package; import org.rocksdb.RocksDB; import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException; import org.rocksdb.RocksIterator; import divconq.db.Constants; import divconq.db.DatabaseException; import divconq.db.DatabaseInterface; import divconq.db.util.ByteUtil; import divconq.lang.Memory; import divconq.lang.op.OperationContext; public class RocksInterface extends DatabaseInterface { protected DatabaseManager dbman = null; protected RocksDB db = null; public RocksInterface(DatabaseManager dbman) { this.dbman = dbman; this.db = dbman.db; } public RocksIterator iterator() { return this.db.newIterator(); } public byte[] get(byte[] key) throws DatabaseException { try { return this.db.get(key); } catch (RocksDBException x) { throw new DatabaseException(x); } } @Override public void put(byte[] key, byte[] value) throws DatabaseException { try { this.db.put(key, value); } catch (RocksDBException x) { throw new DatabaseException(x); } } @Override public boolean isAuditDisabled() { return this.dbman.isAuditDisabled(); } @Override public Long inc(byte[] key, int amt) throws DatabaseException { try { return, amt); } catch (RocksDBException x) { throw new DatabaseException(x); } } @Override public boolean isSet(byte[] key) throws DatabaseException { RocksIterator it = this.db.newIterator();; // found an exact match boolean ret = (ByteUtil.compareKeys(it.key(), key) == 0); it.dispose(); return ret; } @Override public String allocateSubkey() { return this.dbman.allocateSubkey(); } @Override public boolean hasAny(byte[] key) throws DatabaseException { RocksIterator it = this.db.newIterator();; // found an sub match or exact match boolean ret = ByteUtil.keyStartsWith(it.key(), key); it.dispose(); return ret; } @Override public byte[] getOrNextPeerKey(byte[] key, byte[] peer) throws DatabaseException { RocksIterator it = this.db.newIterator(); if (peer == null) peer = Constants.DB_EMPTY_ARRAY; Memory mem = new Memory(key.length + 1 + peer.length); mem.write(key); mem.writeByte(Constants.DB_TYPE_MARKER_ALPHA); mem.write(peer);; if (!it.isValid()) { it.dispose(); return null; } byte[] fnd = it.key(); it.dispose(); // match not found, peer key doesn't exist at all and was skipped if (!ByteUtil.keyStartsWith(fnd, key)) return null; mem = new Memory(fnd); mem.setPosition(key.length + 1); // return just 1 part - it might the same as peer or it might be the next peer return ByteUtil.extractNextDirect(mem); } @Override public byte[] getOrPrevPeerKey(byte[] key, byte[] peer) throws DatabaseException { RocksIterator it = this.db.newIterator(); if (peer == null) peer = Constants.DB_OMEGA_MARKER_ARRAY; Memory mem = new Memory(key.length + 1 + peer.length); mem.write(key); mem.writeByte(Constants.DB_TYPE_MARKER_ALPHA); mem.write(peer);; if (it.isValid()) { byte[] fnd = it.key(); /* // ------------- TODO -------------- System.out.println("looking for match: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(key)); System.out.println(" before: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(mem.getBufferEntry(0))); System.out.println(" got: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(fnd)); // --------------------------------- */ // match found, peer key exists if (ByteUtil.keyStartsWith(fnd, key)) { mem = new Memory(fnd); mem.setPosition(key.length + 1); it.dispose(); // ------------- TODO -------------- /* List<Object> keyParts = ByteUtil.extractKeyParts(fnd); for (Object p : keyParts) System.out.print((p == null) ? " / " : p.toString() + " / "); System.out.println(); */ // --------------------------------- // return just 1 part - it might the same as peer or it might be the next peer return ByteUtil.extractNextDirect(mem); } } // otherwise peer does not exist at all, go back 1 it.prev(); if (!it.isValid()) { it.dispose(); return null; } byte[] fnd = it.key(); it.dispose(); // ------------- TODO -------------- /* System.out.println("looking for match: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(key)); System.out.println(" before: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(mem.getBufferEntry(0))); System.out.println(" got: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(fnd)); */ // --------------------------------- // match found, prev peer key exists if (ByteUtil.keyStartsWith(fnd, key)) { mem = new Memory(fnd); mem.setPosition(key.length + 1); // ------------- TODO -------------- /* List<Object> keyParts = ByteUtil.extractKeyParts(fnd); for (Object p : keyParts) System.out.print((p == null) ? " / " : p.toString() + " / "); System.out.println(); */ // --------------------------------- // return just 1 part - it might the same as peer or it might be the next peer return ByteUtil.extractNextDirect(mem); } return null; } @Override public byte[] nextPeerKey(byte[] key, byte[] peer) throws DatabaseException { RocksIterator it = this.db.newIterator(); //if (peer == null) // peer = Constants.DB_EMPTY_ARRAY; int len = 1; if (key != null) len += key.length + 1; if (peer != null) len += peer.length; Memory mem = new Memory(len); if (key != null) { mem.write(key); mem.writeByte(Constants.DB_TYPE_MARKER_ALPHA); } if (peer != null) mem.write(peer); mem.writeByte((byte)0x01); // forces us to look for next key - all subkeys of peer are skipped //System.out.println("Next on: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(mem.getBufferEntry(0)));; if (!it.isValid()) { it.dispose(); return null; } byte[] fnd = it.key(); //System.out.println("Next fnd: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(fnd)); it.dispose(); //System.out.println("looking for match: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(key)); //System.out.println(" after: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(peer)); //System.out.println(" got: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(fnd)); // match not found, next peer key doesn't exist at all and was skipped if ((key != null) && !ByteUtil.keyStartsWith(fnd, key)) return null; //System.out.println("match!"); mem = new Memory(fnd); mem.setPosition((key == null) ? 0 : key.length + 1); // return just 1 part - the next peer return ByteUtil.extractNextDirect(mem); } @Override public byte[] prevPeerKey(byte[] key, byte[] peer) throws DatabaseException { RocksIterator it = this.db.newIterator(); if (peer == null) peer = Constants.DB_OMEGA_MARKER_ARRAY; Memory mem = new Memory(key.length + 1 + peer.length); mem.write(key); mem.writeByte(Constants.DB_TYPE_MARKER_ALPHA); mem.write(peer);; /* if (!it.isValid()) { it.dispose(); return null; } byte[] fnd2 = it.key(); // ------------- TODO -------------- System.out.println("looking for match: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(key)); System.out.println(" before: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(mem.getBufferEntry(0))); System.out.println(" got: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(fnd2)); List<Object> keyParts2 = ByteUtil.extractKeyParts(fnd2); for (Object p : keyParts2) System.out.print((p == null) ? " / " : p.toString() + " / "); System.out.println(); */ // --------------------------------- // regardless if peer exists or does not exist, go back 1 key it.prev(); if (!it.isValid()) { it.dispose(); return null; } byte[] fnd = it.key(); // ------------- TODO -------------- /* System.out.println(" got 2: " + HexUtil.bufferToHex(fnd)); List<Object> keyParts = ByteUtil.extractKeyParts(fnd); for (Object p : keyParts) System.out.print((p == null) ? " / " : p.toString() + " / "); System.out.println(); */ // --------------------------------- it.dispose(); // match found, prev peer key exists if (ByteUtil.keyStartsWith(fnd, key)) { mem = new Memory(fnd); mem.setPosition(key.length + 1); //System.out.println("match!"); // return just 1 part - it might the same as peer or it might be the next peer return ByteUtil.extractNextDirect(mem); } //System.out.println("no match!"); return null; } @Override public void kill(byte[] key) { RocksIterator it = this.db.newIterator();; while (ByteUtil.keyStartsWith(it.key(), key)) { try { db.remove(it.key()); } catch (RocksDBException x) { OperationContext.get().error("Error removing key: " + x); }; } it.dispose(); } }