTextRecord(table,id,field,sid)) q:sid="" d q:fnd . . . . . k lnum f s lnum=$o(^dcTextRecord(table,id,field,sid,entry,lnum)) q:lnum="" d q:fnd . . . . . . i ^dcTextRecord(table,id,field,sid,entry,lnum)[term s fnd=1 . . . ; . . . s:'fnd ismatch=0 . . ; . . q:'ismatch . . ; . . ; compute score for the record . . s score=0 . . ; . . k field f s field=$o(collect(table,id,field)) q:field="" d . . . k sid f s sid=$o(collect(table,id,field,sid)) q:sid="" d . . . . k word f s word=$o(collect(table,id,field,sid,word)) q:word="" d . . . . . s sscore=collect(table,id,field,sid,word) . . . . . ; . . . . . ; bonus if the word we are scoring matches one of the original words . . . . . i params("AllowedWords",word)!params("RequiredWords",word) d . . . . . . s lnum=collect(table,id,field,sid,word) . . . . . . s sscore=sscore+($l(^dcTextIndex(table,field,word,lnum,id,sid),",")*2) ; bonus for each word occurance . . . . . ; . . . . . s score=score+sscore . . ; . . ; we now have the score for the record . . ; . . k field f s field=$o(collect(table,id,field)) q:field="" d . . . k sid f s sid=$o(collect(table,id,field,sid)) q:sid="" d . . . . k word f s word=$o(collect(table,id,field,sid,word)) q:word="" d . . . . . s lnum=collect(table,id,field,sid,word) . . . . . s ret(score,table,id,field,sid,word)=^dcTextIndex(table,field,word,lnum,id,sid) . . . ; . . s matches=matches+1 ; record matches, not word matches ; quit ; ; * */ public void rebuildIndexes() { this.rebuildIndexes(Hub.instance.getDomainInfo(this.task.getDomain()), BigDateTime.nowDateTime()); } public void rebuildIndexes(DomainInfo di, BigDateTime when) { try { for (DbTable tbl : di.getSchema().getDbTables()) { this.rebuildTableIndex(di, tbl.getName(), when); } /* byte[] traw = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, di.getId(), null); while (traw != null) { Object table = ByteUtil.extractValue(traw); this.rebuildTableIndex(di, table.toString(), when); traw = this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, di.getId(), table); } */ } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("rebuildDomainIndexes error: " + x); } finally { task.popDomain(); } } public void rebuildTableIndex(String table) { this.rebuildTableIndex(Hub.instance.getDomainInfo(this.task.getDomain()), table, BigDateTime.nowDateTime()); } public void rebuildTableIndex(DomainInfo di, String table, BigDateTime when) { try { // kill the indexes this.conn.kill(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, di.getId(), table); this.conn.kill(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX, di.getId(), table); // see if there is even such a table in the schema //DomainInfo di =; if (!di.getSchema().hasTable(table)) { System.out.println("Skipping table, not known by this domain: " + table); } else { System.out.println("Indexing table: " + table); this.traverseRecords(table, when, false, new Consumer<Object>() { @Override public void accept(Object id) { for (DbField schema : di.getSchema().getDbFields(table)) { if (!schema.isIndexed()) continue; String did = di.getId(); try { // -------------------------------------- // StaticScalar handling // -------------------------------------- if (!schema.isList() && !schema.isDynamic()) { // find the first, newest, stamp byte[] nstamp = TablesAdapter.this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, schema.getName(), null); if (nstamp == null) continue; BigDecimal stamp = Struct.objectToDecimal(ByteUtil.extractValue(nstamp)); if (stamp == null) continue; if (TablesAdapter.this.conn.getAsBooleanOrFalse(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, schema.getName(), stamp, "Retired")) continue; if (!TablesAdapter.this.conn.isSet(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, schema.getName(), stamp, "Data")) continue; Object value = TablesAdapter.this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, schema.getName(), stamp, "Data"); if (value instanceof String) value = value.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); // increment index count // set the new index new, did, table, schema.getName(), value); TablesAdapter.this.conn.set(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX, did, table, schema.getName(), value, id, null); } else { TablesAdapter.this.traverseSubIds(table, id.toString(), schema.getName(), when, false, new Consumer<Object>() { @Override public void accept(Object sid) { try { // find the first, newest, stamp byte[] nstamp = TablesAdapter.this.conn.nextPeerKey(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, schema.getName(), sid, null); if (nstamp == null) return; BigDecimal stamp = Struct.objectToDecimal(ByteUtil.extractValue(nstamp)); if (stamp == null) return; if (TablesAdapter.this.conn.getAsBooleanOrFalse(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, schema.getName(), sid, stamp, "Retired")) return; if (!TablesAdapter.this.conn.isSet(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, schema.getName(), sid, stamp, "Data")) return; Object value = TablesAdapter.this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, schema.getName(), sid, stamp, "Data"); Object from = TablesAdapter.this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, schema.getName(), sid, stamp, "From"); Object to = TablesAdapter.this.conn.get(DB_GLOBAL_RECORD, did, table, id, schema.getName(), sid, stamp, "To"); if (value instanceof String) value = value.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); String range = null; if (from != null) range = from.toString(); if (to != null) { if (range == null) range = ":" + to.toString(); else range += ":" + to.toString(); } // increment index count // set the new index new, did, table, schema.getName(), value); TablesAdapter.this.conn.set(DB_GLOBAL_INDEX_SUB, did, table, schema.getName(), value, id, sid, range); } catch (Exception x) { System.out.println("Error indexing table: " + table + " - " + schema.getName() + " - " + id + " - " + sid + ": " + x); } } }); } } catch (Exception x) { System.out.println("Error indexing table: " + table + " - " + schema.getName() + " - " + id + ": " + x); } } } }); } } catch (DatabaseException x) { System.out.println("Error indexing table: " + table + ": " + x); } } }