/* * This file is part of Cubic Chunks Mod, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). * * Copyright (c) 2015 contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package cubicchunks.server; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.collect.AbstractIterator; import com.google.common.collect.ComparisonChain; import gnu.trove.map.TIntObjectMap; import gnu.trove.map.hash.TIntObjectHashMap; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.server.management.PlayerChunkMap; import net.minecraft.server.management.PlayerChunkMapEntry; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos; import net.minecraft.world.WorldProvider; import net.minecraft.world.WorldServer; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import cubicchunks.CubicChunks; import cubicchunks.IConfigUpdateListener; import cubicchunks.util.CubePos; import cubicchunks.util.XYZMap; import cubicchunks.util.XZMap; import cubicchunks.visibility.CubeSelector; import cubicchunks.visibility.CuboidalCubeSelector; import cubicchunks.world.ICubicWorldServer; import cubicchunks.world.column.Column; import static cubicchunks.util.Coords.blockToCube; import static cubicchunks.util.Coords.blockToLocal; import static net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper.clamp; /** * A cubic chunks implementation of Player Manager. * <p> * This class manages loading and unloading cubes for players. */ public class PlayerCubeMap extends PlayerChunkMap implements IConfigUpdateListener { private static final Predicate<EntityPlayerMP> NOT_SPECTATOR = player -> player != null && !player.isSpectator(); private static final Predicate<EntityPlayerMP> CAN_GENERATE_CHUNKS = player -> player != null && (!player.isSpectator() || player.getServerWorld().getGameRules().getBoolean("spectatorsGenerateChunks")); /** * Comparator that specifies order in which cubes will be generated and sent to clients */ private static final Comparator<CubeWatcher> CUBE_ORDER = (watcher1, watcher2) -> ComparisonChain.start().compare( watcher1.getClosestPlayerDistance(), watcher2.getClosestPlayerDistance() ).result(); /** * Comparator that specifies order in which columns will be generated and sent to clients */ private static final Comparator<ColumnWatcher> COLUMN_ORDER = (watcher1, watcher2) -> ComparisonChain.start().compare( watcher1.getClosestPlayerDistance(), watcher2.getClosestPlayerDistance() ).result(); /** * Cube selector is used to find which cube positions need to be loaded/unloaded * By default use CuboidalCubeSelector. */ private final CubeSelector cubeSelector = new CuboidalCubeSelector(); /** * Mapping if entityId to PlayerCubeMap.PlayerWrapper objects. */ private final TIntObjectMap<PlayerWrapper> players = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); /** * Mapping of Cube positions to CubeWatchers (Cube equivalent of PlayerManager.PlayerInstance). * Contains cube positions of all cubes loaded by players. */ private final XYZMap<CubeWatcher> cubeWatchers = new XYZMap<>(0.7f, 25*25*25); /** * Mapping of Column positions to ColumnWatchers. * Contains column positions of all columns loaded by players. * Exists for compatibility with vanilla and to send ColumnLoad/Unload packets to clients. * Columns cannot be managed by client because they have separate data, like heightmap and biome array. */ private final XZMap<ColumnWatcher> columnWatchers = new XZMap<>(0.7f, 25*25); /** * All cubeWatchers that have pending block updates to send. */ private final Set<CubeWatcher> cubeWatchersToUpdate = new HashSet<>(); /** * Contains all CubeWatchers that need to be sent to clients, * but these cubes are not fully loaded/generated yet. * <p> * Note that this is not the same as cubesToGenerate list. * Cube can be loaded while not being fully generated yet (not in the last GeneratorStageRegistry stage). */ private final List<CubeWatcher> cubesToSendToClients = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Contains all CubeWatchers that still