package choonster.testmod3.capability.maxhealth; import choonster.testmod3.Logger; import choonster.testmod3.api.capability.maxhealth.IMaxHealth; import choonster.testmod3.util.Constants; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.SharedMonsterAttributes; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.UUID; /** * Default implementation of {@link IMaxHealth}. * * @author Choonster */ public class MaxHealth implements IMaxHealth { /** * The ID of the {@link AttributeModifier}. */ protected static final UUID MODIFIER_ID = UUID.fromString("d5d0d878-b3c2-469b-ba89-ac01c0635a9c"); /** * The name of the {@link AttributeModifier}. */ protected static final String MODIFIER_NAME = "Bonus Max Health"; /** * The minimum max health a player can have. */ protected static final float MIN_AMOUNT = 2.0f; /** * The entity this is attached to. */ private final EntityLivingBase entity; /** * The bonus max health. */ private float bonusMaxHealth; /** * The dummy max health attribute. Used to avoid setting the entity's actual attribute to an invalid value. */ private final IAttributeInstance dummyMaxHealthAttribute = new AttributeMap().registerAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MAX_HEALTH); public MaxHealth(@Nullable final EntityLivingBase entity) { this.entity = entity; } /** * Get the bonus max health. * * @return The bonus max health */ @Override public final float getBonusMaxHealth() { return bonusMaxHealth; } /** * Set the bonus max health. * * @param bonusMaxHealth The bonus max health */ @Override public final void setBonusMaxHealth(final float bonusMaxHealth) { this.bonusMaxHealth = bonusMaxHealth; onBonusMaxHealthChanged(); } /** * Add an amount to the current bonus max health. * * @param healthToAdd The amount of health to add */ @Override public final void addBonusMaxHealth(final float healthToAdd) { setBonusMaxHealth(getBonusMaxHealth() + healthToAdd); } /** * Synchronise the entity's max health to watching clients. */ @Override public void synchronise() { if (entity != null && !entity.getEntityWorld().isRemote) { final IAttributeInstance entityMaxHealthAttribute = entity.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MAX_HEALTH); final SPacketEntityProperties packet = new SPacketEntityProperties(entity.getEntityId(), Collections.singleton(entityMaxHealthAttribute)); ((WorldServer) entity.getEntityWorld()).getEntityTracker().sendToTrackingAndSelf(entity, packet); } } /** * Create the {@link AttributeModifier}. * * @return The AttributeModifier */ protected AttributeModifier createModifier() { return new AttributeModifier(MODIFIER_ID, MODIFIER_NAME, getBonusMaxHealth(), Constants.ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIER_OPERATION_ADD); } /** * Called when the bonus max health changes to re-apply the {@link AttributeModifier}. */ protected void onBonusMaxHealthChanged() { if (entity == null) return; final IAttributeInstance entityMaxHealthAttribute = entity.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MAX_HEALTH); // Remove all modifiers from the dummy attribute dummyMaxHealthAttribute.getModifiers().forEach(dummyMaxHealthAttribute::removeModifier); // Copy the base value and modifiers except this class's from the entity's attribute to the dummy attribute dummyMaxHealthAttribute.setBaseValue(entityMaxHealthAttribute.getBaseValue()); entityMaxHealthAttribute.getModifiers().stream() .filter(modifier -> !modifier.getID().equals(MODIFIER_ID)) .forEach(dummyMaxHealthAttribute::applyModifier); AttributeModifier modifier = createModifier(); dummyMaxHealthAttribute.applyModifier(modifier); // Increment bonus max health by 0.5 until the max health is at least 2.0 (1 heart). // We do this to avoid setting the entity's max health to 0, which would kill it (and prevent it from respawning if it's a player). // The attribute itself will prevent its value from exceeding the maximum, so adding more than the maximum max health is harmless. while (dummyMaxHealthAttribute.getAttributeValue() < MIN_AMOUNT) { dummyMaxHealthAttribute.removeModifier(modifier); bonusMaxHealth += 0.5f; modifier = createModifier(); dummyMaxHealthAttribute.applyModifier(modifier); } final float newAmount = getBonusMaxHealth(); final float oldAmount; final AttributeModifier oldModifier = entityMaxHealthAttribute.getModifier(MODIFIER_ID); if (oldModifier != null) { entityMaxHealthAttribute.removeModifier(oldModifier); oldAmount = (float) oldModifier.getAmount(); Logger.debug(CapabilityMaxHealth.LOG_MARKER, "Max Health Changed! Entity: %s - Old: %s - New: %s", entity, CapabilityMaxHealth.formatMaxHealth(oldAmount), CapabilityMaxHealth.formatMaxHealth(newAmount)); } else { oldAmount = 0.0f; Logger.debug(CapabilityMaxHealth.LOG_MARKER, "Max Health Added! Entity: %s - New: %s", entity, CapabilityMaxHealth.formatMaxHealth(newAmount)); } entityMaxHealthAttribute.applyModifier(modifier); final float amountToHeal = newAmount - oldAmount; if (amountToHeal > 0) { entity.heal(amountToHeal); } } }