package choonster.testmod3.client.model; import choonster.testmod3.block.*; import choonster.testmod3.init.ModBlocks; import choonster.testmod3.init.ModFluids; import choonster.testmod3.init.ModItems; import choonster.testmod3.item.ItemVariants; import choonster.testmod3.util.Constants; import choonster.testmod3.util.EnumFaceRotation; import choonster.testmod3.util.IVariant; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockLiquid; import net.minecraft.block.BlockPlanks; import net.minecraft.block.BlockSlab; import; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.ItemMeshDefinition; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBakery; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.statemap.StateMap; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.statemap.StateMapperBase; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.EnumDyeColor; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.IStringSerializable; import net.minecraftforge.client.event.ModelRegistryEvent; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoader; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidBlock; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.ToIntFunction; @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(Side.CLIENT) public class ModModelManager { public static final ModModelManager INSTANCE = new ModModelManager(); private static final String FLUID_MODEL_PATH = Constants.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "fluid"; private ModModelManager() { } /** * Register this mod's {@link Fluid}, {@link Block} and {@link Item} models. * * @param event The event */ @SubscribeEvent public static void registerAllModels(ModelRegistryEvent event) { INSTANCE.registerFluidModels(); INSTANCE.registerBlockModels(); INSTANCE.registerItemModels(); } /** * Register this mod's {@link Fluid} models. */ private void registerFluidModels() { ModFluids.MOD_FLUID_BLOCKS.forEach(this::registerFluidModel); } /** * Register the block and item model for a {@link Fluid}. * * @param fluidBlock The Fluid's Block */ private void registerFluidModel(IFluidBlock fluidBlock) { final Item item = Item.getItemFromBlock((Block) fluidBlock); assert item != Items.AIR; ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(item); final ModelResourceLocation modelResourceLocation = new ModelResourceLocation(FLUID_MODEL_PATH, fluidBlock.getFluid().getName()); ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(item, MeshDefinitionFix.create(stack -> modelResourceLocation)); ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper((Block) fluidBlock, new StateMapperBase() { @Override protected ModelResourceLocation getModelResourceLocation(IBlockState p_178132_1_) { return modelResourceLocation; } }); } /** * A {@link StateMapperBase} used to create property strings. */ private final StateMapperBase propertyStringMapper = new StateMapperBase() { @Override protected ModelResourceLocation getModelResourceLocation(IBlockState state) { return new ModelResourceLocation("minecraft:air"); } }; /** * Register this mod's {@link Block} models. */ private void registerBlockModels() { ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper(ModBlocks.WATER_GRASS, new StateMap.Builder().ignore(BlockLiquid.LEVEL).build()); registerBlockItemModel( ModBlocks.RIGHT_CLICK_TEST.getDefaultState() .withProperty(BlockRightClickTest.HAS_ENDER_EYE, false) ); registerVariantBlockItemModels( ModBlocks.COLORED_ROTATABLE.getDefaultState() .withProperty(BlockColoredRotatable.FACING, EnumFacing.NORTH), BlockColoredRotatable.COLOR, EnumDyeColor::getMetadata ); registerVariantBlockItemModels( ModBlocks.COLORED_MULTI_ROTATABLE.getDefaultState() .withProperty(BlockColoredMultiRotatable.FACING, EnumFacing.NORTH) .withProperty(BlockColoredMultiRotatable.FACE_ROTATION, EnumFaceRotation.UP), BlockColoredMultiRotatable.COLOR, EnumDyeColor::getMetadata ); registerSlabGroupItemModels(ModBlocks.Slabs.STAINED_CLAY_SLABS.high); registerSlabGroupItemModels(ModBlocks.Slabs.STAINED_CLAY_SLABS.low); registerVariantBlockItemModels( ModBlocks.VARIANTS.getDefaultState(), BlockVariants.VARIANT ); registerBlockItemModel( ModBlocks.MIRROR_PLANE.getDefaultState() .withProperty(BlockPlane.HORIZONTAL_ROTATION, EnumFacing.NORTH) .withProperty(BlockPlane.VERTICAL_ROTATION, BlockPlane.EnumVerticalRotation.UP) ); registerBlockItemModel( ModBlocks.CHEST.getDefaultState() .withProperty(BlockModChest.FACING, EnumFacing.NORTH) ); registerVariantBlockItemModels( ModBlocks.SAPLING.getDefaultState() .withProperty(BlockSaplingTestMod3.STAGE, 0) .withProperty(BlockSaplingTestMod3.ITEM, true), BlockSaplingTestMod3.TYPE, BlockPlanks.EnumType::getMetadata ); -> !itemsRegistered.contains(item)).forEach(this::registerItemModel); } /** * Register a single model for the {@link Block}'s {@link Item}. * <p> * Uses the registry name as the domain/path and the {@link IBlockState} as the variant. * * @param state The state to use as the variant */ private void registerBlockItemModel(IBlockState state) { final Block block = state.getBlock(); final Item item = Item.getItemFromBlock(block); if (item != Items.AIR) { registerItemModel(item, new ModelResourceLocation(block.getRegistryName(), propertyStringMapper.getPropertyString(state.getProperties()))); } } /** * Register a model for a metadata value of the {@link Block}'s {@link Item}. * <p> * Uses the registry name as the domain/path and the {@link IBlockState} as the variant. * * @param state The state to use as the variant * @param metadata The item metadata to register the model for */ private void registerBlockItemModelForMeta(IBlockState state, int metadata) { final Item item = Item.getItemFromBlock(state.getBlock()); if (item != Items.AIR) { registerItemModelForMeta(item, metadata, propertyStringMapper.getPropertyString(state.getProperties())); } } /** * Register a model for each metadata value of the {@link Block}'s {@link Item} corresponding to the values of an {@link IProperty}. * <p> * For each value: * <li>The domain/path is the registry name</li> * <li>The variant is {@code baseState} with the {@link IProperty} set to the value</li> * <p> * The {@code getMeta} function is used to get the metadata of each value. * * @param baseState The base state to use for the variant * @param property The property whose values should be used * @param getMeta A function to get the metadata of each value * @param <T> The value type */ private <T extends Comparable<T>> void registerVariantBlockItemModels(IBlockState baseState, IProperty<T> property, ToIntFunction<T> getMeta) { property.getAllowedValues().forEach(value -> registerBlockItemModelForMeta(baseState.withProperty(property, value), getMeta.applyAsInt(value))); } /** * Register a model for each metadata value of the {@link Block}'s {@link Item} corresponding to the values of an {@link IProperty}. * <p> * For each value: * <li>The domain/path is the registry name</li> * <li>The variant is {@code baseState} with the {@link IProperty} set to the value</li> * <p> * {@link IVariant#getMeta()} is used to get the metadata of each value. * * @param baseState The base state to use for the variant * @param property The property whose values should be used * @param <T> The value type */ private <T extends IVariant & Comparable<T>> void registerVariantBlockItemModels(IBlockState baseState, IProperty<T> property) { registerVariantBlockItemModels(baseState, property, IVariant::getMeta); } /** * Register a model for each metadata value of a {@link BlockSlabTestMod3.SlabGroup}'s {@link Item} corresponding to * the values of the slab's variant property ({@link BlockSlab#getVariantProperty()}). * <p> * For each value: * <li>The domain/path is the registry name</li> * <li>The variant is the default state with {@link BlockSlab#HALF} set to {@link BlockSlab.EnumBlockHalf#BOTTOM} * and the variant property set to the value as the variant.</li> * <p> * {@link BlockSlabTestMod3#getMetadata} is used to get the metadata of each value. * * @param slabGroup The SlabGroup * @param <VARIANT> The variant type * @param <VARIANTS> The variant collection type * @param <SLAB> The slab type */ private < VARIANT extends Enum<VARIANT> & IStringSerializable, VARIANTS extends Iterable<VARIANT> & IStringSerializable, SLAB extends BlockSlabTestMod3<VARIANT, VARIANTS, SLAB> > void registerSlabGroupItemModels(BlockSlabTestMod3.SlabGroup<VARIANT, VARIANTS, SLAB> slabGroup) { final SLAB singleSlab = slabGroup.singleSlab; registerVariantBlockItemModels( singleSlab.getDefaultState() .withProperty(BlockSlab.HALF, BlockSlab.EnumBlockHalf.BOTTOM), singleSlab.getVariantProperty(), singleSlab::getMetadata ); } /** * The {@link Item}s that have had models registered so far. */ private final Set<Item> itemsRegistered = new HashSet<>(); /** * Register this mod's {@link Item} models. */ private void registerItemModels() { // Register items with custom model names first