need to be loaded/generated. * CubeWatcher constructor attempts to load cube from disk, but it won't generate it. * Technically it can generate it, using the world's IGeneratorPipeline, * but spectator players can't generate chunks if spectatorsGenerateChunks gamerule is set. */ private final List<CubeWatcher> cubesToGenerate = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Contains all ColumnWatchers that need to be sent to clients, * but these cubes are not fully loaded/generated yet. * <p> * Note that this is not the same as columnsToGenerate list. * Columns can be loaded while not being fully generated yet */ private final List<ColumnWatcher> columnsToSendToClients = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Contains all ColumnWatchers that still need to be loaded/generated. * ColumnWatcher constructor attempts to load column from disk, but it won't generate it. */ private final List<ColumnWatcher> columnsToGenerate = new ArrayList<>(); private int horizontalViewDistance; private int verticalViewDistance; private volatile int updatedVerticalViewDistance; /** * This is used only to force update of all CubeWatchers every 8000 ticks */ private long previousWorldTime = 0; private boolean toGenerateNeedSort = true; private boolean toSendToClientNeedSort = true; private CubeProviderServer cubeCache; private volatile int maxGeneratedCubesPerTick = CubicChunks.Config.DEFAULT_MAX_GENERATED_CUBES_PER_TICK; public PlayerCubeMap(ICubicWorldServer worldServer) { super((WorldServer) worldServer); this.cubeCache = getWorld().getCubeCache(); this.setPlayerViewDistance(worldServer.getMinecraftServer().getPlayerList().getViewDistance(), CubicChunks.Config.DEFAULT_VERTICAL_CUBE_LOAD_DISTANCE); CubicChunks.addConfigChangeListener(this); } @Override public void onConfigUpdate(CubicChunks.Config config) { if (config.getVerticalCubeLoadDistance() != this.verticalViewDistance) { this.updatedVerticalViewDistance = config.getVerticalCubeLoadDistance(); } this.maxGeneratedCubesPerTick = config.getMaxGeneratedCubesPerTick(); } /** * This method exists only because vanilla needs it. It shouldn't be used anywhere else. */ // CHECKED: 1.10.2- @Override @Deprecated // Warning: Hacks! For vanilla use only! (WorldServer.updateBlocks()) public Iterator<Chunk> getChunkIterator() { // GIVE TICKET SYSTEM FULL CONTROL Iterator<Chunk> chunkIt = this.cubeCache.getLoadedChunks().iterator(); return new AbstractIterator<Chunk>() { @Override protected Chunk computeNext() { while (chunkIt.hasNext()) { Column column = (Column) chunkIt.next(); if (column.shouldTick()) { // shouldTick is true when there Cubes with tickets the request to be ticked return column; } } return this.endOfData(); } }; } /** * Updates all CubeWatchers and ColumnWatchers. * Also sends packets to clients. */ // CHECKED: 1.10.2- @Override public void tick() { if (this.updatedVerticalViewDistance != this.verticalViewDistance) { this.setPlayerViewDistance(getWorld().getMinecraftServer().getPlayerList().getViewDistance(), this.updatedVerticalViewDistance); } getWorld().getProfiler().startSection("playerCubeMapTick"); long currentTime = this.getWorldServer().getTotalWorldTime(); getWorld().getProfiler().startSection("tickEntries"); //force update-all every 8000 ticks (400 seconds) if (currentTime - this.previousWorldTime > 8000L) { this.previousWorldTime = currentTime; for (CubeWatcher playerInstance : this.cubeWatchers) { playerInstance.update(); playerInstance.updateInhabitedTime(); } } //process instances to update for (CubeWatcher playerInstance : this.cubeWatchersToUpdate) { playerInstance.update(); } this.cubeWatchersToUpdate.clear(); getWorld().getProfiler().endStartSection("sortToGenerate"); //sort toLoadPending if needed, but at most every 4 ticks if (this.toGenerateNeedSort && currentTime%4L == 0L) { this.toGenerateNeedSort = false; Collections.sort(this.cubesToGenerate, CUBE_ORDER); Collections.sort(this.columnsToGenerate, COLUMN_ORDER); } getWorld().getProfiler().endStartSection("sortToSend"); //sort cubesToSendToClients every other 4 ticks if (this.toSendToClientNeedSort && currentTime%4L == 2L) { this.toSendToClientNeedSort = false; Collections.sort(this.cubesToSendToClients, CUBE_ORDER); Collections.sort(this.columnsToSendToClients, COLUMN_ORDER); } getWorld().getProfiler().endStartSection("generate"); if (!this.columnsToGenerate.isEmpty()) { getWorld().getProfiler().startSection("columns"); Iterator<ColumnWatcher> iter = this.columnsToGenerate.