package; import org.rocksdb.RocksIterator; import divconq.db.Constants; import divconq.db.DatabaseException; import; import divconq.db.util.ByteUtil; import divconq.lang.Memory; import divconq.util.HexUtil; public class KeyQuery { protected KeyLevel first = null; protected RocksInterface adapter = null; protected RocksIterator it = null; protected boolean browseMode = false; protected byte[] key = null; protected byte[] value = null; public void setBrowseMode(boolean v) { this.browseMode = v; } // levels pasted in may not be reused elsewhere, now owned/mutable by this object public KeyQuery(RocksInterface adapter, KeyLevel... levels) { if ((levels == null) || (levels.length == 0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("KeyQuery missing levels"); this.adapter = adapter; this.first = levels[0]; KeyLevel lastWild = null; // setup the chain for (int i = 1; i < levels.length; i++) { levels[i-1].next = levels[i]; if (levels[i] instanceof WildcardKeyLevel) lastWild = levels[i]; } if (lastWild != null) ((WildcardKeyLevel)lastWild).setFinalWild(true); = this.adapter.iterator(); } // return the key - null when done public byte[] nextKey() { if (!; else; while (true) { // because Query should never include omega, and db should always contain omega, this condition // should never occur. KeyQuery should not be used to find Omega. if (! { System.out.println(">>>>>> Key Query got to invalid position <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); return null; } byte[] key =; if (key[0] == Constants.DB_TYPE_MARKER_OMEGA) { System.out.println(">>>>>> Key Query got to Omega <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); return null; } Memory keyMod = new Memory(key); if (this.first.contains(key, this.browseMode, keyMod)) { if (key.length > keyMod.getLength()) { key = keyMod.toArray(); this.key = key; try { this.value = this.adapter.get(key); } catch (DatabaseException x) { // TODO error msg this.value = null; } if (this.value == null) this.value = Constants.DB_EMPTY_ARRAY; } else { this.key = key; this.value = it.value(); } return key; } byte[] nextkey =; if (nextkey == null) { System.out.println(">>>>>> Key Query got no more suggestions <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); return null; } System.out.println("last key: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(key)); System.out.println("sugg key: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(nextkey)); // if nextkey <= current key return null because the key levels have run out of suggestions if (ByteUtil.compareKeys(key, nextkey) >= 0) { System.out.println(">>>>>> Key Query got stale suggestion <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); return null; }; } } public byte[] key() { return this.key; } public byte[] value() { return this.value; } }