package divconq.filestore.bucket; import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader; import groovy.lang.GroovyObject; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import divconq.filestore.CommonPath; import divconq.filestore.IFileStoreDriver; import divconq.filestore.IFileStoreFile; import divconq.filestore.local.FileSystemDriver; import divconq.hub.DomainInfo; import divconq.hub.Hub; import; import divconq.lang.op.FuncCallback; import divconq.lang.op.OperationCallback; import divconq.lang.op.OperationContext; import divconq.lang.op.UserContext; import divconq.session.DataStreamChannel; import divconq.session.Session; import divconq.struct.FieldStruct; import divconq.struct.ListStruct; import divconq.struct.RecordStruct; import divconq.util.MimeUtil; import divconq.util.StringUtil; import divconq.xml.XElement; public class Bucket { protected IFileStoreDriver fsd = null; protected Session channels = null; protected String bestEvidence = null; protected String minEvidence = null; protected String[] readauthlist = null; protected String[] writeauthlist = null; protected GroovyObject script = null; // return true if executed something public boolean tryExecuteMethod(String name, Object... params) { if (this.script == null) return false; Method runmeth = null; for (Method m : this.script.getClass().getMethods()) { if (!m.getName().equals(name)) continue; runmeth = m; break; } if (runmeth == null) return false; try { this.script.invokeMethod(name, params); return true; } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("Unable to execute watcher script!"); OperationContext.get().error("Error: " + x); } return false; } public void init(DomainInfo di, XElement bel, OperationCallback cb) { String bname = bel.getAttribute("Name"); Path bpath = di.resolvePath("buckets").resolve(bname + ".groovy"); if (Files.exists(bpath)) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try (GroovyClassLoader loader = new GroovyClassLoader()) { Path dpath = di.resolvePath("glib"); //System.out.println("dpath: " + dpath); if (Files.exists(dpath)) loader.addClasspath(dpath.toString()); Class<?> groovyClass = loader.parseClass(bpath.toFile()); this.script = (GroovyObject) groovyClass.newInstance(); this.tryExecuteMethod("Init", new Object[] { di }); } catch (Exception x) { OperationContext.get().error("Unable to prepare bucket script: " + bpath); OperationContext.get().error("Error: " + x); } } String ratags = bel.getAttribute("ReadAuthTags"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(ratags)) this.readauthlist = ratags.split(","); String watags = bel.getAttribute("WriteAuthTags"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(watags)) this.writeauthlist = watags.split(","); // TODO enhance, someday this doesn't have to be a local FS this.fsd = new FileSystemDriver(); String root = ".\temp"; // TODO load from settings this.bestEvidence = "SHA256"; this.minEvidence = "Size"; this.channels = Hub.instance.getSessions().createForService(); LocalFileStore pubfs = Hub.instance.getPublicFileStore(); if (pubfs != null) root = di.resolvePath(bel.getAttribute("RootFolder", root)).toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString(); RecordStruct cparams = new RecordStruct().withField("RootFolder", root); // don't wait on this, it'll log correctly this.fsd.connect(cparams, new OperationCallback() { @Override public void callback() { // TODO check success and set Bucket flag if no connection if (cb != null) cb.complete(); } }); } public boolean checkReadAccess() { UserContext uctx = OperationContext.get().getUserContext(); if (this.readauthlist == null) return uctx.isAuthenticated() || uctx.looksLikeRoot(); return uctx.isTagged(this.readauthlist); } public boolean checkWriteAccess() { UserContext uctx = OperationContext.get().getUserContext(); if (this.writeauthlist == null) return uctx.isAuthenticated() || uctx.looksLikeRoot(); return uctx.isTagged(this.writeauthlist); } public IFileStoreDriver getFileStore() { return this.fsd; } /* * ================ programming points ================== */ // feedback // - a file (file returned may have IsReadable and IsWritable set to indicate permissions for current context) // - log errors public void mapRequest(RecordStruct data, FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile> fcb) { if (this.tryExecuteMethod("MapRequest", this, data, fcb)) return; String path = data.getFieldAsString("Path"); this.fsd.getFileDetail(new CommonPath(path), fcb); } // feedback // - lister is optional - it can filter entries and embellish entries // - log errors // - provide Extra response public void getLister(IFileStoreFile fi, RecordStruct data, FuncCallback<BucketLister> fcb) { // TODO } // feedback // - replace a file with another // - log errors // - provide Extra response public void beforeStartDownload(IFileStoreFile fi, RecordStruct data, RecordStruct extra, FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile> fcb) { if (this.tryExecuteMethod("BeforeStartDownload", this, fi, data, extra, fcb)) return; fcb.setResult(fi); fcb.complete(); } // feedback // - log errors // - provide Extra response public void afterStartDownload(IFileStoreFile fi, RecordStruct data, RecordStruct resp, OperationCallback cb) { if (this.tryExecuteMethod("AfterStartDownload", this, fi, data, resp, cb)) return; cb.complete(); } // feedback // - log errors // - provide Extra response public void finishDownload(IFileStoreFile fi, RecordStruct data, RecordStruct extra, boolean pass, String evidenceUsed, OperationCallback cb) { if (this.tryExecuteMethod("FinishDownload", this, fi, data, extra, pass, evidenceUsed, cb)) return; cb.complete(); } // feedback // - replace a file with another // - log errors // - provide Extra response public void beforeStartUpload(IFileStoreFile fi, RecordStruct data, RecordStruct extra, FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile> fcb) { if (this.tryExecuteMethod("BeforeStartUpload", this, fi, data, extra, fcb)) return; fcb.setResult(fi); fcb.complete(); } // feedback // - log errors // - provide Extra response public void afterStartUpload(IFileStoreFile fi, RecordStruct data, RecordStruct resp, OperationCallback cb) { if (this.tryExecuteMethod("AfterStartUpload", this, fi, data, resp, cb)) return; cb.complete(); } // feedback // - log errors // - provide Extra response public void finishUpload(IFileStoreFile fi, RecordStruct data, RecordStruct extra, boolean pass, String evidenceUsed, OperationCallback cb) { if (this.tryExecuteMethod("FinishUpload", this, fi, data, extra, pass, evidenceUsed, cb)) return; cb.complete(); } // feedback // - log errors // - provide Extra response public void beforeRemove(IFileStoreFile fi, RecordStruct data, RecordStruct extra, OperationCallback cb) { if (this.tryExecuteMethod("BeforeRemove", this, fi, data, extra, cb)) return; cb.complete(); } // feedback // - log errors // - provide Extra response public void afterRemove(IFileStoreFile fi, RecordStruct data, RecordStruct extra, OperationCallback cb) { if (this.tryExecuteMethod("AfterRemove", this, fi, data, extra, cb)) return; cb.complete(); } /* * ================ features ================== */ public void handleFileDetail(RecordStruct request, FuncCallback<RecordStruct> fcb) { // check bucket security if (!this.checkReadAccess()) { fcb.errorTr(434); fcb.complete(); return; } this.mapRequest(request, new FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile>() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors()) { fcb.complete(); return; } if (this.isEmptyResult()) { fcb.error("Your request appears valid but does not map to a file. Unable to complete."); fcb.complete(); return; } IFileStoreFile fi = this.getResult(); if (!fi.exists()) { fcb.error("File does not exist"); fcb.complete(); return; } RecordStruct fdata = new RecordStruct(); fdata.setField("FileName", fi.getName()); fdata.setField("IsFolder", fi.isFolder()); fdata.setField("LastModified", fi.getModificationTime()); fdata.setField("Size", fi.getSize()); String meth = request.getFieldAsString("Method"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(meth) || fi.isFolder()) { fcb.setResult(fdata); fcb.complete(); return; } fi.hash(meth, new FuncCallback<String>() { @Override public void callback() { if (!fcb.hasErrors()) { fdata.setField("Hash", this.getResult()); fcb.setResult(fdata); } fcb.complete(); } }); } }); } public void handleDeleteFile(RecordStruct request, FuncCallback<RecordStruct> fcb) { // check bucket security if (!this.checkWriteAccess()) { fcb.errorTr(434); fcb.complete(); return; } this.mapRequest(request, new FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile>() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors()) { fcb.complete(); return; } if (this.isEmptyResult()) { fcb.error("Your request appears valid but does not map to a file. Unable to complete."); fcb.complete(); return; } IFileStoreFile fi = this.getResult(); RecordStruct extra = new RecordStruct(); fcb.setResult(extra); Bucket.this.beforeRemove(fi, request, extra, new OperationCallback() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors() || !fi.exists()) { fcb.complete(); return; } fi.remove(new OperationCallback() { @Override public void callback() { Bucket.this.afterRemove(fi, request, extra, fcb); } }); } }); } }); } public void handleAddFolder(RecordStruct request, FuncCallback<RecordStruct> fcb) { // check bucket security if (!this.checkWriteAccess()) { fcb.errorTr(434); fcb.complete(); return; } this.mapRequest(request, new FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile>() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors()) { fcb.complete(); return; } if (this.isEmptyResult()) { fcb.error("Your request appears valid but does not map to a file. Unable to complete."); fcb.complete(); return; } IFileStoreFile fi = this.getResult(); if (fi.exists() && fi.isFolder()) { fcb.complete(); return; } if (fi.exists() && !fi.isFolder()) { fcb.error("Path already maps to a file, unable to create folder"); fcb.complete(); return; } Bucket.this.fsd.addFolder(fi.path(), new FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile>() { @Override public void callback() { fcb.complete(); } }); } }); } public void handleListFiles(RecordStruct request, FuncCallback<ListStruct> fcb) { // check bucket security if (!this.checkReadAccess()) { fcb.errorTr(434); fcb.complete(); return; } this.mapRequest(request, new FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile>() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors()) { fcb.complete(); return; } if (this.isEmptyResult()) { fcb.error("Your request appears valid but does not map to a file. Unable to complete."); fcb.complete(); return; } IFileStoreFile fi = this.getResult(); if (!fi.exists()) { fcb.complete(); return; } Bucket.this.fsd.getFolderListing(fi.path(), new FuncCallback<List<IFileStoreFile>>() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors()) { fcb.complete(); return; } boolean showHidden = fcb.getContext().getUserContext().isTagged("Admin"); ListStruct files = new ListStruct(); for (IFileStoreFile file : this.getResult()) { if (!showHidden && file.getName().startsWith(".")) continue; RecordStruct fdata = new RecordStruct(); fdata.setField("FileName", file.getName()); fdata.setField("IsFolder", file.isFolder()); fdata.setField("LastModified", file.getModificationTime()); fdata.setField("Size", file.getSize()); // TODO embellish with Extra files.addItem(fdata); } fcb.setResult(files); fcb.complete(); } }); } }); } public void handleCustom(RecordStruct request, FuncCallback<RecordStruct> fcb) { // check bucket security if (!this.checkWriteAccess()) { fcb.errorTr(434); fcb.complete(); return; } RecordStruct extra = new RecordStruct(); fcb.setResult(extra); if (this.tryExecuteMethod("Custom", this, request, extra, fcb)) return; fcb.setResult(extra); fcb.complete(); } public void handleStartUpload(RecordStruct request, FuncCallback<RecordStruct> fcb) { // check bucket security if (!this.checkWriteAccess()) { fcb.errorTr(434); fcb.complete(); return; } this.mapRequest(request, new FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile>() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors()) { fcb.complete(); return; } if (this.isEmptyResult()) { fcb.error("Your request appears valid but does not map to a file. Unable to complete."); fcb.complete(); return; } IFileStoreFile fi = this.getResult(); RecordStruct extra = new RecordStruct(); //fcb.setResult(extra); Bucket.this.beforeStartUpload(fi, request, extra, new FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile>() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors()) { fcb.complete(); return; } IFileStoreFile fi = this.getResult(); boolean forceover = request.getFieldAsBooleanOrFalse("ForceOverwrite"); boolean resume = !forceover && fi.exists(); // define channel binding RecordStruct binding = new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct("FilePath", fi.getPath()), new FieldStruct("FileSize", request.getFieldAsInteger("FileSize")), new FieldStruct("Hub", OperationContext.get().getSessionId().substring(0, 5)), new FieldStruct("Session", OperationContext.get().getSessionId()), new FieldStruct("Channel", request.getFieldAsString("Channel")), new FieldStruct("Append", resume) ); final DataStreamChannel chan = new DataStreamChannel(Bucket.this.channels.getId(), "Uploading " + fi.getPath(), binding); if (request.hasField("Params")) chan.setParams(request.getField("Params")); // apply the channel to a write stream from selected file fi.openWrite(chan, new FuncCallback<RecordStruct>() { @Override public void callback() { if (!fcb.hasErrors()) { // add the channel only after we know it is open Bucket.this.channels.addChannel(chan); RecordStruct res = this.getResult(); res.setField("BestEvidence", Bucket.this.bestEvidence); res.setField("MinimumEvidence", Bucket.this.minEvidence); res.setField("Extra", extra); // get the binding info to return fcb.setResult(res); Bucket.this.afterStartUpload(fi, request, res, fcb); return; } fcb.complete(); } }); } }); } }); } public void handleFinishUpload(RecordStruct