package choonster.testmod3.compat.waila; import choonster.testmod3.init.ModBlocks; import choonster.testmod3.tileentity.TileEntityFluidTankRestricted; import mcp.mobius.waila.api.IWailaConfigHandler; import mcp.mobius.waila.api.IWailaDataAccessor; import mcp.mobius.waila.api.IWailaDataProvider; import mcp.mobius.waila.api.IWailaRegistrar; import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import java.util.List; /** * Adds a line to the Waila tooltip body displaying the enabled facings of a {@link TileEntityFluidTankRestricted}. * * @author Choonster */ public class HUDHandlerFluidTankRestrictedEnabledFacings implements IWailaDataProvider { /** * Callback used to override the default Waila lookup system.<br> * Will be used if the implementing class is registered via {@link IWailaRegistrar#registerStackProvider}.<br> * * @param accessor Contains most of the relevant information about the current environment. * @param config Current configuration of Waila. * @return null if override is not required, an ItemStack otherwise. */ @Override public ItemStack getWailaStack(final IWailaDataAccessor accessor, final IWailaConfigHandler config) { return ItemStack.EMPTY; } /** * Callback used to add lines to one of the three sections of the tooltip (Head, Body, Tail).<br> * Will be used if the implementing class is registered via {@link IWailaRegistrar#registerHeadProvider} client side.<br> * You are supposed to always return the modified input currenttip.<br> * * @param itemStack Current block scanned, in ItemStack form. * @param currenttip Current list of tooltip lines (might have been processed by other providers and might be processed by other providers). * @param accessor Contains most of the relevant information about the current environment. * @param config Current configuration of Waila. * @return Modified input currenttip */ @Override public List<String> getWailaHead(final ItemStack itemStack, final List<String> currenttip, final IWailaDataAccessor accessor, final IWailaConfigHandler config) { return currenttip; } /** * Callback used to add lines to one of the three sections of the tooltip (Head, Body, Tail).<br> * Will be used if the implementing class is registered via {@link IWailaRegistrar#registerBodyProvider} client side.<br> * You are supposed to always return the modified input currenttip.<br> * * @param itemStack Current block scanned, in ItemStack form. * @param currenttip Current list of tooltip lines (might have been processed by other providers and might be processed by other providers). * @param accessor Contains most of the relevant information about the current environment. * @param config Current configuration of Waila. * @return Modified input currenttip */ @Override public List<String> getWailaBody(final ItemStack itemStack, final List<String> currenttip, final IWailaDataAccessor accessor, final IWailaConfigHandler config) { final TileEntity tileEntity = accessor.getTileEntity(); if (tileEntity instanceof TileEntityFluidTankRestricted) { final String enabledFacingsString = ModBlocks.FLUID_TANK_RESTRICTED.getEnabledFacingsString(accessor.getWorld(), accessor.getPosition()); currenttip.add(I18n.format("tile.testmod3:fluid_tank_restricted.enabled_facings", enabledFacingsString)); } return currenttip; } /** * Callback used to add lines to one of the three sections of the tooltip (Head, Body, Tail).<br> * Will be used if the implementing class is registered via {@link IWailaRegistrar#registerTailProvider} client side.<br> * You are supposed to always return the modified input currenttip.<br> * * @param itemStack Current block scanned, in ItemStack form. * @param currenttip Current list of tooltip lines (might have been processed by other providers and might be processed by other providers). * @param accessor Contains most of the relevant information about the current environment. * @param config Current configuration of Waila. * @return Modified input currenttip */ @Override public List<String> getWailaTail(final ItemStack itemStack, final List<String> currenttip, final IWailaDataAccessor accessor, final IWailaConfigHandler config) { return currenttip; } /** * Callback used server side to return a custom synchronization NBTTagCompound.<br> * Will be used if the implementing class is registered via {@link IWailaRegistrar#registerNBTProvider} server and client side.<br> * You are supposed to always return the modified input NBTTagCompound tag.<br> * * @param player The player requesting data synchronization (The owner of the current connection). * @param te The TileEntity targeted for synchronization. * @param tag Current synchronization tag (might have been processed by other providers and might be processed by other providers). * @param world TileEntity's World. * @param pos Position of the TileEntity. * @return Modified input NBTTagCompound tag. */ @Override public NBTTagCompound getNBTData(final EntityPlayerMP player, final TileEntity te, final NBTTagCompound tag, final World world, final BlockPos pos) { return tag; } }