package divconq.json3.util; /** * This is a small utility class, whose main functionality is to allow * simple reuse of raw byte/char buffers. It is usually used through * <code>ThreadLocal</code> member of the owning class pointing to * instance of this class through a <code>SoftReference</code>. The * end result is a low-overhead GC-cleanable recycling: hopefully * ideal for use by stream readers. */ public class BufferRecycler { /** * Buffer used for reading byte-based input. */ public final static int BYTE_READ_IO_BUFFER = 0; /** * Buffer used for temporarily storing encoded content; used * for example by UTF-8 encoding writer */ public final static int BYTE_WRITE_ENCODING_BUFFER = 1; /** * Buffer used for temporarily concatenating output; used for * example when requesting output as byte array. */ public final static int BYTE_WRITE_CONCAT_BUFFER = 2; /** * Buffer used for concatenating binary data that is either being * encoded as base64 output, or decoded from base64 input. * * @since 2.1 */ public final static int BYTE_BASE64_CODEC_BUFFER = 3; public final static int CHAR_TOKEN_BUFFER = 0; // Tokenizable input public final static int CHAR_CONCAT_BUFFER = 1; // concatenated output public final static int CHAR_TEXT_BUFFER = 2; // Text content from input public final static int CHAR_NAME_COPY_BUFFER = 3; // Temporary buffer for getting name characters // Buffer lengths, defined in 2.4 (smaller before that) private final static int[] BYTE_BUFFER_LENGTHS = new int[] { 8000, 8000, 2000, 2000 }; private final static int[] CHAR_BUFFER_LENGTHS = new int[] { 4000, 4000, 200, 200 }; final protected byte[][] _byteBuffers; final protected char[][] _charBuffers; /* /********************************************************** /* Construction /********************************************************** */ /* * Default constructor used for creating instances of this default * implementation. */ public BufferRecycler() { this(4, 4); } /* * Alternate constructor to be used by sub-classes, to allow customization * of number of low-level buffers in use. * * @since 2.4 */ protected BufferRecycler(int bbCount, int cbCount) { _byteBuffers = new byte[bbCount][]; _charBuffers = new char[cbCount][]; } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API, byte buffers /********************************************************** */ /* * @param ix One of <code>READ_IO_BUFFER</code> constants. */ public final byte[] allocByteBuffer(int ix) { return allocByteBuffer(ix, 0); } public byte[] allocByteBuffer(int ix, int minSize) { final int DEF_SIZE = byteBufferLength(ix); if (minSize < DEF_SIZE) { minSize = DEF_SIZE; } byte[] buffer = _byteBuffers[ix]; if (buffer == null || buffer.length < minSize) { buffer = balloc(minSize); } else { _byteBuffers[ix] = null; } return buffer; } public final void releaseByteBuffer(int ix, byte[] buffer) { _byteBuffers[ix] = buffer; } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API, char buffers /********************************************************** */ public final char[] allocCharBuffer(int ix) { return allocCharBuffer(ix, 0); } public char[] allocCharBuffer(int ix, int minSize) { final int DEF_SIZE = charBufferLength(ix); if (minSize < DEF_SIZE) { minSize = DEF_SIZE; } char[] buffer = _charBuffers[ix]; if (buffer == null || buffer.length < minSize) { buffer = calloc(minSize); } else { _charBuffers[ix] = null; } return buffer; } public void releaseCharBuffer(int ix, char[] buffer) { _charBuffers[ix] = buffer; } /* /********************************************************** /* Overridable helper methods /********************************************************** */ protected int byteBufferLength(int ix) { return BYTE_BUFFER_LENGTHS[ix]; } protected int charBufferLength(int ix) { return CHAR_BUFFER_LENGTHS[ix]; } /* /********************************************************** /* Actual allocations separated for easier debugging/profiling /********************************************************** */ protected byte[] balloc(int size) { return new byte[size]; } protected char[] calloc(int size) { return new char[size]; } }