package divconq.cms.feed; import; import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import divconq.hub.DomainInfo; import divconq.lang.CountDownCallback; import divconq.lang.op.OperationCallback; import divconq.lang.op.OperationContext; import divconq.log.Logger; import divconq.util.StringUtil; import divconq.xml.XElement; public class FeedIndexer { public static XElement findChannel(String site, String channel) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(channel)) return null; if (StringUtil.isEmpty(site)) site = "root"; DomainInfo domain = OperationContext.get().getUserContext().getDomain(); XElement feed = domain.getSettings().find("Feed"); if (feed == null) return null; for (XElement chan : feed.selectAll("Channel")) { String calias = chan.getAttribute("Alias"); if (calias == null) calias = chan.getAttribute("Name"); if (!calias.equals(channel)) continue; // TODO check if site name is allowed in this channel - right now we act as if all sites use the same list return chan; } return null; } public static List<XElement> findChannels(String site) { List<XElement> list = new ArrayList<>(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(site)) return list; DomainInfo domain = OperationContext.get().getUserContext().getDomain(); XElement feed = domain.getSettings().find("Feed"); if (feed == null) return list; for (XElement chan : feed.selectAll("Channel")) { String calias = chan.getAttribute("Alias"); if (calias == null) calias = chan.getAttribute("Name"); // TODO check if site name is allowed in this channel - right now we act as if all sites use the same list list.add(chan); } return list; } protected Map<String, FeedInfo> feedpaths = new HashMap<>(); /* * run collectDomain first */ public void importDomain(OperationCallback op) { CountDownCallback cd = new CountDownCallback(this.feedpaths.size() + 1, new OperationCallback() { @Override public void callback() { // =============== DONE ============== if (op.hasErrors())"Website import completed with errors!"); else"Website import completed successfully"); op.complete(); } }); for (FeedInfo fi : this.feedpaths.values()) fi.updateDb(new OperationCallback() { @Override public void callback() { cd.countDown(); } }); cd.countDown(); } public void collectDomain(CollectContext cctx) { XElement del = OperationContext.get().getDomain().getSettings(); if (del == null) { Logger.error("Unable to import domain, settings not found"); return; } XElement web = del.find("Web"); if (web == null) { Logger.error("Unable to import domain, web settings not found"); return; }"Importing web content for domain: " + del.getAttribute("Title", "[unknown]")); // --------- import sub sites ---------- for (XElement site : web.selectAll("Site")) { String sname = site.getAttribute("Name"); // skip "root", it comes below if ("root".equals(sname)) continue; for (XElement chan : FeedIndexer.findChannels(sname)) this.collectChannel(cctx, sname, chan); } // --------- import root site ---------- for (XElement chan : FeedIndexer.findChannels("root")) this.collectChannel(cctx, "root", chan);"File count collected for import: " + this.feedpaths.size()); } public void collectSite(CollectContext cctx, String site) { XElement del = OperationContext.get().getDomain().getSettings(); if (del == null) { Logger.error("Unable to import domain, settings not found"); return; } XElement web = del.find("Web"); if (web == null) { Logger.error("Unable to import domain, web settings not found"); return; }"Importing web content for domain: " + del.getAttribute("Title", "[unknown]") + " site: " + site); for (XElement chan : FeedIndexer.findChannels(site)) this.collectChannel(cctx, site, chan);"File count collected for import: " + this.feedpaths.size()); } public void collectChannel(CollectContext cctx, String site, XElement chan) { String alias = chan.getAttribute("Alias"); if (alias == null) alias = chan.getAttribute("Name"); // pages and blocks do not index the same way for public if (cctx.isForSitemap() && ("Pages".equals(alias) || "Blocks".equals(alias) || !chan.getAttribute("AuthTags", "Guest").contains("Guest"))) return; if (cctx.isForIndex() && "true".equals(chan.getAttribute("DisableIndex", "False").toLowerCase())) return;"Importing site content for: " + site + " > " + alias); this.collectArea(site, "feed", alias, false); if (!cctx.isForSitemap()) this.collectArea(site, "feed", alias, true); } public void collectArea(String site, String area, String channel, boolean preview) { DomainInfo di = OperationContext.get().getDomain(); String wwwpathf1 = preview ? "/" + area + "-preview/" + channel : "/" + area + "/" + channel; if (!"root".equals(site)) wwwpathf1 = "/sites/" + site + wwwpathf1; Path wwwsrc1 = di.resolvePath(wwwpathf1).toAbsolutePath().normalize(); if (!Files.exists(wwwsrc1)) return; try { Files.walkFileTree(wwwsrc1, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path sfile, BasicFileAttributes attrs) { Path relpath = wwwsrc1.relativize(sfile); String outerpath = "/" + relpath.toString().replace('\\', '/'); // only collect dcf files if (!outerpath.endsWith(".dcf.xml")) return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; // TODO if this is a Page channel then confirm that there is a corresponding .dcui.xml file - if not skip it outerpath = outerpath.substring(0, outerpath.length() - 8); XElement chel = FeedIndexer.findChannel(site, channel); if (!chel.hasAttribute("InnerPath")) outerpath = "/" + channel + outerpath; Logger.debug("Considering file " + channel + " > " + outerpath); // skip if already in the collect list if (FeedIndexer.this.feedpaths.containsKey(site + outerpath)) return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; // add to the list if (preview)"Adding preview only " + channel + " > " + outerpath); else"Adding published " + channel + " > " + outerpath); FeedInfo fi = FeedInfo.buildInfo(site, channel, outerpath); FeedIndexer.this.feedpaths.put(site + outerpath, fi); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } catch (IOException x) { Logger.error("Error indexing channel " + area + ": " + channel + " : " + x); } } public void addToSitemap(String indexurl, XElement smel, List<String> altlocales) { DateTimeFormatter lmFmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"); for (FeedInfo fi : this.feedpaths.values()) { try { XElement sel = new XElement("url"); sel.add(new XElement("loc", indexurl + fi.getOuterPath().substring(1))); sel.add(new XElement("lastmod", lmFmt.print(Files.getLastModifiedTime(fi.getPubpath()).toMillis()))); for (String lname : altlocales) sel.add(new XElement("xhtml:link") .withAttribute("rel", "alternate") .withAttribute("hreflang", lname) .withAttribute("href", indexurl + lname + fi.getOuterPath()) ); smel.add(sel); } catch (Exception x) { Logger.error("Unable to add " + fi.getInnerPath() + ": " + x); } } } }