request, FuncCallback<RecordStruct> fcb) { // check bucket security if (!this.checkWriteAccess()) { fcb.errorTr(434); fcb.complete(); return; } this.mapRequest(request, new FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile>() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors()) { fcb.complete(); return; } if (this.isEmptyResult()) { fcb.error("Your request appears valid but does not map to a file. Unable to complete."); fcb.complete(); return; } IFileStoreFile fi = this.getResult(); RecordStruct extra = new RecordStruct(); fcb.setResult(extra); if ("Faliure".equals(request.getFieldAsString("Status"))) { fcb.warn("File upload incomplete or corrupt: " + fi.getPath()); if (!request.isFieldEmpty("Note")) fcb.warn("File upload note: " + request.getFieldAsString("Note")); fcb.complete(); return; } RecordStruct evidinfo = request.getFieldAsRecord("Evidence"); String evidenceType = null; // pick best evidence if available, we really don't care if higher is available if (!evidinfo.isFieldEmpty(Bucket.this.bestEvidence)) { evidenceType = Bucket.this.bestEvidence; } // else pick the highest available evidence given else { for (FieldStruct fld : evidinfo.getFields()) evidenceType = BucketUtil.maxEvidence(fld.getName(), evidenceType); } String selEvidenceType = evidenceType; Consumer<Boolean> afterVerify = (pass) -> { if (pass) { if (BucketUtil.isSufficentEvidence(Bucket.this.bestEvidence, selEvidenceType))"Verified best evidence for upload: " + fi.getPath()); else if (BucketUtil.isSufficentEvidence(Bucket.this.minEvidence, selEvidenceType))"Verified minimum evidence for upload: " + fi.getPath()); else fcb.error("Verified evidence for upload, however evidence is insuffcient: " + fi.getPath()); } else { fcb.error("File upload incomplete or corrupt: " + fi.getPath()); } if (!fcb.hasErrors())"Upload", fi); if (!request.isFieldEmpty("Note"))"File upload note: " + request.getFieldAsString("Note")); Bucket.this.finishUpload(fi, request, extra, pass, selEvidenceType, fcb); }; if ("Size".equals(selEvidenceType)) { Long src = evidinfo.getFieldAsInteger("Size"); long dest = fi.getSize(); boolean match = (src == dest); if (match)"File sizes match"); else fcb.error("File sizes do not match"); afterVerify.accept(match); } else if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(selEvidenceType)) { fi.hash(selEvidenceType, new FuncCallback<String>() { @Override public void callback() { if (fcb.hasErrors()) { afterVerify.accept(false); } else { String src = evidinfo.getFieldAsString(selEvidenceType); String dest = this.getResult(); boolean match = (src.equals(dest)); if (match)"File hashes match (" + selEvidenceType + ")"); else fcb.error("File hashes do not match (" + selEvidenceType + ")"); afterVerify.accept(match); } } }); } else { fcb.error("Missing any form of evidence, supply at least size"); afterVerify.accept(false); } } }); } public void handleStartDownload(RecordStruct request, FuncCallback<RecordStruct> fcb) { // check bucket security if (!this.checkReadAccess()) { fcb.errorTr(434); fcb.complete(); return; } this.mapRequest(request, new FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile>() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors()) { fcb.complete(); return; } if (this.isEmptyResult()) { fcb.error("Your request appears valid but does not map to a file. Unable to complete."); fcb.complete(); return; } IFileStoreFile fi = this.getResult(); RecordStruct extra = new RecordStruct(); Bucket.this.beforeStartDownload(fi, request, extra, new FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile>() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors()) { fcb.complete(); return; } IFileStoreFile fi = this.getResult(); // define channel binding RecordStruct binding = new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct("FilePath", fi.getPath()), new FieldStruct("Offset", request.getFieldAsInteger("Offset")), new FieldStruct("Hub", OperationContext.get().getSessionId().substring(0, 5)), new FieldStruct("Session", OperationContext.get().getSessionId()), new FieldStruct("Channel", request.getFieldAsString("Channel")) ); DataStreamChannel chan = new DataStreamChannel(Bucket.this.channels.getId(), "Downloading " + fi.getPath(), binding); if (request.hasField("Params")) chan.setParams(request.getField("Params")); fi.openRead(chan, new FuncCallback<RecordStruct>() { @Override public void callback() { if (!fcb.hasErrors()) { // add the channel only after we know it is open Bucket.this.channels.addChannel(chan); RecordStruct res = this.getResult(); // always return path - if token was used to get file then here is the first chance to know the path/file we are collecting