package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.RawValue; /** * Base class that specifies methods for getting access to * Node instances (newly constructed, or shared, depending * on type), as well as basic implementation of the methods. * Designed to be sub-classed if extended functionality (additions * to behavior of node types, mostly) is needed. */ public class JsonNodeFactory implements, // since 2.1 JsonNodeCreator // since 2.3 { // with 2.2 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final boolean _cfgBigDecimalExact; private static final JsonNodeFactory decimalsNormalized = new JsonNodeFactory(false); private static final JsonNodeFactory decimalsAsIs = new JsonNodeFactory(true); /** * Default singleton instance that construct "standard" node instances: * given that this class is stateless, a globally shared singleton * can be used. */ public final static JsonNodeFactory instance = decimalsNormalized; /** * Main constructor * * <p>The only argument to this constructor is a boolean telling whether * {@link DecimalNode} instances must be built with exact representations of * {@link BigDecimal} instances.</p> * * <p>This has quite an influence since, for instance, a BigDecimal (and, * therefore, a DecimalNode) constructed from input string {@code "1.0"} and * another constructed with input string {@code "1.00"} <b>will not</b> be * equal, since their scale differs (1 in the first case, 2 in the second * case).</p> * * <p>Note that setting the argument to {@code true} does <i>not</i> * guarantee a strict inequality between JSON representations: input texts * {@code "0.1"} and {@code "1e-1"}, for instance, yield two equivalent * BigDecimal instances since they have the same scale (1).</p> * * <p>The no-arg constructor (and the default {@link #instance}) calls this * constructor with {@code false} as an argument.</p> * * @param bigDecimalExact see description * * @see BigDecimal */ public JsonNodeFactory(boolean bigDecimalExact) { _cfgBigDecimalExact = bigDecimalExact; } /** * Default constructor * * <p>This calls {@link #JsonNodeFactory(boolean)} with {@code false} * as an argument.</p> */ protected JsonNodeFactory() { this(false); } /** * Return a factory instance with the desired behavior for BigDecimals * <p>See {@link #JsonNodeFactory(boolean)} for a full description.</p> * * @param bigDecimalExact see description * @return a factory instance */ public static JsonNodeFactory withExactBigDecimals(boolean bigDecimalExact) { return bigDecimalExact ? decimalsAsIs : decimalsNormalized; } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory methods for literal values /********************************************************** */ /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON boolean value * (either literal 'true' or 'false') */ @Override public BooleanNode booleanNode(boolean v) { return v ? BooleanNode.getTrue() : BooleanNode.getFalse(); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON null node (which * represents literal null value) */ @Override public NullNode nullNode() { return NullNode.getInstance(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory methods for numeric values /********************************************************** */ /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given 8-bit value */ @Override public NumericNode numberNode(byte v) { return IntNode.valueOf(v); } /** * Alternate factory method that will handle wrapper value, which may * be null. * Due to possibility of null, returning type is not guaranteed to be * {@link NumericNode}, but just {@link ValueNode}. */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(Byte value) { return (value == null) ? nullNode() : IntNode.valueOf(value.intValue()); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given 16-bit integer value */ @Override public NumericNode numberNode(short v) { return ShortNode.valueOf(v); } /** * Alternate factory method that will handle wrapper value, which may * be null. * Due to possibility of null, returning type is not guaranteed to be * {@link NumericNode}, but just {@link ValueNode}. */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(Short value) { return (value == null) ? nullNode() : ShortNode.valueOf(value); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given 32-bit integer value */ @Override public NumericNode numberNode(int v) { return IntNode.valueOf(v); } /** * Alternate factory method that will handle wrapper value, which may * be null. * Due to possibility of null, returning type is not guaranteed to be * {@link NumericNode}, but just {@link ValueNode}. */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(Integer value) { return (value == null) ? nullNode() : IntNode.valueOf(value.intValue()); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given 64-bit integer value */ @Override public NumericNode numberNode(long v) { return LongNode.valueOf(v); } /** * Alternate factory method that will handle wrapper value, which may be null. * Due to possibility of null, returning type is not guaranteed to be * {@link NumericNode}, but just {@link ValueNode}. */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(Long v) { if (v == null) { return nullNode(); } return LongNode.valueOf(v.longValue()); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given unlimited range integer value */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(BigInteger v) { if (v == null) { return nullNode(); } return BigIntegerNode.valueOf(v); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given 32-bit floating point value */ @Override public NumericNode numberNode(float v) { return FloatNode.valueOf((float) v); } /** * Alternate factory method that will handle wrapper value, which may * be null. * Due to possibility of null, returning type is not guaranteed to be * {@link NumericNode}, but just {@link ValueNode}. */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(Float value) { return (value == null) ? nullNode() : FloatNode.valueOf(value.floatValue()); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given 64-bit floating point value */ @Override public NumericNode numberNode(double v) { return DoubleNode.valueOf(v); } /** * Alternate factory method that will handle wrapper value, which may * be null. * Due to possibility of null, returning type is not guaranteed to be * {@link NumericNode}, but just {@link ValueNode}. */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(Double value) { return (value == null) ? nullNode() : DoubleNode.valueOf(value.doubleValue()); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given unlimited precision floating point value * * <p>In the event that the factory has been built to normalize decimal * values, the BigDecimal argument will be stripped off its trailing zeroes, * using {@link BigDecimal#stripTrailingZeros()}.</p> * * @see #JsonNodeFactory(boolean) */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(BigDecimal v) { if (v == null) { return nullNode(); } /* * If the user wants the exact representation of this big decimal, * return the value directly */ if (_cfgBigDecimalExact) return DecimalNode.valueOf(v); /* * If the user has asked to strip trailing zeroes, however, there is * this bug to account for: * * * * In short: zeroes are never stripped out of 0! We therefore _have_ * to compare with BigDecimal.ZERO... */ return v.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0 ? DecimalNode.ZERO : DecimalNode.valueOf(v.stripTrailingZeros()); } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory methods for textual values /********************************************************** */ /** * Factory method for constructing a node that represents JSON * String value */ @Override public TextNode textNode(String text) { return TextNode.valueOf(text); } /** * Factory method for constructing a node that represents given * binary data, and will get serialized as equivalent base64-encoded * String value */ @Override public BinaryNode binaryNode(byte[] data) { return BinaryNode.valueOf(data); } /** * Factory method for constructing a node that represents given * binary data, and will get serialized as equivalent base64-encoded * String value */ @Override public BinaryNode binaryNode(byte[] data, int offset, int length) { return BinaryNode.valueOf(data, offset, length); } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory method for structured values /********************************************************** */ /** * Factory method for constructing an empty JSON Array node */ @Override public ArrayNode arrayNode() { return new ArrayNode(this); } /** * Factory method for constructing a JSON Array node with an initial capacity * * @since 2.8 */ @Override public ArrayNode arrayNode(int capacity) { return new ArrayNode(this, capacity); } /** * Factory method for constructing an empty JSON Object ("struct") node */ @Override public ObjectNode objectNode() { return new ObjectNode(this); } /** * Factory method for constructing a wrapper for POJO * ("Plain Old Java Object") objects; these will get serialized * using data binding, usually as JSON Objects, but in some * cases as JSON Strings or other node types. */ @Override public ValueNode pojoNode(Object pojo) { return new POJONode(pojo); } @Override public ValueNode rawValueNode(RawValue value) { return new POJONode(value); } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods /********************************************************** */ protected boolean _inIntRange(long l) { int i = (int) l; long l2 = (long) i; return (l2 == l); } }