registerItemModel(ModItems.SNOWBALL_LAUNCHER, "minecraft:fishing_rod"); registerItemModel(ModItems.UNICODE_TOOLTIPS, "minecraft:rabbit"); registerItemModel(ModItems.SWAP_TEST_A, "minecraft:brick"); registerItemModel(ModItems.SWAP_TEST_B, "minecraft:netherbrick"); registerItemModel(ModItems.BLOCK_DEBUGGER, "minecraft:nether_star"); registerItemModel(ModItems.WOODEN_HARVEST_SWORD, "minecraft:wooden_sword"); registerItemModel(ModItems.DIAMOND_HARVEST_SWORD, "minecraft:diamond_sword"); registerItemModel(ModItems.CLEARER, "minecraft:nether_star"); registerItemModel(ModItems.HEIGHT_TESTER, "minecraft:compass"); registerItemModel(ModItems.HEAVY, "minecraft:brick"); registerItemModel(ModItems.ENTITY_TEST, "minecraft:porkchop"); registerItemModel(ModItems.BLOCK_DESTROYER, "minecraft:tnt_minecart"); registerItemModel(ModItems.REPLACEMENT_HELMET, "minecraft:chainmail_helmet"); registerItemModel(ModItems.REPLACEMENT_CHESTPLATE, "minecraft:chainmail_chestplate"); registerItemModel(ModItems.REPLACEMENT_LEGGINGS, "minecraft:chainmail_leggings"); registerItemModel(ModItems.REPLACEMENT_BOOTS, "minecraft:chainmail_boots"); registerItemModel(ModItems.PIG_SPAWNER_FINITE, "minecraft:porkchop"); registerItemModel(ModItems.PIG_SPAWNER_INFINITE, "minecraft:porkchop"); registerItemModel(ModItems.RESPAWNER, "minecraft:clock"); registerItemModel(ModItems.LOOT_TABLE_TEST, "minecraft:gold_ingot"); registerItemModel(ModItems.SADDLE, "minecraft:saddle"); registerItemModel(ModItems.WOODEN_SLOW_SWORD, "minecraft:wooden_sword"); registerItemModel(ModItems.DIAMOND_SLOW_SWORD, "minecraft:diamond_sword"); registerItemModel(ModItems.NO_MOD_NAME, "minecraft:bread"); registerItemModel(ModItems.SATURATION_HELMET, "minecraft:chainmail_helmet"); registerVariantItemModels(ModItems.VARIANTS_ITEM, "variant", ItemVariants.EnumType.values()); // Then register items with default model names -> !itemsRegistered.contains(item)).forEach(this::registerItemModel); } /** * Register a single model for an {@link Item}. * <p> * Uses the registry name as the domain/path and {@code "inventory"} as the variant. * * @param item The Item */ private void registerItemModel(Item item) { registerItemModel(item, item.getRegistryName().toString()); } /** * Register a single model for an {@link Item}. * <p> * Uses {@code modelLocation} as the domain/path and {@link "inventory"} as the variant. * * @param item The Item * @param modelLocation The model location */ private void registerItemModel(Item item, String modelLocation) { final ModelResourceLocation fullModelLocation = new ModelResourceLocation(modelLocation, "inventory"); registerItemModel(item, fullModelLocation); } /** * Register a single model for an {@link Item}. * <p> * Uses {@code fullModelLocation} as the domain, path and variant. * * @param item The Item * @param fullModelLocation The full model location */ private void registerItemModel(Item item, ModelResourceLocation fullModelLocation) { ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(item, fullModelLocation); // Ensure the custom model is loaded and prevent the default model from being loaded registerItemModel(item, MeshDefinitionFix.create(stack -> fullModelLocation)); } /** * Register an {@link ItemMeshDefinition} for an {@link Item}. * * @param item The Item * @param meshDefinition The ItemMeshDefinition */ private void registerItemModel(Item item, ItemMeshDefinition meshDefinition) { itemsRegistered.add(item); ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(item, meshDefinition); } /** * Register a model for each metadata value of an {@link Item} corresponding to the values in {@code values}. * <p> * Uses the registry name as the domain/path and {@code "[variantName]=[valueName]"} as the variant. * <p> * Uses {@link IVariant#getMeta()} to determine the metadata of each value. * * @param item The Item * @param variantName The variant name * @param values The values * @param <T> The value type */ private <T extends IVariant> void registerVariantItemModels(Item item, String variantName, T[] values) { for (T value : values) { registerItemModelForMeta(item, value.getMeta(), variantName + "=" + value.getName()); } } /** * Register a model for a metadata value an {@link Item}. * <p> * Uses the registry name as the domain/path and {@code variant} as the variant. * * @param item The Item * @param metadata The metadata * @param variant The variant */ private void registerItemModelForMeta(Item item, int metadata, String variant) { registerItemModelForMeta(item, metadata, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), variant)); } /** * Register a model for a metadata value of an {@link Item}. * <p> * Uses {@code modelResourceLocation} as the domain, path and variant. * * @param item The Item * @param metadata The metadata * @param modelResourceLocation The full model location */ private void registerItemModelForMeta(Item item, int metadata, ModelResourceLocation modelResourceLocation) { itemsRegistered.add(item); ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, metadata, modelResourceLocation); } }