package choonster.testmod3.recipe; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCrafting; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe; /** * A shaped recipe class that copies the item damage of the first armour ingredient to the output. The damage is clamped to the output item's damage range. * <p> * Test for this thread: * * * @author Choonster */ public class ShapedArmourUpgradeRecipe extends ShapedOreRecipe { public ShapedArmourUpgradeRecipe(Block result, Object... recipe) { super(result, recipe); } public ShapedArmourUpgradeRecipe(Item result, Object... recipe) { super(result, recipe); } public ShapedArmourUpgradeRecipe(ItemStack result, Object... recipe) { super(result, recipe); } @Override public ItemStack getCraftingResult(InventoryCrafting inv) { final ItemStack output = super.getCraftingResult(inv); // Get the default output if (!output.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < inv.getSizeInventory(); i++) { // For each slot in the crafting inventory, final ItemStack ingredient = inv.getStackInSlot(i); // Get the ingredient in the slot if (!ingredient.isEmpty() && ingredient.getItem() instanceof ItemArmor) { // If it's an armour item, // Clone its item damage, clamping it to the output's damage range final int newDamage = MathHelper.clamp(ingredient.getItemDamage(), 0, output.getMaxDamage()); output.setItemDamage(newDamage); break; // Break now } } } return output; // Return the modified output } }