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ColumnWatcher entry = iter.next(); getWorld().getProfiler().startSection("column[" + entry.getPos().chunkXPos + "," + entry.getPos().chunkZPos + "]"); boolean success = entry.getColumn() != null; if (!success) { boolean canGenerate = entry.hasPlayerMatching(CAN_GENERATE_CHUNKS); getWorld().getProfiler().startSection("generate"); success = entry.providePlayerChunk(canGenerate); getWorld().getProfiler().endSection(); // generate } if (success) { iter.remove(); if (entry.sendToPlayers()) { this.columnsToSendToClients.remove(entry); } } getWorld().getProfiler().endSection(); // column[x,z] } getWorld().getProfiler().endSection(); // columns } if (!this.cubesToGenerate.isEmpty()) { getWorld().getProfiler().startSection("cubes"); long stopTime = System.nanoTime() + 50000000L; int chunksToGenerate = maxGeneratedCubesPerTick; Iterator<CubeWatcher> iterator = this.cubesToGenerate.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext() && chunksToGenerate >= 0 && System.nanoTime() < stopTime) { CubeWatcher watcher = iterator.next(); CubePos pos = watcher.getCubePos(); getWorld().getProfiler().startSection("chunk=" + pos); boolean success = watcher.getCube() != null && watcher.getCube().isFullyPopulated() && watcher.getCube().isInitialLightingDone(); if (!success) { boolean canGenerate = watcher.hasPlayerMatching(CAN_GENERATE_CHUNKS); getWorld().getProfiler().startSection("generate"); success = watcher.providePlayerCube(canGenerate); getWorld().getProfiler().endSection(); } if (success) { iterator.remove(); if (watcher.sendToPlayers()) { this.cubesToSendToClients.remove(watcher); } --chunksToGenerate; } getWorld().getProfiler().endSection();//chunk[x, y, z] } getWorld().getProfiler().endSection(); // chunks } getWorld().getProfiler().endStartSection("send"); if (!this.columnsToSendToClients.isEmpty()) { getWorld().getProfiler().startSection("columns"); Iterator<ColumnWatcher> iter = this.columnsToSendToClients.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ColumnWatcher next = iter.next(); if (next.sendToPlayers()) { iter.remove(); } } getWorld().getProfiler().endSection(); // columns } if (!this.cubesToSendToClients.isEmpty()) { getWorld().getProfiler().startSection("cubes"); int toSend = 81*8;//sending cubes, so send 8x more at once Iterator<CubeWatcher> it = this.cubesToSendToClients.iterator(); while (it.hasNext() && toSend >= 0) { CubeWatcher playerInstance = it.next(); if (playerInstance.sendToPlayers()) { it.remove(); --toSend; } } getWorld().getProfiler().endSection(); // cubes } getWorld().getProfiler().endStartSection("unload"); //if there are no players - unload everything if (this.players.isEmpty()) { WorldProvider worldprovider = this.getWorldServer().provider; if (!worldprovider.canRespawnHere()) { this.getWorldServer().getChunkProvider().unloadAllChunks(); } } getWorld().getProfiler().endSection();//unload getWorld().getProfiler().endSection();//playerCubeMapTick } // CHECKED: 1.10.2- @Override public boolean contains(int cubeX, int cubeZ) { return this.columnWatchers.get(cubeX, cubeZ) != null; } // CHECKED: 1.10.2- @Override public PlayerChunkMapEntry getEntry(int cubeX, int cubeZ) { return this.columnWatchers.get(cubeX, cubeZ); } /** * Returns existing CubeWatcher or creates new one if it doesn't exist. * Attempts to load the cube and send it to client. * If it can't load it or send it to client - adds it to cubesToGenerate/cubesToSendToClients */ private