package divconq.ctp.f; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import divconq.ctp.CtpAdapter; import divconq.ctp.CtpClient; import divconq.ctp.CtpCommand; import divconq.ctp.CtpConstants; import divconq.ctp.cmd.RequestCommand; import divconq.ctp.cmd.SimpleCommand; import divconq.ctp.cmd.ProgressCommand; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import divconq.filestore.local.FileSystemDriver; import; import; import divconq.hub.Hub; import divconq.lang.op.FuncCallback; import divconq.lang.op.IOperationObserver; import divconq.lang.op.OperationCallback; import divconq.lang.op.OperationContext; import divconq.lang.op.OperationObserver; import divconq.struct.FieldStruct; import divconq.struct.RecordStruct; import divconq.util.StringUtil; import; import; import; /* Title: Download Flow Participant Client Code Participant File Store A Participant Pipe A Participant Handler A Participant Adapter A Participant Server Client Code->Adapter A: select Adapter A->Server: SELECT Server->Adapter A: SUCCESS Adapter A->Handler A: SUCCESS Handler A->Client Code: success Client Code->Handler A: set pipe Client Code->Adapter A: read Adapter A->Server: READ Server->Adapter A: BLOCK Adapter A->Handler A: BLOCK Handler A->Pipe A: BLOCK Pipe A->File Store A: BLOCK File Store A->Pipe A: request Pipe A->Handler A: request Handler A->Adapter A: read Adapter A->Server: READ Server->Adapter A: BLOCK*\netc... Server->Adapter A: FINAL Adapter A->Handler A: FINAL Handler A->Client Code: final Client Code->Handler A: close pipe Client Code->Adapter A: success Adapter A->Server: SUCCESS * */ public class CtpFClient extends CtpClient { protected TaskRun currTask = null; protected CtpStreamSource readStream = null; // when using this be sure to issue "read()" in callback public void selectFiles(FileSelection sel, FuncCallback<RecordStruct> cb) { RequestCommand cmd = new RequestCommand(); RecordStruct params = new RecordStruct( new FieldStruct("Op", CtpConstants.CTP_F_OP_SELECT), new FieldStruct("Select", sel.toInstructions()) ); cmd.setBody(params); try { this.adapter.sendCommand(cmd, cb); } catch (Exception x) { System.out.println("ctp client send error: " + x); } } public void handle(CtpCommand cmd, CtpAdapter adapter) throws Exception { OperationContext ctx = adapter.getContext(); ctx.touch(); //System.out.println("Client got command: " + cmd.getCmdCode()); if (cmd instanceof ProgressCommand) { if (ctx != null) { // put the call back into the work pool, don't tie up the IO thread Task t = new Task() .withContext(ctx.subContext()) .withWork(new IWork() { @Override public void run(TaskRun trun) { trun.getContext().setAmountCompleted(((ProgressCommand)cmd).getAmount());; trun.complete(); } }); Hub.instance.getWorkPool().submit(t); } return; } if (cmd.getCmdCode() == CtpConstants.CTP_F_CMD_STREAM_FINAL) { //System.out.println("Client got Final!"); TaskRun brun = this.currTask; CtpStreamSource src = this.readStream; if (brun == null) { System.out.println("Client READ error, missing task!!!!! " + ((BlockCommand) cmd).getPath()); } else if (src == null) { System.out.println("Client READ error, missing src!!!!! " + ((BlockCommand) cmd).getPath()); } else { src.setFinal(); brun.resume(); } return; } if (cmd instanceof BlockCommand) { //System.out.println("Client got block: " + ((BlockCommand) cmd).getPath()); //System.out.println("Client got block - is folder: " + ((BlockCommand) cmd).isFolder()); //System.out.println("Client got block - size: " + ((BlockCommand) cmd).getSize()); TaskRun brun = this.currTask; CtpStreamSource src = this.readStream; if (brun == null) { System.out.println("Client READ error, missing task!!!!! " + ((BlockCommand) cmd).getPath()); } else if (src == null) { System.out.println("Client READ error, missing src!!!!! " + ((BlockCommand) cmd).getPath()); } else { src.addNext((BlockCommand)cmd); brun.resume(); /* Task t = new Task() .withRootContext() // TODO use session context .withWork(new IWork() { @Override public void run(TaskRun trun) { if (((BlockCommand) cmd).getData() == null) System.out.println("Client processed empty block"); else System.out.println("Client processed block: " + ((BlockCommand) cmd).getData().readableBytes());; cmd.release(); trun.complete(); } }); */ } return; } // get more, unless a stream command - then let it handle automatically /* if (!(cmd instanceof IStreamCommand)) {; cmd.release(); } */ } public void writeFrom(OperationCallback cb, IStream... strm) { OperationContext ctx = this.adapter.getContext(); ctx.setAmountCompleted(0); Task t = new Task() .withSubContext() .withTitle("Stream Write"); @SuppressWarnings("resource") IStreamDest writeStream = new CtpStreamDest(this.adapter, t.getContext()); t.withObserver(new OperationObserver() { @Override public void completed(OperationContext or) { //System.out.println("READ server is complete!!"); //System.out.println("Context 3: " + OperationContext.get().getOpId()); /* try { CtpFClient.this.adapter.sendCommand(new ResponseCommand()); } catch (Exception x) { System.out.println("Unable to send SUCCESS for READ: " + x); } */ cb.callback(); } }); IStream[] tstrm = new IStream[strm.