package choonster.testmod3.capability.pigspawner; import choonster.testmod3.Logger; import choonster.testmod3.api.capability.pigspawner.IPigSpawnerFinite; import choonster.testmod3.util.DebugUtil; import; import; import net.minecraft.util.text.ITextComponent; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentTranslation; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.List; /** * A spawner that can only spawn a finite number of pigs. * * @author Choonster */ public class PigSpawnerFinite extends PigSpawnerBase implements IPigSpawnerFinite { /** * The current number of pigs that can be spawned. */ private int numPigs; /** * The maximum number of pigs that can be spawned. */ private final int maxNumPigs; public PigSpawnerFinite(final int maxNumPigs) { this.maxNumPigs = maxNumPigs; Logger.debug(CapabilityPigSpawner.LOG_MARKER, DebugUtil.getStackTrace(10), "Creating finite pig spawner: %s", this); } /** * Get the current number of pigs that can be spawned. * * @return The number of pigs that can be spawned */ @Override public int getNumPigs() { return numPigs; } /** * Get the maximum number of pigs that can be spawned. * * @return The maximum number of pigs that can be spawned. */ @Override public int getMaxNumPigs() { return maxNumPigs; } /** * Set the current number of pigs that can be spawned. * * @param numPigs The number of pigs that can be spawned * @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code numPigs} is greater than {@link #getMaxNumPigs()} */ @Override public void setNumPigs(final int numPigs) { Preconditions.checkArgument(numPigs <= getMaxNumPigs(), "Attempted to set numPigs to %s, but maximum is %s", numPigs, getMaxNumPigs()); this.numPigs = numPigs; } /** * Can a pig be spawned at the specified position? * * @param world The world * @param x The x coordinate * @param y The y coordinate * @param z The z coordinate * @return Can a pig be spawned? */ @Override public boolean canSpawnPig(final World world, final double x, final double y, final double z) { return getNumPigs() > 0; } /** * Spawn a pig at the specified position. * * @param world The world * @param x The x coordinate * @param y The y coordinate * @param z The z coordinate * @return Was the pig successfully spawned? */ @Override public boolean spawnPig(final World world, final double x, final double y, final double z) { setNumPigs(getNumPigs() - 1); return super.spawnPig(world, x, y, z); } /** * Add tooltip lines for this spawner. Can be called on the client or server. */ @Override public List<ITextComponent> getTooltipLines() { return ImmutableList.of(new TextComponentTranslation("testmod3:pig_spawner.finite.desc", getNumPigs(), getMaxNumPigs())); } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable final Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; final PigSpawnerFinite that = (PigSpawnerFinite) obj; return numPigs == that.numPigs && maxNumPigs == that.maxNumPigs; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = numPigs; result = 31 * result + maxNumPigs; return result; } }