package divconq.mail; import divconq.bus.Message; import divconq.db.Constants; import divconq.db.DataRequest; import divconq.db.ObjectResult; import divconq.db.ReplicatedDataRequest; import divconq.db.query.CollectorField; import divconq.db.query.SelectDirectRequest; import divconq.db.query.SelectFields; import divconq.hub.Hub; import divconq.lang.op.OperationCallback; import divconq.struct.CompositeStruct; import divconq.struct.ListStruct; import divconq.struct.RecordStruct; import divconq.util.StringUtil; import; import divconq.xml.XElement; public class SimpleFactory { // from = uid or null for root uid // to = array of uid - also direct party if starts with / so can include pool // msgtype = DGAType such as HiredApprentice // attrs = attributes for storing in content but also for params to message builder // smtpnow = t/f to send the email to the recipients now - only sends to recipients // in the "to" list that do not start with / (only direct uids) // cb = optional callback after message has been submitted to email sending service // or is done building if not sendnow static public void simpleBuildThread(String from, ListStruct to, String msgtype, RecordStruct attrs, boolean smtpnow, String namefield, OperationCallback cb) { String ffrom = StringUtil.isEmpty(from) ? Constants.DB_GLOBAL_ROOT_USER : from; RecordStruct fattrs = (attrs == null) ? new RecordStruct() : attrs; fattrs .withField("From", ffrom) .withField("To", to) .withField("MessageType", msgtype); RecordStruct bparams = new RecordStruct() .withField("Path", "/" + msgtype + ".dcm.xml") .withField("Params", fattrs); Message msg = new Message("dcmEmailBuilder", "Message", "Build", bparams); Hub.instance.getBus().sendMessage(msg, new divconq.bus.ServiceResult() { @Override public void callback() { if (!this.hasErrors()) { RecordStruct bresp = this.getBodyAsRec(); fattrs.withField("TextBody", bresp.getFieldAsString("TextBody")); RecordStruct content = new RecordStruct(); content.withField("Content", bresp.getFieldAsString("Body")); content.withField("ContentType", "HTML"); content.withField("Attributes", fattrs); ListStruct parties = new ListStruct(); for (int i = 0; i < to.getSize(); i++) { String titem = to.getItemAsString(i); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(titem)) continue; RecordStruct party = new RecordStruct(); if (titem.startsWith("/")) party.withField("Party", titem); else party.withField("Party", "/Usr/" + titem); party.withField("Folder", "/InBox"); parties.addItem(party); } RecordStruct thread = new RecordStruct() .withField("Title", bresp.getFieldAsString("Subject")) .withField("Originator", ffrom) .withField("Parties", parties) .withField("Content", content); if (!smtpnow) thread.withField("Labels", new ListStruct("BatchNotice")); // don't bother checking if it worked in our response to service DataRequest req3b = new ReplicatedDataRequest("dcmThreadNewThread") .withParams(thread); Hub.instance.getDatabase().submit(req3b, new ObjectResult() { @Override public void process(CompositeStruct result3b) { if (!this.hasErrors() && smtpnow) { SimpleFactory.simpleQueueMessage(ffrom, to, namefield, bresp, cb); } else if (cb != null) cb.complete(); } }); } else if (cb != null) cb.complete(); } }); } static public void simpleQueueMessage(String from, ListStruct to, String namefield, RecordStruct content, OperationCallback cb) { String ffrom = StringUtil.isEmpty(from) ? Constants.DB_GLOBAL_ROOT_USER : from; ListStruct people = new ListStruct(ffrom); for (int i = 0; i < to.getSize(); i++) { String titem = to.getItemAsString(i); // don't notify pools, just people if (StringUtil.isEmpty(titem) || titem.startsWith("/")) continue; people.addItem(titem); } // there is no one to send to (only a from) if (people.getSize() == 1) { if (cb != null) cb.complete(); return; } SelectFields sflds = new SelectFields() .withField("Id") .withField("dcFirstName", "FirstName") .withField("dcLastName", "LastName") .withField("dcEmail", "Email"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(namefield)) sflds.withField(namefield); SelectDirectRequest req = new SelectDirectRequest() .withTable("dcUser") .withSelect(sflds) .withCollector(new CollectorField("Id").withValues(people)); Hub.instance.getDatabase().submit( req, new ObjectResult() { @Override public void process(CompositeStruct result) { if (!this.hasErrors()) { String fromfmt = ""; String tofmt = ""; ListStruct peeps = (ListStruct) result; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < peeps.getSize(); i2++) { RecordStruct pitem = peeps.getItemAsRecord(i2); if (pitem.isFieldEmpty("Email")) continue; String pid = pitem.getFieldAsString("Id"); String pfmt = StringUtil.isNotEmpty(namefield) ? pitem.getFieldAsString(namefield) : pitem.getFieldAsString("FirstName") + " " + pitem.getFieldAsString("LastName"); pfmt += " <" + pitem.getFieldAsString("Email") + ">; "; if (ffrom.equals(pid)) fromfmt = pfmt; // pid can be in To and From, check both for (int i = 0; i < to.getSize(); i++) { String titem = to.getItemAsString(i); // don't notify pools, just people if (StringUtil.isEmpty(titem) || titem.startsWith("/")) continue; if (titem.equals(pid)) tofmt += pfmt; } } XElement emel = MailTaskFactory.getSettings(); if (Constants.DB_GLOBAL_ROOT_USER.equals(ffrom) || emel.getAttribute("UseDefault", "False").equals("True")) { if (emel.hasAttribute("DefaultFrom")) fromfmt = emel.getAttribute("DefaultFrom"); } content .withField("From", fromfmt) .withField("To", tofmt); Task stask = MailTaskFactory.createSendEmailTask(content); MailTaskFactory.sendEmail(stask); } if (cb != null) cb.complete(); } }); } }