package choonster.testmod3.command; import choonster.testmod3.tests.Tests; import net.minecraft.command.CommandBase; import net.minecraft.command.CommandException; import net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentTranslation; /** * A command that runs this mod's tests. * * @author Choonster */ public class CommandRunTests extends CommandBase { /** * Return the required permission level for this command. */ @Override public int getRequiredPermissionLevel() { return 0; } /** * Gets the name of the command. */ @Override public String getName() { return "runtests"; } /** * Gets the usage string for the command. * * @param sender The command sender that executed the command */ @Override public String getUsage(ICommandSender sender) { return "commands.testmod3.runtests.usage"; } /** * Callback for when the command is executed * * @param server The Minecraft server instance * @param sender The source of the command invocation * @param args The arguments that were passed */ @Override public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException { if (Tests.runTests()) { sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentTranslation("commands.testmod3.runtests.tests_passed")); } else { sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentTranslation("commands.testmod3.runtests.tests_failed")); } } }