CubeWatcher getOrCreateCubeWatcher(CubePos cubePos) { CubeWatcher cubeWatcher = this.cubeWatchers.get(cubePos.getX(), cubePos.getY(), cubePos.getZ()); if (cubeWatcher == null) { // make a new watcher cubeWatcher = new CubeWatcher(this, cubePos); this.cubeWatchers.put(cubeWatcher); if (cubeWatcher.getCube() == null || !cubeWatcher.getCube().isFullyPopulated() || !cubeWatcher.getCube().isInitialLightingDone()) { this.cubesToGenerate.add(cubeWatcher); } if (!cubeWatcher.isSentToPlayers()) { this.cubesToSendToClients.add(cubeWatcher); } } return cubeWatcher; } /** * Returns existing ColumnWatcher or creates new one if it doesn't exist. * Always creates the Column. */ private ColumnWatcher getOrCreateColumnWatcher(ChunkPos chunkPos) { ColumnWatcher columnWatcher = this.columnWatchers.get(chunkPos.chunkXPos, chunkPos.chunkZPos); if (columnWatcher == null) { columnWatcher = new ColumnWatcher(this, chunkPos); this.columnWatchers.put(columnWatcher); if (columnWatcher.getColumn() == null) { this.columnsToGenerate.add(columnWatcher); } if (!columnWatcher.isSentToPlayers()) { this.columnsToSendToClients.add(columnWatcher); } } return columnWatcher; } // CHECKED: 1.10.2- @Override public void markBlockForUpdate(BlockPos pos) { CubeWatcher cubeWatcher = this.getCubeWatcher(CubePos.fromBlockCoords(pos)); if (cubeWatcher != null) { int localX = blockToLocal(pos.getX()); int localY = blockToLocal(pos.getY()); int localZ = blockToLocal(pos.getZ()); cubeWatcher.blockChanged(localX, localY, localZ); } } // CHECKED: 1.10.2- @Override public void addPlayer(EntityPlayerMP player) { PlayerWrapper playerWrapper = new PlayerWrapper(player); playerWrapper.updateManagedPos(); CubePos playerCubePos = CubePos.fromEntity(player); this.cubeSelector.forAllVisibleFrom(playerCubePos, horizontalViewDistance, verticalViewDistance, (currentPos) -> { //create cubeWatcher and chunkWatcher //order is important ColumnWatcher chunkWatcher = getOrCreateColumnWatcher(currentPos.chunkPos()); //and add the player to them if (!chunkWatcher.containsPlayer(player)) { chunkWatcher.addPlayer(player); } CubeWatcher cubeWatcher = getOrCreateCubeWatcher(currentPos); assert !cubeWatcher.containsPlayer(player); cubeWatcher.addPlayer(player); }); this.players.put(player.getEntityId(), playerWrapper); this.setNeedSort(); } // CHECKED: 1.10.2- @Override public void removePlayer(EntityPlayerMP player) { PlayerWrapper playerWrapper = this.players.get(player.getEntityId()); CubePos playerCubePos = CubePos.fromEntity(playerWrapper.playerEntity); this.cubeSelector.forAllVisibleFrom(playerCubePos, horizontalViewDistance, verticalViewDistance, (cubePos) -> { // get the watcher CubeWatcher watcher = getCubeWatcher(cubePos); if (watcher == null) { return;//continue } // remove from the watcher, it also removes the watcher if it becomes empty watcher.removePlayer(player); // remove column watchers if needed ColumnWatcher columnWatcher = getColumnWatcher(cubePos.chunkPos()); if (columnWatcher == null) { return; } if (columnWatcher.containsPlayer(player)) { columnWatcher.removePlayer(player); } }); this.players.remove(player.getEntityId()); this.setNeedSort(); } // CHECKED: 1.10.2- @Override public void updateMovingPlayer(EntityPlayerMP player) { // the player moved // if the player moved into a new chunk, update which chunks the player needs to know about // then update the list of chunks that need to be sent to the client // get the player info PlayerWrapper playerWrapper = this.players.get(player.getEntityId()); // did the player move into new cube? if (!playerWrapper.cubePosChanged()) { return; } this.updatePlayer(playerWrapper, playerWrapper.getManagedCubePos(), CubePos.fromEntity(player)); playerWrapper.updateManagedPos(); this.setNeedSort(); } private void updatePlayer(PlayerWrapper entry, CubePos oldPos, CubePos newPos) { getWorld().getProfiler().startSection("updateMovedPlayer"); Set<CubePos> cubesToRemove = new HashSet<>(); Set<CubePos> cubesToLoad = new