res.setField("FilePath", fi.getPath()); res.setField("Mime", MimeUtil.getMimeType(fi.getPath())); res.setField("BestEvidence", Bucket.this.bestEvidence); res.setField("MinimumEvidence", Bucket.this.minEvidence); res.setField("Extra", extra); fcb.setResult(res); // get the binding info to return Bucket.this.afterStartDownload(fi, request, res, fcb); return; } fcb.complete(); } }); } }); } }); } public void handleFinishDownload(RecordStruct request, FuncCallback<RecordStruct> fcb) { // check bucket security if (!this.checkReadAccess()) { fcb.errorTr(434); fcb.complete(); return; } this.mapRequest(request, new FuncCallback<IFileStoreFile>() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors()) { fcb.complete(); return; } if (this.isEmptyResult()) { fcb.error("Your request appears valid but does not map to a file. Unable to complete."); fcb.complete(); return; } IFileStoreFile fi = this.getResult(); RecordStruct extra = new RecordStruct(); fcb.setResult(extra); if ("Faliure".equals(request.getFieldAsString("Status"))) { fcb.warn("File download incomplete or corrupt: " + fi.getPath()); if (!request.isFieldEmpty("Note")) fcb.warn("File download note: " + request.getFieldAsString("Note")); fcb.complete(); return; } RecordStruct evidinfo = request.getFieldAsRecord("Evidence"); String evidenceType = null; // pick best evidence if available, we really don't care if higher is available if (!evidinfo.isFieldEmpty(Bucket.this.bestEvidence)) { evidenceType = Bucket.this.bestEvidence; } // else pick the highest available evidence given else { for (FieldStruct fld : evidinfo.getFields()) evidenceType = BucketUtil.maxEvidence(fld.getName(), evidenceType); } String selEvidenceType = evidenceType; final Consumer<Boolean> afterVerify = (pass) -> { if (pass) { if (BucketUtil.isSufficentEvidence(Bucket.this.bestEvidence, selEvidenceType))"Verified best evidence for download: " + fi.getPath()); else if (BucketUtil.isSufficentEvidence(Bucket.this.minEvidence, selEvidenceType))"Verified minimum evidence for download: " + fi.getPath()); else fcb.error("Verified evidence for download, however evidence is insuffcient: " + fi.getPath()); } else { fcb.error("File download incomplete or corrupt: " + fi.getPath()); } if (!request.isFieldEmpty("Note"))"File download note: " + request.getFieldAsString("Note")); //fcb.complete(); Bucket.this.finishDownload(fi, request, extra, pass, selEvidenceType, fcb); }; if ("Size".equals(selEvidenceType)) { Long src = evidinfo.getFieldAsInteger("Size"); long dest = fi.getSize(); boolean match = (src == dest); if (match)"File sizes match"); else fcb.error("File sizes do not match"); afterVerify.accept(match); } else if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(selEvidenceType)) { fi.hash(selEvidenceType, new FuncCallback<String>() { @Override public void callback() { if (fcb.hasErrors()) { afterVerify.accept(false); } else { String src = evidinfo.getFieldAsString(selEvidenceType); String dest = this.getResult(); boolean match = (src.equals(dest)); if (match)"File hashes match (" + selEvidenceType + ")"); else fcb.error("File hashes do not match (" + selEvidenceType + ")"); afterVerify.accept(match); } } }); } else { fcb.error("Missing any form of evidence, supply at least size"); afterVerify.accept(false); } } }); } public void watch(String op, IFileStoreFile file) { /* TODO review XElement settings = this.getLoader().getSettings(); if (settings != null) { for (XElement watch : settings.selectAll("Watch")) { String wpath = watch.getAttribute("FilePath"); // if we are filtering on path make sure the path is a parent of the triggered path if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(wpath)) { CommonPath wp = new CommonPath(wpath); if (!wp.isParent(file.path())) continue; } String tasktag = op + "Task"; for (XElement task : watch.selectAll(tasktag)) { String id = task.getAttribute("Id"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(id)) id = Task.nextTaskId(); String title = task.getAttribute("Title"); String script = task.getAttribute("Script"); String params = task.selectFirstText("Params"); RecordStruct prec = null; if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(params)) { FuncResult<CompositeStruct> pres = CompositeParser.parseJson(params); if (pres.isNotEmptyResult()) prec = (RecordStruct) pres.getResult(); } if (prec == null) prec = new RecordStruct(); prec.setField("File", file); if (script.startsWith("$")) script = script.substring(1); Task t = new Task() .withId(id) .withTitle(title) .withParams(prec) .withRootContext(); if (!ScriptWork.addScript(t, Paths.get(script))) { Logger.error("Unable to run script for file watcher: " + watch.getAttribute("FilePath")); continue; } Hub.instance.getWorkPool().submit(t); } } } */ } }