package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.struct; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonUnwrapped; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.BaseMapTest; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; public class TestUnwrappedWithPrefix extends BaseMapTest { static class Unwrapping { public String name; @JsonUnwrapped public Location location; public Unwrapping() { } public Unwrapping(String str, int x, int y) { name = str; location = new Location(x, y); } } static class DeepUnwrapping { @JsonUnwrapped public Unwrapping unwrapped; public DeepUnwrapping() { } public DeepUnwrapping(String str, int x, int y) { unwrapped = new Unwrapping(str, x, y); } } static class Location { public int x; public int y; public Location() { } public Location(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } } // Class with unwrapping using prefixes static class PrefixUnwrap { public String name; @JsonUnwrapped(prefix="_") public Location location; public PrefixUnwrap() { } public PrefixUnwrap(String str, int x, int y) { name = str; location = new Location(x, y); } } static class DeepPrefixUnwrap { @JsonUnwrapped(prefix="u.") public PrefixUnwrap unwrapped; public DeepPrefixUnwrap() { } public DeepPrefixUnwrap(String str, int x, int y) { unwrapped = new PrefixUnwrap(str, x, y); } } // Let's actually test hierarchic names with unwrapping bit more: static class ConfigRoot { @JsonUnwrapped(prefix="general.") public ConfigGeneral general = new ConfigGeneral(); @JsonUnwrapped(prefix="misc.") public ConfigMisc misc = new ConfigMisc(); public ConfigRoot() { } public ConfigRoot(String name, int value) { general = new ConfigGeneral(name); misc.value = value; } } static class ConfigAlternate { @JsonUnwrapped public ConfigGeneral general = new ConfigGeneral(); @JsonUnwrapped(prefix="misc.") public ConfigMisc misc = new ConfigMisc(); public int id; public ConfigAlternate() { } public ConfigAlternate(int id, String name, int value) { = id; general = new ConfigGeneral(name); misc.value = value; } } static class ConfigGeneral { @JsonUnwrapped(prefix="names.") public ConfigNames names = new ConfigNames(); public ConfigGeneral() { } public ConfigGeneral(String name) { = name; } } static class ConfigNames { public String name = "x"; } static class ConfigMisc { public int value; } // For [Issue#226] static class Parent { @JsonUnwrapped(prefix="c1.") public Child c1; @JsonUnwrapped(prefix="c2.") public Child c2; } static class Child { @JsonUnwrapped(prefix="sc2.") public SubChild sc1; } static class SubChild { public String value; } /* /********************************************************** /* Tests, serialization /********************************************************** */ private final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); public void testPrefixedUnwrappingSerialize() throws Exception { assertEquals("{\"name\":\"Tatu\",\"_x\":1,\"_y\":2}", MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new PrefixUnwrap("Tatu", 1, 2))); } public void testDeepPrefixedUnwrappingSerialize() throws Exception { String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new DeepPrefixUnwrap("Bubba", 1, 1)); assertEquals("{\"\":\"Bubba\",\"u._x\":1,\"u._y\":1}", json); } public void testHierarchicConfigSerialize() throws Exception { String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new ConfigRoot("Fred", 25)); assertEquals("{\"\":\"Fred\",\"misc.value\":25}", json); } /* /********************************************************** /* Tests, deserialization /********************************************************** */ public void testPrefixedUnwrapping() throws Exception { PrefixUnwrap bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"name\":\"Axel\",\"_x\":4,\"_y\":7}", PrefixUnwrap.class); assertNotNull(bean); assertEquals("Axel",; assertNotNull(bean.location); assertEquals(4, bean.location.x); assertEquals(7, bean.location.y); } public void testDeepPrefixedUnwrappingDeserialize() throws Exception { DeepPrefixUnwrap bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"\":\"Bubba\",\"u._x\":2,\"u._y\":3}", DeepPrefixUnwrap.class); assertNotNull(bean.unwrapped); assertNotNull(bean.unwrapped.location); assertEquals(2, bean.unwrapped.location.x); assertEquals(3, bean.unwrapped.location.y); assertEquals("Bubba",; } public void testHierarchicConfigDeserialize() throws Exception { ConfigRoot root = MAPPER.readValue("{\"\":\"Bob\",\"misc.value\":3}", ConfigRoot.class); assertNotNull(root.general); assertNotNull(root.general.names); assertNotNull(root.misc); assertEquals(3, root.misc.value); assertEquals("Bob",; } /* /********************************************************** /* Tests, round-trip /********************************************************** */ public void testHierarchicConfigRoundTrip() throws Exception { ConfigAlternate input = new ConfigAlternate(123, "Joe", 42); String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(input); ConfigAlternate root = MAPPER.readValue(json, ConfigAlternate.class); assertEquals(123,; assertNotNull(root.general); assertNotNull(root.general.names); assertNotNull(root.misc); assertEquals("Joe",; assertEquals(42, root.misc.value); } public void testIssue226() throws Exception { Parent input = new Parent(); input.c1 = new Child(); input.c1.sc1 = new SubChild(); input.c1.sc1.value = "a"; input.c2 = new Child(); input.c2.sc1 = new SubChild(); input.c2.sc1.value = "b"; String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(input); Parent output = MAPPER.readValue(json, Parent.class); assertNotNull(output.c1); assertNotNull(output.c2); assertNotNull(output.c1.sc1); assertNotNull(output.c2.sc1); assertEquals("a", output.c1.sc1.value); assertEquals("b", output.c2.sc1.value); } }