package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.NullValueProvider; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidNullException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.AccessPattern; /** * Simple {@link NullValueProvider} that will always throw a * {@link InvalidNullException} when a null is encountered. */ public class NullsConstantProvider implements NullValueProvider, { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final static NullsConstantProvider SKIPPER = new NullsConstantProvider(null); private final static NullsConstantProvider NULLER = new NullsConstantProvider(null); protected final Object _nullValue; protected final AccessPattern _access; protected NullsConstantProvider(Object nvl) { _nullValue = nvl; _access = (_nullValue == null) ? AccessPattern.ALWAYS_NULL : AccessPattern.CONSTANT; } /** * Static accessor for a stateless instance used as marker, to indicate * that all input `null` values should be skipped (ignored), so that * no corresponding property value is set (with POJOs), and no content * values (array/Collection elements, Map entries) are added. */ public static NullsConstantProvider skipper() { return SKIPPER; } public static NullsConstantProvider nuller() { return NULLER; } public static NullsConstantProvider forValue(Object nvl) { if (nvl == null) { return NULLER; } return new NullsConstantProvider(nvl); } /** * Utility method that can be used to check if given null value provider * is "skipper", marker provider that means that all input `null`s should * be skipped (ignored), instead of converted */ public static boolean isSkipper(NullValueProvider p) { return (p == SKIPPER); } /** * Utility method that can be used to check if given null value provider * is "nuller", no-operation provider that will always simply return * Java `null` for any and all input `null`s. */ public static boolean isNuller(NullValueProvider p) { return (p == NULLER); } @Override public AccessPattern getNullAccessPattern() { return _access; } @Override public Object getNullValue(DeserializationContext ctxt) { return _nullValue; } }