HashSet<>(); Set<ChunkPos> columnsToRemove = new HashSet<>(); Set<ChunkPos> columnsToLoad = new HashSet<>(); getWorld().getProfiler().startSection("findChanges"); // calculate new visibility this.cubeSelector.findChanged(oldPos, newPos, horizontalViewDistance, verticalViewDistance, cubesToRemove, cubesToLoad, columnsToRemove, columnsToLoad); getWorld().getProfiler().endStartSection("createColumns"); //order is important, columns first columnsToLoad.forEach(pos -> { ColumnWatcher columnWatcher = this.getOrCreateColumnWatcher(pos); assert columnWatcher.getPos().equals(pos); columnWatcher.addPlayer(entry.playerEntity); }); getWorld().getProfiler().endStartSection("createCubes"); cubesToLoad.forEach(pos -> { CubeWatcher cubeWatcher = this.getOrCreateCubeWatcher(pos); assert cubeWatcher.getCubePos().equals(pos); cubeWatcher.addPlayer(entry.playerEntity); }); getWorld().getProfiler().endStartSection("removeCubes"); cubesToRemove.forEach(pos -> { CubeWatcher cubeWatcher = this.getCubeWatcher(pos); if (cubeWatcher != null) { assert cubeWatcher.getCubePos().equals(pos); cubeWatcher.removePlayer(entry.playerEntity); } }); getWorld().getProfiler().endStartSection("removeColumns"); columnsToRemove.forEach(pos -> { ColumnWatcher columnWatcher = this.getColumnWatcher(pos); if (columnWatcher != null) { assert columnWatcher.getPos().equals(pos); columnWatcher.removePlayer(entry.playerEntity); } }); getWorld().getProfiler().endSection();//removeColumns getWorld().getProfiler().endSection();//updateMovedPlayer } // CHECKED: 1.10.2- @Override public boolean isPlayerWatchingChunk(@Nonnull EntityPlayerMP player, int cubeX, int cubeZ) { ColumnWatcher columnWatcher = this.getColumnWatcher(new ChunkPos(cubeX, cubeZ)); return columnWatcher != null && columnWatcher.containsPlayer(player) && columnWatcher.isSentToPlayers(); } // CHECKED: 1.10.2- @Override @Deprecated public final void setPlayerViewRadius(int newHorizontalViewDistance) { this.setPlayerViewDistance(newHorizontalViewDistance, verticalViewDistance); } public final void setPlayerViewDistance(int newHorizontalViewDistance, int newVerticalViewDistance) { //this method is called by vanilla before these fields are initialized. //and it doesn't really need to be called because in this case //it reduces to setting the viewRadius field if (this.players == null) { return; } newHorizontalViewDistance = clamp(newHorizontalViewDistance, 3, 32); newVerticalViewDistance = clamp(newVerticalViewDistance, 3, 32); if (newHorizontalViewDistance == this.horizontalViewDistance && newVerticalViewDistance == this.verticalViewDistance) { return; } int oldHorizontalViewDistance = this.horizontalViewDistance; int oldVerticalViewDistance = this.verticalViewDistance; // Somehow the view distances went in opposite directions if ((newHorizontalViewDistance < oldHorizontalViewDistance && newVerticalViewDistance > oldVerticalViewDistance) || (newHorizontalViewDistance > oldHorizontalViewDistance && newVerticalViewDistance < oldVerticalViewDistance)) { // Adjust the values separately to avoid imploding setPlayerViewDistance(newHorizontalViewDistance, oldVerticalViewDistance); setPlayerViewDistance(newHorizontalViewDistance, newVerticalViewDistance); return; } for (PlayerWrapper playerWrapper : this.players.valueCollection()) { EntityPlayerMP player = playerWrapper.playerEntity; CubePos playerPos = playerWrapper.getManagedCubePos(); if (newHorizontalViewDistance > oldHorizontalViewDistance || newVerticalViewDistance > oldVerticalViewDistance) { //if newRadius is bigger, we only need to load new cubes this.cubeSelector.forAllVisibleFrom(playerPos, newHorizontalViewDistance, newVerticalViewDistance, pos -> { //order is important ColumnWatcher columnWatcher = this.getOrCreateColumnWatcher(pos.chunkPos()); if (!columnWatcher.containsPlayer(player)) { columnWatcher.addPlayer(player); } CubeWatcher cubeWatcher = this.getOrCreateCubeWatcher(pos); if (!cubeWatcher.containsPlayer(player)) { cubeWatcher.addPlayer(player); } }); // either