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < strm.length; i++) tstrm[i] = strm[i]; tstrm[strm.length] = writeStream; //System.out.println("strm 0: " + tstrm[0]); //System.out.println("strm 1: " + tstrm[1]); TaskRun trun = StreamUtil.composeStream(t, tstrm); this.currTask = trun; trun.resume(); // we can read while writing; } public void readTo(OperationCallback cb, IStream... strm) { //System.out.println("Context 2: " + OperationContext.get().getOpId()); OperationContext ctx = this.adapter.getContext(); ctx.setAmountCompleted(0); this.readStream = new CtpStreamSource(this.adapter); Task t = new Task() .withSubContext() .withTitle("Stream Read"); t.withObserver(new OperationObserver() { @Override public void completed(OperationContext or) { //System.out.println("WRITE client is complete!!"); //System.out.println("Context 3: " + OperationContext.get().getOpId()); /* try { CtpFClient.this.adapter.sendCommand(new ResponseCommand()); } catch (Exception x) { System.out.println("Unable to send SUCCESS for READ: " + x); } */ cb.callback();; } }); IStream[] tstrm = new IStream[strm.length + 1]; tstrm[0] = this.readStream; for (int i = 1; i < tstrm.length; i++) tstrm[i] = strm[i - 1]; //System.out.println("strm 0: " + tstrm[0]); //System.out.println("strm 1: " + tstrm[1]); TaskRun trun = StreamUtil.composeStream(t, tstrm); this.currTask = trun; trun.resume(); } @Override public void connect(String host, int port, OperationCallback connCallback) { //System.out.println("Context 1: " + OperationContext.get().getOpId()); super.connect(host, port, new OperationCallback() { @Override public void callback() { adapter.setMapper(CtpfCommandMapper.instance); /* TODO ??? CtpFClient.this.sendCommand(new InitCommand(), new FuncCallback<RecordStruct>() { @Override public void callback() { System.out.println("Ctp F Client - Init complete");; connCallback.complete(); } }); */ System.out.println("Ctp F Client - Init complete");; connCallback.complete(); } }); } public void folderListing(String path) { FileSelection sel = new FileSelection() .withMode(FileSelectionMode.Listing) .withFileSet(path) .withAttrs(CtpConstants.CTP_F_ATTR_PREFERED); try { this.selectFiles(sel, new FuncCallback<RecordStruct>() { @Override public void callback() { //System.out.println("Context 4: " + OperationContext.get().getOpId()); if (this.hasErrors()) { System.out.println("Failed Selection: " + this.getMessage());; // TODO or close? return; } try { //ctpf.sendCommand(new ReadCommand()); CtpFClient.this.readTo(new OperationCallback() { @Override public void callback() { //System.out.println("Context 5: " + OperationContext.get().getOpId()); System.out.println("Directory listing completed!"); } }, new FolderDumpStream()); } catch (Exception x) { System.out.println("Ctp-F Client cb error: " + x); }; // get that folder listing } }); } catch (Exception x) { System.out.println("Ctp-F Client error: " + x); } } @Override public void close() { System.out.println("Client Connection closed"); } static public void utilityMenu(Scanner scan) { OperationContext ctx = OperationContext.get(); IOperationObserver oo = new OperationObserver() { @Override public void amount(OperationContext ctx, int v) { System.out.println("Progress: " + v); } }; ctx.addObserver(oo); CtpFClient ctpf = new CtpFClient(); CountDownLatch cdl = new CountDownLatch(1); ctpf.connect("localhost", 8181, new OperationCallback() { @Override public void callback() { cdl.countDown(); } }); try { cdl.await(); } catch (InterruptedException x) { System.out.println("Error connecting: " + x); return; } boolean running = true; while(running) { try { System.out.println(); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(" Hub " + Hub.instance.getResources().getHubId() + " Utility Menu"); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("0) Exit"); System.out.println("1) ls on karabiner"); System.out.println("2) Folder Listing"); System.out.println("3) Test Download"); System.out.println("4) Test Upload"); String opt = scan.nextLine(); Long mopt = StringUtil.parseInt(opt); if (mopt == null) continue; switch (mopt.intValue()) { case 0: ctpf.sendCommand(SimpleCommand.EXIT_SIGN_OUT); running = false; break; case 1: { ctpf.folderListing("/User/karabiner"); break; } case 2: { System.out.println("Folder to list: "); ctpf.folderListing(scan.nextLine()); break; } case 3: { FileSelection sel = new FileSelection() .withMode(FileSelectionMode.Expanded) .withFileSet("/User/Salt/long score 3.txt.out") .withAttrs(CtpConstants.CTP_F_ATTR_PREFERED, CtpConstants.CTP_F_ATTR_DATA); try { ctpf.selectFiles(sel, new FuncCallback<RecordStruct>() { @Override public void callback() { if (this.hasErrors()) { System.out.println("Failed Selection: " + this.getMessage());; // TODO or close? return; } //System.out.println("Context 9: " + OperationContext.get().getOpId()); try { ctpf.readTo(new OperationCallback() { @Override public void callback() { //System.out.println("Context 10: " + OperationContext.get().getOpId()); System.out.println("Download completed!"); } }, new NullStream()); } catch (Exception x) { System.out.println("Ctp-F Client cb error: " + x); }; // get that folder listing } }); } catch (Exception x) { System.out.println("Ctp-F Client error: " + x); } break; } case 4: { @SuppressWarnings("resource") FileSystemDriver fsd = new FileSystemDriver(); fsd.setRootFolder("/Work/Temp/Dest/x"); FileSelection sel = new FileSelection() .withFileSet("/cc-logo-sm.png"); ctpf.writeFrom(new OperationCallback() { @Override public void callback() { //System.out.println("Context 10: " + OperationContext.get().getOpId()); System.out.println("Upload completed!"); } }, new FileSourceStream(; break; } } } catch(Exception x) { System.out.println("CLI error: " + x); } } ctx.removeObserver(oo); } }