package choonster.testmod3.block; import choonster.testmod3.api.capability.pigspawner.IPigSpawner; import choonster.testmod3.api.capability.pigspawner.IPigSpawnerFinite; import choonster.testmod3.api.capability.pigspawner.IPigSpawnerInteractable; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentTranslation; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * A block that refills any {@link IPigSpawnerFinite} that interacts with it. * * @author Choonster */ public class BlockPigSpawnerRefiller extends BlockTestMod3 implements IPigSpawnerInteractable { public BlockPigSpawnerRefiller() { super(Material.IRON, "pig_spawner_refiller"); } /** * Interact with the {@link IPigSpawner}. Only called on the server. * * @param pigSpawner The IPigSpawner * @param world The World * @param pos The position of this object * @param iCommandSender The ICommandSender that caused the interaction, if any * @return {@code true} to prevent the default action of the IPigSpawner */ @Override public boolean interact(final IPigSpawner pigSpawner, final World world, final BlockPos pos, @Nullable final ICommandSender iCommandSender) { if (pigSpawner instanceof IPigSpawnerFinite) { final IPigSpawnerFinite pigSpawnerFinite = (IPigSpawnerFinite) pigSpawner; pigSpawnerFinite.setNumPigs(pigSpawnerFinite.getMaxNumPigs()); if (iCommandSender != null) { iCommandSender.sendMessage(new TextComponentTranslation("message.testmod3:pig_spawner_refiller.refilled")); } } return true; } }