both got smaller or only one of them changed } else { //if it got smaller... Set<CubePos> cubesToUnload = new HashSet<>(); Set<ChunkPos> columnsToUnload = new HashSet<>(); this.cubeSelector.findAllUnloadedOnViewDistanceDecrease(playerPos, oldHorizontalViewDistance, newHorizontalViewDistance, oldVerticalViewDistance, newVerticalViewDistance, cubesToUnload, columnsToUnload); cubesToUnload.forEach(pos -> { CubeWatcher cubeWatcher = this.getCubeWatcher(pos); if (cubeWatcher != null && cubeWatcher.containsPlayer(player)) { cubeWatcher.removePlayer(player); } else { CubicChunks.LOGGER.warn("cubeWatcher null or doesn't contain player on render distance change"); } }); columnsToUnload.forEach(pos -> { ColumnWatcher columnWatcher = this.getColumnWatcher(pos); if (columnWatcher != null && columnWatcher.containsPlayer(player)) { columnWatcher.removePlayer(player); } else { CubicChunks.LOGGER.warn("cubeWatcher null or doesn't contain player on render distance change"); } }); } } this.horizontalViewDistance = newHorizontalViewDistance; this.verticalViewDistance = newVerticalViewDistance; this.setNeedSort(); } private void setNeedSort() { this.toGenerateNeedSort = true; this.toSendToClientNeedSort = true; } @Override public void addEntry(@Nonnull PlayerChunkMapEntry entry) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void removeEntry(PlayerChunkMapEntry entry) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } void addToUpdateEntry(CubeWatcher cubeWatcher) { this.cubeWatchersToUpdate.add(cubeWatcher); } // CHECKED: 1.10.2- void removeEntry(CubeWatcher cubeWatcher) { CubePos cubePos = cubeWatcher.getCubePos(); cubeWatcher.updateInhabitedTime(); this.cubeWatchers.remove(cubePos.getX(), cubePos.getY(), cubePos.getZ()); this.cubeWatchersToUpdate.remove(cubeWatcher); this.cubesToGenerate.remove(cubeWatcher); this.cubesToSendToClients.remove(cubeWatcher); if (cubeWatcher.getCube() != null) { cubeWatcher.getCube().getTickets().remove(cubeWatcher); // remove the ticket, so this Cube can unload } //don't unload, ChunkGc unloads chunks } // CHECKED: 1.10.2- public void removeEntry(ColumnWatcher entry) { ChunkPos pos = entry.getPos(); entry.updateChunkInhabitedTime(); this.columnWatchers.remove(pos.chunkXPos, pos.chunkZPos); this.columnsToGenerate.remove(pos); this.columnsToSendToClients.remove(pos); } public CubeWatcher getCubeWatcher(CubePos pos) { return this.cubeWatchers.get(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ()); } public ColumnWatcher getColumnWatcher(ChunkPos pos) { return this.columnWatchers.get(pos.chunkXPos, pos.chunkZPos); } public ICubicWorldServer getWorld() { return (ICubicWorldServer) this.getWorldServer(); } public boolean contains(CubePos coords) { return this.cubeWatchers.get(coords.getX(), coords.getY(), coords.getZ()) != null; } private static final class PlayerWrapper { final EntityPlayerMP playerEntity; private double managedPosY; PlayerWrapper(EntityPlayerMP player) { this.playerEntity = player; } void updateManagedPos() { this.playerEntity.managedPosX = playerEntity.posX; this.managedPosY = playerEntity.posY; this.playerEntity.managedPosZ = playerEntity.posZ; } int getManagedCubePosX() { return blockToCube(this.playerEntity.managedPosX); } int getManagedCubePosY() { return blockToCube(this.managedPosY); } int getManagedCubePosZ() { return blockToCube(this.playerEntity.managedPosZ); } public CubePos getManagedCubePos() { return new CubePos(getManagedCubePosX(), getManagedCubePosY(), getManagedCubePosZ()); } public boolean cubePosChanged() { // did the player move far enough to matter? double blockDX = blockToCube(playerEntity.posX) - this.getManagedCubePosX(); double blockDY = blockToCube(playerEntity.posY) - this.getManagedCubePosY(); double blockDZ = blockToCube(playerEntity.posZ) - this.getManagedCubePosZ(); double distanceSquared = blockDX*blockDX + blockDY*blockDY + blockDZ*blockDZ; return distanceSquared > 0.9;//0.9 instead of 1 because floating-point numbers may be weird } } }